• Published 13th Sep 2023
  • 3,828 Views, 39 Comments

Look, I Have Extremely High Standards - RunicTreetops

Due in no small part to some "encouragement" from your good friend Twilight, you asked Moondancer out on a date. She thought you were making fun of her, and insists that she has extremely high standards. ...Well, good luck.

  • ...

Look, I Have Extremely High Standards

"And depending on your choices, you end up going down one of three routes. The most well-known one is Stay Night, but Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven's Feel are incredibly popular in their own rights. These are not to be confused with other projects like Apocrypha or Grand Order, which are only somewhat related and exist in their own canons. ...Hey, are you listening?"

You glance up from your pasta and quickly swallow the food in your mouth. Across from you sits Moondancer, the mare that you are currently on a date with. She finished her food a whole lot faster than you did.

"Yup, I'm following. You still haven't explained why Unlimited Blade Works is your favorite, though."

"..." Moondancer looks at you in surprise for a moment before blinking and continuing on as if nothing happened. "Well, in UBW, Rin Tohsaka-"

Ever since this date started, the only time Moondancer hasn't been nerding out about her favorite properties has been when her mouth is full of food. Now that she's out of food, she's a waterfall of information.

"-And then Griffith, he... well, I suppose I shouldn't explain that part in public, but Guts can do nothing but watch on helplessly as-"

While she speaks, she occasionally makes eye contact with you to make sure you're still paying attention before looking away and continuing to talk once more. This process repeats dozens of times.

"-And that's why Nico Robin is my favorite Straw Hat."

"Well, I may not have read it yet, but it sounds like that Franky guy might be more my speed."

"OOOOOOOH, I totally ship him and Robin! They have so much chemistry, like when they return to the Sunny on-"

You stifle a chuckle as she rambles on. You asked for this, you suppose. You straighten your tie as you try to ignore your nerves. Moondancer is extremely cute, and you're starting to feel a bit self-conscious. After all, she did warn you that she has extremely high standards.

It was a few days ago that you arrived in Canterlot with Twilight. You wound up in Equestria due to an errant spell on Twilight's part, and with no knowledge of how to send you home, she ended up taking you under her wing, so to speak. Now, she's pretty much the closest friend you've ever had.

On one hand, being best friends with a princess can be really, really annoying sometimes. On the other hand, it does occasionally net you a free trip to the fanciest city in Equestria.

Apparently, Twilight needs to prepare for some upcoming ceremony that she'll be hosting in about a month. According to her, it's super in-depth and complicated, so she needs to spend a few days under Princess Celestia's direct tutelage to make sure she has it down pat. In the meantime, you're staying in a big fancy room in Canterlot Castle. You don't really have a reason to be there apart from your own curiosity, but thankfully, Celestia seems to like you, so she doesn't care. Or maybe she's just that kind. Either way, this is basically a vacation for you. You've seen incredible sights, tasted incredible foods, and even not bought anything because of how expensive everything is in this city!

Of course, with how important friendship is to your pony pals, Twilight tasked you with meeting up with a few specific individuals at some point during your time here. Ideally you'd make friends with them, but even if you don't, they're good connections to have. You met up with Sassy Saddles at Rarity's Canterlot Carousel boutique and introduced yourself to Saffron Masala and her father at The Tasty Treat. All in all, they were good experiences.

However, what ended up catching your attention most was a unicorn mare named Moondancer.

According to Twilight, she was a childhood friend with a great interest in reading and research. Apparently there was a whole ordeal about Twilight mistreating her and abandoning her and then the pair making up again, but that part sort of went over your head. Thankfully, Twilight told Moondancer you were coming, and when she opened her door, you were surprised at the sight.

Her mane was a complete mess. The sweater she wore looked like it hadn't been washed in days. She looked like she hadn't been washed in days. Her glasses seemed as though they were in a perpetual state of almost falling off of her face. All in all, she looked like a bit of a hot mess.

But dang if that mess didn't make your heart skip a beat.

She looked you up and down, a completely unreadable expression on her face.

"...You must be the human Twilight mentioned."

"Y-yup, that's me! My name is Anon. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

You offer a hand/hoofshake. She slowly looks at your hand with confusion before placing her hoof against it and forcing a smile.

"You too, I guess."

The two of you share an awkward shake as you smile back at her.

"So, you're an old friend of Twilight's? I mean, she has a lot of friends, but she spoke very highly of you."

"She did? Wow..." Moondancer trails off before shaking her head and looking at you once more. "Look, I'm gonna be honest here. I didn't want to do this. If Twilight hadn't sent me that letter, I probably wouldn't have answered the door."

"O-oh." That's disappointing. You're not really used to ponies being like this, but you probably shouldn't be surprised. Still, why is it that you feel so adverse to the idea of parting ways with this mare you just met? "I can leave if I'm making you uncomfortable."

"No, no! I just... ugh." Moondancer places a hoof to her temple and sighs. "Sorry. I'm still getting used to this whole 'socializing' thing." She clears her throat before her eyes shoot open as if she just realized something. "W-would you like to come..." Moondancer turns around and looks into her house. You peer past her, noting that not only is the house kept pretty dark, but the sheer quantity of disorganized books make it look like a tornado went through the building. "Er... would you like to go for a walk?"

She once again forces a sheepish smile, but you just chuckle at the sight.

"Sure, Moondancer. It's a nice day, after all!"

"R-right! Let's go!"

Suddenly in a hurry to prevent you from seeing more of the state of her home, she practically pushes you into the road and begins to walk.

"So, you study magical theory, right?"

"That's correct. Lately I've been delving into the enchantment-based exploits of Durandall, grand wizard of Stars Reach. Do you know of his works?"

"I, er, can't say I do."

"Hm. Disappointing, but I guess I can't expect the average Donut Joe to be knowledgeable about his complex theories."

"Well, even setting aside the fact that I've only been in Equestria for about a year, I can't exactly use magic anyway."

"Wait, you can't?"


"You can't even fly?"

"Not on my own."

"Or grow crops?"

"I mean I suppose I could, but not as effectively as an earth pony."

"...Huh." Her eyes are half lidded as she stares at you in disbelief. It seems you've accidentally caused a factory reset. After a few moments, she regains her composure. "W-well, that's... interesting."

"Haha! Yeah, Twilight had a similar reaction."

"Well, if you know nothing about magical theory, I guess we could discuss... erm..." She trails off, a cold sweat forming on her brow. The two of you walk silently for a moment before she hums awkwardly. It seems that her list of conversation topics isn't that long. "Wellllll... do you... like... manga?"

Her voice sounds strained, as if she's forcing herself to get those words out. Her cheeks have gone crimson, and she's avoiding direct eye contact with you at all costs. You stifle a laugh and just smile.

"Yeah, I do."


Immediately, Moondancer looks directly at you, her eyes filled with sparkles and her voice filled with excitement.

"Well, I can't say I've read any here in Equestria, but I used to back at my old world."

"YOUR world had manga?! That's so much manga that I'm missing!"

Oh dear. She's a weeb. Without missing a beat, she immediately begins asking you dozens and dozens of questions about the manga you've read. You tell her all that you can remember about them, and she hangs on your every word all the while. The two of you get so caught up in the conversation that you hardly even notice when you (literally) bump into Twilight.

"Ah, there you two are! I was wondering where you might have gone, but it seems like I'm interrupting something!"

"Oh, hey Twilight. Anon and I were just discussing... er... our common interests."

Moondancer sheepishly looks away, apparently embarrassed to say the word "manga." You just look at Twilight and smile before giving her a shrug.

"Well, I'm glad you hit it off so well. You two were smiling and blushing so much, I bet your average pony would think you were on a date!" Both of your faces go red when she says that. You each make an effort to look away, but you still fail to hide your embarrassment. "Oh come on, I'm just teasing you!"

You clear your throat.

"How did your meeting with Celestia go?"

"Quite well, though I still have a long way to go. It seems like your day has gone well, too."

"You could say that."

She chuckles.

"Either way, I'm here to pick you up. Apparently, Princess Celestia wants to have dinner with us."

"O-oh, wow. I'm not sure I'm dressed for that."

"Don't worry, she figured you'd say that, and she doesn't care!" Twilight turns her attention to Moondancer. "Sorry to steal your new friend, but between you and me..." She leans in really close to Moondancer, mostly to make a point as she whispers into her ear. "I really don't want to tell the princess 'no.'"

Moondancer laughs.

"I get it." She turns around and waves at both of you, now in a noticeably better mood than she was earlier. "Have fun, you two!"

With that, she walks away, leaving you and Twilight to begin the short walk back to the castle.

"I'm glad you two are getting along, but I didn't expect it to go that well!"

"Hehe, yeah. She's... she's really great."

You look away from Twilight, but she notices when you do so. There is a moment of silence as a cocky smirk makes its way to her face and she leans closer to you.

"Oh, is she~?"


"I'll admit, this is really more of Rarity's thing, but even I know puppy love when I see it."

"Come on, Twi. I've known her for, like, three hours."


"What do you mean, 'and?!'"

"Just go visit her again tomorrow if you like her that much."

"W-well, I... I'm not sure about-"

"And why not?"


"If you both had as much fun as it seems, why would either of you object to hanging out again tomorrow?"

"I..." Ugh, she has a point. "Fine. I'll go see her again tomorrow."

"Great! Oh, I'm sure you're so excited!"

"Not as excited as you seem to be, for some reason."


Sure enough, you went to see her the next day. Once again, you got off on the right foot, and before you knew it, the hours were flying by. Then you did the same thing the next day. And the next day.

Eventually, Twilight approached you once more.

"I still can't believe you two get along that well."

"Well, we do. Not that I'm complaining, of course."

"So... are you gonna ask her out?"


"You're running out of time to do so, you know~!"

"You're presuming a lot right now!"

"So you don't want to ask her out?"


"We leave the day after tomorrow, you know."


"If you don't ask her out tomorrow, who knows when you'll get another chance?"


Twilight looks you over, noticing your downtrodden expression. Her cocky demeanor quickly fades into a sincere one.

"...S-sorry, Anon. I think I've been getting a little carried away." You don't respond. "Anon?"

Finally, you stand up straight, close your eyes, and let out a deep sigh.

"I'll do it."


"I'll ask her out." You look at Twilight, a mixture of hope and anxiety in your eyes. "The worst she can say is 'no,' right?"

After hesitating for a moment, Twilight smiles and nods at you.


So, the next morning, you approached Moondancer just as you had been doing for several days and she happily greeted you with a smile.

"Nice to see you again, Anon! Are you ready to go for a walk again?"

"W-well, not exactly."


"I, er... well, that is..."

"...Spit it out, dude."

"I wanted to know if you would be willing to join me for dinner?"

Moondancer looks at you in silence for a moment. At first, her expression seems normal, but it slowly turns into a look of confusion, then one of sadness, then one of... anger?

"Dinner? Really?"

"Is... is that a problem?"

"Well, YEAH it's a problem! Have you seen what I look like?"


"I might be socially inept, but even I know the most fundamental of social queues. Asking me out to dinner is the textbook way you could have asked me on a date. ME, of all ponies!"

"Well, yeah, you. I wasn't planning on asking anypony else, if that's what you're wondering."

"N-no, you don't get it! I... UGH!"

Moondancer facepalms. You're having a really hard time reading her emotions right now.

"I, uh, seem to be causing you a lot of distress. I-I'm sorry about this. I should just go."

You turn to leave Moondancer's doorway.

"W-wait!" You turn your head back around, unsure of how to read the situation. Moondancer closes her eyes and takes a very, very deep breath. When she opens her eyes again, she speaks with clarity and confidence that you haven't heard from her before. "I'll go to dinner with you. But you need to understand that I'm a very high-class mare."

"You are?"

You blurted that out without thinking, immediately realizing how rude it was. Moondancer stifles a laugh before continuing.

"Look, I have extremely high standards. And if you aren't up to snuff, I'll leave you hanging. Do you understand me?"

"..." After a moment, you give her a smile. With a sudden feeling of determination, you nod your head. "Perfectly."

"Good. I'll see you at five."

Moondancer abruptly closes the door in your face. You stand there in bewilderment for a moment before smiling to yourself and turning around. However, just as you're about to leave her property, you could swear you hear a squealing sound coming from behind that door. Odd.

Thus, you now find yourself at dinner with your "high-class" date as she rambles on and on about manga, quickly jumping from one topic to the next. You glance at your suit, making sure that it's free of any blemishes. You direct your attention back up at Moondancer. She looks... exactly the same as she always does. You can't help but wonder if that sweater is the only piece of clothing she owns.


She suddenly goes quiet, which catches your attention. You realize that you've been staring, and she follows your gaze to her clothes. As soon as she does so, her face goes completely red and she tilts her head downwards.


She's silent for a moment. When she does speak, her voice is a whisper.

"I forgot to change."


She looks up at you, a deeply apologetic and embarrassed look in her eyes.

"I went out to get an outfit and everything. I even bought makeup for this! I've never worn makeup before!"




Her face goes even redder.

"D-don't laugh at me!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's just... that's so like you!"

"It... is?"

"Look, don't get me wrong, Moondancer. I understand your embarrassment right now, I really do. But the thing is, this is exactly what I'd expect from you!"


"I haven't known you for all that long, but I have known you long enough to realize that you aren't the type of mare to want to wear stuff like that. Right?"


"So don't worry about it, okay? I think you look incredible as-is, anyway."

"...Well, now I know you're lying."

"I swear I'm not."

"I don't believe you."

"How could I change your mind?"

"...What is my favorite stand?"


"I've been talking to you about manga for almost two hours while you've been sitting there in clothing that's actually appropriate for the setting. If you've been listening, you'd know: What is my favorite stand?"

Moondancer looks at you with the most serious expression you've ever seen. However, after only taking a moment to process her words, you give her a proud smile. She's talking about a specific manga she really likes.

"Technically, you never told me. You discussed a lot of stands and their impacts on the parts they appear in, but you never said which is your favorite." Moondancer opens her mouth to speak, but you interrupt her before she can. "Buuuuuuuuut, I have been able to pick up how much you like certain characters based on how excited you get when you speak about them. I might be a little bit off-base here, but I know for a fact that you like the fourth part more than any other. Judging by your two favorite fight scenes in that part, is it... Highway Star?"

Moondancer stares at you for almost ten seconds without saying a thing. If her expression is anything to go off of, she's completely flabbergasted right now.

"..." Slowly, her cheeks turn a deep shade of red. "Y-yeah. That's right."

"See? I told you I was listening."

"B-but it was supposed to be a trick question."

"What can I say? I'm hooked on you, Moondancer."

"A-and you don't think that's weird? I'm not exactly... desirable."

"That's not true at all. I think it's really cool how passionate you are about this stuff. Not a lot of people... er, ponies, are brave enough to do that. Especially on a date!"


"I'm glad you feel confident and comfortable enough to have conversations like this with me, even if we are at a fancy restaurant."

"...Have my children."

"I'm sorry?"

"N-nothing!" She shakes her head somewhat violently to clear her thoughts. "Fine. I believe you. You think I'm 'incredible' or whatever."

"Hmhm! Glad to see we're on the same page!"

It's at this point that a waiter drops off the bill, which you happily cover.

"You don't have to do that."

"I wouldn't be a gentleman otherwise."

"Oh, so you're a 'gentleman' now?"

"As much as you're a 'high-class mare.'"

The two of you stare at each other for a moment before you both fall into a laughing fit. Your laughter echoes throughout the building even as you walk through the front door and into the dark Canterlot streets, slowly making your way towards Moondancer's house.

"Thank you for tonight, Anon. I had a lot more fun than I was expecting."

"Same here. I'm glad Twilight introduced us."

"She can get on my nerves sometimes, but I'm thankful to have her around. Especially if it means I get to have you around." She blushes once more and looks away. "Sweet Celestia, I can't believe I said that."


Eventually you reach her doorstep, and she turns around to face you once more.

"Well, it was nice getting to go out with you. I only wish I had more time to tell you about Marineford!"

"How about I read it on my own and get back to you on it, eh? Besides, I haven't even gotten a chance to tell you about anime yet."

"What's anime?"

"You know those experimental 'films' they've been showing in Manehattan?"

"Oh, those black-and-white moving picture things?"

"Yup. It's like those, but in color. And broken into twenty minute intervals." You lean in a bit closer with a grin on your face. "And the stories they tell are oftentimes adaptations of manga."


"It's true!"

"Y-you can't just leave me hanging like that!"

"I guess that's motivation for us to go on another date the next time I'm in Canterlot, no?"

"You're so mean!"

"Well, it's not like I can stick around forever. I have to go back home at some point, haha!"

"...Fine." Moondancer makes a pouty face. It's the cutest darn thing you've ever seen. You bend over to ruffle her mane a little bit in an attempt to get her even more wound up, but she catches you off guard when you try to do so. "But I can be meaner."

Without any sort of warning she shoots forward, quickly giving you a blink-and-you'll-miss-it peck on the lips before shuffling backwards into her house.


And with that, she slams the door, leaving you alone in the darkness with a blush on your face. After taking a moment to process what just happened, you smile to yourself and stand back up.

It seems like you met all of her standards.

Twilight has been staring at you in silence for the entire train ride home, a smug, knowing smile on her face all the while.


"She kissed you."

"H-how did you learn that?!"

"I'll never tell~!"

"...You and Celestia were stalking us all night, weren't you?"



"And where's your boyfriend, Twi?"


"I don't see YOU going on any dates."

"Th-that's... none of your business!"

Her face goes completely red, causing you to laugh.

What a nice trip.

Author's Note:

I finally managed to write a Moondancer story I'm satisfied with! :twilightsmile:

As always, I appreciate any and all feedback!

Comments ( 39 )

I can make spaghetti. :twilightsmile:

Dan #2 · Sep 13th, 2023 · · 1 ·

Beat me to it.

Moonie says "Oh, no, I got that reference! You're meeting all my standards!"

"...What is my favorite stand?"

"Technically, you never told me. You discussed a lot of stands and their impacts on the parts they appear in, but you never said which is your favorite." Moondancer opens her mouth to speak, but you interrupt her before she can. "Buuuuuuuuut, I have been able to pick up how much you like certain characters based on how excited you get when you speak about them. I might be a little bit off-base here, but I know for a fact that you like the fourth part more than any other. Judging by your two favorite fight scenes in that part, is it... Highway Star?"

Is that a....(loud noise warning)

" ...Have my children. "


Part 4 best part indeed. Moondancer is criminally underused, I'm glad you did her justice.

...I'd like to discuss several things with Moondancer.

This is so cute :rainbowkiss:.
I love how you wrote Moondancer, and of course, how you splendidly write Anon every time.
Hehee this made me feel so warm.
I didn’t know what kind of standards Moondancer would have, but this was very sweet in the end after all!


Amending Fences is up there with Lesson Zero and Luna Eclipsed and my other top 5 favorites.

I really empathize and relate to her, even moreso than Twilight in S1 when she was at her most endearingly insecure.

I now want to see a sequel to this from Twilight and Celestia's point of view creeping around and following them, getting all giddy at the cute moments they have, and trying to figure out just what the buck they are talking about.

Also, part 5 is best. And Bad Company is clearly superior to Highway Star in part 4 anyway. I thought you were a mare of high standards, Moony :ajsleepy:


Obviously show Moonie The Slayers first.

Then, Watamote and Haganai and Welcome to the NHK. A lot of folks say it's cringe comedy, but I always wanted to be there and hug people and say "I know that feeling, bro."

yeah, you look like someone that knows about the topic shes interested in

According to the story, Moon dancer and Anon are not a good couple, don't think they last.

I've been a fan of your stories for quite some time. :twilightsmile:

I've just never had the time to leave a review until now. It'll take me some time, but I promise to review every one of your stories. That's a Pinkie Promise. :pinkiesmile:

I love that you gave Moondancer the spotlight that she deserves. I'm happy to see that she was able to bond with Anon over manga and anime. It goes to show that there is a special someone for each MLP character.

"...You and Celestia were stalking us all night, weren't you?"

Never thought that Princess Celestia and Twilight would spy on Anon's date. I didn't take them as those kinds of ponies.

I hope that you'll write some Equestria Girls fics that will have Anon paired up with a different EQG character in each story. Besides, I think that the EQG series could use some more love.

Your works are amazing as always. :derpytongue2::rainbowkiss::yay:

Good god how is it you manage to make any story so good

Moondancer facepalms.

Awfully kind of Anon to offer his palm like that. I imagine the experience would have been much less pleasant for Moondancer had she used her hoof.


"OOOOOOOH, I totally ship him and Robin! They have so much chemistry, like when they return to the Sunny on-"

…what did you just say to me? Franky and.. Robin? We need to have some words Moondancer..

If it has hooves - facehoof
If it has hands - facepalm
If it has tentacles - facesucker

"I still can't believe you two get along that well."

are getting

"Well, it was nice getting to go out with you. I only wish I had more time to tell you about Marineford!"

Check Pls.

A Bonus Chapter of anything. Examples, POV, Meanwhile and Later after the story is concluded.

All those in favor?

Twilight might not be able to get you back to Earth, but keep extolling anime to Moondancer and she might find a way. It would have to be a 2-way portal so she could bring all of that stuff back to Equestria.

It was a few days ago that you arrived in Canterlot with Twilight. You wound up in Equestria due to an errant spell on Twilight's part, and with no knowledge of how to send you home, she ended up taking you under her wing, so to speak. Now, she's pretty much the closest friend you've ever had.

Anon has had exactly 0 friends before this.

Now we need a sequel following Twilight and Celestia as they stalk keep an eye on Anon and Moondancer on their date.
Bonus points if their fake date (to be in the same restaurant as Anon and Moondancer of course) "surprisingly" ends up real/leading to more.


trying to figure out just what the buck they are talking about

Fluttershy would know. :yay:

Ah yes, certainly the high-class mare alright.

So cute, absolutely loved this fic. Now to figure out how to get Runic to write more!:rainbowhuh::twilightsmile:

I second the notion.

I have a suggestion, spin the wheel with themes of the characters' action and what he/she do?

I curse you with Make a Goddamn Sequel Disease


Sequel now plz! Or else...

Adorable! Personally, I think that she'd be into Shoujo manga, but perhaps that's something she's even more embarrassed to admit lol! Heartwarming, rather in character (if a touch more risque than the show), but overall solid. Thanks for this cute piece.


You know, after reading this, I can see Moondancer being a manga person. I definitely loved this. One of your best pieces.

"The worst she can say is 'no,' right?"

hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe oh you poor, poor, beauitul bastard.

" ...Have my children. "

I think I died laughing, That is so a Moondancer quote.

This was sweet.
Not over the top, and not full of cringe.
A fun read :twilightsmile:

" ...Have my children. "

Oh my~

"-And then Griffith, he... well, I suppose I shouldn't explain that part in public, but Guts can do nothing but watch on helplessly as-"

I had a heart attack when I read Griffith's name, man..

" ...Have my children. "


I must say, this story certainly met my standards.
Good work boss man.

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