• Published 6th Oct 2012
  • 1,707 Views, 32 Comments

A filly's tale 2 - Deathsia

One by one the elements of harmony were killed by an evil they could not defeat,But when all hope...

  • ...

The lore of the elements of harmony


Applebloom stared at her for a few moments longer before she, with the help of Sweetie Belle, put the Pegasus onto her back, walked up to the door of their home, opened it, and gawked at the sight that beheld her.

“What the hay is Roseheart still here for?!” Applebloom exclaimed as they walked back into the house to see the filly standing there.

Scootaloo, whom was woken up by this statement, looked at Roseheart, and remembered why she had told the filly to stay here. She then proceeded to jump off Applebloom's back and without another word bit onto the farm pony's tail then dragged her into the kitchen where she proceeded to close the door behind her.

“There's something you need to know Bloomy.” Scootaloo said in a concerned tone as looked at her mate with a worried expression.

Upon seeing her concerned expression, the farm pony's changed to match hers. “What's wrong with Roseheart?” Applebloom asked.

“Remember when Discord attempted to change her into a being like him?” Scootaloo asked as she looked behind herself to make sure the door was still closed.

“How could ah forget...” she replied as the memories of that horrifying event came back to her.


You little foal! I have no love for this world! I wish to see it in eternal chaos! Nothing more!” Discord exclaimed as his gaze turned to Roseheart whom was still suspended by the dark magic from his ritual.

Heh,heh. Make a choice Applebloom! Your daughter....or your friends!” Discord exclaimed as he rose the dagger up with magic preparing to fire it at Roseheart's heart from a short distance away.

Discord, don't do it!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she and Applebloom realized what he was going to do.

Make your choice...” Discord said with a sneer and fired the knife at Roseheart which would connect in a matter of moments.

Tears of fear and horror flowed from Applebloom's eyes now as she saw the knife sailing towards her daughter. She only had a few moments to decide and despite the fact her first instinct was to defend her daughter, her love for her friends managed to override this at first. Inside of Applebloom's heart right now felt like a boat being tipped back and forth between which to choose yet it never stopped swaying back and forth. This feeling tortured her. She didn't know who to choose.

In the next moment however Sweetie Belle had seemingly appeared from no where in front of the knife taking it directly in her side.


“Well, I think the ritual had an effect on her. The unicorn was targeting Ruby directly and she was going to kill her until Roseheart jumped in the way and blocked the spell. But it was how she began to act and how she blocked the spell is what scared me.” Scootaloo said in the same concerned tone.

“What do ya mean?” Applebloom asked in a scared tone. Part of her wanted to shut her ears off and not hear another word, but the other part couldn't help but listen.

“Her powers, how she was acting, it was just like Discord...” Scootaloo continued and sighed after saying this.

“Ya mean apart of him is in her?” Applebloom asked in a fearful tone.

“I don't know, but that's why I had her stay here. We don't have any unicorn's skilled enough to look over her here. So we need to go to Canterlot.” Scootaloo replied and placed a hoof on Applebloom's cheek.

“Then what are we waitin for? Winter wrap up?!” Applebloom exclaimed as she began to walk towards the door only for the Pegasus to halt in her in her hoofsteps.

“There's also a matter of these two ponies knew exactly where to find my mother and everypony else, knew that they were alone, and knew they didn't talk as much as they used to so they could target them alone.” Scootaloo said in a matter of fact tone.

“How can ya assume that? You a mind reader or somethin?” Applebloom replied with a skeptic look.

“Think about it Bloomy. The elements of harmony represent the purest of friendship. What pony in their right mind would confront them if they didn't know that they stopped hanging out together nearly as much as they used to?” Scootaloo asked in response to this query by the farm pony.

“That makes sense sorta, but how could they possibly know about all us?” Applebloom replied which caused the Pegasus to sigh.

“I don't know! If I did, I wouldn't be sitting here talking about it with you.” The Pegasus replied in a slightly annoyed tone.

“No need to get all huffy with meh now.” Applebloom replied in a similar annoyed tone.

“I'm sorry, but there's one more thing. It's about the elements of harmony. How are we supposed to know how to find them?” Scootaloo asked curiously.

“Then ah suppose we'll hit up the Starswirl the Bearded's wing while we're in Canterlot.” Applebloom replied in a matter of fact tone.

“Yeah, and while we're at it, we'll do a little research on this keeper of souls that Sweetie Belle made a deal with. With luck, we'll find out how to help her recover her memories.” Scootaloo replied as she turned around, opened the door, and walked out of the kitchen followed by Applebloom.

“So what was so important for you two to talk about that you dragged Applebloom off to the kitchen? Sweetie Belle asked curiously.

“Just some stuff.” Scootaloo replied simply.

“Stuff?” The unicorn replied unconvinced of the Pegasus's explanation.

“Ya, just some stuff that needed sortin out. Anywho, we are gonna be headin to Canterlot with Roseheart to get her looked at while we wait for the funeral to be prepared for our families. Somethin is a might off with her from what Scootaloo told meh.” Applebloom chimed in as she turned to look at Roseheart with a concerned glance.

As Roseheart stared into her mother's eyes, she could tell instantly there was a deep worry in them. Yet, she didn't know why. “Somethin wrong momma?” Roseheart asked concerned.

“Nah, I just wanna get ya checked out is all.” Applebloom lied as her eyes darted back and forth in a guilty manner along with her mouth that seemed to skew up to which Scootaloo facehoofed.

“That's one attribute I wish you hadn't picked up Bloomy.” Scootaloo thought to herself in an annoyed tone as she noticed the unicorn's eyes narrow at the farm pony.

“They're hiding something from me, I just know it.” Sweetie Belle thought to herself suspiciously.


The four arrived in Canterlot nearly a day later by train and headed off towards Canterlot castle only to be greeted by the guards whom would not let them pass.

“What the hay is your problem? Ah told ya already that ah Applejack's little sister!” Applebloom exclaimed in a annoyed tone.

“No admittance! This is by order of prince Shining Armor himself.” The guard stated in a stern tone.

“What the hay? What's goin on here?” Applebloom asked in a confused tone.

“Why won't you let us in?!” Sweetie Belle roared outraged by this lack of hospitality towards them.

Just then, Shining Armor himself could be seen walking by the window, looked out and saw them, disappeared in a flash of magic, and reappeared in another flash of magic right behind the guards. “It's okay, let them pass.” Shining Armor said casually to which the guards backed off upon hearing this to which the stallion motioned for the three mares and filly to follow him.

“What the hay is going on here Shinin? Everypony knows who we are.” Applebloom said aloud as the stallion lead the three through the castle grounds and towards the castle.

“It's complicated.” Shining Armor replied simply as the five followed him to two large golden doors to which both guards saluted Shining Armor and opened the door for him and the five.

“What's complicated? Are you going to fill us in or what?” Scootaloo asked with an annoyed expression as the stallion lead the five to a door within the castle, opened it and motioned for them to go inside.

“I'll explain everything once inside.” Shining Armor replied though he looked at them with a suspicious glance now as the five walked inside the spacious room which looked like one of the storage rooms to the castle.

Barrels, large bags and crates of food lay scattered around as the five looked about their surroundings only for Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo suddenly find themselves slammed against the wall via the stallions magic.

“What the hay is wrong with you?!” Scootaloo roared only for Shining Armor to glare at the three while Roseheart looked on horrified by this turn of events.

“I'll be asking the questions here! Applebloom, What did Twilight say to you exactly the moment she found out you were pregnant?” Shining Armor asked in a demanding tone as he stared at her.

“What the hay are-”

“Just answer the question!” Shining Armor exclaimed cutting off the farm pony mid-sentence.

“Please tell meh you aren't pregnant.” Applebloom quoted Twilight in a monotone.

The stallion seemed to accept this answer and turned to look at Scootaloo. “Scootaloo, What did you ask Rainbow Dash to do for you when you found out your real parents might be alive?” Shining Armor asked as he stared at the Pegasus.

“You expect me to remember that far back?!” Scootaloo exclaimed incredulously though the stallion seemed dead serious in his question. “Ugh fine, I asked her to send a letter to the princess to see if she could find them.” Scootaloo replied after a few tense moments of recalling exactly what she had said.

“Sweetie Belle, what happened the day Applebloom's element of harmony was shattered during the battle with Discord?” Shining Armor asked as he stared at the white unicorn now.

“You can't expect her to remember that!” Scootaloo exclaimed knowing full well she had lost her memories.

“Yeah, that's somethin she couldn’t possibly know!” Applebloom chimed in.

“Quiet the both of you!” Shining exclaimed fiercely towards the other two before he looked back at Sweetie Belle.

“I...” Sweetie Belle replied thoughtfully as her mind suddenly recalled that event though the images of the memory were foggy at best. “I transformed...into...another pony...” Sweetie Belle replied though she said each word slowly as if the memory was coming back to her at the same speed.

Upon hearing these words Scootaloo and Applebloom's expressions lit up in surprise and a few moments later the magic around them disappeared. “I'm sorry to treat you all like that, but I had to be sure you were the real deal.” Shining Armor replied and sighed.

“Ah think you owe us that explanation now.” Applebloom replied though she stilled glared at the unicorn.

“Right, well, things haven't been running so smoothly in Canterlot since I assumed the throne. Ponies have been acting different and not as themselves. Those of us who remain suspect changelings are invading Canterlot in secret but without the elements of harmony, everypony is too terrified to say anything for fear of a full-scale attack. It's only a matter of time before every member of the royal congress disappears and Queen Chrysalis runs the royal congress from the shadows.” Shining Armor explained and sighed heavily.

“Ya think she's the one who sent the assassins after the elements of harmony?” Applebloom asked curiously while the other two stood in place with worried expressions.

“I'm sure of it, what better way to eliminate her greatest threat then to send her minions to do the work.” Shining Armor replied bitterly and stomped a hoof into the ground as he grit his teeth. “She will pay for killing my sister and her friends.” The stallion remarked aloud before he sighed heavily and motioned for the four to follow him. “Come, let me show you where you'll be staying during until after the funeral.”



“Today we honor six great mares who risked their lives many times to keep the peace of Equestria maintained. In life, each one provided each of us with kindness, generosity, laughter, honesty, and loyalty. Each one of them showed us what the magic of friendship truly means and that the bonds of friendship can never be broken.” The priest voice carried over the masses of ponies gathered outside the palace. What seamed to be all of Canterlot was gathered for the funeral.

“Though they may be gone, we will never forget their-”

“Ugh, gag me with a spoon! This is boring!” A voice erupted as one mare stepped out from the shadows.

“How dare you show disrespect to the elements of harmony!” One guard exclaimed as he walked up the mare preparing to escort her out only to be blown backwards by a flash of green magic revealing Queen Chrysalis herself.

(play Pugna Cum Maga now)

“I hadn't intended on making my presence known just yet but this was just too boring, besides...” Chrysalis said with a sneer as she looked to her side at which point half of the courtyard erupted into a bright green wall of fire that blew out like a candle revealing an army of changelings. “Everypony knows a male ruler is just wrong.”

“You dare show your face, after everything you've done?” Shining Armor remarked as he stepped into view along with Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom.

“Teh, you act as if I was the one who killed the elements of harmony.” Chrysalis replied with her same sneer as she stared at Shining Armor.

“Well this escalated quickly...” Roseheart remarked under her breath as she stood behind the four.

“You were! You're the one who killed everypony, killed Applejack, killed....my...mom!” Scootaloo exclaimed as her mane and fail flailed slightly now.

“As much as I would love to take credit for this, sadly, I had no play in the element's demise.” Chrysalis replied as she flicked a hoof through her mane.

Liar!” Shining Armor roared as he charged at the changeling Queen, horn glowing.

“This isn't good! We still don't have all the elements of harmony yet!” Sweetie Belle whispered to Scootaloo and Applebloom.

“Ah know, but we'll just have to make do with the ones we have now!” Applebloom exclaimed as her element of love appeared around her neck as did Scootaloo's element of loyalty.

That won't be necessary...

A somber calm voice spoke up so suddenly that it caused the three to jump back in shock at the sudden appearance of this mare that was not standing next to them mere seconds before.

Roseheart squinted at the new pony, then turned to the older mares in the group. "Who is that?"

Scootaloo was pale, she looked from Sweetie Belle to Roseheart. "Th, that's Selena!"

Applebloom looked on at the mystery mare with a shocked expression. "It can't be her. No way. Let meh see that cutiemark!?"

“It looks like... a circle with two long lines extending out of the middle?” The Pegasus remarked completely baffled by what the mare's cutiemark represented.

“But this can't be the Sweetie Belle we know can it? Her cutie mark isn't the same.” Applebloom remarked just as confused as Scootaloo was.

The mystery mare gave the three a passing glance before in the blink of an eye appeared in front of Shining Armor halting the stallion in his tracks as she stared at Chrysalis.

“You will not succeed today Chrysalis. Turn back now, while you have the chance to escape with your life.” The mare said calmly yet her voice had a strong sense of threat about it.

“Oh-ho-ho-ho! You think you are a match for me and my army of changelings?” Chrysalis gloated followed by a hysterical laugh until she noticed the unicorn was not backing down. “You're serious? Very well then, have a taste of my power, I am far stronger than I was when I invaded Canterlot last time!” Chrysalis exclaimed as she charged magic into her horn and fired a beam of green magic at the mare only for it to seemingly phrase through her, flew past Shining Armor's head, and right past Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Roseheart's heads as well, impacting a few feet away creating a large explosion of magic.

“H-how did you do that?! Your horn barely glowed!” Chrysalis exclaimed incredulously as she stared at the mare.

“Last chance. Leave now.” The mare said though her expression never changed, never became angry, or upset, it continued to look seemingly emotionless.

“N-Never!” Chrysalis exclaimed defiantly though her confidence had clearly been shaken by this mare's mysterious magical power. The changeling queen charged at the mystery mare only to seemingly land face first into the ground, looked behind herself, and saw the mare standing there with the same emotionless expression.

“How is she moving so fast?! Her speed is unreal!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she stared on at this clearly one-sided battle.

“There's no way this can be the Selena we know. Ah mean, look at her, she acts like facin the changeling queen is nothin!” Applebloom exclaimed in response to Scootaloo's statement.

“Changeling’s attack!” Chrysalis roared in frustration at her failed attempts to harm the mare at which point the army of Changelings whom had up till now been reeking havoc around the courtyard turned and charged straight for the mare.

The mare looked up to see the horde of changelings coming at her and sighed. “It never changes...”

“We have to help her! There's no way she can take all those changelings on her own!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed to which the three nodded in agreement and began to run forward only for the mare to stop them in their tracks with her magic.

“Hold still, this will all be over in a moment.” The mare said calmly and released them from her magical hold, looked up,channeled magic into her horn, much to the shock of the four and Shining Armor the element of kindness appeared around her neck, and in the next split second the entire horde of changelings that were nearly upon her now, went skyrocketing in multiple directions looking as if they had been beaten to a pulp.

Chrysalis looked at this entire event unfold staring on in shock and disbelief until the mare appeared in front of her at which point she stumbled backward with a fearful cry as the mare stared down at her. “And now to eliminate you.” The mare said looking at her as she rose a hoof only for the Chrysalis to disappear in a flash of magic.



“Canterlot owes you a dept of gratitude but I must ask, just who are you?” Shining armor asked as he stood in his royal quarters along with Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Roseheart.

The mare up till this point was staring at the four until she heard these words and turned to look at Shining Armor. “My name is not important, but if you must call me by a name, call me Rosealoom.”(Rose-a-loom)

“Not to sound ungrateful and all, but ah want to know what kind of magic you used to beat an entire army of changelins.” Applebloom asked as she eyed Rosealoom suspiciously.

“A simple offensive spell. And speed spells were used to evade the attacks by the changeling queen.” Rosealoom replied casually then turned to look at Shining Armor once again. “I'm afraid I must bid you farewell now, there are other matters that I must attend to.” Rosealoom said with a bow before she disappeared in a flash of magic.

“Offensive spell, speed spells? Ah don't buy that for one apple-buckin second!” Applebloom exclaimed as she turned to look at Shining Armor.

The stallion nodded in agreement with this statement and sighed. “Neither do I for that matter, but she did save Canterlot and us. Besides, you saw the element of kindness around her neck right? No evil pony can possibly use one of the elements of harmony. But just in case, I'll have the royal guard look into this. This still doesn't solve the fact that we still have changelings hiding amongst us as well, but with this recent invasion attempt and the fact that ponies saw you two with your elements along with Rosealoom's, they may feel brave enough to call them out now.”

With the topic of unusual magical powers Applebloom's eyes fell on her daughter at this point which brought her request to mind. “Shinin, ah have a request to ask of ya. Ah need Roseheart looked at and ah mean really looked at.” The farm pony said putting emphasis on her last three words hoping that the stallion was picking up at her code wording.

Sure enough Shining Armor picked up on this at which point his face became concerned. “Does this have anything to do with-” Shining Armor began to ask only for the farm pony to quickly put a hoof over his mouth and silently nodded.

“Ah don't want to scare her. So please don't tell her.” Applebloom whispered before she walked away from the stallion and over to Roseheart. “Sweetie, Shinin Armor is gonna have yeah looked at to make sure ya is healthy and all, isn't that right?” Applebloom said in a soothing tone as she looked at the stallion as if cuing him to speak.

“O-Oh yes, of course! Let me work on arranging that appointment now.” Shining Armor replied stuttering slightly having picked up on the cue a little late and promptly left the room.

“It's been a long day, lets get some sleep.” Scootaloo remarked as she jumped into the bed.

“Yeah, we still need to worry about those assassins as well but they wouldn't dare come to Canterlot.” Applebloom chimed in as she jumped into the bed as well.

“If you think I'm gonna sleep in the same bed as you two, you're both crazy!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed with a glare which was met with laughter from the two mares.

“Oh come on Sweetie Belle, I'll behave, but I can't speak for Applebloom-ow!” Scootaloo replied with a smirk only to get a swift hoof to the side from her mate.

“Roseheart's in the room y'all, lets keep the mare-talk to a minimum.” Applebloom remarked with a stern glare at Scootaloo while Roseheart rolled her eyes.

“Ah'm gonna go ask one of the guards to find meh a separate room.” Roseheart remarked as she walked out of the room.

“Ah don't think it's a good idea for Roseheart to be wonderin about the castle halls like this, especially with changelins wonderin about.” Applebloom remarked as she jumped out of the bed and followed her daughter out the door.

“Ah know, don't you worry. Ah won't tell em. They wouldn't understand.”

“Roseheart, who the hay are you talkin to?” Applebloom asked as she turned the corner to see her daughter standing alone in the hallway.

“Nopony momma. Ah'm just talkin to mahself.” Roseheart remarked with a guilty expression.

The farm pony wanted to argue this farther, but her main concern was getting her daughter back into the bedroom. “Uh-uh...well ah reckon you need to be sleepin in the same room as us so get your keister back in the bedroom young filly.” Applebloom said with a stern expression as she pointed a hoof down the hall to which the filly obeyed without question with her tail between her legs.

Applebloom gave one last glance down the hall, to her right, and behind herself before letting out a sigh. “Just who the hay was she talkin to?”


Octavia and Scratch stood before a jet black mare; a dark aura was emitting from her body causing black smoke to flow from where she stood and envelope the surrounding area.

“You failed me...” The jet black said as it stared at the two whom looked to be shaking slightly.

“Your darkness, you could not hope to expect us to contend with the element's power as it is. We would have been surely defeated.” Octavia replied defensively.

“As always Octavia, you speak out of your place. But you are right. After all, who knows the elements of harmony better than myself...” The jet black mare replied followed by a cackle.

“It also appears that Queen Chrysalis had launched an attack against Canterlot and failed.” Octavia replied allowed herself to regain her prim and proper composure.

“So...she's arrived... Just as I predicted she would. Such an ignorant mare.” The jet black replied with a sneer.

“Should I confront her?” Octavia asked curiously.

“No, There is no need for that now. No, we will wait and let my friends do the work this time. She won't expect it... Bloodbane, Stormhooves!” The Jet black mare exclaimed at which point a crimson red stallion appeared in a flash of magic along side of a black Pegasus.

“You called your majesty?” Bloodbane replied with a deep bow.

“Yes, your darkness?” Stormhooves replied with a similar bow.

“Your chance for vengeance is at hoof! How have the powers I have bestowed upon you two been treating you?” The jet black mare asked as she looked upon them.

“Very nicely your majesty, we have found a few creatures in the Everfree forest who share our disdain for the ponies of Equestria and are willing to assist us.” Stormhooves replied as he looked up at the jet black mare while maintaining his bow.

“Very well, eliminate the element of Loyalty and the foal known as Roseheart but do not kill the element of love, bring her here, I have plans for her.” The jet black mare replied.

“Consider it done your majesty.” Stormhooves replied at which point the two disappeared in a flash of magic.


The sun rose to the sky and the roosters could be heard making their calls in celebration of the arrival of the sun. Shining Armor walked in from the outside now looking exhausted as he was greeted by the four. “Morning everypony.” he said as he wiped beads of sweat from his head.

“You look terrible, what happened?” Scootaloo asked with a concerned expression.

“Well, as you all know, it's the ruler's job to raise the sun and moon, but since I’m not an Alicorn, it takes its toll.” Shining Armor replied with a weary smile.

“Can't Cadence do that? Where the hay is she anyways?” Applebloom asked upon hearing this response.

“She's busy managing the crystal kingdom. Normally, my position as captain of the royal guard when my sister was alive would have given me the right to leave at anytime providing no crisis was happening, but since I am ruler of Equestria now, we can only communicate by letters these days.” Shining armor replied with a sigh.

“I know the feeling, Spike is still in Ponyville and I worry about him every day.” Sweetie Belle remarked with a smile as she walked up to Shining Armor and hugged him.

“We've only been in Canterlot for three days Sweetie Belle, it's not like Ponyville is gonna be blown to bits while we're gone.” Scootaloo remarked with an eye-rolling gesture which was met with a glare from the unicorn.

“I still worry about him! How would you feel if Applebloom was in some town where you couldn't contact her quickly?” Sweetie Belle shot back.

“Calm down you two. Arguin ain't gonna make anypony feel better.” Applebloom interjected as she stared at the two whom were glaring at one another till she spoke.

“I arranged an appointment for Roseheart today, you can drop her off there whenever you feel like it.” Shining Armor said after a few awkward moments of silence.

“Thanks. Ah'll make sure to do that as soon as we get somethin to eat.” Applebloom replied with a smile then turned to look at Roseheart with a mildly concerned expression.

Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Roseheart sat in the royal dining room eating what could have been nothing less than a smorgasbord of food for twenty ponies, yet the four alone were more than enough to eat half of it within thirty minuets.

“Ah'm plum starvin still!” Applebloom exclaimed as she grabbed yet another plate of food and began to chow down on it.

“Geez, with that kind of appetite, I wonder if you aren't pregnant again.” Sweetie Belle remarked with a smirk.

“Unless Scootaloo suddenly became a stallion at some point, ah highly doubt that Sweetie Belle.” The farm pony replied with a glare before she stuffed a large fork-full of cauliflower into her mouth.

Sweetie Belle then turned to look at Scootaloo whom was showing a similar appetite to Applebloom's and gawked at her along with Roseheart. “Maybe the elements of harmony take more energy to use than we thought. I mean you both used them a lot a few days ago and we haven't had a decent meal since then.” Sweetie Belle remarked thoughtfully which caused both mares to stop shoving food into their mouths and stare at her.

“You might be right. I admit that since I have gotten my element of harmony, I've been a lot more hungry than usual. But I just figured it was because I got my flank handed to me and haven't had much to eat the past few days.” Scootaloo replied with a thoughtful expression.

The farm pony stared at her plate and sighed. “Ah really haven't been payin attention. Ah mean maybe that is a side-effect of usin em, but in the last ten years I've had this element, ah haven't really noticed any difference in mah eatin habits.” Applebloom remarked and pushed her plate away moments later.

“Well we won't know until we check the Starswirl the bearded wing. So let's drop Roseheart off and do that now.” Scootaloo said after a few more moments of silence.

The four stood up from the table, walked out of the dining hall, dropped Roseheart off with the medical ponies, and proceeded to the Starswirl the bearded wing.

“Are you kiddin meh?! Nothin is in here on the elements of harmony?!”” Applebloom exasperated after hours of searching the scrolls and books that littered the room. “Ah still need to check on Roseheart for pony's sake and this is takin far too long!” Applebloom exclaimed as she walked over to the next shelf and began to dig through the scrolls and books.

“I'm sure they have something on it in here honey, lets just keep looking.” Scootaloo called from about four aisles down.

Check in the back

Though Applebloom knew whom this voice belonged to, she had appeared so suddenly next to Applebloom that it literally scared the hay out of her and forced her to place a hoof on her chest as she caught her breath. “Holy Horseapples Rosealoom, don't sneak up on a pony like that! Gonna give meh a heart attack I swear.” Applebloom remarked, took a few more deep breaths, and sighed before what the mare had said clicked with her. “Wait, check in the back? What back?”

Without another word, Rosealoom calmly walked up to the left side of the room directly down from the aisle that Scootaloo was looking through and placed a hoof on the wall at which point the exact spot she had placed her hoof on lit up with a blue light before apart of the wall lifted, revealing a small hole in the wall.

“What the hay is that? Some kind of glory hole?” Scootaloo remarked skeptically which was met with astonished expression from everypony in the room including Rosealoom whom stared at her.

“Scooty, sometimes ah worry bout what kind of stuff you read, ah really do.” Applebloom remarked as she placed a hoof on her forehead and sighed heavily.

“It's actually a key hole.” Rosealoom replied though her expression looked visibly shaken still by the Pegasus's remark.

“A key hole? I've never seen a key hole like that before.” Sweetie Belle remarked as she stared at it.

“You haven't? I'm surprised, it's the same kind of key hole Princess Celestia used herself to store the elements of harmony.” Rosealoom replied matter-of-factually.

Scootaloo's eyes then lit up in understanding as she looked on. “Oh! So it requires a unicorn horn to unlock right?”

“Yes. And fortunately, this one isn't protected by any enchantments so just about any unicorn horn can unlock it.” Rosealoom replied, lowered her head, and inserted her horn into the key hole at which point the wall burst to life with a flash of blue magic and seemed to split down the middle as it revealed a small room no larger than a broom closet with a single book on a pedestal.

Rosealoom watched as Sweetie Belle levitated it to the three, sat it on the floor, and opened the book up. “I'm afraid you won't be able to understand most of it though.” Rosealoom remarked as the three looked up at her on confusion.

“What kind of language is this? I've learned how to read Equestrian, griffon, hippogriff, and even zebra language but this doesn't look anything like any of those.” Sweetie Belle remarked looking completely baffled.

“It's written in a language that has been dead since the dawn of our time. The language of humans.” Rosealoom replied which was met with shocked looks from the three. “What's worse is that the only two ponies whom who could read and write this language are not available to decipher this book.”

“Princess Celestia and Luna...” Scootaloo remarked slowly to which Rosealoom nodded.

“I however must be leaving now. I have other things to attend to.” Rosealoom replied and disappeared in a flash of magic.

“What the hay is with that mare? She pops up at random times and then leaves just as randomly. And how did she know we were in here anyways?” Sweetie Belle remarked as she slapped a hoof on the book in frustration.

“Ah don't know, but lets scan the book and see if we can find anythin that can tell us somethin about the elements.” The farm pony remarked as she continued to scan the pages.

“Hey Momma, Ah'm back from that check up. If you can call checkin the places where the sun don't shine a standard check up. Ah reckon ah got a whole new understandin of what it means to have them really look at meh. They told meh you three would be in here so ah came to see what y'all are up to.” Roseheart said aloud and rubbed her rump as she walked up to the three.

“Did they find out anythin?” Applebloom asked as she stood up, walked over to her daughter, and gave her a loving hug.

“No, but ah found out that ah don't like ponies stickin stuff in mah cherrybush.” Roseheart remarked sourly to which Applebloom's face became guilt stricken and annoyed.

“When ah said to have ya really looked at, ah didn't mean for them to perform a cherry bush exam.” Applebloom remarked as she slammed a hoof on her forehead and shook it in disapproval.

“You mean a gynecological exam?” Sweetie Belle pipped up as she looked over at the two which was met with glares from both ponies.

“Yes, you livin dictionary, that.” The farm pony remarked sourly.

“Can we please talk about somethin else? Ah'm tryin to forget that ever happened.” Roseheart replied annoyed as she briskly walked past her mother and to the book.

“Your wasting your time trying to read this book sweetie, it's not written in any language you can...read?!” Scootaloo began to say only to trail off as Roseheart began to read it aloud as if she completely understood the written language.

Long ago, during a time of turmoil and what many refer to as hell on earth. Human kind had undergone a transformation of the most unexpected kind.

This is my diary on the life I now live, the life I am now forced to live.

This is my story...

Author's Note:

Who is this mysterious Rosealoom and why did she suddenly appear? All will be revealed in upcoming chapters!