• Published 25th Jan 2024
  • 1,801 Views, 162 Comments

New Moon - Majestic_Donut

"This... is not what I was expecting to happen when Nightmare was defeated..." ~ Celestia

  • ...

"Can I have a little sister too?"

That next morning, it was Celestia who woke Luna and not the other way around. Luna jolted a little bit from having been woken from such a nice dream so suddenly.

"... Tia? What time is it?..." Luna groggily yawned.

Celestia smiled at her baby sister. She's so big now... Is she really ready for this? Maybe I should wait a few weeks-

"Why are you stawing at me like that?" Luna asked, her head titled to the side in confusion.

I need to do this. "We need to talk, about Nightmare Moon."

"Weally? I was just pwaying with her before you woke me up!" Luna perked up at the mention of Moony's name.

"R-really?" Celestia said with no small amount of concern. "Tell me more. What exactly were you two doing?"

"Well first, we twied to play hide and seek, but there wasn't weally anywhere to hide on the moon. Did you know it's not made of cheese? Just a bunch of gway wocks. Anyways, I decided to show her a hoof-shake Cady taught me and then we pwayed tag. I was it and was about to tag her when you woke me up... Huh, I wonder if she's still waiting for me..." Luna rambled while a shocked Celestia tried to process what she heard.

"Is... Nightmare Moon a... filly, by any chance?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah! We're fwiends," Luna said happily. "Can I go back to sleep now so we can finish our game?"

"U-uh um, of course... sweet dreams Lulu," Celestia allowed hesitantly. Once Celestia left the room, she knew she had some serious thinking to do.

"So, Nightmare is a filly too? Age and memories regressed like Luna?" Cadence asked.

"Yes. It doesn't seem like she's an immediate threat to Luna... yet," Celestia confirmed.

"But, what happens when she remembers who she is and what her plans were?"

"Perhaps... maybe... Luna could reform her before she grows up?"

"... reform her? That... could work. Love and friendship are powerful magics," Cadence mused.

"Agreed. I believe as long as we keep Luna happy and loved, even if or when she remembers everything her past motives shouldn't have any ground anymore. Who knows, Nightmare might even become a valuable asset... if we can figure out how she even works," Celestia resolved.

Meanwhile, back in Luna's dreams, the game continued where it left off.

I'm back! TAG YOU'RE IT!!! -Luna runs off-


-The two chased each other around for quite awhile, tagging back and forth until Moony surrendered-

I'm tired!

Stwange, I'm not. Can you even get tired in dreams?

Apparently I can...

I wonder why...

I don't know, but can we get back to this tomowow night? I need to sweep now.

Oh, okay...

Luna proceeded to wake up. Out of curiosity, Luna asked, "Moony? Can you still hear me?"

No response. I guess she's sweeping... “Tiaaaa?” Luna looked around her room, but Celestia wasn't there. Luna was about to go out to see if Celestia was in her room, when she opened to door to one of the royal staff.

"Oh, you're awake! Princess Celestia told me to escort you down to the dining room for breakfast when you were up," she explained.

"Oh, okay!" Luna beamed, happy to know where her sister went. The mare helped brush Luna's messy mane out and generally get ready for the day, and then brought her downstairs to where Celestia was. Or at least, where she was supposed to be...

"Tia?" Luna called into the empty room.

Celestia then came from behind the kitchen doors carrying two plates of flat looking cake stacks with fruit faces on them. "Oh, Luna! I didn't think you'd be up again that quickly. This was supposed to be a surprise... well, I suppose it still is. Please, sit down," Celestia explained.

After Luna took her seat, she eyed her plate and asked, "What's this?"

"They're pancakes. I've been perfecting my recipe for years and I think I've finally done it. Do you like them?"

Luna took one bite and proceeded to wolf down the rest in a heartbeat. "Mhmm!! Cin I haf moore?" Luna asked through a full mouth.

"Haha, I'm glad you like them. Finish chewing and, yes, you can have more," Celestia responded happily. She got Luna one more pancake and sat down to eat her own stack. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mhm," Luna said, her attention still fixed on the yummy pancake on her plate and in her mouth.

"Tell me about your new friend, Nightmare Moon."

"I call her Moony. She's nice. I think I wore her out though, cause she's sweeping in my head now."

"... Sleeping in your head?"

"Mhm," Luna said, still eating her breakfast.

"Can you tell me anything else about 'Moony'?"

Luna shrugged her shoulders at that and finished off her plate. "What are we doing today?"

"Well, first I have some meetings to be at so I'll have your colors for you to play with. Then I have to make some appearances around Canterlot," Celestia explained. "I think this time, I'll let you come with me. If you want to that is. I have no other obligations after that, so we could spend the rest of the day around Canterlot Square."

"-gasp!- A whole day in Canterlot with you?! YES YES YES!!!" Luna bouncily agreed before stopping bouncing around so she didn't lose her pancakes. "Uuugh, too many pancakes... Can we go now?!"

"Well, I have other work to do first remember? But yes, we can leave now," Celestia resolved before Luna went back to excited bouncing.

I think I underestimated how wong Day Court would wast... Luna thought to herself as she got tired of coloring and moved on instead to pony-watching and seeing how many feathers she could count in a pony's hat before they left the room. Then she started counting the ceiling tiles before realizing she couldn't count past ten...

"Tiaaaaaa? Are we done yet???" Luna whined.

"Luna, it's only been one hour. We still have over two dozen ponies' requests to hear out."

"Uuuuuuuuuggghhhh!!!" Luna groaned loudly, much to Celestia's chagrin and the confusion of the other ponies in the room.

"Do you want to go play in your room while you wait on me? This isn't going to get any more interesting..." Celestia offered.

"Yes PWEASE!!!" Luna shouted that last word.

"Inside voice Luna. Would you please take her back to her room? Thank you," Celestia said and the nice mare from earlier took Luna back to her room where she played for about 2 hours (those ponies were long winded with their requests and the line grew a bit before shrinking down to, finally, only one left).

That last pony... was Blueblood.

"Auntieeee!!!! I've been hearing about this newborn filly in the castle and I have to ask, WHEN DID YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER?!?!?!"

Oh for crying out loud what?! Celestia rubbed the bridge of her nose to preventatively offset the imminent headache that was to come. "Blueblood, she is not my daughter, she is my sister, remember? Where have you been for the past two months? She's already two years old now due to the age regression magic wearing off," Celestia explained.

"You age regressed her? Why?" Blueblood asked.

"No, not ME! The Elements of Harmony regressed her after she returned from the moon to stop Nightmare Moon from taking over Equestria-"


"Oh for crying loud Blueblood, WHAT ROCK HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING UNDER?! This is why you need to pay attention during announcements," Celestia fumed.

"If I'm not being told I'll receive more bits or that I'm fabulous, I'm not going to listen," Blueblood said plainly.

"Well mister fabulous(ly arrogant, stupid, good for nothing-), your question has been answered so you can leave now. I have a day to spend with my sister thank you very much okay bye!" Celestia said as she shoved him out the door herself and let out a heavy sigh. "I still have to invite him to the Gala, don't I..."

"Yes, I'm afraid so," Her royal adviser confirmed.

"Darn it..."

"Luna! Are you ready to go?" Celestia said as she turned down to Luna's hallway.

"I DIDN'T BREAK IT I SWEAR IT KNOCKED ITSELF OVER!!!" Luna yelped out in shock at Celestia's sudden presence. Next to her was a broken flower vase that Luna was hiding about as well as a pony who drinks 200 cups of espresso daily and retains their sanity.

"Umm, that's not what I came here for... But we'll address that vase later. Are you ready to go to Canterlot with me? The public meetings should be more eventful than Day Court was," Celestia assured.

"Yaaaaay!!!" Luna cried as she quickly threw her new little crown back on and put her little shoes on and was ready. Sort of...

"Hahaha, here Luna, let me help you," Celestia said as she turned Luna's crown the correct way up and rotate her shoes in the correct direction. Now that they were officially ready, Celestia and Luna headed out to the chariot to be taken to their first destination.

First, they went to a ribbon cutting ceremony to cut a ribbon and take some photos, then they went to judge a cake contest in which Celestia added the "bonus prize" for first is that Luna get's to eat a slice of it too ("Wow, TWO PRINCESSES have eaten my cake! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!" somepony probably). After a few more photo endorsements at other places, they stopped at an orphanage to visit the foals.

Upon arrival, Luna asked a question Celestia should have expected but didn't. "Tia, what's an orphan?"

"U-umm... well, they are foals who don't have parents," Celestia explained.

"Like us?" Luna asked.

"Um, yes. I suppose that's technically correct..." Celestia responded, not having thought of herself as an orphan in a long time. I try not to remember that fact...


"Ok?" That's it?

"What? Is there something wrong with being an orphan?" Luna asked innocently.

Celestia was about to inform Luna about the importance of having parents in a foal's life, when she remembered one very critical detail. Luna has spent her entire new filly life without parents. Of course she doesn't see any problem in not having them! She can't miss what she doesn't know... She's only ever had me, a sad charade of a mother sister hoping that my little sister turns out okay...

"No, there's nothing wrong with it," Celestia sighed. "Foals end up in orphanages for a lot of reasons. The purpose of being here is for foals to find new parents to love them and give them a home."

"Oh... will we get new pawents someday?" Luna asked.

Oh darn it... "U-um... no, Luna. We aren't getting new parents..."



"Can I pway with them?" Luna asked.

Celestia smiled. "Of course you can, if that's okay of course," Celestia looked at the director of the orphanage.

"Oh of course! The foals would love that," she responded.

"Yay!!!" Luna squealed as she went to play with the other foals her age. While Luna was playing, Celestia looked on with concern.

"Am I doing this right? Being a 'mother' that is? What if I mess everything up all over again? Will Luna just be regressed again, or worse, sent back to the moon? How many times can one filly be raised before I've finally done it perfectly?" Celestia ranted.

"Well, I can tell you a little secret Princess: No one gets it perfect. All you can do is your best," the Headmare explained.

"I just don't wanna screw her over again..." Celestia sighed.

"I'm sure you won't. You don't seem intent on repeating the mistakes of the past."

"I'm trying not to. I hope I don't repeat them..." Celestia looked at the time and it was time to go now. "Luna! It's time to go. Come along, we have our own plans for the remainder of the day."

"Okay Tia! Bye guys!" Luna said.

"Bye Woona!"

"Will we see you again later?"

"Of course!" Luna promised.

Oooh... I wish she wouldn't have promised that... Celestia mentally sighed.

Celestia took Luna to the zoo to see some of the really cool animals. Luna then proceeded to try and jump in one of the habitats and hug a bear before Celestia quickly caught her mid air and pulled her back behind the iron wall again. I think her flight feathers are growing in now because there is NO WAY this tiny filly simply jumped up over the fence with her own little legs... Celestia introspected as she also noted she needed to teach Luna magic at some point too. Why does she have to grow up so quickly?...

"Why can't I hug the bear Tia?!" Luna cried.

"Because the bear could hurt you or eat you," Celestia stated plainly. "I prefer my sister alive and uneaten thank you very much."

After the zoo, they went to a simple diner to eat. The castle food is nice, but I can't help but feel more at home with the simpler meals Celestia thought to herself as she got a meal for her and little Luna to share.

While they were eating, Luna asked, "Why don't we do this aw the time?"

"Do what all the time?" Celestia asked back.

"This! Just spending time together without you having to do bowing woyal work. Can't you just quit and be with me aw the time?!"

"Well, no. Not really. Ruling a kingdom is a very important job that not everypony can do. The ponies are counting on me to rule them with love, wisdom, and kindness," Celestia explained. "Someday though, you'll rule with me and then we could spend more time together."

"Hmm, I don't know. What if I don't want to wule?" Luna asked (Oh, how ironic given the very reason she is regressed).

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. No rush now," Celestia responded, secretly hoping Luna would want to rule alongside her when she was older again.

"... Can I have a wittle sister?" Luna asked.

Celestia's sip of water promptly exited her mouth and made itself at home on the table between the two sisters and left a few small kisses on Luna's cheeks while it was at it.

"W-wha-where did THAT come from?!" Celestia stammered, failing wonderfully at holding on to her "I am a wise and experienced ruler" mask and donning one that looked more like "I am a single mother of seven children and I have no idea what the hay I am doing!"

"Well, I figure if you're awways busy with work and I'm never busy, we could get another sister who awso isn't busy. Then she and I could pway aw the time when you can't pway with me, and I won't ever be awone!" Luna explained matter-of-factly. "So, can I have a wittle sister Tia?"

So many reasons why the answer is "No," but which one to actually give Luna?... "Umm... Well you see... uh... no? Uh what I mean is... -sigh- I need to tell you something. Something I should have told you sooner, but I think now is a better time anyways. You... age quickly. Very quickly."


"You will age one pony year every month until you are somewhere in your twenties. From there, you will (hopefully) age one pony year every 100 years. You won't be little forever and you will grow busy too like me," Celestia explained.

"And I guess that isn't nowmal?" Luna surmised.

"No, it is not. I'm sorry Luna, but it's just gonna be you and me for awhile."

"And Cady?"

"... yes... and... Cady..." Celestia hesitantly replied. I won't tell her just yet that Cady will leave the castle someday. Baby steps.

The day had ended and it was time for a little blue alicorn filly to go to bed. As per usual, she fought sleep to the bitter and ugly death.


As hard as Celestia tried, she couldn't help but laugh just a little bit at the pure irony coming from Luna saying she didn't want the DAY to end.

"Luna, I'll still be here tomorrow morning. It's not like I'm going anywhere! You need your sleep."

Suddenly, Luna got very quiet and stared blankly at the wall past Celestia.

"Luna?..." Celestia asked with concern.

"Okay, I'll go to bed!" Luna perked up as she laid down in her bed and pulled the covers up.

"Really? Okay. Why the sudden change of heart?"

"Moony is up now and she wants to pway in my dreams, but I have to be asweep to dream, so sweep is good now!" Luna said casually.

Right, I forgot about "Moony"... "Oh, well... okay. You two behave I guess... Sweet dreams Luna," Celestia said as she kissed her little sister goodnight.

"Goodnight Tia! I love you!"

Ah, and there it goes. My heart. Dying of overwhelming pride and ecstasy... "I love you too Luna."

Moony? Where are you?

Woona? Woona!!! Yay you're here!!!

-the two fillies hug each other excitedly-

What did you do while I was sweeping?

Well first, Tia had a bunch of bowing woyal stuff to do and I drew. Then we went to a bunch of pwaces to make pubwic appeawances and take photos. THEN we went to the zoo and a bear awmost ate me and we ate at a fun westaurant. Oh, I also pwayed with other foals who don't have parents wike me! But... they also don't have a home or a sister wike I do...

Oh... that's sad...

I asked Tia for a wittle sister today, but she said no.

Oh oh! Can I be your wittle sister?




and so that night, the two new "sisters" played and had fun to their hearts content, until it was time for one to wake and one to sleep.

Author's Note:

That's this chapter!!! Woo hoo! Been a few days, sorry about that. I was out of town for 2 days and then slightly pivoted my original idea for this chapter and moved it to the next chapter because I felt like we needed more Tia/Woona slice-of-life interaction :twilightsmile:


(not sure why the image link suddenly stopped working, but oh well... It's in my Discord server too)

Also, see if you can find the reference I made to this story by my friend (At least I think he's my friend. Are we? Am I YOUR friend?) I Vicious I

New longest chapter!!! This went an entirety different direction than I had in mind and actually ended up making me postpone my original chapter idea for next chapter because I couldn't pass up the opportunity to write some more Tia/Woona together. Next chapter will involve the Mane 6 coming back on the scene (since the haven’t been mentioned very much since episode one).

That's all for now folks! Do the Fimfictiony stuff and have a great day!!! :heart: