• Published 25th Mar 2024
  • 456 Views, 5 Comments

The Crowning Jewel - marmalado

Pipp never seems to take her crown off...but why?

  • ...

The Crowning Jewel

Staring down Opaline feels absolutely nerve-wracking.

Being onstage is one thing. Facing down the pony who stole my cutie mark is another.

I'm not as athletic as my sister. I can do all sorts of twists and turns in the air, but those are for show. In a race, Zipp would beat me singlehoofedly. In a battle, she could dodge an attack easily, while I would be, to put it bluntly, dead pony meat.

All it takes is a single laser to knock the crown off of my head. When I hear it clatter on the floor, I squeeze my eyes shut as I feel the coils of pain begin to grip me.

There's no stopping it. A scream ekes out through the small gaps in my teeth, but my jaws part to allow it to come full force.

"What is that?"

The ominous and low voice of Allura shoots through my ears. I'm so focused on Opaline that I didn't even hear her come in. Maybe she had always been there. I don't know.

"It's...it's a-"

I bolt awake. My breaths come slow and heavy. I can feel the sweat matting my mane, ruining the perfect way I had put it up for the night.

My eyes drift along the room, watching my friends as they all sleep peacefully. I won't deny that I'm a little jealous of them. A princess needs her beauty sleep, after all, but while everypony else is getting theirs, I'm haunted by nightmares.

They had come every day. Every day for the past week.

I tried asking Mom about it after the third day. She told me she would refer me to the palace's primary care provider, so he could give me sleeping pills. They helped, but I stopped taking them after they caused me to become sick on camera. Knowing I let my Pippsqueaks down that day, showing something utterly disgusting to them on sheer accident...it hurts. I got a lot of empathetic comments, but at the same time, I lost a crazy amount of views on that livestream.

Feeling sick to my stomach, I slide out of bed and make my way to the bathroom, every hoofstep I make feeling slow and heavy. When I close the door behind me and make sure it's locked, I turn on the light and look in the mirror.

My crown is there. It's always there.

It's a beautiful crown. Mom told me it was given to me at birth, crafted from the finest gold by a trio of Pegasi miners, long before magic had died. Apparently, it's so enchanted with magic that it had grown with me. I had been warned never to take it off, so I didn't.

But I'm a grown pony now. Mom isn't here to tell me no. The bathroom door is locked.

And I don't want to hide anymore.

I take a deep breath. My shaky hoof reaches up, grabs my crown, and places it on the vanity.

I'm not used to the pain. As a bright pillar of magic surrounds me, I bite my tongue to stop myself from screaming. I stiffen my legs in an attempt to stop myself from falling down.

Three seconds later, and I slowly open my eyes to greet the...me that stood in front of the mirror.

Four pure green eyes, two big and two small, the pupils forming pawprint shapes. A pointy curved horn. Fluffy fur filling my ears. Six large sharp feathers, held together by two metallic bases. A purple exoskeleton along my back. A thick tail with two faded purple antennae curving upwards near their tips.

I don't look like a stunning confident pop princess.

I look like a monster.

At least, that's what Sunny and the others will say when they learn the truth. Mom told me it was a secret that needed to be kept hidden, but I know that even the best secrets come out eventually.

Though intrusive thoughts to eat away at me, my ears still pick up on the sound of approaching hoofsteps. As I quickly put on my crown and turn back, my stomach begins to churn, and I quickly rush out of the bathroom. To where, I don't know. Anywhere that doesn't have a mirror.

The rest of the night was spent clutching the toilet.

Morning Pipperoo! Zipp's having a meeting downstairs. She says it's super important and she wants everypony there. Not sure what it's about. Wakey-wakey eggs and shakey!
Sent 8:37 AM

Reading that text message, my heart stops. I go from sleepiness to full alertness in a second. I feel sick again, but I have nothing to throw up. As if requesting something, my stomach growls.

Okay. A quick check in my bedside mirror. I'm a pony again. That's good. All I need to do is freshen up and I'm good to go. Normal morning routine stuff.

I rush downstairs, where I find everypony waiting. "Gooood moooorniiiing!"

"Morning, sis." Zipp steps forward. "You feeling better after last night?"

"Last night...? Oh! Yeah, yeah, tooootally fine. I guess dinner disagreed with me."

"You did eat a lot."

The comment from Izzy leads Zipp to give her a pointed look. Forcing myself to make eye contact with my sister -- with anypony, really -- is hard. But to keep up the facade, I have to stay calm.

After all, not even Zipp knows about the pony...no, the being I truly am. Mom made sure to keep that a secret from her, too. And for all of her detective skills, she somehow hasn't found out.

"So sis, I've been wondering. About that crown you wear..."

Until today.

"Remember last week, how we relaxed in the Zephyr Heights Royal Spa? How one of the guards asked if she could take your crown, and you said no?" Zipp says. "Or the week before that, when you were sick and I found you asleep in your bed upstairs with your crown still on?"

I remember. Of course I remember. But to me, they're nothing more than...things that happened in everyday life. I don't think much of them. But apparently my sister does. I manage a weak nod.

"Mom told me it was a keepsake from when you were born. Made by Pegasi from the finest gold. But you've had it all your life. It's tradition for the royal family to go through different crowns as they grow up. Crowns aren't supposed to grow with the pony."

"Yeah! My friendship bracelet and headband were gifts I got from my parents as a filly. But they didn't grow with my body. That'd be weird. Somehow they broke...I don't really remember how..."

"Izzy, please. This is serious."

"Oop! Is it? I thought it was gonna be like that time you thought she did a dine-and-dash from Irene's."

"She didn't. We figured out that mystery. Now can we please get back to it?" Zipp clears her throat. "Anyway, Pipp, I'd like to examine your crown. Just out of curiosity."

My stomach growls, louder this time. I clutch it, just to avoid eye contact. "I would...prefer if you didn't."

"Why not?" Zipp asks. "I promise I won't damage it or anything. I just wanna look at it."

I shrink back. "No!"

"Give it to me!"


My eyes are shut, but I can still hear the sound of Zipp taking flight, no doubt trying to remove the crown from me herself. In an effort to dodge her, I leap forward, but my body hits the stairs, and from there, all I can feel is unimaginable pain.

By the time I open my eyes again, everypony is staring at me.

I don't need to look in a mirror to understand who I am now.

The stares...I can't read what emotions lie in them. Anger. Fear. Confusion. I squeeze my eyes shut, becoming alone with my own frantic heartbeat.


"Who are you?"

"What are you?"

"A-are you okay?"

I'm used to receiving a lot of questions from Pippsqueaks, so normally, having four of them thrown my way in a row wouldn't bother me. But these ponies were no fans of mine. They were...friends? Enemies? No, they had to be enemies. I'm a freak of nature. They hate me. If not for what I look like, then because I've been hiding the truth from them ever since we met.

And that's to say nothing of my sister. She doesn't respond, and I don't want to see her face.

Tears spill involuntarily. I let them come, burying my own face in my forelegs as my body begins to quake with sobs.

I'm sorry, Mom.

I'm sorry, Dad.

I'm sorry, to every member of the royal family.


My mind abandons the thought, because it feels wrong to just keep it bottled up. The least I could do is apologize to Mom in-pony. And...apologize to Zipp, too. Zipp...she needs to...hear my words. She needs to know the truth about everything, even if she's probably figured out most of it on her own.

Desperately, I try to dry my tears and stand on my shaky hooves, my breaths coming out as sharp pained cries. The sharp "feathers" on my back tremble -- trying to help me achieve flight, but being unable to even provide lift. Mom told me I was incomplete in that way, that more "feathers" would grow as I did so I would eventually be able to fly. I took the words at face value, but here, in this moment, I began to doubt them.

"Pipp? What's going on? You have a lot of explaining to do!"

"Zipp, stop!" Sunny's voice. "Let her tell us if she wants to."

In, out. In, out. In, out. Deep breaths. I can tell them. They'll be supportive. After all, we all went on a journey to help earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi reunite with each other and live in harmony. Celebrating differences among ponies, instead of living in seclusion, where everypony is the same.

...Among ponies. Not among other creatures.

But Sunny's dad was a historian. Surely he passed on the existence of other creatures to his daughter? She's so accepting. Everypony is accepting now.

As I reach my hoof upwards to wipe my cheek, my four eyes all fall on one mare in the back of the crowd. Next to Sunny, she probably knew about all kinds of creatures, from the stories told to her by her so-called "mother". Even if they weren't true, surely she didn't see me as some kind of weirdo.

I'm working myself into a fit of anxiety again. I can't do that. But...seeking out validation, especially from my...these ponies...my friends, is really weird. I always want to feel validated by Pippsqueaks, of course, but I hardly have to worry about that as a major celebrity. Now, though...it's different.

I inspire so many ponies through my songs and dances, through my livestreams and tutorials, just by being myself and expressing the confidence within me.

Now, it was my turn to have a taste of confidence.

I straighten myself up, clear my throat, and open my jaws.

"So...I guess the secret's out, huh? About how I look like...this, and not the adorable showmare you've come to know and love?"

The silence weighs on my back, My gaze moves to the tiara for just a moment before it meets the curious but fearful eyes of these pon- my friends.

"The truth is, I'm not a pony at all." I explain. "I don't really know what I am. Mom said I was a 'changeling', but..."

"A changeling?" Sunny's eyes widen. "My dad used to tell me about those. They were evil at first, draining love from other ponies to feed themselves as well as their queen, Chrysalis. But Starlight Glimmer helped them to reform when they realized giving love is better than taking it."

No matter how many times I asked, Mom didn't tell me about changelings. She didn't even want to tell me why. All she said was, "Just take my word for it, sweetie. You're a changeling, through and through." But Sunny...she was a historian of Ancient Equestria. She knew about changelings.

She knew...she would know...about me. Who I really am.

I look deep into her eyes. They show curiosity and excitement, but also fear.




No. I can't think like that. Sunny is my friend. She's the pony who brought three whole tribes of ponies together under a banner of unity. She would understand.

"You don't look like a normal changeling, though." Sunny begins to pace around me. "It's like you're an...artificial changeling."

"A robot changeling!"

I stare at Izzy, taking the full brunt of her grin. A grin was...good. Even if hers looked a little more on the crazy side. "I, uh, guess so?" I raise my leg to eye the grooves in it. "But I don't think I'm a robot."

"You don't think..."

My gaze moves to Zipp to see her reaction. She looks more...fearfu- no. In shock. She's in shock. And why wouldn't she be? Her sister was a changeling, for hoofness sakes! Of course that would be life-changing for a pony!

"Zipp?" I call out tentatively. "I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier...but Mom, she-"

Zipp holds up a hoof. "Save it. To be honest, I don't know what to say. My sister is...isn't even a pony." She sits down. "Why didn't Mom say anything? I'm gonna have a talk with her later."

I bite my lip. "Um...what...what are you going to say?"

"I'm gonna ask her why she kept the fact that my sister isn't even a pony hidden from me all these years. And then I'm gonna do some detective work." Zipp steps forward, placing a gentle hoof on my shoulder. "Pipp, don't worry. I'm...shocked that you're a changeling, for sure, but...no matter what, you're my sister. None of this is your fault. It's Mom's."

All four of my eyes widen. Out of every reaction I had expected Zipp to give, having her be so accepting of me wasn't one of them. It makes her seem a little off, but I can't deny that having my own sister be by my side still is a huge relief.

With my fears of Zipp lifted, I look to the others. Izzy still has a noticeable sparkle in her eyes. Hitch is deep in thought about something. Sunny is still pacing in circles around me. And Misty...

Misty is...smiling.

"Pipp?" came the soft voice. "I...heh..." Misty scratches her cheek. "Um, I'll admit that it'll take some time to see you as a...changeling..." She pauses. "But no matter what, I'll still be your friend. I mean, you were kind enough to befriend me, after all. A-and I know that's an unreasonable comparison, but...ohh..."

I know Misty has trouble saying what's on her mind sometimes, and so I give a grateful smile. "Don't worry, Misty. Thank you. If it helps, I can always just stay in my usual form."

"No, don't!" Misty stretches out her hooves. "I think you should stay as you are now."


"Yeah! You shouldn't have to hide behind a disguise anymore. You should go out there and show ponies that different can be good!" The smile on Misty grows bigger. "You, Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp...you all united Equestria again. You showed that- that unicorns don't have to be afraid of Pegasi, and Pegasi don't have to be afraid of Earth ponies, and-"

"Okay, okay, I get it, Misty." I say with a chuckle. "I...don't know if I'm ready for that just yet. But hey, baby steps."

Well, I have the approval of Zipp and Misty. And Izzy, if her excitement means anything. Three down, two to go.



"Whatcha thinkin' about?"

"Oh, nothing. Just all the new laws I'll have to create now that there'll be a real live changeling walking around."

All this time, I had forgotten about the law. Forgotten about Hitch's need to uphold the law. Anxiety began settling in my heart again. "Hitch, if you want, I can just continue going about Maretime Bay in my usual fo-"

"No." Hitch raises a hoof. "We've come this far in uniting ponies together. Now it's time to extend unity to other species. Whether that's dragons like Sparky, or changelings like you." I spot his chest puffing out. "You can help me in making new laws. How about that?"

I know Hitch is a good pony who keeps Maretime Bay safe. He would protect me. He's my friend.

None of the ponies standing before me are enemies. I realize that now. They're all my friends. They would have my back no matter what.

I gratefully nod. "Yes, I'd love that! Oh, thank you so much, Hitch."

"Hey, Pipp?" Sunny says. "Do you think you could help me with researching changelings? There might be a book or two around the Brighthouse somewhere. I want to know everything. I-I mean it's crazy enough that we found evidence of dragons existing...but changelings? That's a whole other adventure!" She begins to trot in place. "So how about it? Please?"

Research isn't my thing, if I'm being honest. But I nod anyway. "Of course, Sunny. Anything for a friend."

Before I know it, I'm rushing straight into the embraces of my friends and sharing a long comforting group hug with them. My fear and anxiety go away, bit by bit, until all that's left is sensational pop pony princess Pipp Petals.

...Eh, "pop changeling princess" doesn't really have the same ring to it. I'll have to work on that.

But all that matters is that my friends accept me for who I am. I don't need to hide anymore. I can be myself, and not have to hide behind an alter ego just to please everypony. It feels so relieving, not having to carry this secret around with me anymore.

In that moment, i make my mind up. I'm going to let everypony see my true form. True Pippsqueaks will embrace it, show their support, maybe even become inspired. Haters will be haters, and I shouldn't waste my time on them. That's a lesson I had to learn the hard way when i first began livestreaming, and it has never rung more true now. Having my friends support me reminds me of it.

With the warmth in my heart, and a strong future ahead, my smile grows bigger and bigger, my lips letting two words pass by them.

"Thank you."

Author's Note:

Design for Pipp's form is from GaleemLightSeraphim and their "cybug changeling" drawings. Only the G4 Mane Six have designs, but I figured such a design would be a fun spin on the usual changeling designs, one that fits with G5's more high-tech setting.

Deciding to use present-tense for this story is inspired by Shroom and their Odd Squad Google Doc stories. Don't expect it to be the norm -- I'm far more comfortable with past-tense, as you can probably tell -- but I thought I should experiment with it, for the sake of future stories.

If you want another take on the Pipp-is-a-changeling concept, allow me to recommend Casket's Pipp of Theseus.

Comments ( 5 )

Four pure green eyes, two big and two small, the pupils forming pawprint shapes. A pointy curved horn. Fluffy fur filling my ears. Six large sharp feathers, held together by two metallic bases. A purple exoskeleton along my back. A thick tail with two faded purple antennae curving upwards near their tips.

Gasp, she a furry :pinkiegasp:!

My eyes are shut, but I can still hear the sound of Zipp taking flight, no doubt trying to remove the crown from me herself. In an effort to dodge her, I leap forward, but my body hits the stairs, and from there, all I can feel is unimaginable pain.

Why is Zipp snatching it from her? I don’t think that’s the right thing to do; it obviously makes Pipp uncomfortable and Zipp is the mature one.

"You don't look like a normal changeling, though." Sunny begins to pace around me. "It's like you're an...artificial changeling."

Actually, it sounds like she’s some cat-like creature, I was imagining something like Allura before this was mentioned.

How is Pipp a changeling? Is she adopted? Why wasn’t this addressed? Is she some pony-changeling hybrid? So her mother has been raising a changeling, yet was still afraid of effing unicorns?!

Story was okay, sets up future conflict and stuff and the grammar was decent, but there’s just a few issues I have with the plot. Gets an OKAY.


I intentionally left the story open-ended to allow room for potential sequel stories, though I can see how it could have been more neatly wrapped up in an epilogue section of sorts.

As for Zipp, she has a tendency to jump to conclusions a lot and be a bit insensitive when it comes to solving mysteries, as shown with Misty pre-cutie-mark-- hence why she decides to cut right to the chase and tries to tear Pipp's crown off.

Either way, thank you for your feedback. Much appreciated. :twilightsmile:

Ah, this takes me back to the olden days of the fandom, when little things that most neurotypical people wouldn’t even notice would be spun into these elaborate stories. Also, am I the only one how thinks that insect Pipp sounds adorable ?

Yeah, what you’re saying about Zipp makes sense, my bad.

Yeah, this one kinda lost me halfway through.

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