• Published 29th Nov 2023
  • 2,179 Views, 222 Comments

Brilliant Sunburst - David Silver

Sunburst was the official crystaler. It was his job to help care for the young princess, and he had grown used to and even enjoyed the task. It was a pity, if one asked Flurry Heart, that he lacked a little trait that'd make him the best foalsitter.

  • ...

11 - Will They, Won't They?

Starlight was facing the door when it opened. She was smiling. It was a forced smile, her cheeks aching from the effort. "Sunburst! Good to see you back."

"Good to be back." She looked Starlight over curiously. "Is something wrong?" Their eyes darted over the area. "Did something break? We can fix it."

Starlight's smile eased a little towards natural. There was Sunburst, just being... a peach. "Nothing broke." But that they were eager to fix whatever was bothering Starlight meant something. "Where did you go?"

"The palace." Sunburst pointed the way. "Um..." She fidgeted with her hooves. "Um, can we... talk?"

Starlight hiked a brow. "Aren't we doing that right now?"

"Yeah... Yeah... Technically, I guess, that is right." They laughed nervously. "Technically. Um... Starlight, I realized something."

Starlight leaned in curiously. "Something good?"

"Something good, I think, um..." Sunburst buffed at their chest with a hoof. "Something good... Um, looking good today."

Starlight recoiled at that, glancing in the mirror. She had done her best to straighten herself, but she felt like a mess. "Thanks!"

Sunburst rubbed behind their head. "Um... I'm no... good at this... So I'm just going to say it and then you can tell me if I sound very dumb."

Starlight blinked, focusing on Sunburst with new intensity. "You, dumb? Doubt it." That was her job. "You go on. I'm listening."

"Alright... Don't be mad..." Sunburst shuffled in place. "But... I like you."

Starlight skewed an ear off. "I like you too? Sunny, we're friends. Good friends, I hope. BFFs!" She offered a hoof and soon they were hugging gently. "Thank you for reminding me, but was that the big reveal?"

Sunburst laughed nervously. "I like like you, Starlight. I, um, would like... to court you."

Starlight hopped backwards as if Sunburst were living up to their name, hot as a sunburst. "What?! I..."

"If you're mad and want to leave, I under--"

Starlight popped a hoof in Sunburst's mouth. "You shut up."

She drew the hoof back just to replace it with her snout, touching nose to nose, staring into Sunburst's idea. "Damn you... I've been... thinking stupid thoughts, thinking you'd hate me forever, just to come home and tell me that? That you feel the same? No fair! Not even a little fair. Shut up and kiss me."

But neither was entirely sure how to proceed. They gazed at one another longingly, but no lips touched.

Sunburst let out a nervous laugh. "Go on."

Starlight raised a brow. "Same to you."

Sunbust poked her in the chest. "Is this... your first time?"

Starlight colored savagely across her face, heart pounding. "Y-yes, okay? I never kissed a pony like that..."

"What a releif."

Starlight blinked, stunned a moment. "Why are you happy about that?"

"Means I'm not alone." She grabbed Starlight and drew them closer. "So let's start with easy things." She smooched Starlight's cheek, then again, on her snout. "I like you, Starlight."

"That word feels wrong." She returned fire, kissing Sunburst on their nose, then on their throat. "I don't like you, Sunburst. I love you. I've loved you as a friend. I pined for you. Like is too weak of a word, Sunburst. Do you love me?"

Sunburst pinned their ears back. "On the spot..." But they kissed Starlight on the shoulder, nipping and working along towards their neck. "I... love you. I love the pony you are, were, and will become. I love your magic. I love how you share it. I love... you."

Their lips met in their exploration, and they didn't fight it. That was a pitfall they were ready to fall into, each other. Their forms melted as their nostrils softly flared, taking in each other's scents as they nestled closer and closer.

Sunburst sighed shakily, drawing back just enough to rest her forehead against Starlight's. This close she glimpsed entire galaxies swirling within those stunning purple eyes. How had it taken this long to fall headlong into wonder this world held?

"I can scarcely believe this is real..." she murmured. "After the chaos of everything lately, I assumed any deeper desire was just a one-sided fantasy."

Starlight answered by claiming her lips fiercely once more. Sunburst yielded blissfully to fate's sweet assertion. This mare would accept no dismissal of her feelings. They had wasted enough seasons questioning the rays shining plain between them.

When they finally parted again, Starlight kept determined hold, refusing to relinquish the miracle she had seized. "You underestimate your radiance, my heart. Never again, okay?"

Sunburst's answering smile glowed through lingering tears. "O... okay..." She let out a tired sigh. "Okay... Wow..." She felt over Starlight with questing hooves. "Is this what it's like? This is... new, but not in a bad way."

Starlight snickered. "Seriously?" She smooched Sun's cheek. "Seriously? This isn't a magic experiment. We're not taking notes here." She leaned back a little. "Since we're already hip-deep in confessions... Can I make another?"

"Yeah?" Sunburst struggled to imagine what Starlight had left to say. "Um... Whatever you have in mind. Whatever it is... Tell me."

Starlight leaned in, eyes smoldering. "I think your new, old, form is sexy as hell and I want it to myself forever. Nopony else can have this. It's mine."

"Oh." Sunburst froze as if their operating system had just run aground, locked in processing what Starlight had just said.

Starlight bit her lip as seconds stretched on, smile turning sheepish. "Er...too strong out the gate there? Didn't mean to short circuit your brain..."

She backpedaled a few steps, cheeks flaming. "Let's just pretend I didn't go all possessive cavemare there! Got a little overwhelmed in the moment, heh..."

When Sunburst still stared mute, something protective flared in Starlight afresh. She swept back in, cupping Sunburst's face resolutely between both hooves.

"Look, the only claim I'm staking here is to be whatever you need, however this works out..." Her voice softened fervently. "Someone to walk each discovery with wonder hoof in hoof, for as long as you'll have me. However much or little that means is your call, Sunbeam. Your trust is sacred."

She gently bumped their foreheads together with an affectionate nuzzle. "So take all the time you require to set the pace shining truest for your spirit, and I shall weather every tempest raging around us in guarding that radiance dear one."

Sunburst rubbed at their cheek a moment. "So..." She curled a hoof at herself. "You... like this? I mean, I like this, a lot... But it's kind of... strange."

Starlight cocked a brow, backing up to look over all of Sunburst. "I see a mare with a little extra." She reached out, batting at Sunburst's beard. "This doesn't scare me. A mare could grow one if she had her heart set on it." She rubbed the soft fur covering her own chin. "I like mine where it is though."

Sunburst smiled gently. "I like yours where it is too... Um, but..." She threw a hoof towards her back end. "It's not a normal arrangement, is it? You're okay with that?"

"You seem to be more worried what I think about you back there, instead of up here." She grabbed Sunburst by the cheeks, rubbing them between her hooves. "Because I love this, and that, and everything in the middle, so there."

Sunburst exhaled deeply, tension releasing its grip further as Starlight patiently made space for emotions unfolding. However she now presented, at least one pony cherished the full picture gazing back appreciatively.

"I suppose old doubts sting sharply as, um, new things start..." She winked playfully. "Shall we drown them under some offensive magical splendor then?"

Starlight's eyes lit up as Sunburst strode purposefully to fling the front door open, beckoning her partner to the crystalline countryside beyond.

"Oooh yes please! I want to see what you can do when you're going all out!" She practically pranced after her love. "Bring on the magic!"

Laughing, their horns ignited in tandem, joyful brilliance wreathing the peaceful city. They trotted as one to the arena to at least make that a touch less peaceful. Bursts of magic brilliantly lit the horizon as they tried new spells, eagerly putting to practice arts that Sunburst had only read of before then.

"Sunburst!" Shining strode onto the field, deflecting an errant shot with his trademarked shield. "Starlight!"

Both stopped to look at him. He sighed with some relief. "Good... Are you trying to scare everypony? I had no less than a dozen reports of strange things going on..."

It was at that moment he took a real look around. Flowers more than four times their usual size, mushrooms big enough to maybe take a nap in, and butterflies with pony faces... "You two... have been busy..."

Starlight flashed a bright smile. "It's been fun!" She raised her hooves to clap. "If you don't like it, give us something to do. Something magic. We're both ready to spread our arcane wings and fly." She lifted into the air, held up by her own magic.

Shining shook his head slowly, then focused on Sunburst. "Are you flying too these days?"

Sunburst shrugged, not even winded from their magical escapades. "No personal flight yet... but Starlight's working hard to fix that."

She playfully hip-checked her partner, eliciting a yelp as Starlight's concentration broke. Shining swiftly caught the cursing mare in his telekinetic grip before she crashed down through the mushroom patch.

"What in Tartarus is even happening here??" An aggrieved voice carried over swelling crowds of puzzled onlookers roused by the light show. Through the throng strode an imposing long-coated mare scowling at the chaotic scene.

"Ah, Inspector Vex!" Shining waved a hoof in greeting. "Just an, er...impromptu skills assessment by our arcane specialists - no trouble!"

The inspector eyed him flatly. Starlight gave a weak chuckle. "We, um...might have gotten a bit carried away. Our bad?"

Sunburst sighed, lighting her horn to begin damage control under Vex's unrelenting stare. "Sorry, um, sir."

Vex glared at Sunburst specifically. "You are well known. Crystaler, scholar... prized for both." His tone did not sound complimenting. "But now you turn your knowledge to this?" She waved at the slowly receding chaos that Sunburst and Starlight were cleaning. "I expected better of you, sir."

Starlight slid between them. "They aren't a sir anymore."

Vex cocked a brow. "I don't care what they are. I meant that as a generic term of respect. Something I owe you none at all."

Shining laughed tensely. "Let's not get into any fights over--"

"I am a wizard!" Starlight stomped a glowing hoof on the ground. "You don't have to like me, Vex, but I won't be casually dissed like that."

Sunburst slid past Starlight, trying to take the spot ahead of Starlight. "We'll be better, promise."

Vex rolled her eyes. "See that this is true." she turned to Shining. "Sir. I'll keep an eye on them."

Shining laughed awkwardly. "They are friends. Let's not get too--"

"Sir." Vex leaned forward. "Practicing magicians represent an inherent risk." The crystal mare buffed her chest. "Friends or not, they will be watched. The Crystal Empire deserves safety, and that means we do not allow rogue magicians to do as they wish."

Vex watched the subdued group a lingering moment more before turning sharply to address murmuring crowds, voice crackling with authority's cold command.

"Street entertainment is concluded, citizens! Resume your business in orderly fashion." Her sharp nod set guards briskly herding puzzled ponies along. Authority shifted realities casually it seemed - no matter what fantastical feats one might achieve, bureaucracy churned on.

Soon the arena showed little signs of the previous magical mayhem unleashed save a few errant wild daisies stubbornly cheerily sprouting. The same might not be said for memories imprinted or tensions planted...

Inspector Vex eyed the cowed companions sidelong, words clipped and precise: "Quaint light shows are one matter friends, but I trust we understand implications if less...whimsical applications arose?"

Without awaiting reply, she strode off, crystal guards sliding neatly into watchful formation flanking her exit. The Empire stood guarded first and foremost, brilliance be damned...

Author's Note:

Well, he's a buzzkill... On the other hoof, they admitted it, and even kissed! 9/14

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