• Published 14th Dec 2023
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G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Curse of the 13th Ghost - ponydog127

In the season three opener, our favorite ponies, Alphabittle and Queen Haven meet up with Mystery Incorporated in order to track down the last of thirteen ghosts they had hunted years ago.

  • ...

Escaping with a Sacrifice/Hope Regained

“Faster, ponies, faster!!” Misty shrieked as the group ran from Asmodeus, who were hot (literally) on their heels. “We can’t let Asmodeus get the chest!”

“We know, Misty, we know!” Pipp panted as they ran. “Oh pony, I wish my wings weren’t totally useless right now!”

“Quick!” Shaggy said as he quickly pulled the group into a corner. “Over here!”

Once the group was out of sight, Asmodeus whizzed past their hiding place at the speed of light, allowing them to escape for safety when the coast was clear. They reached a window at the end of the hall, but then they noticed the glow from Asmodeus circling back around again. “Where do we go now?!” Izzy asked. “We’re trapped!”

“I hate to say this, guys, but I think we only have one option!” Misty cried. “JUMP AND JUMP NOW!!!”

After Misty leapt out the window, Izzy and Pipp did the same, followed by Shaggy and Scooby. Then, they got the idea to slow their descent by grabbing onto some banners and to each other, letting them slowly sink to the ground… until they lost grip on the banner and fell on their stomachs and rear ends.

Luckily, they were fine, but they had other problems to worry about-- namely, getting away from Asmodeus before he followed them!

At the same time, Kova, Vincent, Daphne and Sunny were walking into the open, looking for their friends since they all got seperated a little while ago. “We’ve looked all over for them, Daphne!” Kova said, sounding clearly worried. “What if we never find them?”

“Don’t give up, Kova-- trust me,” said Daphne with a reassuring smile. “Shaggy and Scooby, as well as the other ponies, always know how to surprise us.”

But suddenly, Shaggy and Scooby and the other ponies slammed into the others, knocking them all to the ground and causing them to roll back toward the entrance. “Ow,” Vincent groaned, “my tailbone…”

“Guys, you did it!” Sunny cried in celebration. “You got the chest!”

“And,” Scooby said, “we cheated Asmodeus right out.”

“I gotta admit,” said Misty, “Dad will be pretty impressed once he hears how we duped the all-powerful king of demons.”

“But, the darkness is right on our tails,” said Shaggy, pointing back the way they came, “if you know what I mean!”

It was true-- the glow of Asmodeus was getting closer with each passing second, making Daphne realize they quickly needed an escape plan. “We’ve gotta get out of here! Kova, Scooby, start digging a way out!”

“Oh, you called the right duo for the job!” Kova smiled. “Come on, Scoobers!”

But, as the winged leopard and Scooby began to dig at the snow pile, they quickly slipped and fell either on their stomachs or on their rear ends. “Hey, what gives?!” Kova said. “The snow wasn’t this slippery a while ago!”

“Oh no!” Pipp cried. “We’ve been away from the entrance for so long, the snow must’ve iced over!”

“You mean, we’re stuck here?! Oh, come on!” Shaggy sobbed before grabbing Vincent’s shirt front. “Vincent, old buddy, what we need right now is a good old-fashioned snow-melting spell!”

“I hate to say it, but they might be right,” Kova told her mentor. “I haven’t learned how to use my wings’ heat to melt ice yet! It has to be you, Vincent.”

Vincent sighed heavily at this. “I tried to tell you,” he said regretfully. “Ever since Asmodeus showed up, I haven't been able to cast a single successful spell. I'm having wizard's block!”

Suddenly, the terrified gasps of the Equestrians caused Vincent to turn, seeing Asmodeus, his wings burning with fire, stomping toward them. “GIVE ME THAT CHEST!!!”

“Oh boy… it’s deja vu with Opaline all over again!!” Izzy shrieked, causing Scooby to whimper with his ears flattened. “We’re doomed!”

“You have to try, Vincent!” Daphne said as she held the chest. “It’s our only chance!”

So, with Asmodeus looming closer, Vincent took out his crystal ball and tried to make an attempt at a spell to melt the ice and help them escape. “Spirits of the Scorpio, reveal your power. Let it flow into this realm with heated glow and melt this blasted icy snow!

But, like he expected, the crystal ball did nothing, and the snow still remained. “Oh, neigh way!” Pipp cried in shock. “It didn’t work!”

“I guess Vincent was telling the truth,” Kova muttered. “He does have wizard’s block!”

“What’s wrong, old man?” Asmodeus asked as he came closer. “No powers?”

“Power,” Vincent hummed to himself, looking at the crystal ball he was holding. It may have been a risky decision, but there was really no other choice in the matter.

He had to do this.

He tossed his crystal ball toward the ground, and upon impact with the ground, it shattered, causing a bright light that blinded everyone and knocking a majority of the group out cold.


Daphne was the first to wake up from her unconscious state, getting up to discover that she, Shaggy, Scooby, Kova and the Equestrians were no longer in the temple like they were an hour or two ago. “What… what happened?”

“Ugh… my head…” Kova groaned as the others got up and checked themselves over. “Hey, check it out!” Misty said as her horn lit up. “My magic is working again!”

“Mine too!” Sunny cried, creating a small vine. “Our magic is back now that we’ve left the temple!”

“Like, it worked!” Shaggy cheered. “You got us out, Vincent! Ha ha!”

But, as he and Scooby looked around, Vincent was nowhere in sight, much to their concern. “Vincent?”

“Huh?” Daphne looked down and saw that the crystal ball in her bag was glowing, and pulled it out so they all could gather round. Then, in the ball formed the image of none other than Vincent himself. “Vincent!” Daphne cried in relief. “Daphne, you’re safe!” Vincent exclaimed. “It worked!

“How’d you do it?” Shaggy asked. “If I told you how the trick was done,” said Vincent with a smug smirk, “it would no longer be magic.

But then, Sunny became confused. “But if you destroyed your ball, how are you calling us right now?”

I always carry a spare,” Vincent told her before looking around, as if he was trying to see if something was coming. “Listen… I don't have much time. I'm just calling to say goodbye.

Scooby cocked his head in confusion. “Goodbye?”

Yes, Scooby,” Vincent said, his voice sounding… remorseful, almost. “You kids, Kova and the Equestrians need to run. This is between Asmodeus and me now as it should always have been.

“No, Vincent! We’re a team, all of us!” Kova tried to argue, not wanting to lose him like she lost her brother and parents. “You can’t--”

I must! I’m sorry I got you all into this… especially you, Kova. You’re a strong leopard, and I know you’ll use the lessons I taught you well.

Suddenly, Asmodeus’ roar caught their attention, causing Kova and the Equestrians to become frightened. “Do not fear,” Vincent whispered. “I have the chest… for now. There's still time for you to get away. Take the plane. Save yourselves!

And just like that, the connection was cut out, much to Kova’s horror. “VINCENT!!!”

But the connection was gone... and surely, her mentor was gone as well. “No…” Daphne said in a heartbroken tone. “Vincent…”

“He’s gone… I lost Vincent too…” Kova said, sitting down as tears began to enter her eyes. “I lost him like I lost my family!”

“Oh, Kova… it’s gonna be okay,” Izzy tried to reassure. “Yeah,” Sunny agreed. “We’ll get him back.”

“How?!” Kova asked as the tears were coming down her face. “How do we get back into the temple, and how do we defeat Asmodeus? Do you have a plan?”

“Well…” Sunny hesitated. “No. Not yet.”

“But, we will think of it!” Pipp added quickly to not discourage the leopard. “I mean… it’s not like more trouble is about to come falling on our heads.”

Suddenly, screams came from the sky, and they all looked to see Fred, Velma, Hitch, Sparky, Zipp, Queen Haven and Alphabittle landing in the nearby snowbank.


“Oh my pony!”

“What on Earth?!”



“You’re all okay!”

Queen Haven spit out snow as Pipp came to help her sister and mother out of the snowbank. “Oh, hello, my darlings! Do you mind if we drop in?”

Shaggy and Scooby laughed at this. “Good one, your highness,” Shaggy said. “Hilarious!”

“Oh, Tea! I’m so glad you’re all safe!” Alphabittle said as he hugged his daughter. “Wait, you ARE okay, right?”

“Yes, Dad, as well as we can be,” Misty nodded. “But, where did you all come from? What happened?”

Velma stepped forward, without her glasses, mind you, smiling. “Something… unexplanable…”

“Like, where are your glasses?” Shaggy asked. “I don’t need them,” Velma responded, as if in a daze. “I see everything clearly now. Yes, everything.”

“It’s a long story,” Zipp spoke up. “But to put it bluntly, I think Velma just had her first real ghost encounter up on that mountain.”

Scooby waved a paw in front of Velma’s face as Izzy whispered to Sunny, “I think she’s still having that first ghost encounter!”

“Shh, Izzy!” Sunny scolded. “Don’t be rude!”

That's when Hitch noticed one member of their group was missing. “Hey, where’s Vincent?”

“Vincy…?” Sparky seemed to cue, causing Kova to clear her tears and stand up. “He's in the temple with Asmodeus and the Chest of Demons… alone…”

“Well,” said Fred, preparing to walk toward the temple, “then let’s…”

“No, Fred, it’s over,” Daphne said, completely disheartened. “The doors and windows are frozen shut. By the time we make it in, the chest will already be open. Maybe the sheriff was right. We're out of our depth.”

“Because of some frozen doors?” Alphabittle said with a scoff. “Come on! All of you kids have faced things harder than this!”

“No…” Velma spoke up next. “Daphne's on to something. I mean, what's the point? Ghosts exist, and they're about to take over the Earth. There's nothing we can do about it.”

“Of course there’s something we can do!” Sunny said, getting in front of Velma before moving to the rest of her Mystery Inc friends. “Remember Opaline? Both times, I might add? We did something about it then, and we won, saving Equestria and Paradise from her twisted evil!”

“Sunny, think about it,” Shaggy said. “Like, we were pretty good with Opaline and guys in rubber masks, but when the monsters are real…”

Kova sighed, understanding what he was saying. “We’re just not equipped. Maybe Vincent was wrong…” she said sadly. “I’m not ready to become a wielder of magic like him and the sorcerers in his family… and I never was.”

Scooby burst into tears at that moment, leaving Zipp to come over and hug him out of comfort. “Aww, Scooby, don’t cry… we’ll figure something out.”

“Actually, Zipp, those are tears of joy,” Shaggy clarified. “You took the Scooby Snacks with you and we haven't seen you in, like, hours.”

“It’s true!” Scooby sobbed, hugging Zipp around the neck. “It’s all true! Oh, Zipp…!!”

Zipp sighed and pulled out the box of Scooby Snacks and tossed a few into Scooby's mouth, just as Shaggy got an idea of how he could get some for himself. “Like… boo? Boo-hoo? Boo-hoo-hoo-hoo?”

“Oh, for pony’s sake, just take them!” Zipp sighed, handing Shaggy and Scooby the whole box. “Come now, dears, we can’t just give up,” Queen Haven tried to urge the boys. “We still have to save Vincent before it’s too late!”

“But… we can’t,” Scooby gulped down his mouthful of Scooby Snacks. “We’re cowards…”

“Yes, but even cowards have to be brave sometimes. You can change that.”

However, Shaggy and Scooby still looked unsure. At the same time, Fred pulled out the keys to the Miss-tery Machine and held them out to Daphne. “By the way, here are your keys.”

Daphne sighed and nudged them back toward Fred. “You keep them,” she advised. “I don’t know what convinced the ponies, Kova or me and general that I should be a leader in the first place. All I did today was let them down.”

This got all the ponies to look at all their friends in despair:

Velma was shattered to believe that her life philosophy was gone, Kova was still heartbroken at letting Vincent get into danger, Shaggy and Scooby had just run out of snacks, and now Daphne was doubting herself as a leader?

That's when Sunny knew that she had to do something.

She gathered all the other ponies into a circle for a team meeting. “Guys, we have to come up with a way to remind the gang not to lose hope or faith in themselves!”

“I agree,” Alphabittle said. “It’s depressing me to see them like this.”

“So… what do you think we should do, Sunny?” Misty asked. “Telling them with words isn’t helping!”

“No… but maybe helping them realize it with song will!” Sunny said, getting an idea, much to the others’ confusion. “Huh?”

“Yeah, huh?” Pipp blinked. “Believe me, Sunny, I’m all for songs, but is this really the right time?”

Sunny only smiled. “Just follow my lead and you’ll see what I mean.”

That’s when Sunny turned toward the gang, and began to sing as a soft tune began to play through the mountains.

Sunny: Hey, ponies, listen to me
You gotta hear what I'm sayin'
You've got that sparkle deep inside
You've got a talent worth displayin'

Then, the other ponies began to sing along, causing their cutie marks to radiate in colors of the rainbow, much to the gang and Kova's bewilderment.

Hitch and Sunny: We just need a little hope

Izzy, Hitch and Sunny: We just need a little unity

Alphabittle and Queen Haven: We just need to find the ma-agic
That's inside of everypony

Mane 6, Alphabittle and Queen Haven: Sometimes it feels a little hopeless
But things aren't always what they seem
Can you feel it? The energy?
Yeah, the power is growing

“Sunny, while I appreciate the sentiment,” Velma said, “what does singing have to do with saving the world?”

“I realize you’re all tired, cold and scared, and probably even a little confused,” Sunny said, walking toward them, “but no matter what, I know that Asmodeus can’t take what makes you guys… you.”

Scooby raised a brow at this. “And that is…?”

“Don’t you remember, Scooby?” Sunny asked. “Hope… courage, leadership… kindness. All of you have these things deep inside you. And if now isn’t the right time to release those qualities… then I don’t know when a good time is!”

All: Don't look now, things will get better
So hold my hoof 'cause we're growin' together
We've got the strength to take on whatever
Cause we've got the magic, we've got the magic in us

Then, Sunny turned into her alicorn form and took the liberty of flying up with Queen Haven and the sisters as they sang, and the singing eventually reached Shaggy and Scooby after a moment.

Mane 6, Alphabittle, Queen Haven: So everypony everywhere
Now is the time to raise your voices
You know it's time to show your courage, yeah
And nopony's gonna stop us, no

Ponies, Shaggy and Scooby: Cause there is hope when we're together
And it grows stronger when we sing
So raise our voices in unison
Raise our voices in harmony, yeah!

“I… I understand what you’re all saying,” said Kova, still feeling unsure, “but… but what if Asmodeus destroys the Chest of Demons and releases the spirits before we get there? Like you said before, you guys don’t have a plan yet!”

“We may not have a plan yet, but that doesn’t mean we’ll never have a plan,” Zipp pointed out. “And as long as we have hope…”

“...and courage,” Pipp added, “we’ll be just fine.”

That's when everybody began to sing again, if not louder than before.

Ponies, Shaggy and Scooby: Cause there is hope when we're together
And it grows stronger when we sing
So raise our voices in unison
Raise our voices in harmony, yeah!

All: Don't look now, things are getting better
So hold my hoof 'cause we're growin' together
We've got the strength to take on whatever
Cause we've got the magic, we've got the magic

Don't look now, things are getting better
So hold my hoof 'cause we're growin' together
We've got the strength to take on whatever
Cause we've got the magic, we've got the magic

Then, the rising sun mixed with the light of the cutie marks and the glow of Kova's necklace, causing a radiant aurora to cover the sky.

All: Just take another look, things are getting better
We're growin' stronger, growin' together
We'll always have each other forever
Cause we've got the magic, we've got the magic in us

Pipp: Don't look now

All: Yeah, we've got the magic, we've got the magic in us

Pipp: Don't look now

All: We've got the magic, we've got the magic in us

Pipp: Don't look now

All: We've got the magic, we've got the magic in us

Pipp: Don't look now

All: We've got the magic, we've got the magic in us

And as the sun began to rise further in the sky, the cutie mark magic ceased, and the sky returned to normal. “Thanks for reminding us never to give up hope, Sunny,” Daphne smiled gratefully. “I guess I needed to hear it more than I ever realized. And now that our heads are clear, I have an idea of how we can save the world from possible spiritual destruction.”

“You have a plan?!” Kova asked. “Thank the stars! Lay it on us, Daph!”

“Okay then,” Daphne smiled. “Velma, do you know of anyone in town who might help us with this?”

“Actually,” Velma said, “I know just the guy.”

“Perfect. Take Fred, Alphabittle, Queen Haven and Sparky with you. The others are coming with me and Shaggy.”

“Uh… one question, Daphne,” Misty said. “What’s the plan exactly?”

“Five words, Misty,” Daphne smiled. “We’re going to the airport!”

“Yay… ooh…” Izzy began to cheer, but quickly stopped. “Wait, why are we doing that again?”

“Because, the only way into the temple right now is by that opening in the roof,” Sunny said. “And if we fly the plane over the temple and float down in through that opening…”

“...we may be able to get inside without Asmodeus knowing!” Hitch realized. “That’s brilliant!”

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Zipp asked with wings spread. “We have a world to save!”

“Hang on, Vincent!” Kova cried. “We’re coming for you and the Chest of Demons soon!”