• Published 24th Dec 2023
  • 751 Views, 9 Comments

Taking the Reins - Nailah

Time for lessons on ice-skating with Sunset. Twilight is definitely not worried.

  • ...

I can't help falling for you

“The ratio of skate to ski is only about ten percent. There is a higher chance of falling while ice skating, but the variables are so precipitously low that it’s essentially the same thing, no matter which diagram you are looking at,” Twilight said, gesticulating as Rainbow Dash stood beside her.

Rainbow Dash scratched the back of her head.

“You do know that science and charts aren’t the only variables, right?”

“Of course I do!” Twilight replied, softly, her cheeks puffed up as her eyebrows furrowed.

“Mhmm… Sure, Twi, whatever,” Rainbow Dash replied, patting Twilight on the shoulder. “Don’t fall too hard for Sunset and end up in the hospital.”

Twilight muttered incoherently while crossing her arms across her chest.

Rainbow Dash shook her head, waved back to her and went outside.

Twilight Sparkle stared and stared at the chalkboard. Every single calculation that she could think of was there, scribbled up, down, across, and even diagonal–not even an inch of the chalkboard remained bare.

She put her finger to her chin, going over each and every possible scenario that could potentially occur while applying the fundamentals of frozen friction in practice. It was quite likely that she would be destabilized, and stumble repeatedly. It would hopefully be a matter of developing muscle memory–just trial and error.

“As painful as a pratfall upon my posterior could be, letting down Sunset would be infinitely worse.” Twilight mumbled to herself.

Rainbow’s words echoed in her head. “Don’t fall for Sunset too much and end up in the hospital.”

It was a variable that couldn’t and wouldn’t be ignored.

“Why did I say yes without even thinking about it!” Twilight asked herself, palms of her hands fogging up her glasses. She sighed, and removed her glasses for a moment to allow them to defog. “I hope Sunset has at least a passing knowledge of the sport, or we’ll both embarrass ourselves.”

It had started as just another day at Canterlot High.

Holding hands with Sunset, they walked together to the big double doors of the school. Sunset leaned down to kiss her gently on the lips, before letting go of her hand, and holding the door for her.

“After you, my love,” Sunset said, holding the door with one hand, and gesturing to her with the other to go first.

Twilight blushed, and walked into the hallway, grasping the straps of her backpack a little tighter, fidgeting with her thumb as she waited for Sunset to join her once more.

Sunset Shimmer walked into the hallway, once again reaching for Twilight’s hand. Clasping their hands together they both walked to their homeroom class of the day after dropping off their backpacks at their lockers.

“It’s almost Hearth’s Warming and I still don’t know what I’m doing for my Hearth’s Warming helper!”

Sunset laughed. “I could help you, if you’d like.”

“Well…” Twilight blushed, staring directly into Sunset’s eyes and losing herself in their horizon. “I guess it couldn’t hurt.”

“Whisper the name to me,” Sunset leaned in very close.

“Pinkie Pie,” Twilight whispered into Sunset’s ear. Her heart throbbed behind her ears as she frantically looked from one end of the room to the other to ensure Pinkie was nowhere within range.

“Oh, that’s easy. You could really just get her anything, and she’d be happy with it, but I just happen to know she’s really been wanting something super special this year,” Sunset began.

“Oh? What is it!? Tell me, tell me now!” Twilight stammered, gripping the front of Sunset’s jacket, shaking her like a bacon-pinata.

“You know how she loves to ice skate, right?” Sunset teased.

“Yeah, why?”

“Well, she’s really been wanting to get other people into ice skating and was offering lessons to anyone interested,” Sunset explained while taking Twilight’s hands into hers. I decided to sign up and it’s been a lot of fun. So, how would you feel about learning to ice skate with me?”

Twilight looked at Sunset, her gaze mesmerized by those beautiful emerald eyes, the way her hair radiated like a glorious heliosphere of a celestial equine.

“Yes!” Twilight replied, bouncing up and down in place.

“After calculating all my variables and formulas, I think I have a non-zero chance of ‘getting my skate on’ as Rainbow would say it.” Twilight balled her hands together tightly, looking up towards the ceiling with a sparkle in her eyes.

“Hey, Twilight! Are you gonna stand there forever, or actually go on your date?” Rainbow Dash jeered, returning to the homeroom. She scooted in with a bunch of soccer balls in a bag over her back, dressed in her full team uniform.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight jerked, scurrying over to the door. “Do you have a first aid kit I can, um, borrow, just in case?”

“Yeah, I got one for you.” Rainbow said, putting down the bag of soccer balls, and handing her a first aid kit from inside her desk. She didn’t let go immediately, and held Twilight’s gaze for a super serious moment. “Remember, no matter how bad you are at first, you will get better each and every time you get back up.”

“Thank you so much.”

Twilight hurried to her locker, slung her backpack over her shoulder and breathed deep as her hands shook.

Twilight got on the bus, and immediately took the first seat behind the bus driver. She placed her backpack down onto the seat beside her, looking out the window.

It was just starting to snow. Each snowflake slowly fell from the sky, a few of them close enough she could make out each and every connection that brought such a beautiful piece of nature together.

Twilight got off the bus, and scurried into her dorm to get changed.

Where to start, what to wear, and having to consider all the possibilities was simply overwhelming her.

Twilight gasped for breath, after shutting the door. Spike ran right up to her, and jumped up into her arms, licking her all over.

“Oh Spike, you always know how to make me feel relaxed,” Twilight said, gently putting him down and fetching the supplies she theorized she’d require for learning how to ice skate. Thanks to Rainbow, she had the first aid kit, as well as a notebook filled with all the possible variables and figures. A book on Ice skating for dummies, and more books about famous ice skaters throughout history. It was a very interesting read, but sadly it hadn’t helped much in understanding the complexity that was the sport.

She gently placed Spike back onto the floor before gathering her bag, keys and coat just in case.

“You aren’t nervous are you?” Spike asked, tilting his head, raising an eyebrow curiously.

“Of course I’m nervous! I’ve never ice skated in my life,” Twilight stammered, falling to the floor beside Spike.

Spike hopped up into her lap, doing one–two–three circles before sitting calmly in her lap.

“It’s okay, Twilight. I know Sunset isn’t expecting you to be perfect at it right away, or ever, probably.”

“I know, I know…” Twilight blushed, gently giving Spike headpats. “I want to be the best I can be for her,” Twilight admitted, fumbling with her hair.

“You already are, just by being you,” Spike reminded her.

Twilight was lacing her ice skates as she sat right beside Sunset Shimmer, the most beautiful girl in the entire school, no the entire universe. Her face flushed as red as a ripe tomato.

“I’m glad you agreed to do this with me,” Sunset said, standing up and extending her hand towards Twilight. “I hope you aren’t half as nervous as I am.”

Twilight blinked.

“You’re nervous?” She asked, reaching up to take Sunset’s hand in hers. The soft warm sensation of their body heat connected felt like a shared story by the bonfire.

“Yeah…” Sunset admitted, cheeks burning as she helped guide Twilight through the bleachers to the opening in the rink.

Twilight held Sunset’s hand, not wanting to let go for even a fraction of a second, while going from the wood floor, onto the ice. Even the slightest miscalculation with her footing would cause her to go from zero to sixty in a split second.

Sunset Shimmer stepped onto the ice first, and gently guided Twilight onto the ice.

“Now remember to take it slow and easy, and it’s okay if you fall,” Sunset reminded her, letting go of her hand and allowing her to get a real feel for being on ice.

Twilight wobbled in place, trying to gain momentum for her first slide. She placed a hand onto the wall, her other arm fully extended to help her balance. She smiled sheepishly at Sunset who was just standing in place, watching her.

My girlfriend is watching me take my first real step into a world of icy uncertainty.

She sucked in a breath, trying not to stumble or stutter and remember all of her notes. She briefly debated if it would have been better to have her notes in her hand as she made her first attempt, but having nothing would make it easier to catch herself when she inevitably stumbled.

Twilight narrowed her eyes, and then took that first step, gliding over the ice. Her whole body pushed forward so swiftly, she had to reach for the wall to jerk herself to a stop, turning one of the blades of her skate vertically.

A tiny bit of the ice swished underneath her, and she looked back to Sunset with a big grin. “Well, this will be fun.” Twilight felt a slight drop of sweat trickling down her face. “I sure hope Pinkie Pie appreciates what I’m doing for her.” She mumbled to herself. She then propelled herself further down the wall, and slowly made her way around the rink.

There were moments where she felt herself starting to slip, or stumble but she kept leaning against the wall as a security blanket.

Each movement was made with planned precision and calculation, only using the wall when she felt the ice shift approximately ten percent under her blades. She ended up bumping right into Sunset’s back.

Sunset hadn’t moved from the start of the ring, but had simply let Twilight explore the ring.

Twilight blushed, giggling as Sunset turnt on her skates and reached for her hands. She gulped, staring at Sunset.

“May I have this dance?” Sunset asked gently, rubbing her fingertips delicately over Twilight’s, her emerald eyes sparkling.

“YES!” Twilight replied, her own eyes gleamed.

“Twilight, are you sure?” Sunset tilted her head to the side. “We can just go slow if you want.

‘Absolutely!” Twilight said, nodding her head three times, and held onto Sunset’s hand just a little tighter. “I admit, I’ve never danced on ice before…”

“Allow me to show you the ropes,” Sunset snickered, moving one hand around Twilight’s waist while clasping their other hands firmly. She shepherded them into the center of the ice rink, Polaris and their loving partner along reflective icy space.

Twilight could feel the kindling in her heart blaze, spreading all throughout her entire body. She took a deep breath in, trying to gain her footing as she felt the ice shift beneath her.

Twilight fell to the ground, butt first onto the ice.

Sunset had immediately reached out to grab her, but she was a few seconds too late. “Twilight! Are you okay?” Sunset asked, helping her back up onto her feet once more.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” Twilight blushed, tilting her head to the side. She rubbed her backside gently.

Sunset looked at her, just holding her in the center of the ring, remaining steady until Twilight was ready, a faithful gravitational force.

Twilight nodded her head, clasping her hand into Sunset’s.

“I can do this, I know I can,” Twilight reminded herself of Rainbow’s words of advice.

Sunset took her word on it, nodding in understanding and the two began to circle around each other.

Twilight twirled and spun with Sunset, focusing on her footing, staring at her feet.

“Look at me, Twilight. Look me right in the eyes, and focus your attention on the feelings of momentum.”

Twilight attempted to look at Sunset, but as she looked up, she slipped again on the ice and this time, as her body was halfway to the ground, she felt Sunset’s hands under the small of her back, catching her just in the knick of time.

“I’ve head of head over heels in love, but jeez,” Sunset teased, gently brushing her hands up and down her back, beneath her shirt.

Twilight froze in place, hyperventilating.

“Sunset!” She whimpered. “This is not the time or place for that!”

“I don’t know what you mean. It’s just you and me, and an empty ice rink,” Sunset snickered leaning in, and kissing Twilight once more.

Their bodies intertwined with one another on the ice. The two of them frozen in the moment.

Twilight panted for breath, like an eager dog as Sunset let go of the kiss. Leaving her wanting to forget all about trying to learn how to ice skate, and just wanting to fall right into Sunset’s arms. She quickly shook that thought out of her head.

“Your face is so red right now, do you need some mouth to mouth?” Sunset teased, winking at her.

“SUNSET!” Twilight stammered, stomping one ice blade onto the ground without thinking.

Sunset reached out to help steady Twilight so she wouldn’t fall again.

“...” Twilight murmured under her breath.

Sunset leaned in closer, so close their bodies were practically fused as one.

Twilight attempted to look anywhere other than directly at Sunset, but she reached for her chin, and with a playful noise, forced Twilight to look directly at her. Her tone changed in a blink of an eye.

“Relax, Twilight,” Sunset whispered softly, delicately running her hand up and down the side of Twilight’s cheeks, and then taking Twilight’s hand into her own as they once again stood together on the ice rink.

“It’s hard for me,” Twilight replied, pushing up her glasses.

Sunset beamed at Twilight like an erupting solar ray.

“Learning something for the first time can be difficult,” Sunset explained, “but always know, I’ll always be here to catch you when you fall.”

Twilight whimpered, a drop of water cascading down the sides of her cheeks, smiling brightly.

Sunset leaned forward, gently brushing her lips against Twilight’s, and leaning in to kiss her. Their lips met, and an explosion of chemicals wrapped her mind. Endorphins and serotonin filled her brain, euphoria coursing through her bloodstream like liquid happiness..

“That...” Twilight stammered after letting go of the kiss. “I…um…”

She just stood there, frozen in time. Multiple scenarios rushed throughout her brain as she tried to calculate a proper response. And yet words failed her. She had all but memorized the dictionary, but yet could not find the words to convey her joy and happiness.

“Words are hard,” Twilight said with a sigh.

Sunset laughed and shook her head. “Yeah, I guess all this ice made your brain freeze.”

Twilight nodded. “Yes! The ice, mhmm.”

Sunset cocked her head to the left. “And you can’t even blame the weather ponies for it around here. Guess it falls to me to keep you warm.”

“You always keep me warm, even in the coldest of climates,” Twilight chittered.

“If that’s the case, then why are you shivering right now?” Sunset asked.

“I’m not shivering!” Twilight jammered, trying to contain herself from erupting from nervousness.

“Righhhht,” Sunset patronized, leaning closer to Twilight. “But just to be safe.”

And pulled Twilight into a loving embrace, wrapping both of her arms around her tightly.

Twilight blushed. “I don’t know the first thing about ice-skating,” she admitted, sighing.

“I don’t know much either,” Sunset teased. “Ice skating is very similar to physics though, and that’s something I know you're good at–getting physical.”

"Sunset! Now is not the time for that." Twilight stomped in a huff. "I am good at physics, though." Her cheeks burned red from the cold, definitely not for any other reason.

“Let me guide you, I’ll show you all I know, all I am, and together we will soar into the sky.”

“You do know there’s a glass dome over our heads right?” Twilight asked, looking at Sunset.

“You are adorkable, did you know that?” Sunset asked, taking Twilight’s hands once more.

Slowly, inch by inch the two of them just held each other’s hands, Sunset skated backwards, as Twilight skated forward. She watched her movements, desperately trying not to look at her feet, or the ice below.

Focusing on the flow, the momentum of the ice against her blades, what was that very slight resistance as the metal of her skates hit the ice–It reminded Twilight of a gentle hum of a machine.

“I love you,” Sunset said, twirling them both in a full circle.

“I love you too,” Twilight replied as the two of them looked at each other,

Sunset held Twilight’s hands guiding her around the rink, she leaned forward and kissed Twilight once more.

Twilight blushed, losing her movement for about a fraction of a second, causing herself to stumble backwards, she hurried to adjust herself to not fall, but as she did, Sunset reached out to catch her and the two fell into a pile together on the ice.

The two of them laughed at the same time, with Sunset laying on top of Twilight.

“I know you can’t help falling for me, but I didn’t mean it literally,” Sunset flirted, leaning in to give Twilight a soft and loving kiss.

Two bodies connected together in a single moment. Twilight could hardly breathe as Sunset swooped her into her arms, and twirled her around in a full three-sixty spin on the ice.

The two of them danced together on the ice, bodies united as one. Twilight allowed Sunset to lead her, but she didn’t slack in changing the rotation. They spun together, and even did a few more twirls. The scariest part of all, was when Sunset lifted her off the ground, and above her head, but Twilight smiled down at her, seeing the sunlight illuminate her entire world.

In the distance, a pile of pink hair ducked behind the bleachers, giggling as she gave them their privacy.

Author's Note:

I have seen a lot of Sunset Shimmer and Scifi Twilight stories, but surprisingly have never written one myself. I hope you like it!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a wishing you a wonderful New Year! <3

Comments ( 9 )

This was adorable. Great work, Nailah. :twilightsmile:

I'm not gonna lie, this is actually quite a funny story. Thanks for the gift, Nailah! I appreciate it!

I am so glad to hear you enjoyed your gift! <3
That is the goal for us writers when writing for Jinglemas after all.

super cute i very much enjoyed it

minor nitpick but they do celebrate christmas in the human world not hearth warming this was confirmed in holiday unwrapped

still again super cute

“You already are, just by being you,” Spike reminded her.

Exactly. :raritywink:

She sucked in a breath, trying not to stumble or stutter and remember all of her notes. She briefly debated if it would have been better to have her notes in her hand as she made her first attempt, but having nothing would make it easier to catch herself when she inevitably stumbled.

Yeah, I find it a good idea she didn't bring them. :twilightsheepish:

“Twilight, are you sure?” Sunset tilted her head to the side. “We can just go slow if you want.


Really enjoyed this. Though my only complaint is the amount of gaps between some of the sentences there are.

Sorry about that! It should be fixed now. Thank you for reading!

Half the fun of skating is falling down with someone. Fun fic.

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