• Published 5th Feb 2024
  • 284 Views, 35 Comments

Captain Underpants and the Outrageous Plot of Opaline - Big Imagination E

Captain Underpants and his crew face one last villain. But she's the most deadliest one of all. Opaline. And she has a sidekick.

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Chapter 9: First Battle: Vs Poopypants

Back in the throne room we see the villains getting dressed for their takeover. Melvin wore an evil biker outfit and Poopypants had on the same outfit he wore when he first controlled the Turbo Toilet 2000. And Opaline had on a evil queen outfit.

"You look amazing Opaline. You really fit the queen title perfectly." Melvin complimented.

"Why thank you Melvin. I appreciate you saying that. Really makes feel so much better." Opaline said.

"Yes I admit for once that Melvin's right. Looks good. But more importantly..... How do I look?" Poopypants asked.

"Just like you do in the comic book!" Melvin answered.

"Good! Now you two finish up what weapon you're working on and separate Equestria." Poopypants replied.

"What are you going to do?" Opaline wondered.

"I just finished my latest invention and I have a feeling that those boys and their friends are coming here. So I'm gonna use my robo-suit and stop them from reaching the castle." Poopypants answered.

He climbed in and started heading off to stop the heroes.

Back with the heroes they were finally at Canterlot but the way they saw things they can tell that the villains were starting to put their plan in action as they see Melvin's creations walking around. They knew he built robots again since he has his intelligence back.

"Ugh. Since he got his intelligence we should have known that he was gonna make robots again." Harold groaned.

"Typical Melvin. Always does that same crud again and again!" Mr Meaner shouted.

“Quiet Meaner. We don’t want the robots spotting us.” Lyra whispered.

“Sorry Lyra. I’m just so angry.” Mr Meaner replied.

"We all are right now. But we have to destroy all those robots. Let's go get them!!" Sunny declared.

The heroes all nodded in agreement and went out of their hiding spot and proceeded to take out Melvin’s robots. The future Mane Six used their abilities to destroy them in seconds flat since they got powers from the stone. The boys and their kids used their powers to help out. They were on a roll destroying all those robots. It lasted for a while til Ms Ribble kicked the head off of the last robot and they all breathed heavy.

"Ok. That should do it." Ms Ribble panted.

But it was cut short when they see Poopypants in his robo-suit and went straight to the heroes.

"Well well. So you little numbskulls think you can stop me and my partners? Well your wrong. Because now I will stop you from ruining our plans. And that starts with you two boys!" Poopypants shouted pointing at George and Harold.

"We beaten you once before and we can darn sure do it again!" Harold said determined.

"Oh really now? Well if you really have a wish to be beaten then I got no problem applying. Let's do this!!" Poopypants replied.

His suit had spikes appear on his ankles, his shoulders and his rists. He then growled at the heroes and they did the same thing. And they decided to active their magic and prepared to fight. Then Poopypants ran into battle and everyone got ready to face him.

The battle started off with the Royal Sisters combining their magic and blasted Poopypants in the chest which sent him rolling back and crashed into a building. Then he came out of the rubble and tried blasting them with lasers. The sisters created a shield around them and the lasers reflected back. Then Captain Underpants flew above him and shot unlimited underwear at him and they hit him in the face!

"Oh come on!! Not that again!" Poopypants complained.

"Oh there's more where that came from!" Captain Underpants said as he continued shooting more underwear at him.

Fed up Poopypants jumped in the air and tried grabbing him. But every chance he had Captain Underpants dodged. This angered Poopypants.

"Grr!!! Why is it that this naked man is tough to beat?!" Poopypants asked angry.

"Never underestimate his abilities Poopypants! And we got something for you too!" Harold said.

The boys flew in the air and were ready to stop Poopypants. First Harold used his rings and blasted Poopypants in the face covering him in rainbow paint. Then George used his rings and levatated bits of the destroyed robots and made metal fists and had them aimed at him. They punched him everywhere on his suit and even one got him in the face making a tooth fly out.

"Oww! Ok I seriously didn't expect you boys to have powers. But even so you still won't stop me." Poopypants replied.

"Oh really? Then try this on for size!" Lyra shouted.

She used her magic and charged up her horn and blasted a HUGE beam at Poopypants causing him to be electrocuted and some bits exploded out his suit. Including the door to the circuits. He got up and growled furious at her.

"Oh now you're going down pony girl!!" Poopypants shouted.

He came running towards her but Ms Ribble used her hair to trip him and punch his face at the same time. Then the Royal Sisters blasted a beam of combined magic and shocked him bad. Poopypants shook his head and tried punching them only for Captain Underpants to come flying down lifting him in the air and dropped him as him fell on his face first. He groaned as he got up.

"Haha! Now prepare to face the justice of all that is pre shrunk and cottony!" Captain Underpants replied.

He then used his unlimited underwear and shot multiple pairs at Poopypants hitting him in the face. He tried blasting him with him with own laser tech but he dodged every blast and shot another pair of underwear at him.

"Ok that's disgusting!" Poopypants yelled.

"If you think that's gross then get a whiff of this!" Mr Meaner shouted.

He jumped and landed in front of Poopypants and sprayed him with stinky gas again. He coughed violently and Ms Ribble used her hair and gave him another punch and slammed him on the ground face first.

"Ok this is starting to get annoying!" Poopypants yelled.

Then while he wasn't looking Color Love and Daring Flight took the opportunity to come in and did something to stun him more. First Color Love used his magic to create a fist under Poopypants, then Daring got in the fist and with Color Love giving the signal he punched Poopypants in the nuts and he was sent flying and landed on the ground yelling in pain.

"YEOWIE!!!!! MY NUTS!!! THEY HURT!! OWW!!!" Poopypants yelled in pain.

"And now to finish this off! Izzy? Wanna do the honors?" George asked.

"It be my pleasure since he doesn't care about friendship." Izzy answered.

So she actived her horn and blasted her magic in the circuitry and the suit began sparking, and smoke was coming out meaning it was about to explode.

"No!! How could this be happening?!" Poopypants yelled.

"You should have never underestimate our powers Poopypants!" Harold replied.

"You already said that! And that's the stupidest thing that you can possibly say!" Poopypants said.

Right after he said that the suit couldn't contain it anymore and it exploded with bits of the suit flying everywhere. Then they heard screaming as Poopypants came crashing down all smoked up and bruised. Then he saw the heroes surrounding him with angry looks on their faces.

"You're finished Poopypants. You're suit is destroyed and we will stop your goons from separating Equestria." Luna said.

Then she used her magic and placed Poopypants in cuffs and the heroes took him and a guard placed him in a cage where he will wait til they're ready to take him in Tartarus.

"Man. Alast. The final failure for Professor Poopypants." He moaned.

"Well with Poopypants taken care of we still have to stop Melvin and Opaline." Celestia said.

"She's right. Come everyone! We shall head in the castle and stop those evildoers!! Tra la laaaaa!!" Captain Underpants declared.

So everyone headed in the castle and from the balcony Melvin looked extremely pissed. And then he saw the heroes work of his robots destroyed again and was really upset.

"What?! How is this possible?! This shouldn't have happened a second time!!" Melvin shouted.

"Relax Melvin. Even though they did destroy your robots I was rather impressed with the invention you built." Opaline said looking at the creation. It was a two-headed dragon like tank.

"Well thank you. I call it the Double Trouble Dragon 3000. And I equipped a magic sucker and different weapons to separate the tribes and rule Equestria." Melvin explained.

"Very impressive. And since we will use their magic against the heroes I suppose that I do need a king beside me." Opaline flirted.

"Me? A king? But I thought you didn't want me flirting with you?" Melvin thought.

"That was temporary. But now that I see you as a guy who wants to take something back I have no issue with you flirting. Besides I was only pretending to hate it anyways." Opaline explained.

Then to the Mane Six's shock they saw Opaline kiss him on the cheek and they cringed at that sight. Melvin however was flattered.

"Oh! My tha...you little sneak. That is clever." Melvin admitted.

"Well maybe after when we completed our plan maybe we can get married and I will have a king beside me. What do you say dear?" Opaline asked.

"You know what? That is a great idea so let's do that. But after we stop George and Harold along with all their friends." Melvin said. "Since my invention is complete I said it's time to bring it too life and once we power it with the magic then all harmony will soon be extinct."

Melvin and Opaline smirked evily at each other think about the same thing. Let us hope that the gang with defeat the two and save Equestria once more.

Author's Note:

Poopypants is defeated! But now they gotta deal with Melvin and Opaline. Good luck.