• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Seven Fates

That girl that writes things you may or may not read. TG stuff, probably. Avatar of my batpony Evening Script by baladeAdvent.


In the six years following the ETS Pandemic, the town of Riverview went from having a waning population comprised entirely of ageing humans to a bustling city housing human and pony alike. It became a hub of magical research and even the home of a cultural renaissance. Then, one day, it burned.
For a time, ponies and people alike were left scrambling to rebuild their lives. Many lives were lost, and families wanted answers. The pony that many said to be the most influential in the Shimmerist cult had even renounced her faith and created a schism as a result.
There was a lot of hurt to be healed. In honour of those who died and those displaced, one pony idol streamer would drop her last PV. It would be her career's last hurrah, for a nonprofit cause, and she would't have it any other way.

This short story is set in the Pandemic Universe brought to life by ASGeek2012. An Ode to Riverview is set specifically after the events of Halira's Pandemic: Monsters We Make, starring characters from Pandemic: of Twins and Tails. Although it is highly advisable to read Monsters We Make first, this one-off does not specifically require much knowledge from Twins and Tails.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

Nice tribute to Riverview.

Hallelujah is actually one of the key songs I have for Sunset Blessing, along with Promisedland, This is My Fight Song, Amazing Grace, and The Rose.

Then I imagine she'd probably have something to say about the cover and its lyrics if she ever heard it, probably more if she ever saw the PV.

it's about time to get back to them

" Now, there was a spell Shimmer unfurled, That made ponies and it broke the world. But you don't really care for magic do ya? It brought, night, earth, and pegasi, Unicorns and tears to my eye... The uplifted did cry out Hallelujah!"

???: well i didn't think i was doing that much...
Oh screw it thanks!
I know i did a lot of bad then but ill make sure
I keep on Rising with Harmony

She isn't fond of memories of that day, and she avoids the Monument as much as she can, only visiting it once. It is just extremely painful for her to think about. That doesn't mean she doesn't think about it, she does, and often, but it is always with a feeling of deep guilt and shame.

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