• Published 5th Oct 2023
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Moonlit Ascension - ElLoboSolitario23

The Royal Archives never mentioned Lycanthropy being part the the coronation

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In the heart of Equestria, a land of magic and wonder, a tale of destiny and transformation was written in the celestial stars. It was a tale known to a select few—a tale of the lycanthropic princesses and their Moonlit Ascension.

Once, in a time long past, Equestria was graced by the presence of four powerful alicorn princesses: Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and Princess Twilight Sparkle. They ruled over the kingdom with wisdom, grace, and the magic of friendship.

But the full moon held a secret, known only to the most ancient scrolls hidden within the Royal Library of Canterlot. It was a prophecy—one that spoke of a unique destiny for the alicorn princesses. On every full moon, once a generation, one of the four would undergo a metamorphosis into a lycanthropic form, granting them incredible powers and a deeper connection to Equestria's magic.

The lycanthropic transformation was not without its challenges. It was a process that brought with it a slight but tangible sense of pain—a reminder of the great responsibility that rested upon their shoulders. For it was said that after the transformation, the chosen princess would be one step closer to ascending to the throne of Equestria.

In the heart of Canterlot, beneath the shimmering moonlight, Princess Twilight Sparkle felt the weight of destiny pressing upon her. She had always been a diligent scholar, devoted to understanding the mysteries of magic and friendship. And on this particular night, she felt a calling, a beckoning to uncover the truth behind the lycanthropic prophecy.

And so, with unwavering determination, Princess Twilight Sparkle set forth on a quest—an odyssey that would lead her to the archives of the Royal Library, where the secrets of the lycanthropy would be unveiled. Little did she know that her journey would not only unlock the mysteries of the past but also set the stage for the trials that lay ahead.