• Published 13th Oct 2023
  • 231 Views, 7 Comments

Launching the Last Star - The Real Darkness

With threats identified and time between, Arctus can enjoy life with less violence as he pursues his own goals in tandem. However, Storms often brew quietly before advancing to land.

  • ...

More Than Violent

Arctus found himself in quite a different world from Equestria, one where there were humans, same as him. It was night, but Sunset Shimmer was still right in from of him.

As a human.

"I see, this world is like Aeternia," he spoke, "did you really think I wouldn't give chase? A Scout does not fail an assignment and you were under my protection. I intend to bring you home."

"Home?" She had turned to face him, a rage and pain in her face, "this is my home now. The Princess never cared enough to ensure my success in endeavors she first designed!"

"Sunset, you-."

"I'm taking charge of my own fate, isn't that what Aeternia is about?" She tried to mock him, earning only but a large smile.

"You are as ambitious as ever, it's very admirable," he forced a shocked look on the fiery headed woman, "in Aeternia, that's a prized trait, but without a conviction to guide it becomes dangerous. We've lost a lot of Scouts to the field, but we've lost even more to the want for power without reason."

"What would you know?! You were given a position of power in Equestria!"

"That's incorrect. It was the fruit of my training that brought me my position," Arctus was still conversing with her.

The lack of any other ponies coming through the mirror behind him by this point meant he was certainly on his own until they grouped together a plan in Equestria. Or they might be trusting him completely for this task.

"What? The one you received in Aeternia? You were still given a golden life."

And an idea struck the Master Scout, "and I'd like to give the same opportunity to you."

Quiet, silence fell over the courtyard of the school.

"S-same opportunity?"

"Join me, become a trainee and I'll help you to heights no other person or pony can climb to."

She laughed, "I already had that! Celestia failed me! What makes you think you won't fail me also? The only way to guarantee power is if I seek it out myself!"

Arctus smiled, he couldn't change her mind until this came to a head.

"Where did the crown go?"

"I have no idea, it disappeared when I got here," her teeth were bared.

"Fine, find it then. I'm also eager to see what you'll stand against me with."

Thank Celestia she had shown him more than just violence as a solution by holding him on a leash. He would show that using violence with purpose could still have desirable outcomes, the exact ways she had added to his wisdom.


"You heard me, Sunset. I can wait. I can survive here long enough," he smirked in his pride.

She smiled back, "I'll try to ensure you don't wait too long."

Arctus had his morals tied to Equestria, not to this world. He did go about easily enough, staying hidden during the days and roaming about at night. He stole freely, his sleight of hand unparalled. Aeternia had celebrated many skills and talents in compettions, even in theft. Items after the competition were always returned, and winners were even offered positions in military at time.

He wasn't returning any of the food and drink he stole, that was for him. Twilight did come through the mirror as he chose to monitor it in case Sunset would try to escape through it again to cause chaos in Equestria. He had done some spying on the young princess, finding that she would try to win the crown through a vote of some kind at the school, where the artifact ended up against Sunset's will.

Fate worked in mysterious ways.

Eventually, things did come to a head, Sunset stood outside the school, in front of the mirror with a large hammer and Twilight, along with friends resembling those of hers in Equestria confronted her.

Arctus let their conversation go and the runaway relented, dropping the hammer. A struggle for the crown occurred, the artifact was flying through the air multiple times. The Master Scout chose an opportunity he clearly saw and rushed off the roof of the school where he stood, jumping to the ground and springing forward.

"Arctus! Help us!" Twilight called and with a swiftness, he secured the crown in his left hand, drawing his spear.

"Wh-who is that guy?!" A low masculine voice growled at him. A single look at this freckled skinny man and he cowed his head down.

"I told you I would wait, Sunset," the Equestrian runaway grit her teeth, "Twilight, I need you to trust me."

"Wh-what are you going to do, Arctus?" A doubt gripped her.

Arctus drew his hand with the crown in, "trust me. I know you command me, Princess, but just trust in my actions."

"W-wait, you have your own personal knight?!" Rarity shouted, "why hasn't he helped us before?"

"Are you sure he's on our side?" Rainbow followed.

"That's Master Scout Arctus, if anyone is on Equestria's side, it's him," Twilight explained with a sigh, "go, Arctus."

He tossed the crown directly to Sunset Shimmer who fumbled it as she caught it.

"Arc-!" He rose his spear and pointed it to the six who tried to shout at him. He walked to the mirror and stood in front of it while Sunset stared at the crown and then him.


"Is it not part of your plan?" He posed, twirling his spear once before holding it out to his side.

"Why help me?" Sunset still didn't understand.

"Because I'm going to rip the weight you don't see off," Arctus looked to the night sky, beginning to attune with visions of grand feats of wisdom and the incredible power of a perfected utopia and the magic that came with it.

He watched as Sunset did not wait to put on the crown after his words and a large flash of blue magical flame envoloped her, when it disappeared a hellish creature of red skin, demonic eyes and wings floated in the air.

"Hah, you've become a devil of the fourteen hells below Aeternia," Arctus smirked.

"Arctus! Do you know what you've done?! You've doomed Equestria!" Twilight shouted at him.

"I still breathe, Equestria isn't doomed," a star appeared in the sky, pale purple, flashing pink. Arctus stared right at it as the mixture of colors descended to him as a pillar of light.

"G-gi-girls, we-we gotta go!" Twilight started shepherding her friends into the school building, watching from behind brick and windows, the girls protesting and asking questions the entire way.

"Powerful Bakta!" Arctus began, "I ask for your magic to fill my vessel. Grant me the power to force my foes to cower in your name! Give me the means to crumble away all that must be dusted away!" He spoke the invocation prayer that Discord imparted to him.

Sunset attempted to fire a blue ball of heat at him, it fell short of his spear now held by skin tainted a pale purple. Sunset's jaw fell open at his now pink eyes, sclera letting off a glow.

"Is this the extent of your new power?" Arctus mocked, lifting his spear and rearing it back, letting incredible amount of mana build in his tightened hand.

A great rage of blue magic bolted to him just to be redirected into the sky with a wave of his hand. This was Bakta's glory, magic and understanding that transcended this world.

Arctus lifted his spear and thrust the point forward, the cold fire jetting in a great gout, singing and freezing the floating devil. The magic was fleeing her at the ability of his own flames, many seconds went by before the crown atop her ahead severed from the warped flesh and she reverted back. The Master Scout rushed her down, the flickering ice halting its stream. He caught the weakened Sunset Shimmer, having put his spear away. His skin changed to its usual color and eyes returned back to the steely grey he had.

He gently put the defeated onto her feet, "you couldn't best me in Equestria. You couldn't best me here. Do you understand now?" He directed to her while Twilight retrieved her element from the grass.

Sunset looked downtrodden, even when she had attempted to seize her fate with her own will she failed. The Equestrian nodded to Arctus.

"I'll offer you an opportunity. Become a trainee, I'll show you to proper elevations and the real steps to reach them."

"A Scout?!" Twilight shouted, walking to him and pointing a finger in his face before inhaling, "every pony in Equestria had said you were just a violent creature that Celestia pointed at monsters, that's what they all said when I was a filly."

"And now you're seeing me offer the same opportunity to learn," He turned away from the princess and back to Sunset, "it will not be easy and you may even die, but this can be your purpose and where your ambition will drive should you accept."

"Are you sure she can be trusted with the knowledge you have?" Twilight questioned him.

"I'm positive. If an eager guard and a failing seamstress can be turned into ponies with glory, then Sunset can follow that hard path of secrets, too."

The night went quiet, no voices present while Sunset's eyes scanned over Arctus. She looked to every weapon he carried, every piece of equipment and pouch on him, every hair in his brow. Was she supposed to say no? Could she even say no to him? Could she even handle what saying yes meant? This is the path that lead Arctus to such power, she didn't know if she could survive it herself.

"Yes," she croaked an answer out.

"We'll get your equipment sorted and I'll handle your weapons training and other skills until you to come into the field with me," Arctus turned around, treating this offer as casual at he would an order given to a Scout under him, "come, trainee Sunset Shimmer. We have much to do."

She sheepishly followed behind him, glancing at Twilight. The fresh royalty still didn't understand how to handle what Arctus had just done.

He headed through the mirror without hesitation. Sunset took a moment to inhale before she followed him.

And on the other side, a welcoming party awaited him.

"Thank Equestria you're back before the portal closes," Celestia and run to Arctus, hugging him tight, "I don't know if you were aware of the three day limit."

He returned the gesture, tangling his fingers in her mane, "Celly, I have a guest."

And Sunset had just came out of the mirror, appearing as the same unicorn who had left, Celestia charged her horn.

"No, she's with me. She's a trainee now," the others present in the room didn't quite know what that meant, except Cadence who let her mouth form an astonished 'o'.

"She's...she ran away from Equestria, devised a plan to come back and overtake us. And now you're wanting to make her into a Scout?" Celestia slowly let go of him.

He smiled, "Aeternia is a land without mercy, Equestria is a place that knows forgiveness. My people value the kind of ambition Sunset has and I can help her temper it into a worthy purpose," his words had an underlying meaning.

"I see," she let a small smile creep into her face while she looked at him, "this is something necessary that you have to do, I won't argue," the Princess of the Day looked to her old student as Twilight came out of the mirror behind them, holding her crown.

"Sunset, I'm no longer your mentor and you no longer my pupil. I hope we can be on better terms some day. Art's not the easiest teacher to be under, but please show him respect."

"He already earned it in our first duel."

Arctus breathed out, "I trust I don't need to write a report?" Celestia nodded in agreeance and turned her attention to Twilight behind them, "come, Sunset. Introductions should be done before I end my day. Tomorrow, regardless of how late it is," he walked out of the room, Luna and Cadence following after him and Sunset, "Scout Stitch should be in her own room."

"H-Hey, what's up with those nicknames?" Sunset started with the first pressing question.

"You mean between Celestia and me?" Arctus clarified and she nodded.

"Oh, Sunset, many things have changed before you were last in Equestria," Cadence began, "Shining Armor and I are married now, but before that an even larger wedding happened between Arctus and Auntie Celestia."

"Hold up, you're married to the Princess?!" Sunset blurted in the quiet halls of the castle. The Master Scout held his hand up, showing the ring on his finger, "did you not see the odd necklace she wore?"

"The celebration was even more wonderful. We're a fan of how Aeternia hosts their special gatherings," Luna joined in, "Master Arctus, when you have a moment, before the end of the night, please come and find me within the castle gardens. We've perhaps located another star."

"Thank you, Luna. I'll be sure to happen by," he waved the blue alicorn goodbye.

"Master? How did that happen?" The next question.

"I didn't see it, thankfully, but when Luna returned, after Twilight and her friends freed her of Nightmare Moon," Cadence began, "she didn't see eye-to-eye with Arctus' being present as they last saw each othe rin very negative circumstances. Let alone of the relationship Auntie 'Tia has with him."

Arctus cleared his throat, "so in Aeternian fashion, I challenged her to fight as freely and without restraint in a duel at the Castle of the Two Sisters. That's where she had lost to me in our third battle, the first being a little unfair as I caught her off guard, the second as Nightmare Moon."

"So, she respects you now because of it," Sunset mumbled as the three went down the halls.

"Sunset Shimmer, I'm actually glad you're back, you seem like you've already changed. I'm hoping we can give friendship a better try," Cadence voiced, leaving in silence after.

Arctus came to a stop in front of a wood door and knocked loudly. The door opened soon after to show the earth pony clearly off duty, "Master Arctus, welcome back. Please," she trotted away from the door leaving it open and allowing him to walk in with Sunset in tow.

"Scout Strong Stitch, we have a new trainee. Meet Sunset Shimmer, I'm sure you know of her from reading my journal."

"I do, nice to meet you, Sunset. I hope you're as promising as Arctus' logs write you out to be."

Sunset stared at Arctus, "you wrote about me in some kind of diary? And positively?"

"Don't be too surprised. Every Scout is mandated to record daily logs into a journal. It's filled with secrets and techniques no other Aeternian or pony is privy to. So you naturally wound up in it and you earned some of my admiration when you challenged me so openly to a duel and the ways you fought me. That's why I even allowed you to follow me to Klugetown."

"Is it wise to take her as a trainee?" Stitch addressed Arctus.

"This is where she was always meant to be, winning glory alongside us. Stitch, may I bother you to guide her to my old chambers? I have one last errand for tonight before I can rest," Stitch nodded, "thank you."

Arctus had arrived in the gardens, being deeper in them and at a clearing of the well maintained plants and trees.

"We're glad to see you could make it," Luna's horn lit with magic.

"I would not miss seeing another star of the Eight. I only need to know three more of them before I'm ready."

"Based on your list, this would be Lun's star, known for his strength and animalistic tendencies," Luna spoke as a orange star appeared in the night sky.

"I had my doubts if you would be able to do this...if it's really Lun, then Ezith and Atti remain," he looked to the sky, trying to focus on the star as best he could.

"How do you intend to connect to it if you don't know him as you do the other heroes?" Luna questioned.

He breathed in a deep breath. Strength, raw power, fury from nature. Lun was reckless, acted on instinct alone and never dawdled. He was an opposite in personality to his favored Kamna.

Arctus' throat rumbled, softly at first, then it grew into a roar from something deep inside him. Like rage of an animal behind a padlock.

The vermillion star sparked in the night sky as if to recognize him. Arctus could feel the curse in his blood begin to flare, blood.

He had the urge to spill blood and a bright orange light laid over the section of the gardens the two warriors were in.

"Arctus, you're not looking well. We suggest to stop attuning with this star for now."

"That's him," he heaved a breath, "Lun. I know him, he is the rage I felt when Silver was fallen," his aspiration dropped and lifted a great intake of air, "the need to rip limbs off those who kill my comrades," Arctus was fighting hard to leash himself again.

A Scout's bloodlust unleashed would be a disaster across Equestria They were sent away when they could no longer collar themselves. Sent far from Aeternia to meet their end on some unknown land by some unknown fighter.

He felt an urge to pounce toward the Moon Princess before the light rescinded. Arctus clenched his fists shut, lowering his head and letting his breathing fall back into his control.

"We see that these Eight Heroes hold much sway over whoever conspires with them. They directly affect your mind, Arctus. We wish you caution for future stars," Luna peered at him with curiosity and fear. She was the only pony who felt the soft limits of his combat prowess.

And saw the hard limits of his capabilities.

"Yes, they do, each one has their own personality," he slowly exhaled, trying to lower his heart rate, "Lun is an animal in human form, exactly how everyone says," Arctus looked to the Princess of the Night and placed a close fist over his chest, lowering his head, "thank you, Luna. You've brought me closer to finding my own identity."

"We're glad we could assist. Please do not lose the self you already are."

He nodded to her, "have a good night," and took his leave.

He had left Celestia the moment she rose up the sun, parting with just a kiss after he got his gear on, still her previous words rang in his head.

Be gentle with her, she was my entire purpose once upon a time.

He could honor that to an extent. Arctus stood at the training yard, guards already doing drill strikes. He had pulled one aside to a fence post practice arena. He held a simple wooden sword and Arctus had an assortment of practice weapons out.

He was awaiting Sunset with a guard pulled aside just for her.

"Are...are you fighting me?" The pegasus eeped out.

"Did you want me to?" Arctus looked to him with a warm smile, the pegasus' face paled, "I'm only teasing. You're not fighting me," he pointed to the orange unicorn coming their way, "you're fighting her."

"S-S-Sunset Shimmer?! She's a master of magic!"

"Relax, she's not using magic," the Master Scout looked to Sunset.

"So," she sighed out, "I'm here. Now what?"

"You can try to show some respect to Master Arctus! He gave you a sec-."

"Quiet," he demanded the pegasus to stop speaking, "I give nobody second chances, they create the opportunity to become a Scout. Select a training weapon, I want to see what you know. Remember, not a single spell," he gestured to the fence post with wooden implements laying on it.

Sunset walked over, picking up a longer hand and a half longsword with an almost bored look before she smirked, lifting a wood saber as well, holding it in her right hand.

"Ha," Arctus began to laugh, "hahaha, that's one of the hardest fighting techniques and styles to learn," he calmed himself, "I look forward to the day when I can duel you, trainee," he looked to the guard, "your name?"

"H-Hammer Down."

"Hammer Down, take a shield and get in position," and the guard followed his orders, "stay there, defend, do not attack," he looked to Sunset, "be wild. Show me your current prowess," Arctus lef the fenced arena, hopping over while Sunset teleported in.

The Master Scout leaned on the fence, "well? Begin."

Sunset crashed the longsword down in an overhead swing, blocked by the guard's longsword and then his shield on the following up swing. The saber followed with the same upward arc, but snapped back after it bounced off the shield, landing on the guard's longsword, just barely. Sunset slipped the saber past the wood longsword of the guard, pinning a thrust into his chest and spinning to drag the wood blade then across his chest. The longsword in her left hand crashed into his shield arm and she rushed him down, unbalancing him with her own body weight, the wood sword landed on his neck lightly.

"I knew the state of the guards were pitiful, but you've only blocked, not even parried. I said defend, but do not attack," Arctus sighed, "suppose if you want someone trained to be the best," he took a wood spear and small axe, hopping the fence, "Hammer Down, you're dismissed, return to drill practice," the other guards looked disappointed, glancing at the duel arena.

Hammer Down sheepishly flew out of the arena.

Arctus held the wood spear in his right hand and the wood axe in his left, ensuring there was a small beard on it with his eyes, "you have promise, changing through from a cut to a thrust is not something many fighters figure out on their own. Come, please attack, I won't harm you despite what our first and second battles were like," he beckoned her with the small axe.

And Sunset advanced again, taking a wide swing only for arctus to redirect her blow to the other side, interfering her other weapon and swing, his axe cracked just below her neck on her back while he lunged forward.

"Your exagerrated attacks supply you with power, but not speed in your attacks I can see where you are going and have plenty of time to plan my offensive to the point of a killing blow. Keep your weapons closer to you, strike swiftly, leave no openings between your chains and defense," Arctus took a stance again, "come, learning how to strike and kill is the most important ability of a Scout."

"Why do I learn this then? I can kill with my magic."

"Oh, so you're that powerful? Please, strike and kill me now with it. No holding back."

She smirked at her chance to get back at him, he didn't even hold his spear that absorbed magic. An especially quick and strong bolt of magic left from her horn, heading to his head. Arctus batted it up further with the wooden spear, the wood exploding and sending splinter as he hit it. The small axe smacked the top of the bolt and redirect it to its caster, the axe also now ruined.

Sunset put up a shield that cracked from the force of her own magic, "point taken," and she readied her weapons.

It would be a long day of training.

The sun was setting when Celestia paid a visit to the training yard, observing Sunset and Arctus in the wood ringed arena.

Arctus was turning aside blows, but Sunset wasn't leaving as many openings. He was even turning things up in difficulty, moving faster and even sidestepping her strikes altogether or playing games with her range.

"You know, I think you might just have what it takes to wield both those weapons together."

Arctus saw both weapons close in on each side of him and he outstretched his weapons, moving in to tackle, but Sunset had already stood on one hoof and lunged forward, kicking him back into his stomach, "damn, you're getting very creative. I don't want to teach you what I know in terms of attacking, you're already capable now after a few points of improvement."

"You implement criticism at an incredible rate."

Celestia hummed quietly, observing while she remained out of Sunset's view. Arctus was fully aware she was there and that she watched him get beaten out of a clinch.

"The next time to find your weapons tangled and you come out winning, capitalize on that opportunity. There is no better moment to kill an opponent locked in combat than when you force their guard down and slow their possible defense.," Sunset nodded, smiling wide in her pride.

"We've been training all day, you certainly look exhausted, but I want to observe your defenses before we finish. I need to have some ideas of areas for improvement. If you seem proficient, we'll be going into the field soon enough and we'll start live weapons training."

"L-live weapons? You mean metal and sharpened blades?" She stuttered.

"Yes, a Scout must be capable of taking pain and staying in the fight with no hindrance. I'll also see that you duel Savus and Scout Stitch. Weapons ready," he ordered and Sunset lifted her weapons from her sides and put them in front of her, the saber tilted a little out while her longsword was directly in front of her.

Arctus breathed and he tossed the wooden axe to the side, taking the practice spear with both hands, the guards who were of the fifth group to be practicing that day looked over. The present princess smiled lightly.

He attacked slowly, letting most of his motions be seen and telegraphed by Sunset who pushed aside his lunge and then blocked the end of the wood spear with her longsword. He swapped his application of force and she blocked the spearhead that was sent as a mittlehau to her face. He changed through as she had done and attempted a thrust past her longsword, being pushed down toward the ground. Were he wielding a sword of any kind, he'd be compromised.

A spear had two business ends in the hand of a proficient wielder.

The butt of the spear was bashed into the top of the unicorn's head and Arctus backed away, "you seem to have knowledge of swordfighting, but in a Scout's work any weapon can be used against you," Sunset shook her head, fading away her daze from the impact, "I've seen what I've needed to, I'll have some trainings planned for tomorrow. Dismissed," she nodded to him.

"Thank you, Arctus."

"I want to see you grow into someone or somepony you can take pride in again. The right way," he referenced to their first meeting.

Sunset turned around, staring at Celestia with wide eyes, "how long were you watching?"

"Oh, just long enough to see that Arctus underestimated you and that you overestimated yourself. Perhaps I did try to lean you down an ill-fitting path or pushed you in ways you did not need," Celestia relented for the sake of possibly knowing the new pony her old student was becoming.

"That's a bit of an underhanded compliment," she groaned back at the princess.

"Sunset, please give Arctus a difficult time in any sparring that you do. You don't need to impress anyone anymore."

"I disagree," the Master Scout argued, "she needs to impress herself again and again," Sunset looked to him almost in shock. In her head, nobody, nopony could oppose a Princess' words so openly, "and I hope you give me the opportunity to unhook myself from some chains for your safety."

She gathered herself and smiled, "I will, you can count of that," and her pride resurfaced, but without the pretentious words that were there the last time he heard it.

"Go get some rest, wash, treat any bruises as you need to."

A sharp screech came tearing through the sky, "you know she's been anxious with your sudden departure for a couple of days," Celestia spoke up, "she barely talks to me but she still sleep atop our room on the top of the tower."

"I'm still not used to knowing you two are married," Sunset voice and Asarele came down to the training yard, looking like the proper polar bird its mother once was. She landed next to Celestia who shivered at the now frigid air, "what the hells is that?" Sunset blurted.

"Asarele, my companion," he looked to Celestia, "I suppose I will be back late to bed, Celly," Arctus hopped over the wood fence.

"She needs you as do I, don't worry over it. Enjoy your hunt, maybe I'll force Sunset to spar me until you return," she laughed as he climbed atop the giant avian, standing on his own two feet.

"Is that a challenge?" Sunset voiced louder than her usual volume.

"Oh? You're still as unafraid of me as ever, treating me like we're on equal grounds," Arctus smiled at Celestia's words, "I was only kidding. I don't think Arctus would approve despite me knowing battle like my sister does."

"Leave her to me, Celly. She has a lot of glory to win and a lot of learning to do. Fly," Arctus directed his last word to his companion. Asarele trilled and they were off the ground, heading to the Everfree Forest.

And that next morning, the two were at the training yard again and Sunset still showed up.

"Have you had thoughts of leaving?" Sunset shook her head at his question.

"No, this has already proven fruitful to me."

"Pleased to hear it. We have live weapons today, please take them," Arctus' special spear laid along the armory wall a ways off, but he still held a fully steel spear in his right hand and his spatha in his left.

Sunset picked the saber and longsword up, teleporting into the arena, "we're practicing defense today?"

"Yes," Arctus rose the spear up, his hand holding it in the center, "there is more to defense than just blocking. As a trainee, you aspire to be a Scout. A Scout wastes no energy in combat, which means you will not stop my force, do noy block, but parry each attack and look for an opportunity to counterattack," he raised his spatha, "this is not for attacking you today...yet, it will be used for my own defense, so please battle as if it were not there."

Sunset took the stance she did yesterday, "well? I'm ready."

Arctus thrust his spear forward slowly, allowing it to be knocked aside and stopped Sunset's Saber, flying it over his head, he attempted again, far faster and recovering from the deflect she performe dquick enough to parry her longsword away with his spear, "you're going to have to work hard today."

Arctus had trained Sunset for a solid week when he made the decision to take her into the field. The two of them actually went to Klugetown. The whole city had made a return and became civil but corrupt. Especially so with the reign of a new ruler over it. Sunset hid with him behind a dune the two once took up a short residence at.

"This place seems familiar, I remember when you made such a mess in front of this fortress. Now it's a city," she pointed above to the wooden structures and even airships that came in and out of a skyharbor.

"This is...unfortunate, none of us thought they would build anything here. Sunset, take note of those banners, that's a potential threat to Equestria, but we can not act yet."

"But we have an element of surprise over them and with both our skills we could cleanse the entire city."

"You're ambitious," he smiled, "this is something I'll give report to Celestia on, but first we need to gather information on their plans."

"Wait, so we're going in there?" Sunset sounded excited.

The Master Scout locked his eyes to hers, "you listen. I've seen the way you fight and how quick you've improven under my training sessions. I believe you capable of becoming a Master Scout. I've already lined a suggested target for when you're ready to ascend to that title. If this goes well, I'll agree to administering your Scout exam."

Her mouth parted and she whispered, "you think I could be as strong as you?"

"I didn't say exactly that," he upheld his pride, "we're going to be crumbling a kingdom in there. We stick together until we find out why this place exists here."

"Then we split up?"

"And kill everything in there. Genocide is not something many Aeternians are capable of, could you handle committing to that? Others see it as the greatest offense in warfare."

Sunset was quiet at his words for a while, looking over the fortress, "for Equestria, I can. But why do we need to take this all down?"

"Because the kingdom behind it is a large military force very much like the kingdoms Aeternia terminated."

Sunset nodded.

"Follow my lead," there was a surprising lack of guards for this rebuilt place, it was more like an entire corrupted slum town. Wood was built onto the stone to provide better shelter and more buildings.

Arctus used his enchanted boots to climb the walls, a starry sky was above them. The dark covered Sunset's self-levitation up the wall to place herself next to him. The Master Scout drew out his bow and grabbed an arrow. The trainee with him did the same, having her own equipment along with a small knife and hatchet.

He leapt from the walls across an empty street and onto the stone roof of a building, he pointed to a tall tower that attached to the skyharbor, banners of an enemy hung down.

"We're going there," he turned his head to look at Sunset, "without killing if we can avoid it for now."

"Arctus? Master Arctus?" Sunset whispered before they continued.

"You see something I don't?" His head was swiveling about again.

"Who is Atti?"

It was not a question he expected, she shouldn't know any of the Eight, she's never read his logs. She wouldn't know unless she talked to Luna or Stitch about them.

"Who told you that name?" He backed away from the edge of the building, meeting her in the center to stay completely out of view.

"Nopony did. I hear him in my head, he's casting a telepathy spell."

Atti, he was the best sword and shield user in all of Aeternia, there did not exist a single blow he couldn't stop or overturn. If he truly was reaching him, did that mean he was labeling a chosen?

Let alone an Equestrian he was speaking to, she didn't even use a shield beyond the bucklers she wor to cover her front left hoof and leg and her right upper leg.

"We'll speak on this later. If he's really Atti, heed his instruction. We're in the field and we have a task to complete."

"How would I know it's him?" Arctus began stepping back to the dge to race across the city and he peeked back to her.

"He'll know your heart. Any of the Eight know their favored's hearts and what they hold in them. The sources of their ambitions. We've got a city to paint."

Arctus was first in the tower attached to the skyharbour, having muscled his way up and into an open window after listening close. Sunset followed him without using magic as he requested.

His hunting knife and hatchet came into his hands, his right hand holding the hatchet. He gestured to one of the humanoid ape like creatures, just like the spy he murdered in the woods around the castle.

He gestured to her hunting knife and made a motion to relay the murder she needed to attempt. It stood staring out of a window at the skyharbour that connected on the floor below. They were easily a hundred or two hundred feet high, far above where sounds could be heard outside the tower.

Arctus took a quick peek around the room while Sunset slithered her way behind the creature. He noted the open hatch that went lower and he carefully peeked down it, ensuring his head slowly entered the square with minimal area revealed.

Empty. He shut the hatch quietly and heard the very quiet puncture of flesh and whipped his head to see Sunset's hoof right at the front of the creature's neck, knife deep into it. He raced over quietly and spun, hacking his hatchet deep inside the creature's neck as well, severing a lot of the thick flesh. There were some gurgles, but it eventually began to fall and Arctus slowly lowered it to the ground to reduce sound.

Sunset's eyes were locked to his face.

"We can speak softly. You crossed a line other ponies never cross, only Silver Spike and Strong Stitch have," she didn't respond to his words, "what are you thinking? Is this too much for your conscious to handle?"

"I...I can do this. I know what's at stake."

"You're doing this for more than Equestria," he smiled wide at the trainee, "we Scouts do this for glory also."

She still stared at him, "so I ask...is your conscious telling you to stop?"

"I can't believe that I've just done this."

"Good, so you have no moral qualms. We have an entire tower and harbour to murder before we start poking around, so let's get started."

Author's Note:

I'm likely going to make a separate story following Sunset's development as a Scout, this story is nearing its conclusion that I've kept away long enough. I've had dreams of the last climax in this series.