• Published 22nd Nov 2023
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Trials of Sarah: A New Mark: Alternate Equestria Adventure - Zipp Storm

Sarah and her family joined by Sunny and the Mane Six will journey to another Alternate Equestria to save its inhabitants from a powerful enemy named Grogar to bring back the Magic of Friendship and a long lost Princess whom has lost all hope.

  • ...


Later that night, Sarah was in the Dome with her whole Family, sleeping against Winter. Everything was peaceful in the Dome in Dreamland, which was interrupted when they were all transported to the Dreamscape.

“Huh? The Dreamscape again?” Sarah quizzed looking around.

“Ponchita?/Princess?/Sweetie?” Sarah turned and saw her human family (real and adoptive) in the Dreamscape along with Meraxes, Dreamfyre, Seasmoke, Caraxes and Meleys.

"Sarah? Everypony?" another voice came and the group saw Edge Blade, Sunny, Izzy, Pipp, Zipp, Misty, Hitch, their pokemon and the Mighty Ones,

"Sunny? Everyony?" Sarah blinked in confusion.

“What’s this place?” Edge Blade questioned.

"It's another dreamscape, like when Zekrom first sent us to Equestria during the journey to find Mom and Dad." Sarah answered.

"So this could be Zekroms' doing again?" Zipp questioned intrigued.

“Not quite….” a voice came before the group saw Dialga, Palkia and Giratina once more and surprisingly Sol, the Spirit of Knowledge!

“Sol! Dialga, Palkia, Giratina?” Sarah gawked, "What are you doing here again?”

“Dialga and I have been keeping watch over other worlds and we’ve found one in desperate need of you and your familys’ help, Princess.” Palkia started.

“Tis an parallel version of Ancient Equestria where Twilight and the Guardians of Harmony ruled before Opaline ruined everything they created. However, this alternate Equestria has taken over by a great evil and its Princess, Twilight Sparkle has fled in shame and failure. She needs your help to take back her home and defeat evil.” Dialga added.

"An parallel Equestria ruled by the Twilight Sparkle!" Sunny squealed with delight at the sound of that.

"Wow." Pipp breathed.

"Sounds great!" Izzy chirped.

"Great. Another Parallel Adventure." Silvally griped, disgruntled.

“So…whose the baddie this time around?” Mai asked.

“It’s great returning evil known as Grogar and his forces, the Troggles. They’ve captured most of the pony and other creature inhabitants and have enslaved them leaving only a small number of them free which are building a resistance. They are seeking any members which could help them and we believe you and your family can help them greatly since the Magic of Friendship has been lost due to Grogar’s tyranny.” Solgaleo explained.

Izzy gasped dramatically, "That's like what Opaline accomplished in our Equestria."

“Looks like you got the adventure you asked for, Silvally.” Starfire replied.

“Looks like another Equestria could use some help from its downfall too Island Girl.” Race quipped.

“O-Okay, but how can we get there, without disturbing dimensional barriers?” Sarah quizzed and the Deity of Time, Space and Anti-Matter.

“I have the solution to that…” Palkia replied before he brought forth a large mult-colored crystal.

“Woah….what is that?” Race asked.

“This is the Paradox Prism. It’s holds power that matches my own, allowing others to travel to alternate dimensions other than using my Pokemon Gem. With this, you can all travel to alternate Equestria and back without breaking any barriers.” Palkia replied as the crystal floated in front of the group before breaking it into four shards.

Separately the shards are equally powerful and yet hold a unique ability. The red Prism Shard can power robots and machinery. The green Prism Shard is capable of creating and promoting vegetation growth. And the blue Prism Shard is capable of creating lightning, whirlwinds, and storms. And the yellow Prism Shard is capable of Invulnerability. The purple Prism Shard can transform rocks into plants and fruits.Together they can allow travel through space and access to different alternate dimensions.

“Woah…” Sarah and the Mane Seven gasped in awe at the shards' separate power before Palkia put them back together and infused with Sarah’s Unity Pin.

“Once the mission is completed the Prism will unfuse with your Unity Pin. Once you enter this world, you must defeat Grogar and his army before you return back. Good luck to all of you and be careful.” Dialga added.

“Well…alright then. Everyone ready?” Sarah asked and her Family and friends nodded (including Claudia, Evergreen, Tectonic and Sakura, who wanted to join them on this adventure).

"Let's do it!" Zipp grinned.

"Ready!" Hawlucha smirked.

"Yeah!" Pipp nodded.

"As long as there's no dirt." Swanna squawked happily.

"We're ready." Sunny agreed.

"Let's save the world again!" Siren snorted determinedly.

"Hoof to Heart!" Izzy cheered.

"Friendship is Magic!" Maractus cooed.

Pressing the Unity Pin, it sent out a dimensional beam which opened a portal to the alternate Equestria before Sarah and her family jumped in together before it closed.

“Good luck, Princess.” Sol and the Creation Trio prayed.

Traveling through the portal was a breeze before they came out into a large valley. Tsukumaro, Sarah, Race, Nikki and James were in their pony forms as were Doug, Delilah, David and Donna.

Donna and David's attire changed to match their new pony forms (both of them Alicorns like their children) and they all kept the brownish fur trademark with their black (David) and chestnut brown (Donna) manes and tails medium sized and colored same as their hair Donna’s had small circular gems and diamonds in them.

“Huh….Interesting...." Donna (former queen) blinked awkwardly.

“Woah…nice pony forms! Nya.” Skitty grinned before lightning crashed from above, spooking her. The skies were darkened with clouds and lightning bolts coming out at some points and the lands seem depleted of any natural growing grass or even trees. It looked like a devastating wildfire came through the whole area and nature didn't work to restore itself.

"Yikes." Nebby and Nebula winced.

"I sense the balance of this worlds ecosystem is devastated." Zygarde sighed grimly.

"Not a fun, fun place." Mew cooed sadly.

“Woah…depressing right off that bat.” James winced.

“Well that’s what happens when its gets taken over by a tyrant.” Edge Blade frowned.

Petunia, Tempest, Glimmer and Snowdrop whimpered but Cresselia and Starfire comforted them.

“So where do we even start?” Crescent questioned.

The answer came when Sarah’s Twilight Amulet began to glow - the Quest Compass activated once more for this mission. The Amulet floated a little towards the West to what appeared to be a large city at the end.

“Hmm….probably there….Canterlot.” Sarah suggested pointing to the Capitol.

Together, the family and friends flew over the darkened, cloudy skies (with the non-flying members on Drogon, Zephyr or Vermax).

Once they came above Canterlot, they peeked down, seeing the wrecked and abandoned capital city down below. Some of the buildings half collapsed and were badly damaged. And the city was infested with dangerous looking monsters - huge Gleeok (from LOZ: TOTK) - three headed dragons, Moldugas, Lizalfos and Troggles everywhere. All of them snorting, roaring, hissing, screeching and growled while the Gleeoks above roared as rather Fire, Electricity or Ice came from their three mouths.

And all of them saw lots of ponies (Pegasi, Unicorns and Earth Ponies) and all creatures (Griffins, Changelings, Hippogriffs, Yaks and Kirins) chained together and muzzled, dragging what looked to be carts filled with rocks.

"Yikes." Izzy winced.

"Scary..!" Maractus shivered.

"That's.....horrible." Hitch's breath caught in his throat while Zipp was recording all this on her phone.

"What are those things?" Zipp asked.

"Monsters Grogar brought back to life." Doug frowned.

"No way..." Sunny gawked.

"Oh my stars.."


"Oh no...." Pipp, Zipp and Hitch breathed in horror at the creatures.

"Gleeoks, Moldugas and Lizalfos from Legend of Zelds Tears of the Kingdom. How original." Shadow snarled.

“Woah, this Grogar really brought them to life?” Sunflare quipped.

“He must have Necromancy powers, able to resurrect dead creatures, breaking the line between life an death.” Tsukumaro frowned.

“There was a reason why they called him the father of Monsters as Twilight put it during history lessons with Sunny.” Delilah frowned grimly.

Misty gulped seeing how dangerous this mission was going to be but she steeled herself with her new friends.

Zooming in with her phones' camera, Zipp saw all of the ponies flanks were blank with no cutie marks and all of their eyes were dark red like they were under a very powerful spell, "They have no cutie marks and their eyes are all red....interesting..." she muttered to herself.

“Now what? This place is crawling with freaks.” Hitch quipped. "How can we find the prisoners?"

“Hmm. Most likely they're keeping the prisoners inside of the Castle. Celestia and Luna showed us all of the nooks and crannies so they shouldn’t have changed that much in this dimensions.” Doug replied.

“We can get to the dungeon and attempt a rescue missions of the prisoners.” Delilah added.

“But how can we even get them out of there even if we did get in?” Cyndaquil questioned.

“The Apparation buttons Aurora put on our briefcases. We can apparate everyone inside for their safety, including you guys.” Sarah replied.

“Huh? Us? No way! We’re not leaving you two with all those creeps!” Tou-Tou frowned.

“We can’t risk being noticed and being all together will increase the chance of being caught. Race and I can sneak in easier.” Sarah reasoned.

“At least, let us come with you, Pumpkin.” David offered.

“Please Ponchita.” James quizzed.

“Yeah, us too.” Edge Blade smirked and the Mighty Ones, Mane Eight and their Pokemon nodded.

Sarah slightly sighed seeing they were dead set on staying outside with them. “Alright, The ponies and their pokemon will come with us along with some of my Pokemon to help with the huge number of Prisoners."

"Like me and Little Sis Nebula, Mama?" Nebby cooed.

"Yes, you're size can help move a lot of prisoners whom might be too weak to move. Danny and Danielle, you come to to help with the imprisoned children. Ryu, Sefu, Drake and Tamu can aid them too."

"Rodger Captain!" Izzy saluted. "Time for maximum sneaky mode." Izzy dramatically crouched acting sneakily and serious "For Operation Breakout!"

"And what about Battling all those Troogles and other creatures and this Grogar when they catch us?" Hitch asked.

“Yeah and …..it appears their magical energies are all but gone. Like something stole their magic….” Zipp pointed out.

“Grogar must have stolen their magic….” Doug and Delilah frowned together.

“Know any magical artifact that could do that?” Harmony quizzed the pair.

"Let me look." Sunny quipped taking out her Father's Journal and flipped through the pages and found one page mentioning Grogar.

"Grogar is known in legends as the "Father of Monsters", having allegedly created dangerous beasts that plagued ancient Equestria. However, the true source of his power is his Bewitching Bell that was taken by Gusty the Great, which resulted in the loss of all his magic. The bell has the power to drain the magic of others, holding it until it is released at its wielder's behest, and is also indestructible." Sunny read.

Sparky and Petunia whimpered in fright at the sound of that artifact, "What? So it can't be destroyed. Great." Hitch groaned.

"I'm afraid she's right. However, that Bell is the main reason why he’s so dangerous.” Doug added.

“So if we get the Bell, we can possibly defeat him for good.” Pipp summarized.

"B-But w-what if he uses that thing on us and steals our magic like Opaline wants to." Misty frowned lowering her ears in fear.

"We won't let that happen." Sefu assured the scared unicorn female.

"Mom and Dad said Grogar's bell absorbs Magic, but not all of our family has magic." Sarah smirked showing her Dino Bracer and Dino Gadget.

"Right! Your Dinosaurs are naturally infused with Elements not magically, so they should be unaffective by Grogar's bell if he tries to use it on them." Zipp grinned. "So they can be a trump card for the breakout."

"Brilliant." Hawlucha nodded.

"And your pokemon are something they've never saw before. So you can use them to battle too." Delilah beamed.

"But first we get the prisoners out of that prison before we go head to head with Mister Goatboy." Edge Blade directed.

"Drogon, Sapphira, Zephyr, Meleys, Seasmoke, Caraxes, Meraxes, Dreamfrye, you guys stay high above the clouds with the other Flying Mythicals and Pokemon okay.”

“Okay.” The Western Dragons and Sapphira nodded before moving higher into the darkened clouds.

"Alright everypony and Pokemon, let's do this." Sunny nodded.

The small group nodded unaware that Rolling Kick, Skystar, Flying Blade and Long Staff were watching them all from the top of a building. “Where did this odd group come from? I’ve never seen them around before.” Rolling Kick frowned suspiciously.

“Probably with Grogar too.” Long Staff accused.

"I don't think so. Look at those ponies.." Skystar pointed to the Mane Eight, "They look completely different from the ponies here not to mention those strange creatures they have. Even the dragons are different more..serpentine.”

"And you heard them. They’re going to rescue the prisoners. Something we kept thinking was impossible for moons. We should follow them.” Cross Fist suggested.

“I don’t know. They could lead us right into Grogar’s tyrant hooves.” Flying Blade frowned.

“We should at least give them a chance. We need more allies, remember?” Skystar reminded them. “And they seem to be candidates.”

“Hmph, we just observe from a distance, not engaging with them.” Long Staff huffed. Skystar and the others nodded and trailed the group in secret.

Sarah and Race apparated themselves, Tsukumaro, Nikki, James, Delilah, Doug, David, Donna (former queen), the Tomoe Squad, Phoe-Phoe, Mercuur, Absol, Xatu, Togepi, Whimsicott, Oliver, Mae Ling, Edge Blade, Sunny, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp, Hitch, Sugarcake, Sugarcoat, Siren, Maractus, Hawlucha, Swanna, Ryu, Sefu, Drake, Tamu, Danny, Danielle, Nebby and Nebula down to the ground without any creature noticing.

With the streets crawling with Troggles, Tsukumaro used the Silencing and Disillusionment Charm to make sure they were unseen and unheard. They all made their way to Canterlot Castle entrance where they could see 10 Troggles guarding the entrance, “Hmm… guards…No problem.” Sarah levitated her Dragon Blade, Moon Shield and her Deathgripper Darts into her magical grasp.

Using the Blade and Moon Shield, she fired the darts and the venom inserted into the donkey guards, subduing them into submission by putting them to sleep, "Maximum Sneaky." Izzy grinned and whispered seriously.

Pressing the return button on her Quiver, the darts returned to her before she put them into her pouch. They gang quickly entered the castle’s main level with Skystar, Rolling Kick, Flying Blade, Cross Fist and Long Staff watching from afar, seemingly surprised at what they did.

Remembering what Celestia and Luna told them about the layout of the castle. Doug and Delilah lead the way. Inside, they could see the entire castle was dark with dimly lit halls and tapestries depicting some kind of ram in the center. The group quietly followed through with Sarah using the darts to put any Troggle guards to sleep, trying not to draw attention to themselves; however, that was a bit too late.

Grogar was sitting in the throne room with holographic screens watching every in of Canterlot and his castle where the alarm went off but he didn't see anything on the cameras, but he was still angered by this, “Hmph, who dares invade my castle and take out my pathetic minions.” he snarled aggressively, "Some fools trying to plan an escape huh? Well you’re in for a rude awakening…”

“The dungeons should be here if we’re correct.” Doug replied, gesturing to a wooden door. “Hmm….” Sarah carefully opened the door and the group entered the dungeon.

Once there, Sarah and Race removed the enchantment over everyone and the group could see lots of ponies, looking frail, weak and exhausted with their manes very messy and frazzled and their bodies sporting scratches and bruises as well. All of their flanks were blank too.

"Oh my stars." Pipp breathed in shock.

"Wow..." Zipp gawked.

"Oh my god." Misty added.

"Shhh...quiet." Edge Blade whispered.

The group walked past a few of the cells in the dungeon obviously catching the attention of the ponies and creatures whom either flinched in fear or looked at them suspiciously having never saw them before.

That was before they came across one large cell with 6 ponies and a group of six creatures inside - which were the alternate versions of Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Celestia and the Student Six when they were still teenagers.

All of them were in the same shape as the others, battered, frail, exhausted looking, frazzled and exhausted and their hooves and claws were all chained to the wall via a short chain link. Plus all the ponies’ flanks were blank too.

"The alternate Guardians of Harmony and Princesses of Old." Sunny whispered to Hitch trying to contain her excitement.

“Who the hay are you?” Rainbow Dash asked with her ears down acting defensive.

“Er….. let’s just say we’re here to help.” Sarah replied slowly.

“Hmph, yeah right. You’re probably part of Grogar’s army.” Smolder accused.

“Do we look like those freaks outside? No.” Zipp deadpanned.

"Zipp's right. We're busting you out of here." Hitch nodded stepping forth with a confident frown and Sparky and Bounsweet nodded in agreement.

“Now, let’s get you out of here.” Sarah stated.

“That’s impossible. These cages are unbreakable and magic proof.” Applejack replied in a country accent. “Not even my Earth pony strength can break ‘em.”

Sparky and Petunia babbled before they leaped off of Hitch and Sarah's backs and waddled to the cages, "Awww....baby dragons.." Fluttershy cooed before the babies before they puffed out their dragonfire and turned the bars into tiny rocks.

"With....magic!" Rainbow Dash gawked in shock as Sparky and Petunia puffed their dragonfire onto their chains and freed the ponies.

“Woowie!” Pinkie Pie gawked.

“Well I’ll be…” Applejack added before a loud alarm went off in the dungeon!

“Shoot.” Sarah frowned before 40 Troggles appeared in the dungeon holding spears.

“Oh no!” Fluttershy whimpered.

Sarah, Race, Nikki, Doug, Deliah, David and Donna (former queen), spread their wings defensively to protect their friends along with the Tomoe Squad, Phoe-Phoe, Mercuur, Absol, Xatu, Togepi, Whimsicott, Oliver, Mae Ling.

Edge Blade, Sunny, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp, Hitch, Sugarcake, Sugarcoat, Siren, Maractus, Hawlucha, Swanna, Ryu, Sefu, Drake, Tamu, Danny, Danielle, Nebby and Nebula took battle positions while Misty squeaked in fright and hid behind Mabostiff whom snarled.

“Hmph… looks like we have a new intruder in our mists….” a voice came and the donkey Guards stepped aside and the group saw Grogar himself - a medium sized ram creature walking towards them. He was blue with a large set of ram horns like a Bighorn Sheep. On his neck was a red necklace with small yellow bells and a large green triangular looking bell. “I don’t know who you are or how you managed to get inside my Midnight Castle undetected, but you’ve made a big mistake attempting to steal my prisoners, going against my rule.”

“We’ll your tyranny ends now, Grogar and they aren’t you prisoners anymore.” Sunny stated boldly and confidently.

"Yeah, we're freeing them and defeating you once and for all." Zipp added.

"Hahaha! You ponies are bigger fools than before. Anyone whom defines me is instantly sentences to death!" Grogar growled. "You can't free all of these prisoners."

"Wanna bet? Alohomora!” Sarah unleashed Unlocking Charm which sent out a shockwave of magic thus unlocking the cells and breaking the chains, setting all of the ponies, changelings, hippogriffs, griffins and other captive creatures free to their and Grogar’s shock.

Grogar snarled, “You’re gonna pay for that!”

“I don’t think so.” Sarah smirked before she and Race nodded at each other and took out Chomp, Munch, Nessie and Guru’s cards.

“What are you gonna do…play cards?” Grogar snarked arrogantly.

“Big time.” Sarah smirked before slashing the card, “Chomp! Munch! Battle Dance!”

“Nessie! Guru! Come on out!”

Their four dinosaurs came out and roared viciously at Grogar and the Troggles to their shock but Grogar snarled. “Let me handle this.” Grogar snarled before he activated his Bewitching Bell to absorb the dinosaurs magic….but they didn’t have magic making it ineffective! “What?!”

"Sorry you old goat, but these guys don't have any magic to steal." Zipp smirked before Chomp roared and smacked Grogar with his tail, sending him crashing into the dungeon wall.

“Come on, all of you! Move it!” Hitch snapped at all the captives whom instantly followed the rescue group with Chomp, Munch, Nessie and Guru leading the breakout.

The Mighty Ones, Zipp, Pipp, Hawlucha and Swanna kept the stragglers behind from being separated.

"Siren, Sugarcoat and Sugarcake, High Horsepower!"

"Bounsweet, Sleep Powder!"

"Maractus, beat these meanies with Leaf Storm!" Sunny, Hitch and Izzy called and their pokemon used their moves to bashed Troggles aside and put others to sleep.

"U-Uh, Mabosttiff Uh...Snarl!" Misty cried frightened before Mabostiff launched Snarl and sent Troggles flying.

Danny and Danielle placed the weaker ponies on Nebby and Nebula's backs with Psychic to get them out.

“STOP THEM! AND CAPTURE THOSE PONIES!” Grogar called and every Troggle from the Midnight Castle aimed to re-capture their prisoners and capture the young Princess and her family with their spears aimed at them.

"Zorro and Kurma use Grass Pledge!"

"Persian and Mischief, Burning Jealousy."

"Sokka, Detect and Sacred Sword!"

"Blossom, Double Team and Dragon Pulse!" Doug and Delilah called and their pokemon launched their attacks which the Troggles had no idea how to defend again.

Magearna was blasting Focus Blast at the Troggles as well, showing her great strength and combat efficiently.

Sarah and Race fought back slashed them with their Sun Sword, Bio Lion Talon and Katana Sword.

Tsukumaro blasted Flipendo and Duro Spells from his horn while Nikki and James bucked the Troggles that came their way.

“Element Booster! Activate!” Sarah and Race exclaimed, activating their Dinosaurs armor, increasing their natural strengths and abilities. Chomp, Munch, Nessie and Guru easily bashed, crashing and smashed through the Troggles.

The prisoners were all amazed at their fighting abilities along with their dinosaurs, “Let’s move! Keeping going!” Sunny snapped and the group and all the prisoners exited the Midnight Castle, only to see a huge army of Troggles and the monster Grogar resurrected.

“Uh oh.” Applejack winced.

Chomp and Munch roared showing their horns, not nearly ready to give in, neither was Nessie and Guru.

“I don’t know what forces you’ve brought, strangers, but your rebellion ends now! Without their pathetic Princess, these ponies are nothing!” Grogar exclaimed from the castles’ balcony.

“Well you don’t know what we’re capable of, Grogar!” Sarah exclaimed, “Chomp, Munch! Plasma Anchor!”

Chomp and Munch roared as they launched two strong beams of electricity latching onto several monsters before they whipped them into the air and smacked them into the ground with great force.

“Nessie, Guru, Aqua Vortex!” Race called and his two sauropods reared on their hind legs as a plume of swirling water surrounded some of the Troggles and monsters, making them spin around at high speed before it dispersed and them fell to the ground very dazed and dizzy.

“Haha! My army far outweighs yours. You’re finished!” Grogar laughed.

Sarah turned to her human family whom nodded at her before they all called together, “Dracarys!”

At that moment several screeches were heard and Drogon, Zephyr, Meraxes, Dreamfyre, Seasmoke, Caraxes and Meleys appeared and breathed their huge plumes of fire down at the Troggles and the monsters below, incinerating them into ashes to Grogar and the rescue’s utter shock. “WHAT?!”

“What the hay!”

“What in Equestria!”

“Are those dragons?”

“Just who are they?!” Some of the rescues gawked.

Drogon and the dragons continued breathing their fire, destroying and combating the Monsters in the air, launching them onto the ground.

“Time for you guys to take a wild ride.” Sarah smirked before her eyes glowed and the dark clouds behind her gathered.


“What’s going on?”

“What’s with the clouds?”

“She controls the weather too?” the prisoners muttered before Sarah unleashed the Roar of the Elders at the Troggles and the Monsters, sending them flying throughout the city away from them with great force and power.

Even Grogar was shocked at such a display of power before him.

“See ya.” Sarah smirked before she and her family apparated everyone (including Drogon and the Dragons) away.

Grogar snarled, absolutely furious at the newcomer's show of strength. “Hmph… looks like they’ll be a problem in my tyranny. I’ll have to call in some reinforcements…”

At the same time, Grogar was unaware of Skystar, Flying Blade, Long Staff and Rolling Kick whom had witnessed the whole thing and were in utter shock.

“Did you see that?” Rolling Kick gawked.

“That little girl and those strange creatures just bested Grogar and his donkey guards with ease and freed all of the prisoners! And those…..dragons burnt them to a crisp.” Long Staff added.

“They’re strong, powerful and have creatures whom are ineffective by that Bewitching Bell. They could be just what we need to take back our home and defeat the tyrant. We must tell Princess Luna and the leaders. Quickly!” Flying Blade urged before the three rushed back to Hippogriffia.

Meanwhile, in Ponyville, everyone reappeared in the little wrecked town of the Ponyville. Chomp, Munch, Nessie and Guru came over and gently nudged their owners, “Thanks you four. You were great.” Sarah praised.

“Well summon you again if we need you.” Race added before the pair returned the four to their cards as the cloud hiding the rest of her family landed as did Drogon and the Western Dragons. Sarah dispersed the cloud revealing the rest of her and Race’s Pokemon and Mythicals.

“Okay…. You’re definitely not with Grogar.” Rainbow Dash quipped.

“That’s for sure sugarcube.” Applejack added.

“T-Thank you for rescuing us, all of you…. Uh….what’s your name?” Fluttershy asked.

“I’m Princess Sarah Tomoe and this is my family and my boyfriend, Race Konami.” Sarah introduced. “And these are my adoptive parents; Nikki and James and my real parents: Doug and Deliah and my real grandparents; David and Donna. The pokemon, dragons and mythicals behind us are our family."

Petunia babbled as she waddled over to the ponies and Futtershy cooed at her, "And that is Petunia, my baby Equestria dragon."

"I'm Sunny Starscout and these are my Pokemon, Sugarcake, Sugarcoat and Siren."


"Hey there."


"ZIpp Storm and this is Hawlucha."


"Izzy Moonbow's the name and craftings my game." Izzy smirked. "And this is my musical partner Maractus."


"I'm Pipp Petals and this is my pokemon partner Swanna."

"I'm Hitch Trailblazer, Sheriff and this is my Pokemon, Bounsweet and my adoptive dragon son, Sparky Sparkarooni."

“Well, I’m Applejack and this here is Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Princess Celestia.” Applejack introduced.

“So where exactly are you from?” Rainbow Dash questioned Sarah.

“Let’s just say we were all sent here to help your world against Grogar and his forces.” Sarah replied.

"She is so cute." Fluttershy cooed. "I've never saw any dragon like them before."

Shadow and Winter went over to the Guardian of Kindness and purred at her.

“Hi..” Winter and Shadow greeted back.

“Your dragons are awfully different from the ones we’ve seen in Equestria, Sarah. I’ve seen my fair share of Mythical creatures but never like yours. I’ve never heard of a dragon breath such fire before.” Fluttershy added.

Petunia and Sparky both let out a puff of smoke and it turned into a small flower crown. "Wow, did their dragonfire just do that?"

"Sparky and Petunia's Dragonfire Magic is very special," Sunny beamed.

"And unpredictable." Hitch and Sarah added while their baby dragons babbled at their adoptive parents before waddling back over to the pair whom took them in their arms and placed them on their backs. “And my Dragon and Mythical friends are very unique.”

“That’s for sure.” Applejack smirked. “They took down Grogar’s Troggles fairly easily.”

“Now we’ve got a real chance to take back Equestria.” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, clamping her hooves together.

“Rainbow Dash, that’s plum crazy. He took all of our magic into that Bewitching bell of his. Plus we have no idea where Twilight and Spike ran off too or if anyone else escaped his clutches.” Applejack reasoned.

“My sister managed to escape, hopefully she found other survivors and has a resistance base somewhere outside of Equestria.” Celestia prayed. "When Twilight fled, he easily stole everyponys magic it so nopony else could try to take him down and if they were resistant he’d kill the to make an example to everypony else."

“But now with you, your dragons and your…. Other creatures-” Rainbow trailed.

“Pokemon and Dinosaurs.” Sarah put in.

“Pokemon and Dinosaurs, we may finally have a chance against Grogar. All we need now is to find Princess Luna and any other survivors along with Twilight and Spike!”

“But we don’t know where she ran off too after Grogars’ betrayal hit her so hard and the poor darling was so distraught and torn, blaming herself for years that the fall of Equestria was her fault because she let her guard down with Grogar.. Grogar’s ruling may have spread into the other kingdoms by now.” Rarity stated.

Rainbow sighed, knowing it was true. Unless they had a way to locate Luna, any survivors, Twilight and Spike, part of their plan was incomplete. Suddenly, Sarah’s Twilight Amulet began to glow once more with its Quest Compass activated once more.

“Huh? What’s going on with that necklace of yours, sugarcube?” Applejack questioned.

The Twilight Amulet floated a little once more and pointed to North of Ponyville. “Looks like my Amulet wants us to go North for some reason.”

“What? How can you possibly believe that trinket?” Rainbow Dash challenged.

“It led me to you in the dungeon.” Sarah deadpanned, making Rainbow clam up. Anyway, the group followed the Amulet’s trail to the North part of Ponyville, where Sarah and her family saw a large crystalline castle - the Castle of Friendship.

"The Castle of Friendship, should have known." Sarah thought.

“The Castle of Friendship, but why would the Amulet lead us here?” Fluttershy added.

“Maybe for some happy reunion party!” Pinkie Pie suggested happily, earning sweat drops from Sarah and her family. Ignoring the Earth Pony, Sarah gently walked up the stairs and gently pushed open the large golden doors. Letting what little light remained, they could see the inside of the castle was a little dusty.

Walking through the long hallway, following the Amulet’s pull, Sarah and her family lead the ponies to a door. Opening it, it revealed six crystalline thrones with the Mane Six’s cutie marks on them and a huge crystal table in the center. “The Cutie Map?” the Mane Five quipped.

“The what?” Sarah asked.

“It’s a magical map that was connected to the Tree of Harmony, sending us on friendship missions throughout Equestria and beyond.” Pinkie Pie explained quickly. The Twilight Amulet was moving towards the Cutie Map.

“Hmm…” Walking closer to the Cutie Map, Sarah and everyone surrounded the Cutie Map before it and the Map glowed in bright rainbow colors before the Amulet sent out a white beam of light, activating the Map! Immediately, Princess’ Lunas’ cutie mark symbol and symbol of a dragon's head floated over Ponyville before they moved to the area near Mount Aris/Sequestria.

“That’s Princess Luna’s cutie mark! She’s on Mount Aris!” Rarity gawked.

“That’s where the Queen Novo and Princess Skystar live!” Pinkie Pie smiled.

“So that must be where she and other survivors are!” Rainbow added. “Let’s go get ‘em!”

“Right we can use Apparition being its the easiest way to avoid detection from that goat heads forces.” Race stated.

With the ponies agreement, Sarah and Race apparated everyone to their destined location; Mount Aris.

At said location the trio returned and informed Princess Luna and the other survivors of what they saw and they were no doubt shocked and in disbelief at their recollection.

“And these new ponies and creatures rescued my sister?”

“And all of the other prisoners of Grogar?” Luna and Long Pole gawked.

“But thats’ impossible!” Pharynx denied.

“We saw it with our own eyes. Those creatures of hers are very powerful and she had powerful magic of her one. She even summoned these creatures we’ve never seen before. Her and the boy. They easily took out the donkey guards and she managed to sneak pass them to get to the dungeon, just doing that would nearly be impossible for any creature else.” Tenner Cross confirmed.

“So where are they now?” Queen Novo asked and her answer came when Sarah and her family appeared with all of the Now freed prisoners to the surprise of the resistance.


“Aunt Celestia!” Luna and Cadence smiled bolted into her sisters arms shedding tears of relief seeing her elder sister/auntie alive. Flurry Heart fluttered over to her auntie and hugged her as well.

“Fluttershy! Everyone!” Thorax smiled. “You’re all alright!”

“It’s a miracle.” Pharynx breathed in utter shock before seeing the rescues. “And….I’m guessing this is your savior?” .

“Yes. It’s all thanks to this human and her family. Her name is Sarah Tomoe and this is her family. The ponies are Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow, Hitch Trailblazer, Zipp Storm, Pipp Petals, Misty Brightdawn and their Pokemon. They managed to get past Grogars Troggles and freed all of us. We owe them our lives.” a young Griffin replied.

“Thank you Sarah for saving my sister, the rest of our subjects and the lives of those beyond our borders.” Princess Luna thanked the young Sun Princess dearly.

“Your welcome. My family and I came here to help you defeat Grogar and take back your kingdom.” Sarah stated.

“But we need Twilight and Spike. They both went off the grid for years after Grogar took over Equestria.” Cadence replied. “They could be anywhere by now.”

“Actually….she’s here.” Queen Novo informed half-heartedly but it was shocking to the group.

“So Twilight is here!” Pinkie Pie smiled.

“Where is she?” Fluttershy added with hope in her eyes.

“She’s down at the Black Sand Beach…. But….” Queen Novo trailed.

“But… what?” Shining Armor asked hesitantly.

The Queen of the Hippogriffs sighed, “Twilight hasn’t been herself ever since she failed to protect Equestria.”

“What do you mean?” Cadence asked.

“Despite the optimism of her dragon, Spike, she’s fallen into a deep despair, losing all hope because of her actions. She’s lost faith in herself.”

“You can try to talk to her but…. Just prepare yourselves…” Queen Novo added. The group nodded, taking her words to heart.

The guards lead them to the beach below Mount Aris where Twilight Sparkle laid in despair with Spike by her side. Hearing something behind him, Spike turned around and gasped in shock seeing all his friends back!

“Applejack! Rainbow Dash! Rarity! Fluttershy! Pinkie Pie! Everypony!” The dragon ran over to his dearest friends and hugged them all, grateful they were still alive. “H-How did you escape from the dungeon..?”

“We got some help.” Princess Cadence gestured to Sunny, the Mane Five, Misty, Edge Blade and their pokemon and Sarah and her family.

“Woah…” Spike gasped seeing Sparky, Petunia and Sarah’s dragon family. After hearing Spike’s happy calls, Twilight Sparkle turned to the large group.

“C-Cadence, Shining Armor, Princesses?” Twilight gawked.

“Twily!” Shining Armor smiled going over to his little sister. Twilight put on a small smile for the first time in years as she hugged her brother.

“I-I thought you were gone forever.” Twilight breathed.

“It’s okay Twilight. We’re all okay now.” Shining Armor reassured before the two broke their hug and Pinkie Pie tackled Twilight onto the ground, “Twilight!”

“Oof! Pinkie Pie.” Twilight grinned a little as the perky Earth Pony. The other girls came around her happily, grateful to see she was alright and well along with Spike.

“We were so worried about you darling.” Rarity added.

“H-How’d you get away?” Twilight asked.

“We got some help from Sarah and her family.” Applejack replied, gesturing to Sarah and her family.

Sarah and Sunny went over to the purple Alicorn, “Hi there, I’m guessing you're Twilight Sparkle.” Sunny greeted mentally holding herself together at meeting her idol during her reign.

“Yes I am. Thank you for saving my friends and family from Grogar.” Twilight thanked from the bottom of her heart.

“Well, don’t thank me yet. We’ve still got Grogar and his forces to deal with.” Sarah stated.

“Yeah! And now with Twilight and Spike back we’ll beat him once and for all!” Rainbow exclaimed confidently.

“Yeah, but there’s one thing I don’t understand. Twilight, why didn’t you and Spike come back. We really needed you.” Cadence asked her sister-in-law.

But Twilight’s expression slowly turned glum and sad, “N-Nobody needs me…” she stammered.

“That’s true, darling. You’re a Princess.” Rarity added.

“No I'm not Rarity, Grogar is in charge now.” Twilight replied.

“Twily, he’s decimated all of Equestria.” Shining Armor replied. “There’s no sun or moon. Nothing but darkness. He had everypony his control, enslaving them, killin them. You have to do something.”

“There’s nothing I can do. Especially after what I did. I let that monster in and look what happened! Grogar took everything away and enslaved all my subjects and I couldn’t do anything about it!” Twilight declared before gesturing to the flower with only three petals left. “When the last rose petal falls, my life will end! End! That’s the spell Grogar put on the rose so there’s no hope of me fighting back. There’s no point fighting back anymore! We can’t expect to just dance around with strange creatures and befriend dragons and expect everything to work out! It’s not enough. We are not enough! Satisfied?”

“Twilight, Equestria needs you.” Shining Armor pleaded with his distraught sister.

“Nobody needs me. I’m a failure. I foolishly let in a force causing Equestria’s downfall and foolish to believe I could rule Equestria.” Twilight replied in a broken voice before throwing her crown off of her head as it fell on the ground and broke in half. "I ruined everything! There is no chance to save Equestria… and it's all my fault.”

No pony knew what to say to Twilight that would lift her spirits and give her hope to believe in friendship once more. Sunny and Sarah stepped over to her and Sunny put a hoof on her shoulder, “You know…. I’ve gone through something similar…”

Twilight sniffled and looked at Sunny, "H-How?"

Sunny sighed, "Our home used to be like yours was; filled with kindness, friendship and love, but one day a unicorn came and she divided ponykind all for the sake of taking our homes' magic. She made Earth Ponies, Pegasi, Unicorns and other creatures begin to distrust each other and forced Zipp and Pipp's Dragon Guardians; Ryu, Swfu, Drake and Tamu to created three Crystals - the Unity Crystals and the ruler took all the Magic in Equestria and placed it into them to keep everypony safe before the ruler fell at the hooves of the evil alicorn whom no one knew existed with fire magic and dark magic. Her drive for power caused the dragons of our world to become extinct cause she took their fire and killed them.”

Twilight and the others listened with intensity and shock at Sunny's backstory while the others knew she was talking about Opaline but changing/not mentioning certain things on purpose. "After that Earth Ponies only felt safe with Earth Ponies, Unicorns played with Unicorns and Pegasi of a feather flocked only together. The surviving other species seemed shelter with the Kirins. Moons passed and there was no more magic and no more friendship."

Sunny turned to Sarah, "That is until Sarah and her family came to our home and showed us the error of our ways. They showed us that friendship and love were what we were missing. It became even more true when the evil Alicorn returned because of the broken seal powered by friendship and love. She captured Sarah and drained her of her magic, but we united everypony and creature together to finally defeat her one and for all and we did it together. Because that's everyponys' true power; Friendship and love. Friendship is the strongest type of Magic there is and no one knows that better than you...." Sunny began to sparkle at her speech and she turned into an Alicorn before everypony earning a surprised look from Twilight. “When she took all for the cutie marks of Equestria including my own and my friends, no one gave up hope. Everypony united together and that’s what defeated her in the end. Now our home is safe from her forever.”

"I know Grogar betraying you hurt alot, especially because you trusted him and I wish I could say I wasn't in a similar situation but I was." Sarah started. "My Uncle was jealous of my real father and mother so he attempted to take it by selling me to have me killed when I was a two week old baby and frame by real father for it, but my godfather exposed his plot and exiled him. However, 500 years later, he returned and kept trying to kill me to take the throne, but I defeated him in two years because of all the friends and family members I made. Because that's my best self. Friendship, Love and Kindness are the strongest qualities in anypony or creature. Friendships may be tested but they can never ever be broken as long as you keep the love in your heart for everypony. And you still have that. You love your friends and family more than anything and Spike loved you - its why he's been so optimistic about returning cause he has faith in you. That's true love, not the love Grogar tried to use to manipulate you."

Twilight and the ponies were astonished by Sarah’s story. “You've shown friendship and love can defeat any villian with your friends and you can do it. Show everypony your the ruler everypony knows and loves and use it to take back your kingdom.” Sunny finished.

“But….. how…?” Twilight asked.

Sunny and Sarah turned to each other and nodded before Sunny gently touched Twilight’s shoulder and stated singing.

Sunny: Hey ponies listen to me~

You gotta hear what I’m sayin~

You’ve got that sparkle deep inside~

You’ve got a talent worth displayin~

Hitch, Sunny, Zipp, Pipp, Izzy and Sarah: We just need a little hope~

We just need a little unity~

We just need to find the ma-agic that’s inside of everypony~

Mane Six (G5): Sometimes it feels a little hopeless~

But things aren’t always what they seem~

Can you feel it, the energy~

Yeah the power is growing~

The five ponies cutie marks stated to shimmering a little before Sunny started glowing as well as she took Twilight’s hoof in her own.

All: Don’t look now, things will get better~

So hold my hoof cause we’re growing together~

We got the strength to take on whatever~

Cause we got the magic, we got the magic in us~

Cause we got the magic, we got the magic in us~

The royal siblings and the Mighty Ones gestured to the survivors of Grogar’s conquest as they continued singing.

Zipp, Ryu, Pipp and Sefu: So everypony everywhere~

Now is the time to raise your voices~

You know its time to show your courage, yeah~

And nopony’s gonna stop us, no~

All the Mighty Ones, Spike and Mane Six (both Gens sans Twilight): Cause there is hope when we’re together~

And it grows stronger when we sing~

So raise our voices in unison~

Raise our voices in harmony, yeah~

Finally, Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp, Sarah and Race’s cutie marks all glowed and their magic spread to the rose Grogar gave to Twilight and created a Together Tree instead (a symbol of true friendship and neutralizing the spell connected to Twilight) inside of the cave making it rise through the sky and into the dim sunlight acting as a beacon of hope for everypony and creature as Sunny revealed her Alicorn form sparkling brightly it greatly shocked eveyone since they never saw that kind of magic.

All of this reignited Twilight’s hope and faith in the Magic of Friendship during her reign.

Before she took to the throne her and her friends always proved that their friendship is their magic and the strongest magic there was. Even with their worlds’ Elements of Harmony gone they were just symbols of their real magic; their Friendship. Now she seeing Sunny and her friends strong belief in the magic of friendship, she saw that she lost faith in the magic that’s proven to be the winning factor in all of her and her friend battles.

All including Twilight: Don’t look now, things are getting better~

So hold my hoof cause we’re growing together~

We got the strength to take on whatever~

Cause we got the magic, we got the magic~

Just take another look, things are getting better~

We’re growing stronger, growing together~

We’ll always have each other forever~

Cause we got the magic, we got the magic in us~

The Mane Six (both generations) joined hooves together with Sarah, Race and her human family and the Princesses as their cutie marks glowed with their newfound hope and faith in winning again Grogar and freeing their country from his slavery.

Pipp, Sefu, Swanna, Sarah: Don’t look now~

Yeah we got the magic, we got the magic in us~

Pipp, Sefu, Swanna, Sarah: Don’t look now~

We got the magic, we got the magic in us~

Pipp, Sefu, Swanna, Sarah: Don’t look now~

We got the magic, we got the magic in us~

Pipp, Sefu, Swanna, Sarah: Don’t look now~

We got the magic, we got the magic in us~

Twilight shed tear of gratitude at the ponies before she wiped it away, “Thank you…all of you…” she breathed. “I thought the magic of friendship would fail against Grogar and that all hope was lost but….you all showed me again that there is still hope and that our friendship has always been the winner against even our strongest enemies even before I rose to the throne.”

“Now…it’s time to take back your Kingdom.” Sarah declared and Twilight nodded.

I’m Canterlot, Grogar was grumbling furiously at himself at the prisoners escaping thanks to the new ponies interfering with his conquest of Equestria. “Now where did that puny new Alicorn go? Once I find her I can drain her magic and make her suffer a painful death!”

“Let me go!”

”Hmm?” Grogar walked down the streets of Canterlot before he saw a few of his Troggles having Sarah pinned down with her items held by others. Grogar sneered seeing this before he stepped over to her.

“Hehe, I must say newcomer, you’ve proven to be quite a annoyance.” Grogar snarled at the Sun Princess. “I’m going to have to fix that.”

Sarah narrowed her eyes at the evil ram sorcerer. “Your tyranny will end Grogar.” she growled.

Grogar laughed, “Oh please. Princess Twilight wouldn’t be so foolish as to try and take back kingdom considering that death spell I placed on that rose I gave her. She’s broken and discouraged, she would never dare show her face here again.” Grogar’s ram like horns glowed dark red, “Now it’s time to make you a part of my army, newcomer…”

Grogar smirked evilly and was about to use the Bewitching Bell to drain her magic when a plasma blast struck Troggles behind him, stopping him for a moment.

“What?!” he snarled before seeing Shadow and Winter flying in with Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie on their backs and Rainbow and Fluttershy flying beside them.



The two Earth Ponies leaped down and tackled the Troggles holding Sarah to the ground before Applejack bucked the one holding Sarah’s gear, dropping them onto the ground.

“Here you go, darling.” Rarity smiled, handing Sarah her gear back.

Grogar snarled, “My pets, get them!”

His resurrected monsters roared at his enemies but the rest of the rebels all changed and engaged with the resurrected monsters fiercely to take back the Capital of Equestria.

“Grogar!” a voice came from nearby. Grogar snarled before he turned and saw Twilight and Spike flying together. “This ends now!”

“Haha! What makes you think you can possibly take on me!” Grogar snarled before firing a blast of his magic at Twilight.

Twilight countered with her own blast and Spike added his fire breath as well. The blasts engaged in a power struggle with each other before canceling each other out. Shadow and Winter snarled before the Night Fury rammed Grogar to the side.

Twilight and Spike flew over to the girls and landed beside them as Grogar got up. “Troggles, you worthless minions, Get in here!” Grogar yelled for his minions but no Troggles appeared. They were too caught up in the fighting snd losing against the new and improved rebels and resistance.

“Sorry Grogar, they’re busy right now.” Twilight smirked.

The Troggles were all busy trying and failing to fight against the rest of Sarah’s dragons and Pokemon family. They were no match for Zeraora’s Plasma Fists and their spears were no match for the Swords’ of Justice Scared/Secret Sword attacks.

Grogar snarled at the girls, “You still can’t defeat me! I’ve got all your magic, remember!” Activating the bell with the stolen magic of everypony in Equestria (barring Twilight), Grogar consumed himself in its magic, transforming himself into a gigantic ram, standing 60 feet tall!

“Hahaha! Your pathetic forces can’t defeat this! Just surrender and give up!” Grogar roared.

“Never!” Twilight exclaimed as her friends told by her side. “With these girls by my side, I’m not afraid of you anymore. I don’t care how powerful you are or how much power you have!”

“You should be!” Grogar snarled before firing a large beam at the girls, but Sarah activated her Moon Shield’s force field, deflecting it into the air.

“You may know us down, but we’re going to get back up again!” Twilight continued. Grogar fired another blast but Twilight defected it with her horn. “And again!” Grogar fired another beam with the same results. “And again! As long as we’re together, we will never stop trying to defeat you!”

Grogar roared in anger before firing his most powerful fiery beam at the girls but Twilight countered with her own magic, grunting at her effort before Fluttershy took her right hoof, “For our friends!” Applejack took her left hoof and Rarity took Applejack’s hoof. “For our families!” Rainbow and Fluttershy touched their friends, “For our home!”

“For Equestria!” Twilight declared and a rainbow magical sphere came around the Mane Six, canceling Grogar’s magic.

“N-No! This can’t be possible! You're magic can’t defeat mine!” Grogar exclaimed, furious.

“You’ll never destroy our friendship Grogar!”

“And we keep telling bad guys!”

“But ya’ll don’t seem to remember!”

“FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!” The Mane Six replied in unison before using the magic of their friendship and sending out a way of rainbow magic.

“NOOOOOOO!” Grogar yelled as the girl's friendship disintegrated him into smoke and made his bell fall into the floor. The Girls’ friendship wave spread all across Equestria, permanently banishing all the Troggles and his monsters once more and repairing all of the damage Grogar and his forces have done to the kingdom.

All of the resistance cheered loudly for the huge victory and the end of the war with Grogar after three years as Twilight and the Mane Six lowered themselves into the ground.

Sarah went over to the Bewitching Bell and used it to release all of the stolen magic to Equestria’s ponies restoring their colors and their cutie marks in the process.

With Grogar and his forces finally defeated, the citizens of Equestria and beyond had gathered for a special ceremony held by Princess Celestia, Luna and Cadence.

“Citizen of Equestria and Beyond…!” Princess Celestia greeted and every creature cheered for the Alicorn Princess.

“As you all know, Equestria has suffered a tyranny at the hands of an old enemy of Equestrian History, Grogar. By deceiving Princess Twilight and stealing the magic of Equestria, Grogar and his forces had taken over our fair land for several years, but with the help of a Princess from another world, her friends and her family, our Princess Twilight recovered her lost confident in the Magic of Friendship allowing she and her friends to defeat Grogar and his forces once and for all!”

Every creature cheered again.

“And now every creature give it up for Sunny the Alicorn and her friends alongside Princess Sarah Tomoe and her family!”

Princess Celestia added as a spotlight came over Sunny and the Mane Six, Race, Sarah and her family. Shadow and the dragons roared in unison proudly while Nebby nuzzled his mother lovingly.

Every creature from Equestria and beyond cheered for Sunny, her friends, Sarah and her family for helping their lost Princess return home and take back their kingdom. “And now every creature, I am very pleased to announce the return of our lost Princess… Twilight Sparkle…!” Princess Luna added before she, her sister and niece-in-law parted ways and allowed for Princess Twilight to appear before everyone, wearing her royal attire and her royal crown.

She was met with a thunderous applause, roars and cheers from everyone around her, especially her friends, family and Spike. “Ahem, thank you to every creature. When my actions lead to Equestria’s downfall, I’ve given up on any hope of saving Equestria, my friends and my family. I gave up on believing friendship and love would be enough to save the day, but it was thanks to Princess Sarah I learned no matter what the odds are against, the love from the ones you cherish and the friendship you share with others are your greatest gifts in life and the greatest spell there is in our world!”

Twilight’s speech was met with another round of thunderous applause and cheers from everyone around her. Twilight couldn’t help but smile proudly at all of her friends and family she met over the years.

With the ceremonial party in full swing Twilight headed over to Sarah, her family, her best friends and Spike. “So Princess, what's your first order of business going to be?” Applejack teased.

“Hehe, right now I just want to have a fun moment with the best friends I ever made.” Twilight grinned before she turned to Sarah. “Thank you Sunny, Sarah and everypony, for helping me regain my confidence in the Magic of Friendship.”

“Your welcome, Twilight, but it was you and your friends who defeated Grogar and his forces."

"We just helped.” Sarah and Sunny replied modestly before Sarah Twilight Amulet began to glow a little. “Sugarcube, what’s with your Amulet?” Applejack questioned.

Sarah looked at her Amulet before she was covered in a bright, white light. Twilight and the others covered their eyes before the light dimmed down revealing Sarah changed Alicorn form herself!

Now she was the same height as Princess Celestia with her mane and horn longer than before. Her large wings were like Celestias too with the same red, orange, yellow and green shading on them. And her royal shoes and regella were present still.

“Huh…?” Sarah looked herself over in surprise and shock. “Woah…”

"You're the same height as Princess Celestia and Twilight now!" Sunny squealed in amazement.

“It would appear so… incredible..!” Twilight smiled at Sarah’s new Alicorn form. Sarah grinned at her changed Alicorn form.

Just then, an portal appeared behind Sarah, her family, Sunny and the ponies and their pokemon, drawing all of the creature's attention.

“What’s that?”


“What in Equestria?”

Sarah smiled at the portal and turned back to the others, “Looks like it's time for us to head back to our world.”

“Awww… so soon..” Pinkie Pie cooed sadly.

Sarah chuckled as the Princesses fluttered down to them, “I’m afraid so. Our mission is completed and peace is restored to your kingdom.”

“Thank you…. For everything Princess Sarah. I don’t know what we would have done without you and your family.” Celestia thanked the Alolan Sun Princess.

”Guess you and your strange friends and family were what we needed in our darkest hour.” Rennet across admitted.

“You're welcome.” Sarah bowed. “I’m glad we were able to help everyone.” Sarah mounted Winter and her pokemon mounted her other flying Pokemon, Nebby and Nebula.

“Perhaps we’ll cross paths again one day.” Princess Cadence smiled and Flurry Heart cooed in her arms at Sarah.

“Perhaps, but until then, I wish you all luck in keeping the peace as long as you hold the Magic of Friendship in your hearts, as we do.” Sarah grinned.

Everyone exchanged their goodbyes before the heroes went back through the portal together before it closed behind them.

When they returned to Alola, they reappeared in the Dome together and landed on the ground together, "Well that was interesting." Braxien chuckled.

"Best Alternate Trip ever!" Izzy grinned with a blissful grin.

"Totally epic!" Zipp agreed.

"You said it!" Hawlucha concurred.

"And I got some total awesome pics for my Ponygram!" Pipp squealed in joy at the photos she took. "Mom is going to flip out when we say we helped save another Kingdom together."

"And met another version of the Guardians of Harmony." Sunny yelped with sheer joy at the adventure they just had. "And with that Together Tree there, we can travel to that Equestria too!"

"O-Only when we need to, so we don't distrub that words balance, Sunny." Edge Blade gently reminded her and Sunny blushed.

"R-Right. Hehe." she giggled.

“Looks like you got the adventure you wanted, Ani.” Tou-Tou smirked at his elder brother.

“Yeah.. next time I say that… hit me.” Silvally remarked, making the family laugh at him.

Just then, Sarah's Wrist Com went off, "Sarah, it's time." Devon's voice came and Sarah smiled and nodded.

"We're on our way."

"Operation 365?" Race smirked.


"What's that?" Hitch asked.

"You'll see." Sarah smirked.

Meanwhile, in Coral Harbor, Steel was performing his action scene for his new movie with Noctowl. He'd became a movie star in the past year and was doing great now that he was completely human, also unaware of what today was.

"Hahaha!" the director laughed as he came over after Steel finished his scene and Noctowl landed on his right shoulder, "That was magnificent man!"

"Yes I know." Steel bragged before his Wrist Com beeped.

"Steel Red Alert! We need you back at base!" Nate's voice came.

Where's my stunt double?" Steel asked.

"Right here." Blaze grinned as he came over, revealing to be Steel's stunt double for the more dangerous stunts or when he was away.

"Thanks Blaze. Come on Noctowl." Steel grinned before he ran down the pathway of the movie with Noctowl close behind him, "Activate Beast Power!" and he morphed into his Ranger form.

Soon he came to the base Hanger, "Never fear, Steel is....." he called out, only to strangely find the place empty and the lights off. "Huh?" Steel carefully took off his helmet before the lights came on and it revealed all his friends (including Sunny and the Mane Seven, Hiccup and the Viking Teens, Stoick, Gobber, Henna, Edgar, General Burke, Betty, Ben, General Shaw, Mayor Daniels, Muriel Reeves) coming out of their hiding places.

"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEEL/SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEEL/SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEEL!" they all shouted together as Devon rolled out Steel's white vanilla cake that said, "Happy Birthday, One year old!"

"Hehe, happy birthday." Carno and Chasa (in their Super Charge Modes) happily praised.

"Wow!" Steel gasped greatly touched, "I had no idea...!"

"You're one year old today now make a wish." Nate beamed at his younger brother.

"No need for wishes..." Steel smiled as he took a piece of the cake with his finger, " After one year as a human I have everything I could possibly want." Steel's biggest dream had finally came true after so much hope and wishing (unknowingly thanks to the Green Morphin Master) and he couldn't be more grateful and happy to do everything his brother and his friends could do now and forever. "It's great to be human!"

Everyone cheered as the birthday party was in full swing with Steel's special song playing over the radio as humans, pokemon and dragons all danced together happily and cheerfully.

Oh, it's great to be human
I can do anything I and so can you
'Cuz it's great to be human

Steel: Now I can breathe!
Now I can swim!
I can sleep!
I can dream!
Eat a can of whipped cream!

I like it!
You like it!
To be a human!
We like it!
We love it!
To be a human!
To be a human!

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