• Published 16th Oct 2023
  • 134 Views, 1 Comments

Nightshade: Into the Fire - JustPonyboy

Nightshade's reset the world, but somehow... It feels different.

  • ...

Chapter 2

When Nightshade closed the door, the home felt inviting and full of life, ⁣ So different from the cold mansion I remember.

He cut into the living room, where he found Bri loading a crossbow and packing a quiver into his gun bag. Nightshade watched silently for a moment.

"Hey, whatcha doin' there? I thought you liked modern tech?"

The blue mercenary chuckled, "Special order from Celestia herself. She wants me to bring in some girl from out near the badlands. An escapee from a mental institution. Don't know who she is, but to warrant Celestia's personal attention, she must be important in some way. Maybe you know her, 'name's Totoro, but apparently at the institution, she called herself Foreshadow."

Bri handed over an envelope marked with the Canterlot seal, in it was a picture of a girl in her what looked to be mid-twenties with dingy white hair, dark circles around her slate-grey eyes, and a straitjacket on.

Nightshade raised an eyebrow at the restraint jacket, "Is she dangerous?"

"How dangerous can a blind girl who isn't allowed outside time be?"

He had a point. The muscular merc was probably one of the strongest ponies Nightshade knew.

"Where did she escape from? Was she mid-transport and she took off?"

"No. They were in Appleloosa. Celestia wants her caught and brought to the castle as soon as possible." He stood and threw his bag over his shoulder, "See ya in a few days, Nightshade."

Bri left quickly. With a shrug, Nightshade continued into the kitchen. Ace was seated at the island table in the middle while Computer began cooking. Nightshade hadn't made his presence known yet and decided to observe Ace. In his opinion, Ace seemed rather reserved, constantly staring at the floor and partially hiding behind his massive wings.

Clearing his throat, he noticed Ace glance his way, "Explained the rules to our guest?"

"No need, he lives in the Castle." Computer interjected, "The rules there are much stricter than anything you could make up. The only thing I did have to tell him of was Spe-"

A blur zipped past Nightshade and stopped next to Computer, "Whatcha' making? Food for Endie and I? How thoughtful of you Computer! Oh, and Nightshade, I took care of the Timberwolf problem. They'll steer clear of... Of... Who's that?"


"Is it your long-lost son?"

Nightshade shook his head in confusion, "How could- Are you- No, it is Celestia's though. Prince Ace. He's going to stay with us for a while."

"Aww, such a cute kid." Speed came around the table and pulled up a chair next to him. "I bet it's his first time outside Canterlot. Celestia probably doesn't let you out of her sight, does she? I wonder what your special talent is."

There was a small noise that caused nightshade to move closer.

"What was that, sweetheart, I couldn't quite hear you?"

"Luck." Ace's voice was small and light, just barely above a stage whisper.

Speed's wings flapped in delight, "He's so adorable. How old are you, sweetie?"

"Well, I just turned 100 this year."

Speed froze, "Y- you- you what?"

Nightshade held in his shock and ran a hand through his mane, ⁣ ah shit, here we go again.

Nightshade stifled a smirk, "Oh I forgot to mention, unlike those who turned into Alicorns, he's a natural-born Alicorn. Horn just never grew in."

"No way. ENDIE!" Nightshade felt a chill up his spine as he felt Endie's aura enter the room, shadows pooled on a spot on the floor and Endie appeared. "This is Ace. He'll be here a while."

The deep purple pony stood rigid for a moment as Ace offered a hand to shake, instead, she just kinda stared at him before slowly taking his hand. Nightshade was beyond weirded out, everything was so normal and not at the same time.

Computer's voice cut through all the commotion, "Sorry sir, incoming communication from O'Malley. He says there's an issue that he needs your help with."


"Badlands sir. We'll have to jump ahead a few days."

All four of them rushed into Pandora, Ace stopping at the threshold of the ship's doorway. Nightshade turned around to see Ace step backward and circle around the outside of the ship and slowly step inside. Nightshade felt an annoyance bubble, but it faded. I should be patient with him.

"It's bigger... on the inside."

"We can talk about that later."

Nightshade circled about the console and snapped his fingers, causing the door to shut before pulling a lever.

Ace stepped out first into the Badlands heat like a rabbit peeking from a hole, repeatedly looking left and right. Nightshade rested a hand on the prince's shoulder before stepping past him into the dry desert-like heat, Speed and Endie following close behind.

As they began to march to O'Malley's location, Ace decided to speak up, "What... What was that? Teleportation?"

"In a manner of speaking," Nightshade said dismissively. The last thing he wanted to do was explain exactly how Pandora works to the equivalent of a child. "Keep an eye out for Bri and O'Malley."

"M-maybe I can help? I saw Luna do this one time to find a rookie guard that got lost in the garden."

Before Nightshade could do anything, Ace clapped his hands together and shut his eyes, Nightshade could feel the magic buildup as Ace then outstretched one arm and slowly staggered forwards. Without thinking, Nightshade grabbed Ace's shoulder in an attempt to steady him when he could hear voices. Ace suddenly gasped and dropped to hands and hooves, droplets of blood coating the sand.

"They're just northwest of... Just northwest of here." Ace tried to cover his profusely bleeding nose, but the other three had already spotted it.

"My god, are you alright?" Speed helped him back to his hooves.

"You two trail back and make sure he's alright," Nightshade took off sprinting, "I'll help Bri and O'Malley."

To Nightshade's relief, he didn't have to go far. Two ponies were crouched outside a cave that seemed to go underground. That's not right, dragons don't make dens in ground-level caves. Especially not ones that are subsurface level.

"Bri!" Nightshade began to call, but was shushed by the blue pony.

"Are you mad?" He motioned for Nightshade to get down, "You trying to wake the whole den?"

"Sorry. What's the situation?"

O'Malley handed Nightshade a snapped tracker dart, "Tagged the little runaway with one of those a few hours ago, much to Bri's disapproval."

"I do not like shooting a lady." He crossed his arms defiantly.

"She smashed it at the mouth of the cave and charged inside. We heard dragons on the inside and didn't want to risk taking them alone."

The mercenary handed Nightshade a gun.

"Alright then, lead the way boys."