• Published 26th Nov 2023
  • 130 Views, 1 Comments

Ciderfest 2023 Mane Story Epilogue - "Fin, and Again." - Nyronus

The story of Ciderfest is coming to an end. The book is closing, the game is done, now all that is left is the consequences of the choices made. Written for the Ponyville Ciderfest Storytelling Adventure!

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If Fizzy Is Saved, and Villains Are Victorious

Suddenly, and without warning, all the light vanished from Marewaukee.

Then the shadow lifted, and just like that, the hotel that had vanished three days prior appeared again, a crowd of ponies, afraid and confused, cowering in front of it.

Barley, Caramel, and Fizzy slowly stood up, waiting with dread for what was coming.

There was a second ripple of darkness, and in an unnatural blink, standing in the center of the rapidly parting crowd, was a collection of Equestria’s worst foes.

Rushing to the front of the crowd was the Mane 6. With a snap, Discord appeared as well, his allies fanning out behind them.

The guests shied away, uncertain what would happen next.

“This isn’t over,” Twilight began, flaring out her wings. “As long as there is friendship, as long as there is hope, there will always be a light to oppose you, and even if you stomp it out, it will arise again. Creatures are fundamentally good. You cannot defeat that. Not forever.”

“Not to mention,” Discord said, leering at Sombra. “This wouldn’t be the first time you failed miserably in the final act.”

“Oh, how droll,” Sombra snickered as he stepped forward, the Book of All Stories floating in front of him. “Unfortunately, this is very much over.” His last words were punctuated with the stroke of a pen.

Without warning, tendrils of darkness burst from the earth, snapping taunt across the horns, wings, and limbs of every creature summoned by the book not part of Sombra’s dark alliance. The crowd gasped and backed away.

“Augh!” Twilight barked as the shadows dragged her to the earth. Her horn flared, only for dark lightning to course across the tendril binding her horn, causing her to cry out, and then collapse. Discord raised a hand, thumb and finger pressed, only for tendrils to wrap around each finger, pull them apart and drag him to the ground.

“I admit,” Sombra said, walking up to loom over her. “I am going to enjoy our time together, dear Princess.”

“Well done, Sombra,” a voice rumbled. “Now, the book.”

Sombra turned to see Grogar stride to the fore, the rest of the villains arrayed behind him.

“Dear friends,” Sombra began, “I was merely finalizing one last… obstacle, to our ascendency.”

The pen he controlled had not stopped writing.

“For that, we are most grateful,” Grogar rumbled, a small, loose grin on his muzzle. “Of course, it seems the situation is well in hand. So, of course, you don’t need to hold the book anymore.” A great eyebrow rose. “Unless you intend to keep it.”

Sombra glanced around. The rest of his allies were watching him. Tension filled the air.

And then Cozy Glow buzzed next to him and smiled.

“Golly gee, Mr. Sombra, Mr. Grogar did a lot to help us, and we like him so much, that it only seems right that he get to do the honors of holding the book,” her bobbing took her close to Sombra’s ear and she finished, barely a whisper, “for now.

Sombra paused for a moment longer, catching Chrysalis’s eye. Out of Grogar’s field of view, she smiled.

So did he.

“Of course, Emperor,” Sombra said, turning and leaning into a curtsey. “Your power was most instrumental to the success of this alliance. It is only fitting that you should do the honors.” The Book of All Stories floated up from beside him into Grogar’s telekinetic grasp.

Sombra’s contempt was disguised, but only just. Grogar didn’t seem to care, turning his attention to the book, and began to write. After a moment, he looked up and addressed the crowd.

“Denizens of this world, your… participation in this monumental event is greatly appreciated. You have seen the wisdom of inevitability, and when the time comes, your servitude will not go unrewarded.” He briefly glanced down at the bound creatures at his hooves, before glancing back up, a grin splitting his face. “A new age has begun, one of power, and glory. What wonders we shall see now that justice–” his red eyes flickered down at the struggling Twilight Sparkle “–has been served.”

As he finished speaking, his pen stopped. With another great rending sound, the streams of shadow burst up from the earth, and began flowing into the Book of All Stories. One by one, Twilight, Starswirl, Discord, Pinkie Pie, and all the other creatures bound by the dark magic were dragged into the book, no matter what they did to resist.

Grogar turned from his and Sombra’s handiwork, and frowned. He looked down to see his own hoof had begun to blur and grow indistinct.

“The spell ends…” He muttered. “Where is the kirin, Fizzy Glitch?” He called out.

“I’m here,” Fizzy said, finally stepping forward.

“And you too have promised to serve us, from what I understand?” he asked.

“Yes, sir. I have. I promise, in one year’s time, Ciderfest will be the greatest celebration of your victory you could image-aaaaah!

And with the stroke of a pen, Fizzy Glitch was cut off, as a tendril of darkness snapped closed around her horn and pulled her to the ground.

Fizzy!” Barley and Caramel shouted in panic as one.

“You will be coming with us,” Grogar continued. “To better coordinate our… celebration.

WAIT!” Fizzy cried out as the tendril dragged her to his hooves. “Wait! I can’t do it alone!”

Grogar frowned. The rest of the villains snickered and laughed. He looked up at Barley and Caramel, who stood, frozen.

“I can bring them as well–”

“No!” Fizzy said, trying desperately to get a hoofhold as the shadow dragged her towards the book with another jerk. “No, sorry, sir! There’s no need.” She looked out at Barley and Caramel. “I just need to be able to contact them! We’ll need servants on the outside as well! To coordinate things here.”

Grogar mulled it over, looking into the middle distance. He then turned down and wrote another note.

“Your communication devices will suffice for this task, I assume.”

“Yes!” Fizzy nodded. “That is more than enough, sir!”

“Very well…” Grogar looked up at the crowd, now. “Know this: In one year’s time we shall return.”

“Our power beyond imagination!” Tirek laughed.

“Our control unbreakable.” Chrysalis purred.

“And your love for us unquestioned!” Cozy cackled.

“Expect us, and prepare for us, for our glory,” Grogar continued, his face twisted into a mocking grin, “shall be eternal.”

And with that he turned, and faded into light, disappearing into the book.

One by one, the villains turned to join him. Sombra paused to give one last mocking glance at Barley and Caramel.

The shadows began to pull in their victims, faster and faster. Caramel and Barley watched, helpless, as it all unfolded. Their eyes were fixed on Fizzy, who looked up at them, and mouthed one last thing.

And then she grinned before she was sucked in as well.

The Book of All Stories rose into the air, wreathed in streams of darkness and black lightning. As it reached its apex, once again, all light in the city vanished in a dark flash, leaving everyone within alone in a void for a moment.

And then, it was gone, to whatever dark future was left for it.

Barley collapsed, looking on at that empty spot of air. Caramel stood beside him, stunned.

There was nothing left to do, it seemed. Evil had won.

Sometime later, Caramel walked out onto the roof of the hotel. Barley was alone there, looking out on the city. She walked up behind him, and laid down a styrofoam box.

“Got you something from the pub, hon,” she said.

“Thanks,” he croaked. His face was matted with tears. Caramel’s would have been no better if she hadn’t washed up before coming here.

She sat down beside him without saying anything, looking out on the city as well.

“It’s not fair,” he said. “We screwed up, and she paid the price.”

Caramel grimaced and looked away.

“We should have paid more attention,” he went on. “Should have been there for her, but we got so caught up in getting what we wanted that we ignored her, and now–”

“Beating ourselves up won’t fix this,” Caramel said, nudging Barley. He grimaced and looked away.

“What do we do now?” he said, finally.

Caramel gave the smallest of smiles, just shifting her tired face.

“We wait,” she said quietly. “Fizzy said she had a plan.”

“Yeah, I just–” His phone buzzed, startling him. After a moment of numb confusion, he fumbled it out of his vest, and took a look, and barked one, high, desperate laugh.

“Look!” He said, and showed it to her.

Caramel looked as well, and that small smile became much wider.

It was from Fizzy.

It had been months since Ciderfest, and Fizzy had fallen into a rhythm. It wasn’t… pleasant, in this new Equestria, but she had a certain amount of protection.

After all, monsters or not, she was their herald, and they seemed to enjoy having their ego stroked, if nothing else.

The grand doors to the Court of Darkness opened wide, and Fizzy stepped in. The whole room was an altar to the self-obsession of its denizens. Tirek was showing off the most flattering fanart Fizzy had found of him, and Chrysalis was showing off equally unflattering fanart of Starlight Glimmer. Cozy Glow was holding court with a crowd of foals she had graciously “protected” – that is to say, lied to and molded into her little pets. Sombra… he was always in the shadows, but his servants, always unwilling, watched and waited around every corner.

And sitting in the far end, upon his throne, was Grogar.

Fizzy approached.

“My Lord,” she said, bowing. “The early phase of planning is going well. We have many ideas, and community response has been very positive. I think you will enjoy the celebration awaiting your return.”

She floated a stack of paper up to him, which he glanced at, lazily.

“You know, Fizzy Glitch, it fascinates me,” he began, eyeing another page. “I looked into your past. Your world was a wretched place for you. You were so small, and in the end, even your meager supplicants and friends abandoned you. You lashed out in desperate rage, desperate for meaning in your existence, and yet, despite now, serving at our side as our herald…” He slowly looked down at her, disinterest slowly forming into a catlike grin. “You still insist on plotting to betray us.”

Fizzy realized the hall had gone silent. She felt all eyes bore into her. The malicious glee behind those gazes was palpable.

“Well, of course, my lord,” she said, not missing a beat. “Aren’t we all planning on betraying each other?” She looked around. The silence now was one of humiliation and contempt.

Grogar laughed.

“Of course, child,” he said. “It is the nature of things.” He looked out at his erstwhile allies. “Hunger is never sated forever, and the lust for conquest can never be slaked. Of course…” He looked back down at her. “You stand among gods and monsters. The terror of every age surrounds you, and you are just an entertainer. A morsel in a sea of maws.”

“That’s not all,” Fizzy said, and then smiled her biggest smile. “I also have my friends!”

There was another hanging silence, broken only again when Grogar barked a laugh.

“Very well,” he said. “Your betrayal at least amuses me with its audacity. You are dismissed, for now.”

Fizzy bowed, and turned to leave.

The eyes of every tyrant, terror, and villain from Equestria, past, present and future stared at her as she strode on. Some mocking, some wrathful, some with hungry eyes, seeing her as another tool in their games.

It didn’t matter, though.

Fizzy Glitch was not a simple kirin, of course. She had many interests and talents. Many honest expressions and hidden scars, but in her heart was one simple joy; to love and be loved.

From that joy, sprung a faith. The storm will always end. That which only destroys cannot last. As long as she held onto that faith, she knew her friends would come through in the end, and even this darkness would be overcome.