• Published 22nd Jan 2024
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Video Game Journeys: Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy - CrashGuy41

Sunset and the others end up in the world of Crash Bandicoot.

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Bandicoot Power!

Crossing the bridge was no easy task, as it was suspended high above the ocean. This made Fluttershy extremely nervous, as she was deathly afraid of heights. Eventually, though, they made it inside of the castle and found Dr. N. Brio in his own personal laboratory.

"Well, hello there, Crash. So nice to, hehhehhehheh, see you again," N. Brio laughed.

"Uh, I don't get it. How is that funny?" Pinkie asked.

"Um, Pinkie, I don't think that's why he's laughing," Fluttershy whimpered.

Suddenly, N. Brio threw his green beaker, causing slime monster to appear on the floor.

"Ugh! That thing is absolutely disgusting!" Rarity cringed.

Luckily, Crash jumped on it, squirting N. Brio in the face.

After a few more slime monsters were created and defeated, N. Brio drank his own two potions and transformed into a green Hulk-like monster. Even though he was strong, now, he was still no match for Crash Bandicoot. Upon being defeated, he stumbled backwards into his own equipment, which set some things ablaze. He tried to fly like a bird back into the castle, but gravity forced him back down and into his normal form again.

While all of this was going on, Twilight managed to steal a gem right from under Cortex's nose. It was a flat, purple gem that was used to possibly power the Cortex Vortex. For her, it was finally time to escape. She climbed up Tawna's cage and made her way inside the air vent while Coco did her test in the room with the super secret escape hatch. The two of them finally managed to escape and even met each other outside of the castle in front of Cortex's blimp.

Suddenly, they heard an explosion coming from inside the castle. The castle suddenly burst out in flames with Cortex escaping on his hovercraft, holding a laser gun in one hand and Tawna around his other arm. Looking up, Twilight saw her friends in the room where N. Brio's lab was.

"Quick, Coco! Get in the blimp! He's got Tawna!" Twilight shouted frantically.

The two of them got into the blimp's cockpit and took off. The first thing that they did was rescue Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Crash, and Aku Aku from the burning castle with the blimp's ladder.

"Who is that?" Rarity asked, pointing to Coco.

"Another bandicoot created by Cortex?" Aku Aku asked.

Crash climbed on the very top of the blimp, ready to face his creator and save Tawna.

"Darn you, Crash Bandicoot!" Cortex scowled.

The girls made their way inside the blimp and met up with Twilight and her new friend.

"Thanks for rescuing us, Twilight. Who's your friend?" Fluttershy asked.

"Her name's Coco. She helped me escape the castle," Twilight responded.

"And Crash is my big brother," Coco added.

The others were shocked. They had no idea that Crash had a smart little sister.

"He never told us!" Pinkie said.

"That's because he didn't know she existed," Twilight explained.

"But he will soon," Coco said.

While all of this was going on, Crash was deflecting Cortex's green laser blasts back at him. One of them even sent Tawna flying towards the blimp. Crash, of course, helped her on top of the blimp to keep her from falling. Cortex then shot one final green laser blast right towards the two of them. Thinking fast, Crash deflected it back at him with a spin attack, sending the mad scientist hurdling towards the ocean.

Inside the blimp, Pinkie and the others saw Cortex fall to his supposed doom.

"HE DID IT! HE WON!" Pinkie screamed.

"WE did it, Pinkie," Twilight corrected. "Except, I get the feeling that this won't be the last time we'll be seeing Cortex."

"Oh dear. You don't mean...?" Fluttershy whimpered.

"Exactly, Fluttershy. We're still nowhere close to going home, yet. We have no idea where Rainbow Dash, Applejack, or even Sunset Shimmer, are!"

"What are you talking about?" Coco asked.

Twilight sighed heavily. It was time to break the ice to Coco.

"Truth is, Coco, my friends and I aren't even from this world. We're from a place called Canterlot City. You see these geodes that we have?"


"They contain magic. REAL magic. For example, Rarity can generate a diamond with her magic. Show her, Rarity."

On cue, Rarity created a gem-like shield with her geode's power.

"Wow. That's amazing!"

"I know. But we still need to find the rest of our friends. I just know that they're out there, somewhere."

Cortex continued falling and falling until he landed right smack in the middle of a dark cave. He lit up a match and saw that pink crystals were growing inside of it. He laughed maniacally. He had just found a new power source.

"Crystals... of course!" he exclaimed.

Suddenly, the match went out, leaving him in the darkness.

July 24, 1998

One whole year had passed and Dr. Cortex was now inside a space station that he had built with his new assistant, Dr. N. Gin, as Brio had left, for his own personal reasons. The station was hovering above Earth ominously.

"But Dr. Cortex, to reach full power, we need not only your Master Crystal," N. Gin said, referring to the large Power Crystal that he had collected in the cave in a certain device on the station. "But also the remaining 25 Slave Crystals from the surface."

N. Gin stumbled towards his boss after pressing a few buttons on the control panel.

"How do expect to retrieve them when we don't have any Earthbound operatives left?"

"You fool! Do you think I'm unaware of the situation?!" Cortex snarled. "Ever since Twilight betrayed us, I've had to rely on you to pick up the slack, which I might add, you have done a wonderful job of doing. And if we don't have any friends left on the surface, then we'll need to find... an enemy."

Cortex grinned sinisterly. He was obviously referring to Crash, since he was so gullible when he attempted to rescue Tawna.

Speaking of Crash, Tawna had actually left him for Pinstripe or reasons unknown. She just dumped him. That was it. Anyways, in the entire year that had passed, Fluttershy and her friends had built Crash and Coco their very own house to live in on N. Sanity Island, close to the beach. Today, however, they were in the jungle just hanging out as usual. Crash was being as lazy as ever, since he was sleeping soundly. Coco, of course, was busy on her laptop, when suddenly, the battery went dead.

"Crash! Crash! Cra-ash!" she said, shaking Crash's arm, waking him up. "My battery is fried! Make yourself useful, big brother, and bring an extra battery for me."

She closed her laptop and Crash slowly got up form his nap.

"I'll go, too. It's for the best anyways. Since Crash'll probably forget where the battery is," Twilight said.

"Thanks, Twilight," Coco said.

Crash and Twilight raced back to the house. When they were halfway there, however, they were instantly teleported into what appeared to be a weird-looking warp room.