• Published 6th Jan 2024
  • 347 Views, 5 Comments


This is a tale of a guy that lives on an island a few miles out of the state of Rhode Island. He meets an unexpected visitor from another world and comes to terms that there are aliens in the galaxy. Lets see his story shall we?

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CH. 3 Princess Celestia

Author's Note:

Sorry about the wait, 5 people that read this, but I was on vacation to CancĂșn for a week, and couldn't work on the story. So I apologize for the wait, and hope that this is good enough for you. Cya - AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Author

Time: 8:22
Date: January 3, 1010
Location: Canterlot, Canterlot Castle, Basement
POV: Princess Celestia

" She should've been back by now, she said it would only be a few hours, its been more than a few hours!" I said while pacing around the portal controls.

" Tia, calm thyself, she probably ran into a little trouble, but she's the ruler of Equestria! She'll be fine," Said Luna by my side.

"But that's what I'm worried about! She could've been knocked unconscious! Been fatally injured! Or-"

"Tia! She's fine! She's been in worse situations than this! She's fought a magic eating centaur for Faust's sake! She. Will. Be. Fine."

*sigh* " Maybe your right, she has been in worse situations that this, she'll find a way out of this," I said reassuringly "Come, lets get some cake."

" Now that's the right mindset!" Luna shouted " I got a ton of chocolate cakes ready for thou in the dining room."

" Thanks Luna, your a real lifesaver."


Time: 10:00
Date: January 3, 2024
Location: Block Island, New Shoreham, 601 Corn Neck Road, Rhode Island, USA
POV: Twilight Sparkle

I stood there, stunned beyond belief, at the fact that a species has never heard of magic, the driving force of all life to my knowledge. I quickly checked the surrounding ambient magics in the atmosphere, only to get more horrified to see that there was no magic here just like that strange creature said. I checked another time, and another, AND ANOTHER, but there was nothing. The only magic I could detect was the magic I had brought with me through the portal. That was the only reason I could teleport that quill and paper from my saddle bags to write what he said down ( I determined that he was male by the tone of his voice).

"Hey, Twi, you in there?" I could faintly hear him talk to me through the swirl of emotions and shock enveloping my brain.

"Huh... what? Oh yes I'm fine." I lied, I didn't want him to be concerned, " So, uhhhh, tell me, how did your species survive without magic?"


Time: 10:04
Date: January 3, 2024
Location: Block Island, New Shoreham, 601 Corn Neck Road, Rhode Island, USA
POV: Carl Votomopa

I wasn't fully sure if she was telling the truth, judging by the fact that when I waved my hand in front of her face, she didn't flinch at all. But disregarding that fact in favor of her mental health, I focused on answering her question.

"Hmmmm... well I cant explain the entirety of humanities evolution in one sitting, I can definitely tell you that we can survive without magic, and I have a few history books lying around here somewhere, you could check those out." I said enthusiastically.

'thank god I put the war books and horror books on the top shelf, though she could just fly up or teleport them down. Fuck.'


Time: 10:06
Date: January 3, 2024
Location: Block Island, New Shoreham, 601 Corn Neck Road, Rhode Island, USA
POV: Twilight Sparkle

Hearing that a species could survive without magic was another blow to my mental state, but I just managed to not space out this time, and was enjoyed to see that he has history books on his species!

"Oh thank you so much! I cant wait to take a look at those history books! So where are they?"

"There over there, by the door."

"Thanks!" I said walking over to it, "Though now that I think about it, I never got your name?"

"Oh" he said "It's Carl. Carl Votomopa."

"Thanks!" 'strange name', I thought, 'though its to be expected, he is an alien, after all expect the unexpected.'


Time: 12:59
Date: January 3, 1010
Location: Canterlot, Canterlot Castle, Basement
POV: Lyra Heartstrings

I welded a few more pieces back on to the portal, Some fell off with the huge, constant magical discharge it gives off when activated. I welded even harder to make sure that they don't fall of again when Princess Twilight comes back.

'y'know, I wonder were this leads' I thought to myself ' It could lead to a world full of humans for all I know!' I was getting giddy imagining Twilight in a world full of those amazing creatures when I was interrupted by somepony above me.

"Hello? Hellooooooooooo!"

"Yeah?" I said "What do you want?"

"Are you Lyra Heartstrings by any chance?" the mailmare above me said.

"Yes I am."

"I have a letter for you, It's from.... Bonnie."

"Oh?" "why would she mail me something?" I said under my breath."She would have no reason to mail me anything except for something urgent. " "OK! Just put it here. How much is it?"

"5 Bits."

"OK. Here." I said, giving her the said bits.

"Alright! Here you go! Bye!" she shouted to me, rushing out the doors

"Bye!" I shouted back "Now lets see what she wrote me about." I said, opening the envelope. "Dear Lyra,.....Please come back.....ants invading the house.......THEIR SENTIENT?! Sorry portal, but I gotta go home. THERES SENTEINT ANTS INVADING MY HOUSE!!! I ran out of the portal room and locked the doors behind me, told the guard's to keep an eye on it, and rushed out of the castle.


Time: 2:58
Date: January 3, 2024
Location: Block Island, New Shoreham, 601 Corn Neck Road, Rhode Island, USA
POV: Carl Votomopa

She's been on those books for almost 5 hours now! I didn't know I had that many history books! OR maybe there just long, and she hasn't finished one yet, though she is Twilight Sparkle, she probably finished all of them and is reading the other books on that shelve, with the practice she had, reading books her whole life.

"Hey Twili-" I hesitated, as she hasn't told me her name yet "Uhhhh, purple horse? Aren't you hungry? You've been at that for 5 hours now."

"Oh! Yes I do want some food, and for your information my name is Twilight."

"Ok, what do you want?"

"A salad is fine."

"M'kay." I said, digging around in my fridge, looking for lettuce. "D'you want any dressing?"

"Uhhhh, I'll have Italineighin, you have that right?"

"No, I don't, but I have Homemade Italian dressing. It should be the same."

"Ok, I'll have that then."

"K" I said, getting the dressing and cutting the lettuce into a bowl. After making the salad and pouring the dressing on, I gave it to her.

"Say, I have a question about your diet. Your species diet that is." I asked

"Oh? What is it?"

"Do you eat meat?"


Time: 3:12
Date: January 3, 2024
Location: Block Island, New Shoreham, 601 Corn Neck Road, Rhode Island, USA
POV: Twilight Sparkle

My mind was reeling for the 2nd time that day. Ponies? Eating meat?! What a ridiculous question! Of course we don't eat meat. All quadruped species with the exception of the beaked ones like Griffins and Hippogriffs are herbivores!

"No! Of course we don't eat meat! All quadruped species with the exception of the beaked ones like Griffins and Hippogriffs are herbivores! What ever gave you the assumption that we do?!" I said.

"I was just wondering!" Carl said while raising his forearms- no Arms in the air.

"Ok. But, I also have a question."


"Does your species eat meat? Because I see normal teeth, then canines in your mouth when your talking."

"Yeah we do eat meat." He said with an air of resignation.

*gasp* "How horrible! The killing and eating of innocent animals! How could you do such a thing!"

"I don't do it! Other people do! And besides, we make it as painless as possible, They don't even know!"

"But don't they protest?! They must reject to being dead?"

"What? They don't protest. They cant think for themselves except to eat, drink, and rest."

"What do you mean they cant think for themselves? All animals, whether big or small have some resemblance of pony sapience."

"That might be true on your world, but here? Its a lot more different that you think."