• Published 2nd Jan 2024
  • 529 Views, 4 Comments

Saying Goodbye is Hard - Lulamoon-Crystal

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The only chapter

It was a nice morning in Zeyphr Heights. In the palace, the young princess, Pipp was in her older sister's bedroom. On the bed rolling around with a doll of hers. Soon stopping and looking at the wall. Looking at a poster of a parkour pony, her sister looked up to. She even started doing it herself. But of course, safely. Like not on high surfaces and making sure there were no dangerous objects. Like her mother commanded.

As Pipp, looked at it, she thought of what her mark would be. Wondering if she'd get it after her sister, or before. “I belive I am gonna get my cutiemark on uh… Music! Thats right! Thats sounds right! Doesn't it, Zepherina?” She asked, thinking of a beloved singer of hers. She just loved her music. It sounded so… Much like she wanted to sing too. Almost rolling off the bed to look at her sister. Who was on the floor, writing things down. On some familiar paper. Ugh. Was it their Homework? “Sis?!” She groaned, wondering why she bothered with sich boring stuff.

“Not now, Pipp. This is important!”

Pipp pouted and rolled off her bed. Onto a large pillow on the ground, pouting. She fixed her mane up and slowly made her way over to Zipp to see what she was doing. Making sure she wasn't becoming a boring pony.

“Are you doing… Homework!?” Pipp exclaimed, sounding very offended for whatever reason. The maths, science, history homework were just so boring and pointless. If there was not enough time to do it in class, then do it the next day. How hard would that be? Homework is just a bunch of extra stress.

But she’d admit that music and art homework wasn't too bad. English homework where she had to write a story was not so horrid either. But homework is just so pointless.

”Because I have to, Pipp.” Zipp brushed her aside, ignoring her as she wrote down the answer to a history question. "The teachers gave it to us to do!"

Pipp read the question and groaned loudly. “Really? They could have added this question about the duck war on a worksheet tomorrow! What is the duck war anyway?”

Zipp rolled her eyes and ignored her rambling. Until there was a knock in the door of the bedroom.

”Girls! I got you both a surprise!”Their mother, Queen Haven said with a smile as she peeked into the room. She looked excited, herself.

“A surprise!” Squealed Pipp as she jumped up. Eyes full of joy, tail swaying and ears pointing her mother. Next to her was Zipp who had just gotten up, with a slight smirk.

“A surprise!” She asked. “I wonder what it could be… Hmmm…” she looked at her mother for any clues of some sort. She wasn't hiding it behind her back. It seemed like she was blocking the view of it with help of the door. So it'd have to be a pretty big toy if it was one.

Was it a mini skatepark? Or some sort of RC car? Zipp personally preferred an RC plane or something that could glide through the sky like she longed to do. A skateboard would have also been pretty cool. Or a science kit of some sort. She had her own ant nest kit. That Pipp accidently destroyed recently.

Pipp herself was reallt hoping some sort of tiara. Or a cute dress. Or even a pony doll where you could style their manes and tails. Zipp did not see the point, preferring RC cars and sporty or sciency stuff. But it was rather cute seeing Pipp unwrap a present and squealing in joy upon getting a “Lil Pony” doll based on a character she liked.

Both girls thought hard on what it could be.

“I’ll like you to meet-“

Their thoughts were soon interrupted by a small yap noise. The one who made it soon ran into the room playfully. It was so tiny, white and fluffy!

”A puppy!?” Exclaimed the two sisters at once.

”Indeed“ the queen smiled. “He’s a cute little fella. The vets say he’s just two months old…”

“Awww…” The two sisters said in unison. Their eyes going wide as they looked at the innocent ball of puff. He barked playfully as he threw a ball around and chased it. Almost stumbling. So innocent, small and clumsy.

Haven was so glad her duaghters liked the puppy. She was yet to tell them how she found him. An abandoned puppy who had had barely even opened his eyes yet. He was cold, wet and crying for mother. No one came at the time, so she took it to herself to be the one to take him under her wing.

Of course he was not weaned at the time. She didn't really know how to care for a puppy so young. So she handed him to a vet, so they could do the proper care before he was of the correct age. But she visited him daily, watching him grow. He bonded with her quickly too. Almost like he knew she was the one that saved him.

She had given him the nickname of “Cloudy” She was excited to get him to meet her daughters.

Now it was finally happening.

Haven snapped back to reality by Pipp's exclaim after she threw the ball for him to catch. “What’s his name?!”

She paused a bit and smiled at their eager expressions. It seemed they were excited to give this fella a name. They were looking up at her with excited expressions. Loving this surprise so much!

She was ready to hear what they'd come up with. “I think we can all agree on something special, together.” She smiled at her daughters who both jumped in joy. They talked amongst themselves about their ideas, before facing their mother once more.

“I like Puffball!” Exclaimed Pipp. It’s so perfect! Haven smiled at this idea. He sure did look like a small puff ball. But her other daughter had a different idea.

“Well, uh… I think Cloud kicker could be cool…” She said. Haven recognised this name. Zipp had suggested naming him after a character's pet in a story series. She likes to read. It seemed so anyway, could have been the name of some sport player. She did watch them occasionally. She did disagree, however. The name was not fitting for him. But she complimented her anyway.

“Like your favourite hoofball player?” Asked Pipp with a roll of her eyes. “He’s too cute for that.”

“Hmmm…” Through Haven as she looked down at the puppy. She had a name on her mind. It was like a combination. ‘Cloudy’ could easily be a nickname for it, too.“I think we could combine those two names! Why not Cloudpuff? He looks like a puff of cloud, doesn't he, girls?”

“Oh yeah!” Pipp exclaimed. “Thats an even more perfect name for him!” She jumped with excitement, “Oh! I could just make a song or something for him! What do you think, Zipp?”

“Oh yeah. It is pretty fitting!” Zipp agreed. She didn't mine her idea being chosen at all. Maybe Cloud Kicker would have been a better name for a less small, fluffy and cute dog.

The three ponies smiled as they watched Cloudpuff run around the gang. He clearly lived his new home and his new owners.

Years later

The palace was calm, the sun was reaching through the windows. Many royal guards had also just started their morning shifts, getting to their places or heading towards their duties. One guard, named Thunder stood in front of the door of the queen’s room. Taking a quick peek in to make sure she was fine. She was peacefully snoring, her dog, Cloudpuff curled up next to her.

Smiling, he slowly closed the door just before his partner, Zoom arrived. Looking serious as usual, before she could ask if the queen was alight, she shushed her.

“It's so adorable. Cloudpuff all curled up on his own cushion and sleeping mask.”

Zoom rolled her eyes a bit and smiled as she stood by the door. Happy to hear it was all going well. It was nice to know they were both getting good sleep. The queen was rather stressed lately.

But the peace and quiet wasn’t gonna last longer…

Inside the room. The queen let out a yawn as she woke up, stringing her forelegs and wings as she took her sleeping masked off. She slowly goy out her bed and opened the curteins. The light shining down on her bed, she smiled peacefully as the sunlight hit her body. Her regalia waiting patiently for her on her vanity nearby. But she didn't focus on that now. She wanted to tell her companion on what her plans for them today was.

Cloudpuff was still sleeping peacefully on her bed. He’d have woken up by now, but he was ill lately. He had lost weight and seemingly had some sort of personality change. He wasn't as playful as he usually was. He was slower and was more aggressive about his food. It was a stressful time for her. She still remembered the time she took out a treat and he took it so quick and aggressively. It had given her a fright when it happened the first time, as she had hardly even taken it out the bag.

Same with a bone. He had nipped a royal guard on the leg simply before he walked past him when he had a bone as a treat. Usually, he’d just ignore the guard. If it was one he liked, or the guard offered to pat him. He'd abandon the bone, no problem.

Days of him being aggressive with any food he had. The lack of flying, the swollen stomach and slower movements over the last two or day finalised her decision, she took him to the vet. Filled with concern. The vet had told her grevious news… Any pet owner would dread to hear. So she made sure to do all she could. So he’d get better.

Because he was, wasn't he?

But Haven did, however worriedly look at Cloudpuff, he wasn't moving much. “Oh Cloudpuff! It’s time to get up. You want to go to a photoshoot today?” She offered as she took off his sleeping mask. Not a flinched, usually he’s make a yawn. Or jump around yapping if she took off his sleep mask while he was sleeping. But he didn't move an inch.

”Cloudy?” She said, heart dropping as she stared at him. His skinny, frail, sick body. Nothing. “Oh Cloud-“ He eyes widened in horror as he touched his body. She could feel his bones, like before when he was losing weight from his illness. But… He was ice cold. It was almost like she was touching a fluffy blanket on top of a giant ice cube.

It can't be. Can it? No…

Tears appeared in her eyes as she shakingly took him into her arms. Careful as if he was a baby. “C-Cloudpuff?” She said softly. It was as he was sleeping. But his body was numb and cold. No movement. His body moved like a ragdoll. Lifeless. Tears run down her eyes as she shakingly looked at him.

The halls echoed with a loud cry of despair. Every guard who heard wasted to time to make their way to the source. Believing the queen’s life was at stake. Most of them were prepared for this. Whatever they had to do to protect the queen.

Zoom slammed the doors open and rushed in, Thunder nervously taking a peek, hurrying in with a few others when they arrived. One of them was growling while the other two had stern expressions.

“Hey!” Zoom shouted, expecting to see a criminal. But soon softened up when she saw there was nothing dangerous to be seen. She gasped softly as her ears lowered. The other guards also softerned up and looked more concerned.

Queen Haven sitting on the bed. Sobbing as she looked down at something, facing away from the door. “Your highness? Is everything… okay?” She kept a formal expression as she approached. Being one of the queen’s top guards. She believed she had to stay formal and professional on duty no matter what. With a few exceptions, like smiling when the queen was singing or enjoying the mask ball.

“Your highness?” Thunder asked in a worried tone. Looking the saddest of all the guards. Almost like he knew what was happening. He joined Zoom while the others stayed at the door.

The two of them went farther in. Making soft gasps as they saw what was going on. Cloudpuff was in her forehooves, lifeless. Their hearts dropped as they saw this, knowing how much the queen loved him. But he was now gone… Thunder felt a tear escape his own eye.

“Z-zoom?” He whispered as he looked at his partner.

Only silence followed. At the door, the other guards worriedly stayed what was going to happen next. The silence was long and filled with sobs. No one spoke, they allowed to queen to speak.

“I-I’m so sorry…” She wiped her tears with a hoof. Blowing into a tissue from a tissue box Thunder passed her. “I- I really- I can’t belive he was gobe so soon!”

Zoom and Thunder didn’t leave the queen as she sobbed hard, in case she needed anything. They stayed by her side in case she had any kind of order. She knew the poor thing was ill, but she really hoped he’d make it…

”I-I really th-thought h-he’d.” The queen sobbed hard, looking down at the deceased dog she loved. “My p-poor poor C-Cloudpuff.”

“H-he lived a very wonderful life… I bet he was so happy to have you as owner and knew his life couldn’t get any better…” Thunder said, trying to cheer her up a little

“I-But… I-“

“You tried everything. It wasn’t your fault, your highness!” Zoom responded. “If I was him. I would not have asked for any pony else to be my master.”

Haven kept hugging Cloudpuff. Hopping he was still alive somehow. Even if all evidence daid he was dead. It was the end of his time. Thunder wiped some tears from his own eyes. He wanted to hug her so hard, but that’d be sort of rude. Perhaps. Since he is a guard and she is the queen. So he felt it’d be better to ask first.

“Do you want a-“ He was interrupted as he lifted a hoof. Followed by Haven who put a wing around Thunder and Zoom. She pulled them close for comfort as she cuddled him. Knowing that she’d have to let him go.

“We… We need to tell my daughters… it’s right they know… But…”

“We can inform them on your behalf…” Zoom responded.

“No..” She wiped her eyes, cheeks soaked with tears. “I- I want to be the one to tell them… Can you tell them to come here? Alphie, too.”

Thunder and Zoom nodded in agreement and left to give the queen some alone time. She had to let go soon. It was going to be hard. But as she looked down at his once playful body, she cried out loudly, screaming before sobbing loudly into his fur. Wanting to hear him bark again.

Her sobbing was loud and would be considered un-lady-like. But screw that. She couldn't help it. It was almost like it would never end. Her gasping and sobs were consistent as she wished for him to be alive again. Anything.

In the throne room, the queen sat on her throne. Sobbing loudly, Zoom and Thunder by her side, if she needed anything. Cloudpuff’s body was laid in his favourite blanket nearby. Ready to be put in a casket. But not before Zipp and Pipp having one last look at him. One last goodbye.

She wished if she called his name, he’d come running or flying towards her. Yapping playfully. Jumping for treats. Or just doing anything in general. But she knew if she called his name… He would not come. Tears could not stop coming from her eyes.

If only he would come.

“Cloudy…” She said in a very hurt voice. “Cloudy, why?” She could not stop hurting.

Her two duaghters, and a few of their friends came running in. Each one looking very concerned.

“We came as fast as we could!” Zipp exclaimed. Panic in her voice. But she wqs clearly a whole lot less panicked that Pipp.

“Your highness! Is it anything we can help with?” Asked Sunny, with respect, who was equally concerned.

“I have sad news for all of you…”

She felt horrible seeing the group’s faces just drop. They looked completely shocked and hurt. They never thought theyd have to hear this at the moment. But they did.

When Zipp, her sister and friends got the news. Izzy decided that she wanted to make Cloudpuff the best casket ever, while being respectful and not too un-funeral like.

So, they were a bit busy at the moment. Haven only trusted her daughters, friends and a select few guards with the corpse.

Alphabittle was in the kitchen making some of Haven’s favourite tea. To help her during this hard time, he knew what loss felt like and wanted to help her any way he could. Within a few minutes, Zoom felt the queen put a hoof around her and pull her closer, sobbing into her fur. It was clear she didn't like it, unknown to the queen.

But she simply dealt with it, knowing she needed her at the moment for comfort and wasn't gonna push her away. What harm was a bit of tear-soaked fur going to be? Silently, however, she wished Alphabittle would come quicker. So she would sob into his fur instead. Or that Thunder was the one standing slightly closer to the queen and not her. So she’d reach for him instead.

But the queen needed comforting. So if she chose her for comfort, then she chose her for comfort. She was going to be there for her. Giving her comforting pats and listened to her rambling on how he was the perfect puppy for her. She smiled a bit. Her crying slowed down slightly.

When he arrived, she finally let go and thanked him softly and looked at her phone. He sighed sadly. Zoom briefly looked at the big soaked mark on her shoulder. Not realising a pony could cry so much tear to soak something so easily. The more you know.

Alphabittle sighed a bit as he watched her take a sip. “Poor buddy, I really had my hopes up there.” he sat next to Haven and grumbled softly. “I… I wish I could have done something to cure his illness…”

She put a hoof on his shoulder, “It’s fine, Alpha… You did all you could..!”Tears ran down her soaked face. “I just wish he- Oh! Cloudy… My sweet cloudy…” She sobbed as she hugged him. Longing to hear his sweet bark. Or feel his soft fur. She filled with dread as she tried to accept the fact he was gone.

Her face perked up as she heard a yapping noise. Mascara running down her face, she looked around as her heart beat rapidly. Then her ears went back down, as she realised it was just a video she was playing on her phone. She forgot she was watching videos and viewing pictures of Cloudpuff…

Thunder, Alphabittle and Zoom were there for her…

Until Izzy came with the casket. Like she said it wasn’t too flashy. It was a duller version of Cloudpuff‘s favourite colour. According to the queen. It also had a lovely painting of Cloudpuff with a smile on his face, along with a few flowers around him. There was hardly any glitter anywhere. It was simple and sweet.

“Is this okay?” Izzy asked sadly. She wiped some tears from her face.

Pipp could hardly talk between sobbing. “I love it!” She exclaimed waiting to hear her mother speak. Zipp was quiet, tears running down her face as her ears dropped.

Haven allowed tears to start pouring again. “It’s perfect…”

She looked at Cloudpuff as Zoom carried him to the casket. Haven following, watching him get put in. Petting him for one last time. Inviting everyone else to give him one last pat if they wished.

Everyone had shed a tear. Even Sparky cried, even tho he was confused on what was happening. He knew it was sad.

Sunny put a hoof on the casket and sadly stared at the casket. "Losing a loved one is hard. Saying goodbye is hard." She paused. "So is dealing with loss. Dealing with grief is a bumpy road... That eventually gets easier..."

Ponies from all over Equestria had came to attend the funeral. It was in one of the gardens out the place. Dedicated to certain pets. The crowd gathered in respectful accessories, sitting down, facing where the Queen was. Next to her were Zipp and Pipp. The former was wearing a black scarf around her neck, obviously she was crying. But not brawling like her sister. Who was wearing a black veil and dress. Eyes puffy from the crying. Hardly focusing on her phone at all.

The queen’s top guards carried the casket towards the front as funeral music played. Thunder sniffled a bit as tears ran down his cheeks. His partner, Zoom looked like she had being crying. She admitted she liked Cloudpuff. That cute, silly dog was a lil annoying at times but… He was so sweet when he wanted to be, so cute…

When they made it to the front, they put the casket down and made it to their seats. That’s when Thunder broke into tears. Having a hard time to control his emotions. His partner, Zoom, wasn't upset with him. She simply comforted him.

When everyone was seated. Haven started a speech. Her voice cracked as she cried. “My sweet Cloudy, I only met him when he was a week old… He was the joy in my darkest days.”

There were tears in the audience as they listened to her speech. Zipp’s speech and Pipp’s little song. A remix of the first one she made about him. Within the same month they got him.

Haven ended it with a sigh. “Love your pets, everypony. Because you never know the day they wont be with you anymore.” She then paused. "Goodbyes to your loved ones are always hard..."

Comments ( 4 )
JD1 #1 · January 2nd · · ·

I've lost two pets my entire life growing up. It's never easy.

I lost my two dogs in a year and a half stretch. Both times it was the hardest day of my life. This story certainly resonated with me.

This story is well done, struck a cord with me, and I hate you for that

If this chapter is the only chapter for this story, then why is the story status still on incomplete?

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