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Gaze within the Holocron, and see what stories it has to tell. For every fable is but a thread in the weave of tales.

Comments ( 52 )

At first, Cadance hated Spell, only allowing him to fuck her once for the purpose of impregnating her. And while she still wouldn’t willingly want to have his lifegiving cock back in her pussy, she had somewhat warmed up to him. Or at least, what she would consider warming up to. That wasn’t to say she didn’t still give passive aggressive, or even outright rude comments to him. But she didn’t do it as much anymore. And she was a little more forgiving of Spell’s times with her wife. Gleaming’s behavior with Spell was even worse than it was during her honeymoon. With the widespread use of cellular phones, she would bombarde the stallion’s text messages with nude pictures, videos, and other things to tempt him.

What the f*** is wrong with her? If she admits that the sex was "good", then why is she damning herself to miss out a very good and constant sex for over 20 years!? Her "reasoning" makes no f***ing sense. Makes her no better than a Karen.

All in all, Spell’s life was an orgy of endless pleasure, but often found himself sometimes a little tired. And as the birthday was coming upon the city, he was making sure everything would be perfect. Having only seen her when she visited the city, Spell made it a point never to get too close to Flurry. Part of him wanted to, but felt like he didn’t deserve to. She was his daughter, in a manner of speaking, but she was being raised into a beautiful, regal mare by her mothers, and that was enough to make him happy. But every so often, he would sometimes consider what his future would be like if he had been more active.

I highly doubt it, because if Flurry was acting like this. It clearly shows that both Cadence and Gleaming WEREN'T doing very good job at being parents without ya.

“Shh, shh, don’t you worry about her. I’ll handle Cadance.” Celestia commented, kissing Spell tenderly on the lips. “Don’t worry about it. When they come, listen to your heart, and you’ll do the right thing.” Spell could only nod, hugging his lover closer to him.

Please, please do. I hope you can finally talk down to Cadence, and finally get rid of her damn stallion-hating attitude once and for all.

How the hell can she be a "princess of love", if she still has this toxic hatred within her!?

“Even I wasn’t this bad.” Cadance chuckled, knowing she can’t stay mad at Gleaming. “But you’re not exactly helping with how you and her have been going about with Chrysalis and her Hive.”

I highly, highly doubt it. You are way worse in my opinion. And unlike Flurry, at least she doesn't hate a single gender for very toxic reasons.

“Celestia…sure, yeah, I can see that. Maybe even Luna. But not Spell!” Cadance snapped a little, then settled a bit. “Sorry, it’s just I’m not fully…comfortable about it yet.” Gleaming only gave her a look, one she was fully familiar with. “Yes, yes, he’s the one who gave us Flurry, but I just…I can’t think about him without remembering that night, and how it felt.”

“Well, it’s not like he was bad at sex.” Gleaming countered, curling her lips into a playful smirk. “Maybe you’re just finally seeing him as a possible fuck buddy, and not as just some stallion.”

“No, no, absolutely not!” Cadance snapped again, only to now chug down the water, and magically pull over a bottle of fine, rich wine to her. “I will never let that stallion even look at me like that, let alone touch me again!”

Even after 20 long dang years.

She is literally damning herself to not have his amazing "dong" ever again? We all know how she felt during that night, but she is still acting like a total fool on not doing again with him. Just because of his gender!?

I can't believe I'm saying this, but she really is a f***ing Karen in this story! :facehoof:

Cadance’s eyes immediately glared at Spell, so much so, it was like she was trying to bore a hole in his head with her stare. The stallion saw it, and only gave a professional, calming smile. This must’ve been Celestia’s plan all along, to get him alone with Flurry to try and bond with his daughter. Maybe he would tell her the truth, or maybe she would simply just be the well behaved mare she appeared to be. Cadance’s mind immediately went through everything that could happen, how Flurry alone with even an attractive mare was a gamble, but a stallion, there was no way she was going to leave such an encounter without being a whore.

Cadence is still pissing me off. If she just accepted him as her real husband. Maybe Flurry having her father probably wouldn't act like this in the first place.

“An excellent idea.” Cadance replied, her voice almost cracking from the irritation, but settled back into a more professional tone. “Captain Spell is a well skilled, qualified, and capable stallion. So I can think of no one finer to protect my daughter…right?” Her last word sounded more like a threat than praise.

Of course he is, he's the father. And you need to stop it with your attitude, or I will!

“Are you worried that if he still says no, she’ll do something about it?” Celestia asked, pausing for a moment, before standing up. “Because for the past, almost twenty years now, you’ve still remained so critical of Spell, despite him doing nothing to you. Can you explain to me why you are so hostile to him?”

Please fix her, or let someone else will like Luna or Twilight.

Even I can do with her toxic attitude, and fix her straight. :pinkiecrazy:

Cadance hesitated, she didn’t have an answer. Thinking about it further, whenever she would think of Spell, the first thing to come to mind was his kind smile, strong hands, and impressive cock. But then, she felt a surge of disgust, but it wasn’t at him, it was at herself. She had spent all these long decades hating stallions, putting them all in the same category, and yet Spell was making her feel sensation she thought only Gleaming could give her. It couldn’t be love, no, never, but it seemed that night all those years ago where he impregnated her, left a stronger impact than she thought; and perhaps this brought her a shame she couldn’t feel clean of.

See, you are diluting and hurting yourself for no good reason.

You could have a wonderful husband/father if you just accepted him!

“There, is that satisfactory?” Luna asked, taking the finished paper, signing her royal insignia on it. “If so, please, sign, and we can continue preparations.” Cadance took the paper, and signed in her own mark. Gleaming followed, writing her name in. And finally, Celestia blessed it with her name. “Now it’s settled. Should Spell prove to have violated this pact, then his punishment shall be left to you. Provided he signs this first.”

Oh crap! That stupid pact is obviously a trap!!!

Because, we all know where this is heading between him and Flurry. And that will obviously "break" the past anyway.

He'll be doped from the start. :facehoof:

Ok, how in the hell can someone be angry at another person for 20 YEARS when that person didn’t do anything but treat them with respect and kindness?

This is how I know that’s a Spell is a better person than me. Because if someone did nothing but disrespect me for no damn reason, I’m going to snap and unload all of my anger on that person.

To be honest, someone needs to slap some sense into Cadence.

To be honest, she doesn’t deserve the title of “princess of love.” (In this timeline.)


I know, right!!!??? :facehoof: :flutterrage:

Celestia, or Luna, or even Twilight needs to finally TALK to her about this.

If not, I hope Spell actually gets frickin tired of it, and finally gives a piece of his mind. Princess or not!!!!

This was a very well thought out, and detailed analysis. Thank you so much, I appreciate when readers put this much care and interest in my stories. And I hope you enjoy more of what is to come. :twilightsmile:


I agree with you on that comrade, she is definitely the queen of all Karens.

This bitch needs someone to knock her off her high horse once and for all. You know it’s bad when blue blood looks like a saint compared to her.

Sweet a sequal! While some bits dont make sense im just gonna trust that the writer knows what their doing. And as for the 20 years thing remember that she's an Alicorn. 20 years isnt even a sliver of their lifespan. To a normal person its probably the equivalent of a few weeks or months.

Yes, a sequel. And with Flurry Heart, no less!!

“Looks like he took her out for some ice cream.” Celestia commented, almost teasing Cadance as she looked on to the scene. “So I believe things will be fine. Maybe she just feels a connection to him?”

“It would appear so.” Cadance reluctantly admitted. Looking away, she rubbed her temples, groaning in annoyance. “Okay, fine, I’ll allow it. But we can’t make it obvious. So what do you suggest?”

“Training regiments.” Celestia replied, almost no hesitation in her voice as if she was planning on this resolution. “Given Spell’s reputation, and excessive levels of skills, he would be perfect to train your Crystal Guards. This will of course be the public reason for his temporary transfer to the Crystal Empire.” Snapping her fingers, a parchment appeared in front of her, with a feathered pen that began to write out something. “Of course, the real reason, only known to the five of us, is that Spell will be spending some time with his daughter, and see if this will help with her attitude problems.”

Good old Trollestia is at it again. She's obviously plotting to kill three birds with one stone.

  1. Get Spell to fuck one of his daughters.
  2. Help Flurry be less of a brat.
  3. Help Cadance accept the fact that she does love cock.

We all know that spell will end up fucking Flurry and by the end it will solve a lot of problems at once.

Flurry Heart really did learn from her parents. That sneaky little princess.

Thanks for another good chapter

Meh hope this is gonna get turned around on her soon. Plus if he really gave a damn he could just have Celestial or Luna remove it.

Well, it seems that everyone truly underestimated Flurry Heart. Though this shouldn't be a surprise to Cadance and Gleaming, they both know how much of whore Flurry is and should have known that no that no matter what, that girl will get what she wants.

So, in the end the pact was completely pointless just as keeping who her father a secret was just as useless.

I still believe Celestia knew this was going to happen, nothing in the pact said anything about Flurry pulling off the trick she used to get him to fuck her, and she knows how much all Spell's daughters wants to fuck him and knowing just how much of whore Flurry is, she was no different.

Spell and Cadance should have known that this pact was never going to work. They underestimated Flurry and who she is. At this point, Spell should just come clean cause now there's no point in keeping who he is a secret from her anymore. Flurry wanted to fuck her father and did, so just tell her already, it won't make any difference now that he knows her true self.

That's pretty fucked up, ngl

As the whore mare was working up another small and quick assjob, Spell could only sigh. There was no way he could tell her the truth yet. Not just the embarrassing moment that would come to telling her the truth. Or a more worrisome response. What if she didn’t care? Or rather, would she use this as an excuse to demand more of his cock? Flurry Heart was a whore, in ever sense of the word, and somehow managed to exceed this expectation, so it wouldn’t be that hard to believe she would want to get fucked by her father.

Damn it, Spell:flutterrage: Stop holding out. There's literally no point and you have no excuse to keep the truth hidden from her.

“Oh, I lied.” Flurry giggled, playfully sticking out her tongue. “Yeah, it would be nice to meet my daddy. But I wanna see if his cock is all I hope it is.” Spell was speechless, mouth agape in shock. “Think about it, my mum is a cock hating bitch, so any stallion to knock her up must be the best fuck in Equestria. And I want a taste.”

Spell realized it, he had lost. Flurry hadn’t learned anything. Or rather, she learned to be clever. She couldn’t just wiggle her ass to him and get him to fuck her. Now, because he fell for her taunts, her teases, and his anger got the better of him, he was caught.

She wants to fuck her father. She's barely any different from all your daughters that also wants to fuck you. So, why keep up this charade. She's a whore, you know she's a whore, everyone knows she's a whore. You already broken your vow to never fuck any of your kids. This was going to happen no matter what, so stop messing around.

And while Cadance had given the instruction that you and Flurry are to sleep in opposite ends of the manor, Celestia and Luna have given the clear instruction that both you and Flurry are to sleep in the same room.”

Its clear that Celestia and Luna are trying to get you two together. They clearly don't approve of Cadance way of handling the situation between you and Flurry. That contract was just a hoax because it never mentioned anything about Flurry starting things and abusing her power as a princess over you, a royal guard:ajbemused:

As I said before, everyone knows Flurry a whore. That includes the royal sisters. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Flurry already knows that you're her father and just pretending that she doesn't. There are two ways this is possible.

1. You said it before yourself. Flurry is clever. She may always have cock on the mind but that doesn't mean she's not intelligent.

“Think about it, my mum is a cock hating bitch, so any stallion to knock her up must be the best fuck in Equestria. And I want a taste.”

“So here’s what’s gonna happen. I saw the way my mothers looked at you. Cadance had some real anger with you, but Gleaming looked like she was ready to suck your dick. So, I was thinking, after this hot fuck, I want more.”

Not to mention the way you were treating her when you two went out for ice cream. There's no way she didn't figure it out on her own. You're just too stupid to realize that because you keep underestimating her intelligence. You did so last chapter and look how well she played you.

And the second reason she could have known. Is that Celestia told her, before the contract deal was made. Celestia probably set this all up with Flurry, long before her birthday. Thus, both you and Cadance got played. Especially Cadance.

“Oh, but I believe we can use this opportunity here in Canterlot.” Celestia said, as if feeling something, she walked over to the massive window that overlooked the city. As she did so, her eyes widened for a moment, only to then chuckle to herself. “Cadance, why don’t you have a look over there.”

Upon looking out into the city, Cadance gazed at the scene Celestia was pointing out. Down there, on a public table, sitting close to an ice cream shop, was Spell, and Flurry. The mare’s eyes widened. But this wasn’t out of shock, but she was focusing her eyes on the two. Her eyes gleamed a little, almost flashing a dim, pinkish light. The way the world looked seemed to fade, surrounding the ponies in a visible, colored mist. It was an aura, a Love Field, as Cadance used to call it, that allowed her as Princess of Love to see what emotions others were feeling.

Normally, whenever she would use this power on her daughter, it was a bright blur of scarlet and purples, which were signs of physical longing and lust. This was how Cadance always knew that Flurry had been fucking around, as there was always a lingering aura on her. But this time was different, this time there were small amounts of scarlet and purple, but they were dwarfed by a massive mix of blues and yellows. These were signs of peace and yet flickers of confusion.

Celestia was way too prepared when coming up with that contract. As if she knew exactly how things would go.

“Looks like he took her out for some ice cream.” Celestia commented, almost teasing Cadance as she looked on to the scene. “So I believe things will be fine. Maybe she just feels a connection to him?”

“It would appear so.” Cadance reluctantly admitted. Looking away, she rubbed her temples, groaning in annoyance. “Okay, fine, I’ll allow it. But we can’t make it obvious. So what do you suggest?”

“Training regiments.” Celestia replied, almost no hesitation in her voice as if she was planning on this resolution. “Given Spell’s reputation, and excessive levels of skills, he would be perfect to train your Crystal Guards. This will of course be the public reason for his temporary transfer to the Crystal Empire.” Snapping her fingers, a parchment appeared in front of her, with a feathered pen that began to write out something. “Of course, the real reason, only known to the five of us, is that Spell will be spending some time with his daughter, and see if this will help with her attitude problems.”

“I believe that is a fair arrangement.” Gleaming spoke up, smiling eagerly. “Some extra training for the guards would be good, and besides, I believe this would be good for Flurry.”

“I…I agree…” Cadance reluctantly agreed, still grumbled a little, but could only sigh as she realized she had walked right into her aunt’s ploy. “The training will be good, but I want something to assure me that nothing will happen.” Before anypony could say anything, she quickly continued. “It’s not Spell I am worried about, well, not as much as I am for Flurry’s behavior. One instance of confused emotions is not enough to convince me, but I will give him a chance.”

“I give only my word.” Celestia promised, raising a hand as she spoke. “I truly believe that my beloved, Spell Break, shall not violate this agreement, and shall be a good father that Flurry Heart needs in her life.”

As I said before, the contract does not mention Flurry doing anything.

Celestia must have told Flurry who her father is before the party. Told her all about him and what a magnificent lover he is. The two then came up with a plan to fool both Spell and Cadance. That moment when Flurry was eating ice cream with Spell. Her emotions were probably genuine, more than enough to fool Cadance.

Celestia and Flurry obviously knows that Cadance can read emotions. Which is why it was important for Flurry to feed into the emotions of meeting and spending time with her dad. It was all part of the plan and Cadance fell for it.

Both Cadance and Spell got played. They underestimated Flurry as well as Celestia and I bet Gleaming is also in cahoots with them. She's also a major slut.

The time will come when Cadance learns that Spell is fucking Flurry, and I won't be surprised if Flurry is the one to reveal that he is to her. No doubt Celestia, Luna, and Gleaming has a plan to get Cadance to admit that she does loves Spell's cock and stop lying to herself and Spell would no longer have any excuse to not fuck his other children. Because no doubt Celestia might tell them all.

This whole story is probably about getting both Cadance and Spell to drop their pointless morals and insecurities and open up.

I have to say, I really enjoy reading this analysis of this story. It really shows how much you've been paying attention, and how well everything seems to look. I appreciate the comments my friend. Amazing work! :twilightsmile:

Thanks:twilightsmile: I just love analyzing stories like this.

Now I can only hope to see if my theories are on the money. I look forward to seeing the next chapter.:pinkiehappy:

A fantastic chapter as always. I love when this series updates.

well this can count as my christmas gift



Bravo, my man. Bravo on this amazing analysis. I also agree with the major stupidity of both Cadence and even Spell.

I really want them both to look back in the past, and feel really regretful of their very dumb choices back then, and should actually be thankful of Flurry Heart, their own daughter!!!

And even Celestia/Luna, Twilight, and Gleaming for opening their damn eyes of those two morons!!! :facehoof: :trollestia:

Ok, it's official. Flurry had known this entire time that Spell is her father and just keeps on teasing him for fun.

“So…how was fucking your daughter?” Gleaming whispered, nearly causing the stallion to fall back in shock. But Spell maintained his composure as best as he could. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell Cadance. If anything, I think it’s hot as fuck.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Spell replied, equally whispering back to the unicorn. “All I did was watch over the Princess, keep her safe, and ensure that nothing-”

“Really?” Gleaming interrupted, pulling the stallion a little closer, making sure her boobs pressed more against his side. “That’s not what I heard, daddy.” Spell tensed up as his eyes went wide, to which the unicorn laughed. “Don’t worry, don’t worry, I won’t tell Cadance. I just wanted to see that look on your face.”

This proves that Gleaming is on the whole thing with Celestia, Luna and Flurry. They're all working together and now know that Twilight is on it as well.

“I guess we’re gonna have so much fun, once we get back.” Flurry giggled, struggling to salvage her pride as best as she could. “But I’ll give you a break, for now.” Turning, she wiggled her sexy ass at the stallion. “Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of fun…daddy.” As if driven by instinct, Spell raised a hand and smacked her ass so hard, she yelped. “Ahhh….fuck…” Another spray of orgasm squirted from her pussy, further soaking her legs. Weakly, she dragged herself away.

Now alone, Spell sat there, hating himself for going so far, but also feeling something else.

This is how Gleaming learned about the "Daddy" thing. Flurry obviously sent her letter and more explaining things. No doubt Celestia was being told the news as everything was going as they planned.

The moment she saw the doors open, Cadance’s eyes were all over both Spell and Flurry. But their aura was…it was strange. There was clearly a paternal love of the stallion’s aura, reflecting that Spell wants to be there like a father to his daughter. And while Flurry’s held the usual slutty emotions she all but molded her identity around, there was still something else, a sort’ve emotional bond with Spell. So for the time being, it would appear, to Cadance at least, that the two haven’t done anything as of yet.

Seriously Cadance. Everyone knows about your ability to read emotions. Which means there's something being used to fool your ability. I don't know exactly what and how, but you are definitely being played.


But now there's only one thing left to figure out, and that's how our team of manipulators plan to get Cadance to confess that she loves cock mainly Spell's.

I'd theorize that they would want to get her to confess all on her own and I can think of one way they could do that and that's by pulling the old switcheroo.

The next time Flurry and Spell have sex they're going to be doing a bit of roleplay, where Flurry would "pretend:ajbemused:" to be Spell's daughter and only call him daddy the whole time.

Spell doesn't talk much during sex and I don't think he ever called out Flurry's name. All in all, he'll just call her names like whore or what not like he usually does.

As the sex grows more and more intense. Flurry would scream out how much she absolutely loves Spell's cock. Going crazy as she keeps saying how she really loves cock so much and how the cock fucking her now reminds her of Spell's amazing dick and admits how much she misses getting railed by it.

Spell is far too into his own pleasure to notice Flurry's words but he to also confesses to Flurry that he's her father and he absolutely loves fucking his own daughter. Believing that Flurry wouldn't take what he said seriously because of the roleplay.

Eventually the reach their peak together and came. With Flurry riding on top of Spell as he unloads inside her. Their eyes rolled to the back of their heads as they experience the greatest orgasm they ever had before.

And when they finally come down from their orgasmic high. They turn to look at each other only to be absolutely shocked at who they were staring at.

Instead of Flurry, Spell was looking at Cadance and instead of Gleaming, Cadance was looking at Spell. Both were absolutely confused until the sound of someone else's voice caught their attention.

Turning towards the direction of the noise. Cadance and Spell could see Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Gleaming, and Flurry, standing there with smug looks on their faces as they all say in unison.


“Don’t be such a scaredy cat, I didn’t tell anyone about us.” Flurry explained, smirking playfully at the stallion. “I was just messaging Auntie Twilight about something. She said she might have a certain gift for me, and I figured now was the perfect time.” Her eyes then glanced down at Spell’s cock which was still half erect. “Speaking of the perfect time. Looks like you’re getting all hard again. Wanna fuck again?”

Oh boy, something tells me that Twilight is also gonna be part of it. And I hope I'm right because I'm so excited!

Anyway, I love where this is going! Keep up the great job!


As I said. It's just a theory.

“Hey Spell, welcome, welcome. Let me show you my newest pet.” Flurry giggled, moving around the mare’s body. Reaching around, she groped and teased her soft tits. “This is Cozy Glow. She was a prisoner to Auntie Twilight, but she was nice enough to give her to me as a gift.”

Ooohh, I see we are enacting more of Hooves-art's animations

i am fully expecting future chapters to have the "spell fucks flurry while cadance is beyond a door" and the "cadance gives spell a titjob during interrogation"

I totally agree with you, but seeing how Cadance doesn't fully trust Spell and she hates dick, one could wonder how those scenarios would work?

derpibooru: 2888853

Unless Cadance starts to suspect Spell and that moment when she's in the door was the final tipping point.

We know Cadance can sense others emotions and she's been using that ability to see if Spell and Flurry had sex or they're lusting for each other. There's clearly some way that Cadance spell is being block and if that was happening during the door image, it only proves it without a doubt. The first two times we seen her use it, Flurry and Spell weren't fucking at the time, but for her to not sense their lust when they are having sex right there next to her, shows that's she being played. But that doesn't mean they can block her suspicions, as she will start to notice Spell and Flurry disappearing together way too often.

derpibooru: 2983846

So, she captures Spell and interrogates him, and seeing that she has him alone, she uses the interrogation to have sex with him again. Admitting how much she misses his cock and when she does, she's no doubt caught by both Flurry and Gleaming, if not along with Celestia and Luna. Catching Cadance in the act as she finally admitted that she does love Spell's dick. Not only that but Spell would also admit to fucking Flurry and how much he loved fucking his daughter.

Thus, both are caught admitting their true feelings, which was exactly what this whole thing had been about.

Wow This is a bizarre turn of events, but I’m not opposed to it now I’m curious what will happen next

I never thought I would be so mad at a character before.
Cadence is so pathetic that she tried to find a reason to hate spell and try to force him to give up flurry. That is such a heartless thing to do, why would she think that that would be ok thing to demand? And have the nerve to act all surprised when spell snapped.

I hope under Spell’s guidance, Flurry matures and becomes better than her pathetic mothers.
Because they are the definition of ‘every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a child.’

“I…I heard everything…” Her voice was so sheepish compared to how it normally was. “Spell…are you my father?”


There's no way in hell that she didn't already know he was her father since or even before, day bucking one. There's just far too many clues indicating that she does. Flurry may be whore with cock on the brain at all times, but that doesn't mean she isn't intelligent, and she had proven just how smart she is through her many manipulations. Which is why I still strongly believe that there is a conspiracy going on.

Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Gleaming, and Flurry have to be working together. Everything that has been happening throughout this story strongly supports this theory and I believe I've figured out the set up to this stage of the plan and it all started with Cozy Glow.

It was with Cozy that Flurry made that bet, knowing that Spell would lose, this way he would have no choice but to fuck her whenever, wherever.

Today, Spell was given a day off, a gift from Gleaming and Cadance, though the latter wasn’t exactly there to tell him this.

Gleaming was the only one who knew about Cadance’s mental conflict, and after hours of conversation, she agreed to speak with Spell.

And of course, it was Gleaming who convince Cadance to talk to Spell, but only did so on his day off, which Flurry would of course take full advantage of.

Gleaming already knows that Spell and Flurry are fucking, she somehow knew they were fucking on the train ride home and confronted him about it. Even if you say she didn't know about the bet, she does know that the two are having sex. EVERYONE knows that Flurry is a whore, so of course Gleaming knows that Flurry was going to fuck Spell throughout his entire day off, it was all part of the plan to get Cadance to catch Spell in the act and as I said, it all started with the Bet that was made using Cozy Glow.

Gleaming and Flurry had been planning this whole thing. Gleaming role was to keep tabs on Cadance about how she felt about Spell and when the time was right, send her off to catch him fucking Flurry, which would lead to the two having a serious talk, which of course, Flurry just happened to be there to overhear everything. Even Cadance being there to overhear Flurry and Spell was also planned.

As I stated before, this is all to get Cadance and Spell to drop their insecurities, like they're both are in the middle of the world's most extremis romance counseling.

And Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Gleaming, and Flurry are their therapists.


I really hope Gleaming, Celestia, Luna or even Twilight actually f**king slapped her for that!!!!


A slap is too merciful. She deserves to get her ass whooped by the entire royal family.

Cadance is infuriated, not a monster?! Are you kidding me? I beg to differ. Those who fights monsters should see to it that they themselves do not become a monster. And Cadance has proven herself to be ANYTHING but FAR from worthy of deserving of the title of Princess of Love or Princess in general, and tragic backstories are no excuse for her actions. Agree to Disagree Holocron!

That's it!? That's how they "resolved" everything!?

I'm sorry, but why do I feel like this "ending" feels a bit rushed to quickly resolve the long-ass, DECADES-long problem of Cadence's unfair b**chly attitude.

And speaking about her, why does she get a slap on the wrist after everything she did to poor Spell Break!?

Me and other commenters agree that she should deserve a bit worse.

And hears proof of our comments;


Anyways, onto a different topic, the opposite happens;

Her own "punishment" with Spell Break wasn't fair nor justified either, and you just let Twilight/Celestia/Luna think it's somehow "fair" and within her "right"!?


“Very well.” Twilight nodded, writing down what was being said. “And Cadance, you have exercised your right to punishment, as stipulated in the contract?”

“I have.” Cadance replied, speaking quite calmly, not with malice. “Spell Break’s punishment has been met out, and I believe he has learned his lesson.”

Not only this feels BS, but feels too biased in HER favor!?

And P.S. besides, this "Pact" is f***ing stupid and worthless from the start anyways.

Mpony1 made perfectly good sense of why the "Pact" itself is nothing but a waste of paper and ink;


And another issue for me is; Your "final version" of the "ending" is making us think that Flurry Heart isn't smart or too naive/ignorant enough to secretly know Spell Break is her father beforehand?

And once again, Mpony1 rightfully said; "Furry Heart not knowing his true identity this whole time feels total BS!"

“I…I heard everything…” Her voice was so sheepish compared to how it normally was. “Spell…are you my father?”


There's no way in hell that she didn't already know he was her father since or even before, day bucking one. There's just far too many clues indicating that she does. Flurry may be whore with cock on the brain at all times, but that doesn't mean she isn't intelligent, and she had proven just how smart she is through her many manipulations. Which is why I still strongly believe that there is a conspiracy going on.

Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Gleaming, and Flurry have to be working together. Everything that has been happening throughout this story strongly supports this theory and I believe I've figured out the set up to this stage of the plan and it all started with Cozy Glow.

It was with Cozy that Flurry made that bet, knowing that Spell would lose, this way he would have no choice but to fuck her whenever, wherever.

Today, Spell was given a day off, a gift from Gleaming and Cadance, though the latter wasn’t exactly there to tell him this.

Gleaming was the only one who knew about Cadance’s mental conflict, and after hours of conversation, she agreed to speak with Spell.

And of course, it was Gleaming who convince Cadance to talk to Spell, but only did so on his day off, which Flurry would of course take full advantage of.

Gleaming already knows that Spell and Flurry are fucking, she somehow knew they were fucking on the train ride home and confronted him about it. Even if you say she didn't know about the bet, she does know that the two are having sex. EVERYONE knows that Flurry is a whore, so of course Gleaming knows that Flurry was going to fuck Spell throughout his entire day off, it was all part of the plan to get Cadance to catch Spell in the act and as I said, it all started with the Bet that was made using Cozy Glow.

Gleaming and Flurry had been planning this whole thing. Gleaming role was to keep tabs on Cadance about how she felt about Spell and when the time was right, send her off to catch him fucking Flurry, which would lead to the two having a serious talk, which of course, Flurry just happened to be there to overhear everything. Even Cadance being there to overhear Flurry and Spell was also planned.

As I stated before, this is all to get Cadance and Spell to drop their insecurities, like they're both are in the middle of the world's most extremis romance counseling.

And Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Gleaming, and Flurry are their therapists.

I completely agree with MPony1 that just because Furry Heart is a cock-loving slut, doesn't mean she isn't dumb or doesn't have a brain with some common sense!!! :facehoof:


Anything else you want to cope with?

It’s the author’s decision of how it ends. You don’t have to like but you should respect it!

i cant disagree but i still like it


I did say I will apologized in advance for what I have to say.

I just need to reveal my honest criticism on how it poorly "resolved" the issues/drama in the end.

That's all I have to say.

Just need to see what the others will think about this?

Acceptance" What a perfect name for this chapter, because I don't accept this at all. I can't accept this, I refuse to accept it, because it's all nothing but absolute,


“I second the motion to begin this discussion.” Luna added, raising a hand as she looked at the rest of the ponies in the room. “Now, let us all raise our horns in attendance.” The alicorns and unicorns did as such. Faint sparks glowed from the tips, giving an illumination of their cutie marks. “Very good, we are all true and we are all here. Twilight Sparkle, please state the purpose of this meeting.”

“Thank you, Luna.” Twilight replied, conjuring a scroll, besides which was the same contract that they had all signed. “Here we have the contract signed and agreed upon by the Princesses gathered here, and one Spell Break. Does anyone dispute this?” There were no responses. “Very well. Now, Spell Break, do you deny breaking the terms of this contract?”

You mean that absolute, useless, pointless, waste of time contract, that has the BIGGEST loophole in it, that even a blind, brain-dead monkey could see..... From space!

I said it once, I said it Twice, and I'll keep on saying it until it finally sticks.








It's no secret among the royals that she is, they all know she's a whore who would fuck any cock she sees.

So, what made any of them think for even a fraction of a second, that this contract was going to do anything? As I said, the contract has a loophole that was never address. That loophole being,


Emphasis on the word "PRINCESS" and Spell is a "ROYAL GUARD" and since EVERYONE knows how big of a WHORE Flurry is, there's no way that three fucking princesses did. Not. See. The obvious events that will happen because of this.

Cadance gets a free pass because she actually suspected something like this was going to happen and there was her ability to sense and read other ponies emotions. She did this twice, and yet for some reason, she couldn't get a true read on both Flurry and Spell's emotions, more specifically, after the two returned from the beach.

As soon as they arrived in the Crystal Empire, Spell could see Cadance wasn’t going to waste any time. There were already a dozen guards, Gleaming, now disguised as Shining Armor, and Cadance herself awaiting their arrival. No doubt she was going to inspect him, to see if he had behaved. But there was more to that. The mare was going to look both stallion and princess over, but she was more going to see the aura around Flurry. While trying to be more trusting of Spell, Cadance knew she couldn’t trust her daughter. And so I was expecting to see the same shade of colors she had seen many times before.

“Looks like they’re here.” Flurry, standing at Spell’s side, commented. She was dressed more regally, but from where he stood, the stallion could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra, and no doubt, no panties. “Well, let’s not keep them waiting…” She leaned in to whisper seductively in his ear. “Daddy.” Spell tensed, quickly trying to compose himself as the door opened.

The moment she saw the doors open, Cadance’s eyes were all over both Spell and Flurry. But their aura was…it was strange. There was clearly a paternal love of the stallion’s aura, reflecting that Spell wants to be there like a father to his daughter. And while Flurry’s held the usual slutty emotions she all but molded her identity around, there was still something else, a sort’ve emotional bond with Spell. So for the time being, it would appear, to Cadance at least, that the two haven’t done anything as of yet.

I just don't see how Cadance wouldn't be able to see the truth. She can literally read how a person feels, deep in their heart. Flurry and Spell just had sex, not that long ago, on the train, they had been doing it multiple times at the beach. They both have very strong sexual feelings for one another. So, how the hell couldn't Cadance not read them properly?

They could act all proper on the outside, but on the inside, that's a whole different level. There's no way that they can simply hide their feelings so casually like that. They aren't highly trained ninjas who were thought how to keep their emotions in check so that creatures like Cadance can't read them and yet Gleaming, who doesn't have this ability, can easily tell that Spell and Flurry did indeed had sex. In fact, it's not that she could tell, instead she already KNEW before the train arrived. I pointed this out before.

Here is my comment from the chapter "Back in the empire."

Ok, it's official. Flurry had known this entire time that Spell is her father and just keeps on teasing him for fun.

As the two walked away, Flurry would look back at Spell, and the intensity in her eyes was enough to let him know she would remember this. But Gleaming only chuckled, walking over to Spell. Following their behavior as an easy going stallion, they wrapped an arm around the captain’s shoulder, pulling him in. Though it wasn’t visible, Spell could feel the mare’s fat tits press against his side, but he did his best to maintain his composure.

“So…how was fucking your daughter?” Gleaming whispered, nearly causing the stallion to fall back in shock. But Spell maintained his composure as best as he could. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell Cadance. If anything, I think it’s hot as fuck.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Spell replied, equally whispering back to the unicorn. “All I did was watch over the Princess, keep her safe, and ensure that nothing-”

“Really?” Gleaming interrupted, pulling the stallion a little closer, making sure her boobs pressed more against his side. “That’s not what I heard, daddy.” Spell tensed up as his eyes went wide, to which the unicorn laughed. “Don’t worry, don’t worry, I won’t tell Cadance. I just wanted to see that look on your face.”

This proves that Gleaming is on the whole thing with Celestia, Luna and Flurry. They're all working together and now know that Twilight is on it as well.

“I guess we’re gonna have so much fun, once we get back.” Flurry giggled, struggling to salvage her pride as best as she could. “But I’ll give you a break, for now.” Turning, she wiggled her sexy ass at the stallion. “Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of fun…daddy.” As if driven by instinct, Spell raised a hand and smacked her ass so hard, she yelped. “Ahhh….fuck…” Another spray of orgasm squirted from her pussy, further soaking her legs. Weakly, she dragged herself away.

Now alone, Spell sat there, hating himself for going so far, but also feeling something else.

This is how Gleaming learned about the "Daddy" thing. Flurry obviously sent her letter and more explaining things. No doubt Celestia was being told the news as everything was going as they planned.

The moment she saw the doors open, Cadance’s eyes were all over both Spell and Flurry. But their aura was…it was strange. There was clearly a paternal love of the stallion’s aura, reflecting that Spell wants to be there like a father to his daughter. And while Flurry’s held the usual slutty emotions she all but molded her identity around, there was still something else, a sort’ve emotional bond with Spell. So for the time being, it would appear, to Cadance at least, that the two haven’t done anything as of yet.

Seriously Cadance. Everyone knows about your ability to read emotions. Which means there's something being used to fool your ability. I don't know exactly what and how, but you are definitely being played.

You all saw it yourself, Gleaming not only knew that Spell fuck Flurry, but more importantly, she knew that Flurry called him "daddy"

So, explain to me how the hell did she know about that one piece of knowledge. She wasn't there, Flurry and Spell went on that trip alone and the first time she called him "Daddy" was on the train in private. Clearly no one else walked up to Gleaming and told her.

As soon as they arrived in the Crystal Empire, Spell could see Cadance wasn’t going to waste any time. There were already a dozen guards, Gleaming, now disguised as Shining Armor, and Cadance herself awaiting their arrival. No doubt she was going to inspect him, to see if he had behaved. But there was more to that. The mare was going to look both stallion and princess over, but she was more going to see the aura around Flurry. While trying to be more trusting of Spell, Cadance knew she couldn’t trust her daughter. And so I was expecting to see the same shade of colors she had seen many times before.

“Looks like they’re here.” Flurry, standing at Spell’s side, commented. She was dressed more regally, but from where he stood, the stallion could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra, and no doubt, no panties. “Well, let’s not keep them waiting…” She leaned in to whisper seductively in his ear. “Daddy.” Spell tensed, quickly trying to compose himself as the door opened.

The moment she saw the doors open, Cadance’s eyes were all over both Spell and Flurry. But their aura was…it was strange. There was clearly a paternal love of the stallion’s aura, reflecting that Spell wants to be there like a father to his daughter. And while Flurry’s held the usual slutty emotions she all but molded her identity around, there was still something else, a sort’ve emotional bond with Spell. So for the time being, it would appear, to Cadance at least, that the two haven’t done anything as of yet.

“Flurry, welcome home.” Gleaming greeted, opening their arms to hug the alicorn. Her normally alluring voice was hidden under the stallion illusion. Flurry didn’t hesitate, hugging the unicorn closely. “I hope your trip went well.”

Even if you want to argue the fact that Flurry called him "Daddy" just before the door opened and Gleaming read her daughter's lips through the window, then wouldn't Cadance be able to do the same?

Even the argument that Flurry calling him "Daddy" in that moment was a way to get his feelings to switch over from lust to a caring father, so Cadance can't read his true emotions isn't guaranteed, because they been fucking like crazy so many times.

“So now that the formal shit is done, can we please talk about why nopony told me Spell was my daddy?” Flurry asked, speaking out of term and with no show of formal tone. “I mean, seriously, why are we doing this interrogation, good bitch, bad bitch routine?”

Exactly, there was no point to any of this. If this is how things is truly going to end, then what was even the point to all of it?

I'm sorry, I seriously can't accept this ending with the amount of plot holes it has. There're just far too many reasons to believe that everything was planned by Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Flurry, and Gleaming, in order to help both Cadance and Spell with their personal issues and seeing that's what happened in the end anyway. There's no way that all this was simply a coincidence.

Don't get me wrong, I still loved the story, but nothing that I read about these characters, tells me that all this was a happy accident and it's all because of one major contradiction.

I said it before, and I'll say it again.








That fact alone sums up everything, that and the fact that she has proven multiple times to be quite intelligent. She's not just some dumb slut. So, Flurry not being able to tell on her own, that Spell is her father is pure absolute,


And everyone knowing how big of whore she is and the fact that she's a princess and can easily order Spell to do anything. Is just too big of a plot hole.

The only way that this ending would make any sense, and fix all contradictions is the contract itself.

Remember the contract said nothing about Flurry doing anything. You would think that Cadance who KNOWS her daughter would at the very least included in the contract, that if Flurry ever tries to use her position as a princess to get Spell to fuck her, he is permitted to disobey any order given to him by Flurry that he deemed would get him to have sex with her.

If the contract had something like that written in it and he breaks it, then yeah, it would be all his fault for given into his lust, and yet nopony bothered to consider pointing out that glaring obvious fact.

That Flurry is a princess and Spell is a guard, bound to always follow his princess orders, that includes a total whore like,

Getting this heated about pony incest porn on the internet. Fucking hell......

Even so, but am I wrong?

Finally, Cadence got over her hatred for guys and spell. I never thought this day would come. I am glad that she saw the error of her ways and not treat Spell like shit.

A fantastic chapter even if it had its issues. Is this the final chapter of this series or are we gonna get more?

The final chapter for this story. Should the client like me to continue with another story of Flurry Heart and Spell Break, then it'll be done. :twilightsmile:

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