• Member Since 29th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago



Luna knows what is coming, and only She is willing to pay the price. For above all else, Luna Watches Over Us.

I have this posted in several other places, thought I would try my luck here.

This is my first submission for FIMFiction, and my first work of fiction outside of an assignment, ever. So all comments are welcome, even a bad review can hand over good advise as long as it explains why.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 24 )

Hey there! I'm Scribblestick, here on behalf of WRITE to give you some friendly feedback. Let's get started, shall we? :pinkiehappy:

I'll begin with your cover. Your chapter titles are possessive and should have apostrophes (Twilight's Fade, Apple's Fall, etc.). You have a comma splice ("So all comments are welcome, even a bad review..."), too. While not necessary, a cover image can do wonders in drawing attention to your story (people have read my story "Stetson" simply because of the cover image). An avatar might help, too, but I'm not really sure. These are small things, but they can make a big difference. In my experience, FIMFic readers have higher expectation than other fanfic sites, so every detail counts.

-Chapter 1-


I thought this was a pretty good start. You put a main character (my personal favorite) in mortal danger, and Luna was clear enough to move the story along but mysterious enough to make me want to keep reading. That can be a difficult balance to strike, and I thought you did it well. Definitely made me want to keep reading.

Twilight's thoughts and words seemed too casual. She's a bookworm, and she usually speaks like an academic. Try imagining she's always speaking to the president or queen or prime minister or whatever important political figure strikes your fancy. I think that'll help you capture her voice a little better.


It didn't sound like Luna's plan's where ready to implement yet

>"Plan's" is plural, not possessive, so you don't need the apostrophe.
>"Where" should be "were."
>You mean to say "be implemented."

'Great, she's using her royal voice again.' Twilight mused as Luna bellowed, solidifying not five paces in front of her. 'I didn't know she could still do that, I thought it was lost once she stopped being Nightmare Moon.'

>Is this supposed to take place before "Luna Eclipsed"? Because Twilight would know from that episode that Luna was fully capable of using the ROYAL CANTERLOCK VOICE.

She was sure she had tracked the errant ponies trail

>"Ponies" should be possessive: "Pony's."
>Also, this sudden, brief switch to Luna's perspective is confusing.

Always mindful of the night sky and the dangers it represented, the Pegasi she could she and the bellowing mists she could only hear.

>You have a fragment here. "She was always mindful..."

He know of her temper

>"He knew"

announcing her entry into a world a pain once more.

>"World of pain"?

the sight still made the guards gore rise into his mouth

>"Guards" should be possessive: "Guard's."
>I don't think "gore" is the word you're looking for. "Bile" or "vomit," perhaps?

Given his duties and knowing their significance, the guard knew a reply was required and fell back on the oldest form known.
"Luna Nos Custodit." He intoned. "Yes, that I do," was her reply as she slowly walked away.

>You should only have one speaker per paragraph. I recommend the following:

Given his duties and knowing their significance, the guard knew a reply was required and fell back on the oldest form known."Luna Nos Custodit." He intoned.
"Yes, that I do," was her reply as she slowly walked away.

'Then my assistance you shall have!'

>I'm not really sure why the extreme emphasis formatting starts halfway through "assistance."

-Chapter 2-


I like what you've done with AJ. Her motives and reactions fit her character well. I think you could build up her frustration a bit more before she loses it with Luna (for example, mention earlier that she's mad at Luna for not helping).

Luna seems too straightforward about her plan to overthrow Celestia. She just throws it out there without even explaining why. With Twilight, it made sense because they were in the middle of nowhere, but now, they're at Sweet Apple Acres with dozens of ponies nearby. I'm kind of surprised no one noticed the fight/spell.


The day slowly cooled into the evening, a refreshing breeze was blowing through the orchard, kicking up miniature dust devils and carrying loose leafs along in its wake.

>You have a run-on sentence here (specifically, a comma splice). Every sentence should have one idea. Here, we have 1) the day cooling and 2) the breeze and its effects. Each should have its own sentence: "The day slowly cooled into the evening. A refreshing breeze..."
>The plural of "leaf" is "leaves."

Applejack stopped to remove her trade mark hat

>"Trademark" is one word.

the previous months happenings.

>"Months" is possessive: "month's."

"Hey there Granny," Applejack committed to the sampling.

>Do you mean " commented to the sapling"?

Slowly lowering her eye's

>"Eye's" is plural, not possessive. "Eyes."

Knowing how Twilight could get we she was investigating Fluttershy could only wish her good luck and remind her to beware the Cockatrice.

>I think you mean "Knowing how Twi could get when"
>"Knowing how Twi could get we she was investigating" is called an introductory phrase. Whenever you start with a preposition or an -ing verb, you probably have one of these. Introductory phrases aren't wrong or anything. Most of the time they put the rest of the sentence in context of time or place (When I was at the store, while I was sleeping). However, they should always be followed with a comma. I noticed a few of these in Chapter 1 but didn't point them out then. A careful proofreading should help you catch them all.
>"Cockatrice" doesn't need to be capitalized.

She didn't want to find her turned to stone again, once in life time was more than enough for her thank you.

>You should put a semicolon between "again" and "once." They are two different sentences, but they're related enough to merit a semicolon.
>"Once in a lifetime" is the common phrase.
>You should put a comma between "her" and "thank." This is because "Thank you" is an extra phrase added to the end of a sentence.

Twilight had assured her that she would be fine and worry more about her animal friends this close to night fall.

>",,.and told her to worry more..."

Twilights advice

>Possessive. "Twilight's."

When Twilight failed to return by sun up the next day, the five friends began to show concern and then outright worry when she still did not return by that night.

>Having "by sun up" and "by that night" in the same sentence is confusing. I would suggest making "Twilight failed to return by sun up" its own sentence.
>"The five friends" - While I know who they are, you have yet to introduce them in your story, so it's a little jarring. Perhaps "her friends"?

The following day

>Another introductory phrase.

wide range communication hub

>"Wide-range" should be hyphenated.

The other earth bound ponies joined in the ground search, Rarity even getting very dirty in the process and Pinky Pie started cracking less and less jokes as the time wore on.

>"Earth bound" can be written as one word or hyphenated.
>I recommend starting a new sentence with "Rarity": "Rarity even got very dirty in the process..."
>Since jokes can be counted, you should use fewer, not less.
>>>>>>>>Move somewhere else?

Applejack had also joined in the search of course and had even badgered Big Macintosh into helping.

>"Of course" is called a nonessential interrupter. That means it breaks the flow of the sentence and isn't necessary to understand its meaning. This isn't wrong, but whenever you have a nonessential interrupter, it should be set apart with commas.

the Farm

>"Farm" doesn't need to be capitalized.

the second event which had cut their search short

>"Which" almost always has a comma before it.

the brother and sister pair

>You don't need the word "pair" here.

and with a quick word of apology to their team started

>"With a quick word of apology to their team" is a nonessential interrupter.

Deep as they were in the Everfree

>Introductory phrase. (I'm only pointing out the ones that don't start with a preposition or -ing verb, by the way. There are others.)

The youngen started to ball

>"Youngen" broke the tone for me.
>"Bawl" (cry heavily)

A glance over her shoulder informed Big Mac that he should stay here and comfort her, he had a special way with words after all.

>Comma splice.
>Since his dialogue usually consists of "Eeyup" and "Nope," you should elaborate a little more on Mac's "way with words." Maybe explain that he's good at comforting Apple Bloom or something.

A quick nod from him and she was into the house desperate for some good news.

>You need a comma between "house" and "desperate."

She found her granny laying on the living room couch

>Lying, not laying.

all sitting or standing quietly just watching her

>You need a comma before or after "quietly," depending on whether you want it to describe how they're standing or how they're watching.

Surly the Princesses Protection Spell will kick in any minute now.

>Surely, not surly
>Princesses is supposed to be possessive and, I think, singular. "Princess's."
>What protection spell?

her grannies side

>Possessive. "Granny's."

At the sound of her granddaughters voice

>Introductory phrase.
>Possessive. "Granddaughter's."

"Twi... ...kle," her voice barely more than a whisper and so soft Applejack had to strain to hear it. "We ain't found her yet," was her reply. "But don't you worry none. We'll find her."

>One speaker per paragraph.

The voice had gotten just a bit firmer at the end there. Knowing it was almost time and needing to make itself clear.

>"Knowing..." is a fragment. Replace the period after "there" with a comma to fix it.

What'ya mean no time left.

>This is a question and needs a question mark.

"No." the voice was laboring again needing to make itself understood.

>When the sentence following a quotation does not contain attribution ("I like eggs!" The dragon jumped up and down.), it is considered its own sentence and capitalized.
>You need a comma before "needing."

And with that

>Introductory phrase.

Her eyes closed once more. And chest stopped moving.

>I'd put these two in the same sentence. "...once more, and her chest..."

her grannies blankets

>Possessive. "Granny's." This seems to be a common slip-up for you, so I won't point them all out from now on.

The sun had already dipped below the horizon and the wind was starting to really bite now.

>When a conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) connects two complete sentences, it is preceded by a comma.

So he just simple came closer

>I think you mean "simply."
>"Just" and "simply" mean the same thing in this context, so you only need one.

Each Apple Family member

>"Family" shouldn't be capitalized.

"This one will be a fine old tree. I'm sure of it." she muttered after a bit.

>When a quotation is followed by attribution ("I like eggs," said Spike."), it ends in a comma instead of a period.

"Thanks again Big Mac, you always know just what to say."

>Comma after "again."
>Period after "Mac" (comma splice).

Gratitude was making itself known to her face

>This sentence is confusing and vague. Is she smiling?
>I guess this is as good a time as any to talk about show vs. tell. Basically, what this means is you shouldn't tell the reader something you can show them. For example, "Pinkie Pie was happy." vs. "Pinkie Pie's grin widened, and she bounced up and down with high-pitched squeals and laughs." The first is a rather dull statement. The second paints a clear picture in the reader's mind and lets him/her infer for him/herself what Pinkie feels. This second technique makes your writing more interesting and engaging and lets the reader get to know your characters rather than simply reading about them.
I bring this up here because I think it will help with this sentence in particular. You could say something like, "Applejack felt a smile coming to her face for the first time since Twilight's disappearance, and she gave Big Mac a hug." Combined with her spoken words in the previous sentence, it conveys the meaning I think you're going for without being vague, confusing, or telly.

Head Hancho

>This phrase doesn't need to be capitalized.

How is the rest of the family do'in and what was that Night Guard messenger doing here earlier?

>"Do'in" - The apostrophe comes after the "n" to indicate a missing "g."
>You spell out "doing" later in the sentence. Be consistent. Spell it out or don't.
>Comma before "and."

This was the sister he remembered, this was the sister who would be leading the Family

>Comma splice. "...he remembered. This was..."
>Family doesn't need to be capitalized.

Silently he withdrew two sheets from his carrying bags, one rough sheet covered in notes and lined in his big strong hoof, the other was a fancy piece covered in flowing script and big fancy words.

>This would work better as three sentences. "...carrying bags. One was a rough..." and "...strong hoof. The other was..."

Why most of them have never sweated a day in their lives!

>Comma after "why."

"Now what's this fancy piece of parchment want with me?" She mused

>When attribution follows a quotation ("I like eggs!" said Spike."), it doesn't count as a new sentence, even when the quotation ends with a question mark or exclamation point.

And what in tarnation does she mean about having new information about Twilight.

>This is a question and needs a question mark.
>You have several spoken questions that lack question marks.

Whenever she got this worked up

>Introductory phrase.

If 'm going to be the head of this family then it's high time I start enjoying some of the perks.

I wasn't aware that being the head of the family meant she could demand royalty could meet her on the farm. It just seems like an unusual amount of authority to me.

Let's see what she say's to that.

>"Says" has no apostrophe.

No sir.

>Wouldn't "no ma'am" make more sense in this context?

"If I find out that she knew something and didn't tell us all; I swear Princess or no Princess I'll give such an applebuck'n it'll make the moon itself shatter." she swore to herself.

>Semicolons can only join two complete sentences. "If I find out..." is an introductory phrase, not a complete sentence, so it needs a comma, not a semicolon.
>"Princess or no Princess" is a nonessential interrupter.
>You need a comma after "applebuck'n."
>The quotation should end with a comma instead of a period.
>I really like this line.

Searching around the various trees and bushes for unwelcomed eavesdroppers, politely ignoring her the entire time but giving Big Macintosh several dirty looks.

>This is a fragment. "They searched around..."

Both sibling, after prior agreement neither bowed or acknowledged her royal presence.

>"Both siblings" and "neither" are redundant. I'd keep "neither" or "neither sibling."
>I don't think you need to say "after prior agreement." It seems implied.

" If you all think I'm stupid enough to go anywhere alone right now then I seriously doubt we'll be have'n an intelligent conversation."

>There's an extra space between the first quote mark and "If."
>Why would she be stupid to go somewhere alone? Didn't she go to Granny's grave alone?
>I know she's mad, but insulting the princess doesn't seem like a wise course of action.

That through Applejack for a loop.

>Wrong "through." You want "threw."
>This is a bit telly. Maybe you could show AJ's surprise through her body language as well.

aborted battle

>I'm not sure what this phrase means.

"You are all meaning to overthrow your sister ain't ya." She accused.

>I think you mean "Y'all are meaning."
>This seems like a pretty hasty conclusion. Based on what evidence? Again, is this supposed to be set before "Luna Eclipsed?"
>"She" shouldn't be capitalized.

not quit the


Applejacks blood was not just boiling anymore, it raging! She was responsible!

>"...it was raging!"
>Be careful with your exclamation points. They're very easy to overuse.

their form

>Forms. Multiple ponies, multiple forms.

Determined to take them all down.

>Fragment. Connect this to the previous sentence with a comma.

Luna had brought more guards then even she felt was necessary.

>"Then" means "this thing happened after another thing." "Than" is used in comparison. You want "than" here.

"Well shucks," Applejack throw back. "If these here were some of your best, then it's no wonder you want us to join you.

>Threw back. Past tense.
>I'd get rid of the "Well shucks." It doesn't fit with AJ's emotions or the overall tone.

there is a gain of truth

>Grain of truth.

The two apple siblings

>"Apple" is their family name, so it should be capitalized.

but her a wide berth.

>I think you mean "gave her a wide berth."

"Now look it here," Applejack exclaimed. "I ain't swearing fealty to ya and I ain't going to do anything directly against the Princess, but I guess I ain't got much more real choice in the matter do I?"

>Why does she suddenly not have a choice?

As she looked down at the astounded Princess who's eyes were still whirling around inside of her own head she motioned for the onrushing Night Guards to stand down.

>Whose eyes
>"Whose eyes were still whirling around inside of her own head" is a nonessential interrupter.

the large one that threatened her composure

>How does Mac threaten her composure, exactly?

"Well, we had better get moven."


Luna softly said meanwhile pondering, 'By Discord this filly can really kick!'

>This phrasing is awkward. Also, you've already established Luna's surprise at AJ's strength.

Well, I have to take a break now, but I'll be back later. :twilightsmile:

All right! Time for part 2! :pinkiehappy:

-Chapter 3-


Apple family politics, huh? Never thought I'd see that, but it was surprisingly interesting. Overall, an enjoyable chapter.


her sis started calling out "DASH! RAINBOW DASH!"

>When attribution preceeds a quotation (Spike said, "I like eggs!"), the attribution is followed by a comma.

the fastest flier in all of Ponyville, no scratch that, in all of Equestria zipping about

>I'd put dashes between "Ponyville/no" and "Equestria/zipping."

if Rainbow Dash said Pinkie Pie was alright

>"Alright" technically isn't a word. "All right."

as young and bash as yourself




You're sure that its necessary though?

>"It's" with an apostrophe.




>Doesn't need to be capitalized.

a slip lip

>Split lip.

Never the less

>One word.

make hast


I see yourself at least found a decent pawn this time.

>"You," not "yourself."

-Chapter 4-


Author's notes - I've nothing against them, but some people might. I think the last update added a section for author's notes. Maybe you could play with it.

Luna's plot is intrigueing. I'm interested to see where you take it.


she was actually farther along

>"Farther" is used to indicate a literal distance. "Further" is used to indicate a metaphorical distance. You want the metaphorical one here.

I have had to make due

>"Make do."

Celestia was shocked into shouting

>Here's another one of those show vs. tell things. The very fact that Celestia is shouting implies shock, especially in context, so there's no need to say she was shocked.

Celestia entered full ruler mode

>I'm not sure what this means, and it breaks the flow and tone.

When while they be allowed to be reinstated?

>"When will"
>"Be allowed to be reinstated" is unnecessarily wordy. "When will they be reinstated?"

well informed


if you will excuse me your Highness

>Why is Celestia addressing her sister as "your Highness"?

someone whom loyalty to her will not be a problem.

>"Whose loyalty."



And what does Zecora have to do with it?

>Who said anything about Zecora?

"Since you are a Princess I gave fair consideration to what you had written. Now please explain and implore but remember, one is already twice shy after only once being bitten."

>This rhyme seems forced and awkward. Try making the two lines near-equal length.

under prepared

>One word.

now she over hears her plotting to kill her own sister over dinner!

>"Overhears" is one word.
>It's also in present tense, which is awkward in a story written in past tense.

The orchard is just outside of the forest

>Tense shift.

Cousin Crab Apple

>Wasn't it "Crababble" (one word) earlier?

-Chapter 5-


You say Dash isn't a mindless drone, but she seems to give up so easily after Luna's spell. Dash is stubborn, and I'd expect her to give more of a fight and be more shocked, even if she does agree to go along with Luna's plan.


let me tell you see looked scared.

>"She looked scared."

"HowmanytimesdoIhavetosayit! Lunahasgonenuts! She'splottingtokillPrincessCelestiaandhasgottenZecoratohelpherdothedeed! Idon'tknowhowmanyothersshe'sgottentohelpher, soyouneedtosendamessagethroughtothepalacewarningherincaseIgetcapturedbeforeIcanwarnhermyself!

>You mentioned in your author's note that you don't like no-space speed talking. I'm not a fan either. I don't think you need to do it at all here.
>Also, there's some weird spacing going on here.

her one time friend.

>One-time is hyphenated.

"Yeah I'm sorry they got caught in this, but just so you know you failed. I'm still myself and still loyal to Celestia. I'm not some mindless slave to your goals yet."

>This line came off as awkward and not very Dash-like.

>>Final Thoughts<<

Well, five chapters down. This is definitely an interesting story, one I'll probably track. Dash's character seems a bit off after the spell, but other than mechanics, I don't see any problems. Good luck! :twilightsmile:

~Scribblestick, WRITE's notoriously friendly reviewer

Well, I will watch, and hope it gets better, but really I don't think it can. :facehoof:

Luna be hearing voices! She be CRAZY!! :pinkiecrazy:

You asked for opinions, so here's mine.

*sigh* I really WANT to like this work - I really do. I've never shied away from Dark pieces before. I think I can see what you are trying to do, and it has the bones of an interesting plot.

But to be honest - i don't like it. Aside from the grammar, spelling, and writing stylistic issues that Scribblestick has already pointed out, I draw the line at characters being FAR stupider than they should be.

Why in the heck would Luna START with Twilight Sparkle, and why did she use possibly THE most boneheaded way possible to ENSURE that it would be a failure? :facehoof:

I mean - seriously. Twilight is her sister's "Faithful Student" and pretty much the leader of the mane 6. Sure logic *might* work on Twilight, given Twilight's personality - but Luna obviously had NO workable plan B for the high probability that Twilight's faith in her long time mentor would prevent her from agreeing with Luna to OVERTHROW said mentor. Even IF it is for the most logical of reasons.

And then resorting to torture? Because yeah - torture ALWAYS works to make your side sound appealing... :eyeroll:

Starting with such an obviously stupid move REALLY broke the story for me. Which is a pity - because most of Luna's OTHER actions were "evil mastermind" worthy.

If Luna had any sense - she would've asked Twilight to do something for her that isolated her away from the others and then proceeded to work on them first. Something like asking Twilight to do some research in Trottingham or Canterlot (bonus points if would be a subject that may be useful in convincing Twilight later). With some minor timing tweaks (notably Granny Smith's death occurring BEFORE said request because Twilight WOULD be there at least initially to help Applejack through her grief, and the Apple family matriarchal meeting occurring after Twi left) the rest of the story could fall into place in a similar fashion as it did. As long as Twi's not present as a counterweight to Luna - the story works.

At least that way - Luna could've used the emotional weight of Twilight's friends already being involved in the conspiracy to counteract the emotional weight of turning against her beloved mentor during the key 'conversion' attempt. And it could still fail - If Luna did it without them present (possibly using "tokens" of their support like Applejack's hat, a feather from Rainbow - etc) Twilight's refusal, torture and fall to unknown power could still occur. But at least Luna wouldn't have *started* the story looking 'box of rocks' stupid... :facehoof:

Well, there's crazy and then there's crazy, and I think Luna is just a tad bit more of the former.
Besides, it is easy to argue with yourself when you are on a first name basis with your own personal demon.

Thank you for your input. And even though you said you haven't liked it so far, I hope you will give it another chance.

I will admit that the start is very rough and a bit clunky, but I believe that is due to my writing skill's more than anything. In the hopes that I can convince you to keep coming back, let me answer your biggest concern with a small peak into my planning. For the way I envisioned this story, Luna had to start with Twilight and she did have a plan B, the spell she was preparing when Twilight bolted and which Luna has been using on the others. When I first conceived this idea I thought I was being very clever with the way I told my first chapter and I appear to be succeeding in the conclusions I wanted people to make, but with the unintended result of making people believe Luna went senile. It was more of a clumsy attempt at cognitive misdirection which worked a little too well I think.

I can't say any more here without spoiling my big plot twist, but if you wish to know more just PM me and I can explain in more detail.

Once again, thank you for your input and I hope I will hear from you again.

Twilight lives! After being missing for so long... :facehoof:

Hmmm... it's an interesting premise, but I can't help but feel that a lot of this could have been avoided had Luna been forthright about what she suspected in the beginning. The way she handled Twilight was especially poor, and I still find it hard to believe that the other mane6 are still siding with Luna after admitting that she tortured then attempted to kill her. That especially is grating on my suspension of disbelief, unless Luna brainwashed them totally; and there is little evidence of that. It would help if we knew what Luna showed them, and let in on why she's so sure that it has to happen this way. Long story short, I'm still unconvinced that Luna is in the right here. //dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/shrug_Luna_apple.png

That aside, you really need to get a proofreader. There are numerous misused words, some so jarring that they take me right out of the story. There are also several passages that are just so confusing to read, that I have no idea what you're trying to convey. You also confuse too and to (a personal pet peeve of mine) a number of times. :facehoof:

All that being said, this story is rather interesting, and will go on my watch list. I'm also curious. Did you receive my PM reply? I got no reply as of yet. //dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Octavia.png

2482540 To answer things in reverse order;

Yes I did get your PM, but between work, allergies, and various other stuff I haven't been able to reply. Sorry about that.

I do have someone reading these before I post them, but I guess he is more of an editor than a proofreader. And we kind of had a disagreement about the last half of this chapter, so I am not sure how much of it was actually covered. I am going to try and enlist some additional to help with this. Hopefully very soon.

As for your comments about Luna and the cast, I know. This has been the most problematic point people have made with me, but I didn't know any other way to tell my story. Don't worry though, I plan on revealing the truth about what has been happening in another chapter or two.

Also, THANKS for the fav and thumbs up!

update soon maybe?:twilightsmile:

I keep hoping so. However while I have started the next chapter, my muse is currently MIA and it is really starting to bug me. I know what I want to write, but I just can't seem to get it from my brain to the sheet.

I will try to not take to much longer, but all I can really say is that writer's block SUCKS!

2617552 I completely understand how you feel, but at least you have a muse. When I look at paper my mind goes blank instantly. Also, have a mustache :moustache:

You know, when I replied to you I seriously thought that this would be out in only another month and not the TWO MONTHS PLUS it ended up taking.

Sorry for stringing everybody along like this.

Yay new chapter! (First...ish)

I loved it. Cant wait for more. :pinkiehappy:

You're quite welcome, Tsuguri. It wan an interesting experience being on that side of another person's story, to say the least. :twilightsmile:

I... still can't see Luna as the good guy in this. There's just so much wrong with everything she does, especially seeing as how she's treated by the narrative compared to Blueblood, who is painted as the designated villain despite hardly doing anything except skulk and smirk. I'm still not sure why the Elements are on her side.

I mean, there's a point where all those claims about the greater good and how she'll apologise later become meaningless. Maybe she knows of some obscure threat noone else has any idea of, but after all this, I hope for a peaceful resolution that puts both Blueblood and Luna out of commission.

Has this story died? Because that would be quite a shame.

No. It's not dead. Is just... in a coma for now while I get over some writers block and a crisis of confidence. I think I have most of it figured out, but I never seem to have the time to write when I have the desire, or never have the desire when I have the time.
Thanks for the inquiry and the support though. I'll try not to disappoint.

One loyal fan, still waiting. 😏

.......Ok I want to rant but I don't be that person so I'll just wait till there's more before forming an opinion. Please let more come soon 'cause I want to like this I really do but I need more to go on than what is here.

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