• Published 22nd Nov 2023
  • 105 Views, 4 Comments

Scattered Tales - App Stories from Ponyville Ciderfest! - MidnightConcerto

A collection of app stories created by myself, for the interactive weekend at Ponyville Ciderfest 2023!

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#CapperCaper - The Capper Caper

The Capper Caper

CodeWord: #CapperCaper

Wanting to get away from the craziness happening in Equestria lately, you’ve decided to travel beyond the Equestrian border for some much needed time away. Klugetown, you decide, is far enough away from Equestria while not being too far away, making that your decided destination. Sure the crowd there was a lot rougher than ponies, but hopefully you’d be out of reach from the Pages, and the chaos they had created, out here.

The first thing you notice after landing is the distinct lack of color everywhere. Ponies came in all sorts of different shades and hues, but out here the palette seemed to be reserved to a mixture of browns and grays. Well, you suppose not everywhere can be decorated like a rainbow, so you simply tighten your jacket slightly and carry on off the blimp. You carefully weave your way through the crowd, careful not to bump into anyone else or even make eye contact. Maybe it wouldn’t be exactly a relaxing time away, but it would likely protect your sanity a little longer than staying home.

Passing by an empty stall, you hear a PSST from nearby. Turning to find the source, you see a dashing Abyssinian peering out from behind the wooden structure, motioning you over. Curiosity eventually wins out over worry, and you slip behind the stall.

His fur coat a copper brown, and standing at nearly your height, he shoots you a disarming smile before he offers you a paw. “Well aren’t you just the most gorgeous thing to walk into town today. Name’s Capper, future owner of this soon-to-be magnificent stall, and I have a business proposition for you.” Shaking the offered paw, you decide to humor him, if only because you aren’t exactly sure how to nicely excuse yourself from the situation you’re now in.

“I have a truly fine array of absolutely legal and legitimate potions at my disposal, but without a stall selling them is… problematic. I know where to get the money I need, but alas my dashing looks are sure to draw attention if I were to go retrieve it myself. You however, my fine new friend, wouldn’t arouse any suspicion at all!”

Feeling uneasy, you decide to ask what would be suspicious about getting the money.

“Well, if you want to get technical, it isn’t mine just yet. I was told I’d be paid for a delivery job, but they failed to cough up the plentiful promised pieces of payment. The parcel may have arrived in more pieces than intended, hence his refusal to pay, but surely I can’t be faulted for what gravity and the ground do to a box kicked off a barge!” He wraps an arm around you. “You get me the money, and I’ll give you a very generous fifteen percent of the profits from my stand.”


Do you help?

> Help Capper retrieve his “rightfully earned” money. (Villain)

> Create a distraction to get out of the situation. (Chaos)


You take a moment to think about it, weighing your options. You could use a new friend, and a new store and extra income in the process? It was worth causing a little trouble over. And besides, it’s not like Capper is to blame for gravity, right? You agree to help him.

“My sincerest thanks. Now, I happen to know that Verko still has the bag of coins on his person, as he hasn’t returned to his home yet. Easy fellow to spot with his fancy clothes, large hat, naked mole rat, I’m sure you’ll spot him. I do believe he’s attempting to replace those goggles of his that Tempest shattered, if you’re quick enough to catch him distracted. Poor man can’t see a thing without those goggles.” He sinks back into the shadows, quietly wishing you good luck.

Slipping back into the flow of creatures, you simply let the flow direct you down the street of stalls, keeping an eye out for your target. You nearly miss him, actually having to double-back and check to make sure he was the one. He certainly ticked all the criteria that Capper had given you, particularly as you didn’t exactly see a lot of naked mole rats around. Shifting closer behind him, you see he’s staring intently at a stand full of eyewear, leaning close enough to practically press his nose against the merchandise. Hanging on the side of his belt is a small bag that looks rather full, and as he shifts his stance, and you hear the jingle of coins, you know it’s your target.

Recalling what Capper had said about his eyesight, you decide the best course of action is probably to just grab it and sprint away. It doesn’t seem like he has the vision to spot you, and with so many large creatures around, you know that you’ll slip into the crowd again instantly.

In your mind, you see this going flawlessly, Verko never knowing what happened.

In reality, you end up tripping over your own feet trying to be quick, crashing into the poor creature and sending you both tumbling. With fumbling hands you manage to snag the bag of coins from his belt, before yelling “SORRY!” and taking off stumbling into the crowded street. All pretense of acing the steal gone, you opt to just run up the street instead to get away from the scene. It doesn’t take long to get back to the stall, and after a quick glance to make sure you aren’t being followed, you dive behind the structure panting heavily.

“Went that well, huh?” Capper says with a smirk. Still out of breath, you toss him the bag of coins, leaning your head back as you try to regain your breath. With a soft whistle, he looks through the bag. “I knew a fine and distinguished individual like you would pull it off.” Slipping the coins into his pocket, he steps out onto the street. “Give me a few days to jump through their hoops, and we’ll both be raking in the profit. My gratitude, partner.”

(+1 Page for Villains)


These kinds of shenanigans are exactly why you decided to take a break from Equestria, and you’re not about to let it happen here as well. Desperate for a way out, you shout out the first thing you can think of across the crowded street.


Your plan works, perhaps, a little too well.

After the events that transpired last time a group of colorful ponies pranced into town, the citizens have grown extremely worried about a repeat of their troubles. Hearing you shout, the mass turns into full panic as creatures start to shove and run into each other to try and hide from the supposed menace. Stalls are knocked over, a cart somehow gets lit on fire, and everyone is yelling and screaming in terror.

Taking your chance you dive out from the abandoned stall and sprint your way to the inn you’re staying at, desperate to not get run over by anyone four times your size. You end up a little bruised from the experience, but you manage to make it inside safely, breathing a sigh of relief. That couldn’t have gone better, you try to convince yourself.

Unfortunately with the town in a state of Pastel Pony Panic, everyone is forced to hole up inside their buildings, and dirigibles are unable to take off or land for nearly a week. You’re trapped here for the time being, it seems.

But hey, at least you aren’t a part of any crazy scheme or story, for once, right?

(+1 Page for Chaos)