• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 250 Views, 0 Comments

The Holiday Experience - Lulamoon-Crystal

The holidays are coming, but that doesn’t mean there’s no shenanigans

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It was the end of the month of November, a very cold day. It was almost time for the snow to start falling. Ponies were starting to clean up and prepare their sleds and other snow related gear.

One day, in the plaza of the seaside town of Maretine Bay, ponies were gathered. Izzy stood with Hitch as he happily made an announcement.

”Alright everyone. Calm down.”He said to the crowd of excited ponies that signed up for this event. They calmed down after a bit and watched happily. Ready to be here for anything he needed to say.

”Besides the event. What do you think he will talk about?” Windy asked Posey.

Posey smiled and looked at Hitch. “Hrmph. Maybe something a bit cheesy like Hitch does every year. Like an ice skating dance or a snowman contest. Which Phyllis somehow wins every year… Ugh!”

Being close to the front, Hitch had indeed overheard them. “Oh yes, Posey! We’ll be doing the snowman contest again this year. It’ll be on the 10th. The ice skating show’s date will soon be announced. Presented by Pipp Petals. She-“

”I’ll be so excited for you all to witness it! Right, Rocky and Jazz!?” Pipp called out. Interrupting Hitch.

The latter jumped up excitedly with a loud cheer. Where'd Rocky chuckled nervously and rubbed his foreleg. Looking out a bruise on the side. Coming from an accident from when, he had tried to ice skate the day before. “Yeah…” He cringed slightly as he touched it. “Ouch.”

Before Hitch could say anything else. Izzy excitedly hurried to the microphone and explained.

”We are doing a secret Santa!” She exclaimed. Despite the crowd already being aware of this. They literally signed up their names for the secret santa weeks ago. They had arrived for their assignments and any other important details. There was some cricket chirps before she spoke again. “Each of you will be getting a slip of paper with a name on it! You buy a Christmas present for that pony!”

Hitch nodded. “You cannot reveal to the pony on the paper that you are their secret Santa. But you may reveal yourself after the event is over. When you got your gift, you’re to take it to Mane Melody where it’ll be stored till the 23rd of December. Any questions?”

”Oh!” Pipp exclaimed. “If you’re not sure what to give your assignment. You’ll be supplied with a Wishlist!”

Izzy interrupted her with a jump, much to her annoyance. “Yes yes!” She cried. “Everyone who entered had to write down three things they’d love to have!”

“Or wouldn’t mind having…” Pipp said quietly. "Like if someone like me, who would prefer a strawberry scented-"

”Don’t worry everypony.” Hitch said with a smile. Interrupting Pipp without thinking. “You all got plenty of time! Today is the 23rd… So you get a whole month!”

”Only a whole month!?” Cried a random pony in the audience.

Hitch realised he may have caused a bit of panic. “I-it’s a lot more time than you think! U-uh- If you run out of time, then go for a box of chocolates! Ponies love chocolate! Right?”

”Sooo!” Called out Izzy, hyped on excitement. “Any questions?!”

Izzy and Hitch worked together to answer any questions. Before giving a paper with a name and wishlist on it to each pony. Taking care to not partner a pony up with themselves. Most ponies seemed pretty happy with who they got. They did, however allow a few swaps. Like Posey refusing to be partnered up with Raincloud for some reason. So she swapped assignments with someone and ended up with Ash instead.

“Oh my!” Posey exclaimed as she looked at hers. “I wonder what this pony would want…” She said with a smile and looking at the wishlist. ”Huh? Easy, I can do that, I think.“

Hitch looked at his. “Oh wow, gee, I do think I have a good idea for him. Hope he likes it.”

Izzy look a peek at his and smiled. He had gotten Alphabittle. Alphabittle wasn’t originally going to join, but decided to eventually. Izzy wasn’t sure on what changed his mind. But perhaps it had something to do with what Misty said to him a few days before submissions closed.

“Oh boy! I can’t wait to see what you’ll gift him! I’m sure he’ll love it, Hitch.”

”Y-yeah..” He nodded. A little nervous because he did look a bit big and threatening at times. He didn’t know why. But he did hope he’d enjoy his gift. After all, he had a heart of gold once you knew him.

Jazz squealed in excitement as she got hers. “I can’t believe it!”

”Who did you get, Jazz?” Rocky asked.

”Oh! Uh…” She looked at him and packed the paper into her sash to hide it from him. Not wanting to reveal it for some strange reason. Was she wanting to make it extra surprising on the day? Or did she simply want Rocky to guess? “Someone I’m really excited to be their secret Santa for!”

”Oh really!” Rocky chuckled. “It’s Pipp, isn’t it? Ruby? Dahlia? Or maybe Queen Haven!”Then he made a light chuckle.“Or your secret crush?” He joked with a grin. Nudging her.

“Oh Rocky!” Smirked Jazz as she nudged him with a hoof. “Quit it!”

“Oh well, glad you’re excited, wonder who mine is!” He looked at his and his mouth opened in shock. Queen Haven. “Okay… This may be a little tricky for me…” He knew she was a sweet queen and would like his gift regardless. But he couldn't help but feel a little nervous about having to give a gift to the queen, one that she would like!

Nearby. Dahlia looked at hers with a smile. “Oh boy… I think I might know what Pos-“ She then realised the pony she was about to mention was nearby. “What this fella might like!”

Ponies walked off. Thinking what to buy as a gift for the event. Some were nervous and were excited. Zipp looked at hers with a smile, she believed buying a gift for that particular pony would be easy. She knew Thunder well. He was a guard at the palace. She knew what he might like. Izzy happily jumped around, excited for everyone to enjoy their gifts.

As Zipp flew over the shrinking crowd. She overheard a pony who was confused by their assignment. “Zoom?” She questioned. Luckily Zipp was flying close by and overheard her.

“Oh! Zoom Zephyrwing. She’s one of my mother’s favourite royal guard. You see her around, the blue one.”

”Oh! That’s Zoom!” The pony answered."Thanks, princess Zipp!"

You’re welcome. Also, Just call me Zipp!"

Sunny rushed around a shop that sold accessories, she ran down an isle that sold scarves and jackets. Stuff like that. She groaned as she looked back at the paper. “What on earth does Nikki like?!” She groaned as she hurried into another isle that sold funny hats.

“Wishlist literally only says.‘Fluffy, Sweet and Kawaii!” She then groaned.“I don’t even know what kawaii means!” She started to complain as she looked at the list. Deciding to ignore the last word and just go for something sweet and fluffy. Now then they mean sweet in taste or?

Misty was nearby and nodded in agreement with her agreement. She had a similar problem herself. “I don’t know what Rudy Timber means by sick and smooth?” She looked down. “Why would he want a gift that makes him sick? I personally wouldn’t.”

Dapple, the unicorn who is usually with Onyx, playing his bongo drums was nearby. Overhearing their convo, he joined them and sighed. “Do you know what “Ninja Squirrel” merch is? Because I do not!”

“I think it’s supposed to say Nina squirrel.” Sunny answered. “It’s a new video game. Well, a reboot of a very old video game series.”

“Oh… Dang… That sounds way easier.” He looked at his list. “I suppose the next thing isn’t supposed to say Stash Bandicoot, either?”

Sunny nodded. Wondering why on earth, his assignment was so bad at writing the name of video games. Well. She didn’t see the list, so she just assumed the writer or someone smudged the ink or pencil on accident. “Yeah… That’s meant to be a video game, too. You won’t be needing to find a bandicoot in Equestria anytime soon…”

“Thank goodness… The closest bandicoot is miles away!”

As days went on. Ponies did their own things, a few looked around for something to buy. A certain guard, known as Zoom was having a day off. A request from the queen. Since she liked the guards to relax a bit more closer to the holidays.

Zoom was in a random store in Zephyr Heights. It had a whole assortment of stuff at a good price! Food, books, games, tools and anything! She was happily looking around in the sport section. Trying to get an idea. She knew Zipp would be happier without jewellery. Which made things harder but a bit cheaper, too.

Her ears then drooped as she heard a familiar voice nearby.

"Gee... When this store expanded. It improved a bit!"

With a gasp, she looked and saw her assignment walking down an aisle. She couldn't be seen here. She couldn't be caught! Or else she would completely fail the quest!

Unfortunately, standing out in the open. Looking nervously while looking at her assigned pony. While near stuff she is interested in might just scream. "This pony is your secret Santa!"

With quick thinking, she ran down an open area near where balls were stored in boxes. Near a shelf on a wall. She quickly went to a few nearby books and grabbed a random one about music as Zipp walked out the aisle she was in. Walking towards where Zoom was.

"She won't suspect a thing." She told herself as she opened the book. Hoping Zipp would assume she was buying something for someone who was interested in music.

When she flipped to a random page, she saw some familiar music. "Oh, I know this song!" She started to silently hum to herself. Not noticing her shaking booty. It wasn't noticeable, but she was swaying slightly as she hummed a song she liked. Tapping a hind leg eventually.

Unfortunatley, tapping the hind leg was a mistake, as she accidentky hit the fake wall next to her. Which wasn't very sturdy at all. She noticed the wall move immediately. Wondering why it most aggressively to slouch a slight touch. That shouldn't happen.


A huge trio of boxes labeled 'rocks' fell off the edge of the shelf. Zoom gasped in horror. Ready to get beaten by a pile of rocks. Maybe she'd have to sue or simply report the place for a dangerous, unstable fake wall!

She braced for impact. Only to be surprised when they opened up. Dropping down feathers instead of rocks like they were labeled. Which was odd, but she sighed in relief, despite being completely covered. At least they didn't have something big and heavy on such an unstable fake wall!

As Zoom was completely covered by the pile of feathers, she noticed Zipp very close to her.

"Huh... I should tell someone about that wall of Zoom only slightly touched it, and it shook like that and dropped stuff..."

Zoom gulped nervously as she heard her name. Wondering if Zipp could see her at the moment or was only assuming it was her because she had perhaps seen her near the wall. Unfortunately, she did.

"So... Uh... Where'd Zoom go, anyway?" Zipp asked herself. Then facing the pile of feathers. "Maybe she ran away!"

“Keep going your majesty. Nothing to see here, just a talking pile of feathers.”

Zipp could see Zoom’s helmet poking out. She gave a playful smirk. “Oh?“ Playing along slightly. “Oh, so my mother hired a pile of feathers to be a guard? Wow, wonder why she did that.”

“Because feathers are very tough and uh... Can survive a punch? Yeah!-"

"Oh wow. Nice to meet you pile of feathers. Good luck!" Zipp looked so smug as she saw the feathers shake.

“A-a-a—aaaachooo!” The sneeze sent many feathers flying, uncovering the pony underneath. Noticing her cover gone, she looked at Zipp sadly. “I’m sorry Princess Zipp… I-“

“Blesh you… It’s fine, Zoom.” She smirked. Watching as she got up and brushed the remaining feathers from herself. Wondering why the store had a box of feathers that fell so easily. What a mess! Zipp was a little suspicious of Zoom.

“Why were you hiding?”

Zoom started to get nervous. “Well… You seee.. I was uh… Buying the secret Santa present… Didn’t want them to see me!”

There was a pause as Zipp looked at Zoom. Wondering why she would feel the need to hide while buying a secret Santa present. It wasn’t like they’d know it was here. Hence the secret. So why was she hiding? Unless. “You’re my secret Santa, aren’t you?”

Zoom gasped and looked to the side. Then back at Zipp, she seemed a bit shocked. But also a bit confused. Seemingly wondering how she found out. Then she started to appear uncomfortable, that’s when Zipp’s smirk vanished. She slowly realised that Zoom must be feeling pretty bad, like she was a failure. She didn’t want to make anyone feel like a failure just because they made one mistake in a silly, fun event.

It wasn’t a big deal being discovered as someone’s secret santa, they still had something to look forward to. But Zipp felt bad as she watched Zoom be ashamed of herself for being caught.

“Nevermind! It must be Izzy, now I think about it! I overheard her last night!” Zipp exclaimed, “Oh well, if it’s Izzy, then I still have the gift to look forwards to!” She smiled a bit as she walked away. Soon overhearing Zoom sigh in relief right before she walked out the door.

“Whew. That was close.”

Thunder was standing in the guard quarters of the palace. He had just brought two sleds. One was a pale green with a blue gradient and the other was blue with a purple gradient.

“I can’t wait to take Zoom sledding! She’ll love it so much!” He exclaimed with joy, imagining himself on the highest hill he can find with Zoom. Racing to the bottom in their sleds. Maybe even making snowmen after and treating themselves to hot chocolate with marshmallows! What a dream! “I’ll ask her when i see her.”