• Published 27th Feb 2024
  • 90 Views, 2 Comments

Quick Trip - AlwaysDressesInStyle

Shenanigans has found a magic page that lets her control the lives of the ponies around her. Mostly though, she just wants Minty to stop crashing her balloons.

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Quick Trip

Life in Unicornia used to be quiet. Sure, there were times when Princess Rarity, the youngest of the four princesses was getting into mischief, but for the most part, it was always peaceful.

But that was then, and things have been much more exciting lately. Formerly an insular mountain stronghold, Unicornia has welcomed the earth ponies of Ponyville and pegasi of Butterfly Island to town with open forelegs. That had taken some getting used to, but it had all worked out in the end, and everypony has been enjoying their new friends for months now.

Of course, not all of the new arrivals are responsible, rational ponies. For example, there’s the klutzy pegasus, Minty. Like Rarity, she never means harm, but that doesn’t stop disaster from following in her hoofsteps.

As you think of Minty, something nags at the back of your brain, but you can’t quite put your hoof on it. You have a vague recollection that Minty used to be an earth pony when she first came to town, but that’s silly. Ponies don’t just grow wings for no reason. You’re pretty sure it normally it takes at least sixty-five episodes and some executive meddling.

You wonder what kind of shenanigans Rarity and Minty might be up to today. Which reminds you to check in on your friend, Shenanigans. You find her, as usual, by the hot air balloons. She’s the best pilot anypony knows, and she greets you with a wave and a smile.

“Where to today?”

You shrug. Any conversation with Shenanigans involves a flight. It’s fun, and it’s one of the reasons you enjoy hanging out with her. “Your choice.”

She ponders that for a moment. “How about Breezie Blossom?”

You nod. It’s been a while since you’ve seen any of the tiny breezies. “So how have you been?”

She grins. “I’m always as good as I want to be. Life’s as exciting or as dull as I choose.”

“That’s a good outlook. We all control our own happiness.”

She laughs. “I control everypony’s happiness. I can make anything happen.”


“I see you don’t believe me. How’d you like a demonstration?”

“I guess.”

She pulls a piece of paper out. “How about… I know! We’ll catch a wind gust and arrive in Breezie Blossom in exactly one minute.” She scribbles on the paper, and all of a sudden the balloon picks up speed. You hold onto the basket for dear life as the ground blurs below you.

“What’s happening?” you scream out in terror.

“Exactly what I said would happen.” Shenanigans is amazingly calm despite the balloon’s breakneck speed.

The balloon lands seconds later, after an incredibly quick descent that shouldn’t be physically possible. As your friend predicted, you’re in Breezie Blossom. Zipzee, Tiddley Wink, and Tra La La are already flying excitedly towards you.

“If I want something to happen, all I have to do is write it on this piece of paper I found last week.”

“Did you turn Minty into a pegasus?”

She nods. “I was tired of her crashing my balloons all the time. Now she can fly, and crash, all by herself.” She slides the paper over to you. “Why don’t you give it a try?”

You tap a hoof to your chin in thought. “Sure, give it to me. I know just what I want to write on it.”

[CHOICE]Do you give in to temptation?

>No. This is too crazy. (hero)
>Yes. Time for some delicious chaos! (chaos)
>>Absolutely! These little ponies have no idea what they’re in for. (villain)