• Published 13th Dec 2023
  • 2,926 Views, 48 Comments

Would You Defeat Me? - Toon

Despite all of Twilight and co's efforts, Sombra was able to overcome their forces and defeat them all swiftly. Twilight, now powerless, was forced to witness his tyranny and two questions.

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Chapter 2 - Believability

Sombra's body became rigid and his ears flinched back at the volume. "I'm sorry I'm sorry! I know the plan is dumb, I- I barely thought about anything other than making some kind of pretend fight. I mean can you blame me? I got a whole army of-" Stopping mid-sentence he looked to the red-faced Twilight with her slight anger and embarrassment welded into one.

Whether it be the cartoon nonsense of her expression or her beauty, Sombra was captivated by it all the same, shaking his head he took a few moments to clear his thoughts. Lifting his hooves to head level he used the bottom halves to slap his cheeks to take back his focus.

"You- meant the asking out part didn't you?" Forcing a strained smile that was out of clear discomfort he tried to keep a straight face, failing miserably. "It's cool if you don't want to y'know?" Forcing his head to face away from her stare his face felt like it was overheating. Trying to nonchalantly take the reaction with his chin up. "Psh, It's like, no big deal" He awkwardly pulled out a hoof to paw away the air whilst trying to sit a little straighter. He flicked his eyes to her and back to the walls repeatedly.

Twilight's brain frying she opened her mouth to say something, anything. Her voice was caught in her throat at the complete and utter nonsense of the unfolding events that were laid bare to her. Closing her eyes, breathing in and out she looked back to see his crumbling facade, his body was slightly trembling and his muzzle twitching out of sheer desperation.

Her face was slowly recovering from the question... her mind couldn't wrap around the idea that Sombra, the tyrant of the Crystal Empire, would ask her out.

Everything about this scenario gave her no sense of rationality. "W-why?"

His body slouched again, "I uh" Forcing his head to stare at the ground he let his hooves tap the floor in some kind of vain of a rhythm. "Think you're really cute and intelligent. I'd like to learn more about you if you would let me?" He lifted his head to meet Twilight's for that last bit. Sheepishly smiling it reminded her of a school colt trying to ask out a classmate.

Twilight looked at the complete sincerity of the proposal, its honest and vulnerable approach nearly touched her heart. Nearly, she ripped herself from the notion of it all, Sombra of all ponies? Asking her out? Sure she's never had somepony confess to her before or be in any kind of relationship for that matter but- she's not that desperate to believe a lie from a tyrant. "You expect me to believe, you, like me? Sombra, the despot that enslaved an empire and trapped its people in time?"

He folded back his ears and pawed the ground. "Would you believe me if I said I wasn't Sombra?"

"Is this some kind of joke?"

He threw his hooves out in protest. "No no, I'm really not Sombra! Listen this is going to sound crazy but I'm actually someone trapped in his body, by the time I got swung into it he had already gotten an army. I kinda had to play along to the whole villain image to make sure his troops wouldn't turn on me."

"So it was still you who got my friends captured?"

Sombra cringed. "Okay I know how that sounds-"

"It sounds like you're still just as bad as Sombra, it sounds like you've still let innocent ponies be trapped and do your bidding as you still reached for total domination. You may say you aren't Sombra but I don't see much of a difference between him and you right now."

His face flashed in hurt and shock. Bringing himself up he puffed out his chest whilst pointing a hoof at her. "I wasn't the one who took them and started mind-controlling them!"

Twilight barked back. "Yet they are still under your control right now."

Sombra opened his mouth to protest only for the words to get caught in his throat. His face melted into guilt as he leaned back. Hooves clutched at his head as he sighed. "Fuuuuck, you got me there." Letting his hooves fall he began to sit up on all fours. "I didn't even-" He paced in a circle as his mind tried to grasp the simple implications that the statement held. "I mean- did I really just not care about-" coming to a stop he shook his head to refocus on Twilight.

"First things first, I need to get you out of that cage." Walking towards the crystal bars he lifted his hoof to touch the ridges, looking at Twilight he gave a weak smile. "You- might want to step back, Sombra has this kind of weird connection with dark magic. Or at least these crystals, so I'm still getting the hang of it." Twilight nodded hesitantly as she backed away. She wasn't expecting him to actually take what she said to heart. He took a slow breath as he closed his eyes.

A shimmer of dark purple light emanated from the small piece he was gripping onto. A light humming began, grunting a bit the sound and glow began to grow. Gritting his teeth Sombra put more force into it, the reaction caused the bar to slowly grow jagged crystals with a grating noise. Opening his eyes he jolted with shock, his breath held in his throat at the sight. Taking a pause for a moment he removed his hoof from the bar as he let himself breathe. The growth stopped as soon as his hoof left the surface, he could only look in horror and fascination at the protrusion.

"What- did I just do-" looking up at his hoof, a sort of heat clung to the bottom. Wisps of amethyst-purple smoke rose before dissipating altogether in moments.

"I think you strengthened the frequency of the crystals, making it more durable." Twilight looked in absolute awe at the new spikes. Putting a hoof on the side of one before she felt a zap from it. Pulling it back she examined her hoof to find nothing wrong with it. "Maybe even created a stronger magical field around it." Her hoof fell to the cage with an echo, the metal rang clear. The noise caught her attention leading her to look at the origin of the noise. Her eyes locked with the metal cuffs that sat around her front hooves, a small reminder of the smaller prison that clung to her. Two sets of chains, one for her two front hooves and one for her hind legs.

"So, I just made things worse." He deadpanned.

Twilight brought her head away from the shackles to meet his eyes as she smiled sheepishly, "It's the thought that counts, right?"

His face soured inwards as his muzzle scrunched up. "Not when it comes to getting someone out of a prison cell."

Twilight wanted to ask why that word kept reappearing in the context of somepony, even if he meant different beings the proper word would be somecreatures. His vocabulary was a lot more modern than what she expected. To add more to the confusing parts of this whole interaction she was finding it hard to believe that she was beginning to have doubt creep into if he really was Sombra.

Sure claiming to be somepony within another pony's body was ludicrous but maybe it wasn't him being a completely different being, maybe it was more of a different state of mind? Luna became Nightmare Moon and the personality differences were leaps apart, her judgment, her empathy, and her sense of right. Princess Luna was corrupted, so maybe Sombra was the same? Maybe this was him being taken out of that corruption?

Twilight looked at the Tryant, he was mumbling to himself as he eyed the crystals, poking them for some kind of connection. This version of Sombra wanted to help, he wasn't arrogant or brash, nor lusting for violence. He was docile, passive, and at least cared to give more of a thought to feelings.

It went against all of what Princess Celestia warned her about.

Yes, being trapped in a body was ridiculous, but maybe it felt like he was trapped in something that wasn't him. Maybe to him, it felt like he wasn't himself and justifying it to be somepony else. Twilight knew she wasn't an expert in any field of science that meddled with the brain, but she heard of repression like this before. A sort of reinforcement against trauma, but if that were true then Sombra, this Sombra wished to be nothing like his counterpart.

Maybe- Twilight could work with that. It made sense to her at least.

Author's Note:


Thank you for the overwhelming support, it really means a lot.

Also sorry about the long wait, college is lame and it was around Christmas.