• Published 9th Jan 2024
  • 128 Views, 5 Comments

The Elohim's Lament - MangaBro

Twilight, the adopted daughter of Queen Cadence, is chosen by her to inherent both thrme Crystal Throne and her Alicorn powers. However, when an appealing offer given to her by an unknown stallion, will she be able to refuse?

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Chapter 3 - Crystal Road

Twilight was just about to disobey Cadence’s orders again, planning to fly out of the castle and back to the cave, however, ten spears emerged from both her left and right said, blocking her path. Of course, it was Euphor Black and the other nine men under his command. Twilight didn't feel the need to raise her head to realize that. All she did was keep her teary-eyes on the floor and ordered angrily, "Move out of my way, that is an order."

"We take orders from the queen, not you." Euphor Black replied, his breath still slightly heavy. "Your mother has ordered us to take you back to your room, so if you would, please, come with us."

Twilight let out a short gasp through gritted teeth. She couldn’t believe that, at that moment, she had forgotten about her position in the palace. Even though she wished not to be queen, she had used her abilities as an Alicorn to get out of any situation she pleased. Usually, the royal guards would be shaking in their horseshoes right now, however, they weren't. If anything, they just seemed irritated.

"Princess, we need you to come with us." Euphor reminded, his voice carrying a heavier weight.

Reluctantly, Twilight fell silent and obeyed their orders. A wave of relief washed over the guards. "The bitch finally obeyed," a knight wanted to say, but he kept quiet.

"This isn't fair," Twilight complained. "You should all be bowing down to me like pets you are! Why is it always the prince who gets to do whatever they want?"

"Because life isn't fair, Alicorn." Euphor Black replied, his eyes tired. "It never was, and it never will be, so just deal with it like the rest of us."

Twilight's pupils flared. "But I'm not like the rest of you," she corrected, "Especially not you, bastard. I'm an Alicorn born of Skyros, and you should treat me as such. I could literally just fly away from here if I wanted to—"

"That's enough!" A light-blue pegasus stomped his hoof and the knights stopped in response. He then turned to Twilight, whose eyes were wide with shock and disbelief. "I don't care if you're an Alicorn or not! He may be a bastard, but his honor is all he has! And it won't cease to exist because of a privileged, ungrateful highborn like you! You being alive keeps our heads from being on a spike!”

Euphor Black walked up to the light-blue pegasus and wrapped a hoof around his mane, giving him a look of sincerity. “Compose yourself, Thunderblide, there is no need for you to defend me,” he reassured, his eyelids drooping ever so slightly, “Besides, I can care less about her name-calling. It’s not like I haven’t heard it before.” He then removed his hoof from Thunderblide's back before turning back around.

“This girl will be the end of us,” Objected Thunderblide, “Are you really willing to give up your life for someone like her, someone who isn’t even Crystalborn?”

Euphor’s eyes were intense. “Our loyalty lies in the hand of the Crystal Empire,” He said, “You don’t want your tongue cut off from the words you’re uttering to the princess, right?”

“N-no.” Thunderblide said hesitantly.

“Then we shall do as we’re told.” Euphor turned back around, and the journey to Twilight’s room continued.

Twilight could barely refrain herself from laughter at Euphor. Out of all the knights surrounding her, he seemed to be the most loyal, and possibly easily manipulated. His loyalty was unmatched, even for a bastard with nothing to inherit. She didn’t like being a queen one bit, but she found comfort in controlling others.

Twilight and Flurry Heart shared the same great chamber with each other near the deck of the castle. The room was bigger and brighter with more candles than any other chamber room. In the very middle lies a crib for Flurry Heart and a lullaby decorated with smaller versions of the Crystal Heart hung above her from the tall ceiling. Meanwhile, Twilight's bed was on the right side of the room, next to her books of magic she placed on the oak-wood shelf. The bed was half the size of the bookshelf with a cover of red fabric, accompanied by a lantern that sat by on a small table.

Flurry Heart spent the majority of her time asleep in the room. After a specific incident which endangered the safety of the Crystal Empire, Cadence and Shining Armor created a magical barrier to keep her inside until she was able to gain control of her magic.

Seventy-two knights were stationed at the wide crystal entrance of her room. As she grew closer, she could hear Flurry Heart's whining, which caused her to groan.

"Can't you shut her up?" Asked Twilight, "I don't wanna hear her whining."

"And we don't wanna hear your whining either. If it wasn't for the bits, we would've probably disowned you by now." Said a royal guard.

"My brother will have you disowned if you said that to him."

"But he's not here," Replied the same guard. "Now, go inside, we're done with you."

Euphor Black stayed silent and led her into the room. Flurry Heart quickly noticed her presence and flew up out of her crib. "Twi, Twilight!" She cried, Twilight only rolled her eyes, and tried to avoid any kind of eye-contact with her younger sister. She wasn't in the mood for it.

Twilight let out another sighed, "Oh, I'm so done with this." She mumbled, going over to her bed.

"Twilight—Twilight!" Flurry Heart flew towards her.


That was all Twilight could ask when Flurry plumed herself onto her side. Every time she saw Flurry Heart smile her hooves shook In anger. She looked so happy, all the time, and rightfully so. She had over a thousand years before to enjoy herself with life. She was no heir. She was loved by nearly everyone, especially Cadence and Shining Armor. She couldn’t fathom why they paid so much attention to her.

“What have you done that makes you so special? Why does my brother always take joy in your sight? No one’s ever looked at me like that, no. I’m nothing more than a tool to keep this kingdom going. No one, except for my friend from the east, has enjoyed my company. There is truly nothing to smile about. It’s always Twilight this, Twilight that, but no one’s ever resented you.
You nearly destroyed the Crystal Heart upon your birth, and these ponies want me dead? No! You shouldn’t smile, as there is nothing to be happy about." She could feel her hooves trembling in anger as rage fueled her heart. She was so hate-filled that if she had a spear by her side… she could've… she would've…

Twilight sighed deeply and put her magical grasp on Flurry Heart. "Sleep." Twilight uttered, putting Flurry Heart into a deep sleep with a magical spell, and placing her back into her bed. Feeling droopy, she decided to lay down in her bed, but with a slight flutter of her wings, a book fell onto her bed, barely missing her head. In response, Twilight groaned as she rolled over to the right side of the bed. Laying there was a red book with the book cover of a golden hoof print. Under the hoof print read: "Forbidden Magic."

Tomorrow, a horsing competition will be held at the Equestrian games for the marriage of Princess Rarity and Prince Blueblood from the east as well as the official baptism ceremony for Twilight Sparkle at the Celestial Cathedral in Canterlot. Celestia, Luna, and their daughters, Trixie Lulamoon and Sunset Shimmer. Shining Armor was chosen as one of the knights to participate for the Crystal Empire.

For Shining Armor, horsing was an easy sport. The objective was to test the willpower of both stallions. It was simple. All one had to do was charge forth and slam the spear into each other’s armor until one's Armor was completely broken.

In the fields, Shining Armor was with his fellow squire: Flash Sentry. This would be his second time horsing. The first was against Barston Black, which ended in a tie. For his training, Flash Sentry drew a long line in the field which resembled the wooden structure in the middle of a horse competition. Shining Armor equipped his crystal spear and prepared himself for a charge, snorting as he held his spear sideways.

One… Two… Three… Begin!

The two horses charged with great speed, their stomps leaving deep holes into the ground. Shining Armor's speed was far greater than Flash's, making it quite easy for his Armor to break upon impact. The powerful impact sent Flash strolling onto the ground, his spear following him.

"You've gotten better," He groaned, "The average crystal knight wouldn't be able to handle two of those strikes."

Shining Armor looked down to hide his smirk, taking off his helmet and placing down his spear. "You went easy on me." He said, approaching Flash.

"Maybe you're just getting better." Flash spoke in a groan as he stood up, putting his helmet back on. "Soon, there will be no need for me to be your squire."

"I think it's too soon for me to begin my journey as an appointed knight, I'm only eighteen after all." Shining Armor objected, "I'm still young and have plenty of life to live."

"Which is all the more reason to not get killed during the competition." Flash Sentry said, he then made his gaze evermore serious.

"I won't die, I can't," Shining Armor claimed with confidence in his eyes. "No one has died in a horsing competition in ten-thousand years. What makes you think my life is in danger?"

"Your opponent is not the average crystal knight, or Canterlot knight for that matter. He is Darren Hargon of Galloptoia. One of the most ruthless knights of our species." Flash Sentry told. "He's slayed entire armies."

"You think I'm not aware of that?" Shining Armor asked, turning around and walking over to pick up his spear.

"You obviously don't seem aware of Elohim's cruelty," Said Flash, "One swing of that spear and you'd be dead before you even know it."

He really is a worrywart, Shining Armor saw, walking back over to Flash with a confident smile. "Death is a certainty for all of us, my lord, but fearing it is foolish. I am about to become a knight as we speak, I will not quiver in death. Besides, I'll just leave it for Elohim to decide."

"Now, if you don't want me to die, then I suggest we practice some more." Shining Armor went on.

This kid knows nothing of knighthood, Flash thought.

Just as they were about to train any further, an earth pony called their names from afar, holding a scroll In his mouth. He was an old pony with beige fur and a Gray mane, accompanied by deep wrinkles in his face.

"Horseshoe Devan." Shining Armor approached him tentatively along with his squire. Horseshoe Devan was the royal advisor to empress Cadence, so him being all the way out didn't surprise Shining Armor one bit.

"It is a note from your majesty." Devan told him, handing him the note which was an order from the troubled empress.

Shining Armor nodded and quickly did what he was bid, but not without leaving Flash in the complete dark.

The sun was beginning to set, painting the Crystals of the Crystal Empire green. As Shining Armor made his way through the streets and passed the Crystal Heart, all he could think about was how beautiful the town used to be before the first Crystal Incident. The fur of everypony used to match the color of the Crystals, making the scenery all the more pleasing. However, without the complexity of the ponies, it made the day seem rather… dull. "I wish that hadn't happened." He thought as he approached the castle doors. The guards were quick to let him in.

Shining Armor trotted his way all the way to the throne room where Cadence resided, upon setting hoof near the entrance of the throne room, he stopped. He had just remembered something. "Where's Twilight? She should be here, preparing for her flight across town tomorrow."

He opened the door to the throne room, Cadence was quick to take her gaze off of the window and towards Shining Armor. Shining Armor could tell she was exhausted from her eye bags and her half-shut eyes.

"Welcome, husband." She flew out of her chair, barely keeping her balance. Shining Armor quickly ran up and caught her. As he did, he saw the sky-blue magic aura of her horn fading in and out of sight.

"You've overused your magic," Shining Armor stated in concern, placing his horn on hers, "Let your advisor sit the throne for now, maybe tomorrow, too."

"I'm… fine." Cadence argued.

Shining Armor sighed and a dark-blue magical aura covered his horn. He took a few steps back, allowing Cadence to fall to the ground. With one more, deep, heavy breath, he unleashed the magic of his horn onto Cadence, painting her a shimmering light like those of crystals. This was a spell Shining Armor had come up with upon marrying Cadence. After the incident with Flurry Heart, the magic of the Crystal Heart had lessened severely, causing a magical spell to hold it together.

Luckily, due to her Alicorn and Crystal heritage, she was able to craft a spell to keep it together. Unfortunately, in return, that would tire her tremendously, oftentimes causing her advisor to sit the throne for a day or two.

Her royal advisor was a female Unicorn by the name of, "Lyra Heartstrings."

"Lyra, please sit the throne for tonight. My queen needs to rest for a moment." Shining Armor ordered, and Lyra was quick to obey. Shining Armor then helped Cadence up.

"Take me to the Crystal Crypt," She commanded, huffing and puffing rapidly, "It's about the Crystal Heart."

Chapter End

Author's Note:

Upon re-reading this chapter, I realize the idea that Lyra being Cadence’s royal advisor will never be funny to me, as well as Flash Sentry training Shining Armor.