• Published 9th Aug 2023
  • 377 Views, 23 Comments

An Aeternian's Conviction - The Real Darkness

With a relationship established, a student missing, another Aeternian discovered, and an unknown threat with power enough to kill Arctus; the Scout finds love in all of it difficult to nurture.

  • ...

A Cape to Burden

Author's Note:

Does not include explicit scenes, but contains conversations of sex. Contains alcohol use.

Celestia's eyes went wide, "you...you want to..."

"Open an Aeternian based Scout unit within your E.U.P. guard."

"Princess? Are you okay?"

"Yes, Shining Armor," she breathed in and then out, "I'll allow it, but you are to handle the full of it except for the basic gear, armor, or munitions you may need for each of your Scouts."

Arctus put a hand to his chest and put his head down, "thank you very much, Celestia."

"No need for such formalities around me," she giggled, "even with others around here at the castle."

The Master Scout looked at the Lieutenant he just exchanged a strike with.

"It's look that bad, huh?" He moved his hoof from his cheek, the bleeding had stopped.

"You're coming with me back to the Bone Dry Desert as a trainee Scout."

"Excuse me...WHAT?!" Silver Spike began jumping in place, "I'm gonna be a scout!"

"Settle down. Celestia, would he report to me?"

"Yes, Shining Armor, ensure the adjustments to guard positions are made," Celestia looked to the unicorn on her right and he nodded, "oh, this, Arctus is the new Captain of the Guard."

"Shining Armor, I've heard a lot about you, I hope you live up to your rumors."

"I certainly do," he smiled at him.

"I've also been thinking about selecting a new pupil," Celestia continued, "let me know if you do find someone suitable."

"Of course."

"We'll be starting the celebration in a couple of hours, at about dusk, make sure you attend," Celestia came forward a it, wrapping a wing about Arctus, "wouldn't want the guest of honor being late or missing it," her head lower and her neck came around him. The scout returned the gesture.

"Princess?" Shining Armor asked.

"Oh! We do have company, but I couldn't help myself. Seeing you is always a hightlight of my day."

Arctus was stuck smiling, a little unsure why, but he knew it was a compliment, "thanks, I'll um...keep that in mind."

"We're going to need to work on your flirting skills," the guards around them were visibly uncomfortable, "but your smile says enough."

This was their ruler and seeing her flirt with someone, let alone a creature who wasn't even a pony, was a bit unbecoming of the image she projected.

"I'll make sure to be there by dusk."

"I look forward to it Art," Celestia began making her exit.

"Soooo, you're like in Canterlot Castle like that, huh?" Silver Spike teased him.

"Arctus, be careful around the Princess," Shining Armor had stayed behind and the Scout began to eye him back before he left.

"You should go prepare if you're the guest of honor," the Lieutenant spoke up.

"I don't have anything to prepare, this is all I really own on my right now."


"A scout learns to live with very very little, you'll come to see, you're smart."

"I want you reporting to the front gate of the city come early morning, just when the sun rises."

"Th-that early?"

"It's going to take us two days to reach the fortress and that's if we're traveling quickly."

"Why don't we take traaaaains?"

"Because you need training and no Scout ever uses any kind of transport...except a horse, but that's not an option here."

"A horse? Like us?"

"In Aeternia, your species is different from our species of horses. Ours were meant to be ridden, an every single one as large as Celestia, bred for war."

"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that."

"Dismissed," Arctus left the new trainee.

"O-oh, right. I'm under you now."

Arctus did go to his room and did some grooming and cleaned himself with the shower supplied, ensuring he didn't have any smells lingering from other places. And he dwindled on the list he made, "when she returns and not a night earlier, let's hope nothing comes that I can't handle."

He stood at the balcony, watching the sun slowly sink before he made his way down to the garden where ponies were all arriving and he walked himself in, the ponies looking at him oddly as he did so.

The gardens were vast and well kept, but not a place he visited often. The ballroom was decorated much more than it usually appeared, banquet tables sat out and ponies were slowly mingling.

Arctus went about to the tables to see what was there to eat and it was all easily held without messes, a good selection of sweets, but his nose smelled something very familiar, something that he would cook in the Everfree Forest.

A pegaboar.

His eyes could not find it, but his nose only wanted to make him aware.

"You did make it, Arctus. Punctual unlike your outtings," Sergeant Light Lancer had come up to him, out of uniform.

"I can not predict what happens in the fields."

"It was a joke, not a serious insult."

"Still learning my way around."

"I don't know if you ever will, but-."

"Welcome, fillies and gentlecolts!" Arctus heard Celestia's voice and he turned to look up at the steps that lead into th ballroom.

She came down, dressed in a gown as white as her coat with golden trimmings and fluffs, something not too flashy or modest, but something she wore.

And whether the dress wore you or you wore it mattered, just like armor.

"We've arranged this celebration in honor of a very specific some...one," she emphasized and looked at Arctus with intent in her eye and the Scout took her hint, walking his way over.

"He has show incredible courage, strength, endurance and dedication."

"He's done feats none of us would imagine doing on our own and protected Equestria better than I could have ever hoped," Arctus climbed the steps.

"Please stomp your hooves for MAster Scout Arctus!"

He stood next to her and looked out, seeing the crowds of ponies paddle their hooves on the floor.

Celestia raised her hoof and then lit her horn, pulling a garment down from above the steps, "and I'm recognizing him as an official citizen of Equestria. I'm granting him the official title of Protector," Arctus felt something hook to his back and looked over his shoulder to see a cape with a metal half ring pressed to his neck and continuing about to make a circular hole, it clipped around his shoulders tightly, but not constrictive. It had room for his spear to hang and a hole for his bow as well.

He grabbed the fabric, completely white and saw the symbol of a sun and moon on it.

"Go ahead and put some of your mana on it," Celestia whispered and the cape turned black, the symbol turning to shades of grey, "please wear it with pride."

"I'd like to also declare that I have an official consort now," the ponies jaws began dropping, "but I'm not naming him tonight. Tonight is for Arctus! Who heads onto a long journey tomorrow morning," Arctus didn't know, but being a single Princess meant constant suitors.

So he not only presented a wonderful relationship with someone who saw her as an equal, but an opportunity to stop the wasteful letters sent to the castle and the persistent that showed in person when she could be doing more important things.

"Go on, you can catch up with me tonight," Celestia left the steps and made a direct path to banquet tables.

Arctus looked over the room and then to the top of the stairs, seeing guards posted there to prevent access to the castle. He sighed.

It wasn't like any of celebrations he ever saw or went to, no children were around, it was far more clean, and felt too composed.

For a nation formed on such a sturdy and strict guidance to order and procedure along with formalities, celebrations were a time to let loose, even if the procedures for starting one were strict to keep Aeternia protected, the people dropped all ranks, all formalities and the simple farmer would be drinking beer with the temple priests or star scryers.

This was all just a very large event where there were unspoken formalities to play by for their social status games.

But he still had that cherry wine cask to look forward to with Celestia, that would be a far more informal event if the two of them ever got around to it before the wine turned too bitter. He did have the thought of holding off on his departure tomorrow just to share it with her that day.

But that wouldn't be a very Master Scout action to do.

He was still standing at the stairs while everypony was socializing, it had been a solid minute or two before he decided to walk back down and went outside to the gardens, much less ponies present.

A soft music started up from inside, the classical blending with the talking to provide atmosphere.

Arctus walked about the garden, taking time to view all the plants, the cape on his back was turned white by him once more. It's not like he didn't enjoy brighter colors and the white could be very useful in stealth during the day or in winter, but darker shades is often what he needed to do his job.


The Scout turned around, seeing Shining Armor in a more dress uniform kind of armor, a spear was not present on him, but a spatha was.

"Shining Armor."

"Despite our earlier interaction, I want you to know that I respect all that you do for Equestria and I apologize if I came off as hostile."

"You take your duty seriously, there is no need to apologize. It's nice to know there's someone strong with a lot of dedication to protect her while I'm in the field," the Captain of the Guard smiled at his words.

"I think we'll be seeing a lot of each other," he went to leave.

"Before you go," and was pulled back, "Sergeant Light Lancer, how is he in combat? How disciplined? How...exposed has he been?"

Shining Armor's friendly smile dropped to a smirk and a laugh, "are you looking at that oaf?!" He laughed, "I don't think he'd make a good scout."

"He's awkward and looks like he has some humor, I can use that, Do you mind if I take him into training in the future?"

He smiled again, "you can take him whenever you like. Hey, um...you know in the time of peace you;ve given us," the Captain was approaching a difficult topic, "and we're all grateful for it, but...I've read the history books. There used to be a lot of death when you were out in your forest every day and lived there."

"I'm aware, I didn't kill anypony during those times."

"I know, I know, I'm not saying you did," a small crowd were about them, pretending to talk amongst each other, but they were definitely listening in, "just that...ponies in this time don't know, they aren't used to that. I've held a dying soldier in my hooves from a horrible accident, not everypony has that exposure. Are you sure they're up to it?"

Arctus smiled, "I appreciate your concern, but this is what I'll be testing with Lieutenant Silver Spike. I think all of the E.U.P. guard understands what I do, what I see, and the acts I commit, this is my life, we'll see if the Lieutenant can handle it before I really begin training him hard."

"Just remember what I said. Nopony...nopony is used to the work you do for Equestria."

The vibe of doom and gloom had been cast thoroughly over the gardens. Arctus nodded to him, "perhaps in the future, I can see your prowess in combat. Evaluate the Captain of the Guard."

Shining Armor laughed, "I'm good! Believe me, I'm good, but nopony is anywhere close to you."

He turned and left, the other ponies slowly dispersing themselves. Arctus fetched a glass of wine from a table outside, sipping on it. Death was a theme he was used to. Blood, viscera, gore, all of these things were an intimate part of his life since he arrived.

And through his work, it was lessening. The Scout turned to the days coming, the months, the years. Would he ever run out of work? Is it possible to purge all those who would desire to destroy Equestria instead of accept the friendship it offered like he had?

Arctus came to the conclusion that he would need to do a lot of introspection in Equestria, but his lifestyle did change a lot.

He took another sip, this was definitely a full bodied wine.

"Oh, made your way out here?" Celestia approached him from behind, "I have to admit, I wasn't sure if that cape would suit you when I had it commissioned, but you look very official and more imposing in it."

"Your dress is a nice accent to your natural beauty," he returned the compliment and took her by surprise.

"W-well, umm, thank you."

"You mentioned needing practice, but it seems I've mastered it if I can get that kind of reaction," he smirked.

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

"A little bit, I like the pony you chose to be the current Captain," he took another sip.

"Shining Armor is committed, he runs the guards a little harsh, but he's still a caring stallion. So, what are the celebrations in your world like?"

Arctus went to a table and grabbed a larger sandwich than just the sliders they were serving, "come," he motioned for her to follow while he went deeper into the gardens and past the red roping that separated it from the official party areas.

So he breathed deep as soon as he couldn't hear any other talking, "this party or event feels too...opressing. Everypony is trying to size each other up."

"That's how I first felt, but when I stopped palying by those rules and games I found it a lot more enjoyable."

"Maybe coming back to social life has made me critical of my self image."

"You still haven't answered my question, Art."

"Oh, celebrations in Aeternia?" Celestia nodded, walking closer with him as they went through the garden pathways, "they're structured like everything else but also not. There's always two Scouts on duty, roaming the salt flats around the city or wherever the celebration is occuring and seige mages concentrate a shield over the entire city except the battlements."

"Makes your world sound even more rife with war that someone would attack while you were sharing joy."

"On the contrary, it's because of these actions that Aeternia has had lasting peace. Burden a few to let the rest live in safety. The seige mages and Scouts would take turns roaming or concentrating the spell so we could engage every now and then as well."

"So, what did the people do inside the shield?"

"Anything they please, Celly. No formalities, no procedures, just great food, great drink, games, socializing, anyone and everyone could participate. It was very freeing and sometimes things could go further down and devolve into baser forms of debauchery."

"Th-that sounds a little much."

"It helps break our strict regime."

"Did you ever...partake?"

Arctus laughed heartily, "no, not as far as what some people did. I would get incredibly intoxicated on mead with the temple workers and other Scouts. We frequently interacted professionally as we spent a lot of time trying to strengthen our magic and that needed their help, but we were all closer than that surface. The celebrations gave us time to breathe and actually talk, have fun."

"I see, that makes more sense now. We don't have too many things among the royalty like that, but I'd love to do something with less social pressure with you."

"I can think of a few things we could do, a few desolated places we could visit."

"When you come back...please come straight to me," Celestia overtook him standing in front and gazing her eyes around, "it's hard to not scoop you back into the royal wing of the castle."

Arctus reached up, cradling her head in his arms and pulling it down to his chest. His hand ran through her fur and then into her mane, "it's my duty, but I have one to you as well. A Scout never fails in his duties," he left a kiss on her cheek as he moved to hug her tight. Celestia exchanged the same.

She was very much in tune with his pace, despite how internalized her loneliness and want to express affection had been over the many moons she spent in Canterlot.