• Published 14th Feb 2024
  • 82 Views, 0 Comments

Feathers, Hooves, Claws, and Love. - Himmelswachter

A pair of stories, to celebrate Hearts and Hooves day. Two pairs of hearts, showing thier loved ones, how much they love them.

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Part 1: Feathers.

Author's Note:

So first off, I apologize to anyone who reads what I write, I've been iffy on what I should write and will be re-doing the Trail of Feathers story (a final rewrite) cause I now have a more solid plan of where I want to go with it.

Also, I apologize if my writing isn't the best, I've certainly made strides in quality but I don't think I'll ever be as good as many writers here. They have some serious skill, hahaha.

But without a further delay, I hope you enjoy these little stories I wrote and hope to see you when I post a revamped and final version of Trail of Feathers and then continuing stories.

Feathers, Hooves, Claws, and Love.

A Hearts and Hooves Day story.

Part 1: Feathers.

Castle duty on Hearts and Hooves day, the gray and purple armor worn by Mels gleamed in the sun as a cool breeze rolled though. The Pegasus stallion smiled as he watched couples move about their day, enjoying the festivities, only a greater joy as last year, he and Quill had proposed to each other. The two married now promised to celebrate with a very well-planned date with dinner and everything. Lieutenant Wind Flare had planned to only have strictly volunteer guards and with Chief Pluma the same with her officers, letting as many as possible enjoy the day with their loves.

But for Mels, he decided to stand post due to a fellow guard being unable to show. With his husband’s understanding, and a promise to enjoy the night and tomorrow for their plans, he now stood guard. A silver band on his left hoof glinted lightly as the day went by. Multiple couples wishing him well and the elder couples telling him to go straight home to that ‘Charming Griffon’ once he got off duty. But till then, he stood gladly.

Which the solitary post was interrupted by the previous mentioned L.T. “Sargeant Watcher, heh, maybe Sargeant Addison instead?” L.T. Wind Flare, uncle and best Lieutenant you could get. “You doing alright out here?” The smaller Pegasus -well, compared to Mels’s large size, more a standard Pegasus- sat next to him, stopping him from saluting. “Relax kiddo, no saluting today. Unless it’s the princess, ha ha!” A darker shade of blue and lavender eyes was different from Mels, but he was his uncle for sure.

“Hey Uncle,” A small blush spread from his cheeks as the name change joke was tossed out. “Guess Cloud Addison isn’t bad. Still part of the Flare household though, but SoftTalon is my adoptive name….mhm….which would-“ Stopping as he realized he was overthinking it again. “right, joke, sorry.” He took a breath and looked to his Uncle. “How’s Aunt Bryle taking the fact you’re on duty today?”

“You know your Aunt, she’ll get me tonight, what I get for getting with a Zebra. Especially a Atoli. I’ll admit, she’s well stronger than I am and she knows that all too well.” He rolled his right shoulder and chuckled. “I mention she’s been talking about kids? Imagine, me, a father.”

“You’re a great Uncle, you’d be a great dad.” Looking at the few couples sharing the day with their kids, he knew it. “I know you still feel bad about not being there for me when dad died. I’ve told you thousands of times not to worry. I ended up here and with mom, she’s also told you more so not to worry, are you gonna make me tell the Chief of Law that you’re blaming yourself again?”

Wind fidgeted for a moment before shifting his wings. “No, no……you’re right. Sheesh, you are my brother’s kid. He was the same way, always making sure everypony around him were better doing better off than he was. Okay, I get it, I’ll try and stop worrying so much about it. Tartarus, I’ll even talk to Bryle about it.”

“About what my dear Pegasus?” Speak of the Zebra and she’ll appear, the wavy stripes and long dreadlocks tied up by a nautical bandanna, he tail was a braid with some Pegasus feathers tied in. she snuck around him and placing a kiss on his cheek. “Leaving your poor wife alone, hurts me it does. Mhm. Ah, dear nephew!” Moving past Wind she gleefully hugged Mels. “Stuck on duty on today? Bah, I’ll teach your mean Uncle a lesson tonight, not to worry. Not again will my nephew be on duty, on such a day, oh Wind dear,” She glared at him. “You edge a fine line with this work. Hmph, no worries, Nephew,” letting go of him and grabbing Wind by his armor. “I’ll make sure your Uncle knows better.” Yanking him in and pulling Wind into a kiss. Just long enough to leave Wind slightly dazed. “ Ha, always works. It’s how you get them Nephew, quick and long enough to net them. Like the old fishing ships.”

Holding back a laugh at his Aunt holding onto his Uncle. “A-Aunty, he…he’s fine. Heheh, please, I volunteered for it. Gale Stream was sick, so I decided to come in. Quill knows.” He took his helmet off and it showed the long braid of his mane with many Griffon Feathers intertwined. “He decided to give me something to keep me company today. He’s gotten really good at making the braids, so he enjoys experimenting different styles.” The braid immediately caught his Aunt’s attention.

“Aw, a lovers braid, this one is one I taught him. Note the wavy nature of it. Atoli enjoy braids and normally keep their manes and tails tight to prevent ship accidents. But to not ramble, I will go home and wait my dear. I heard enough as well. Thank you for assuring him dear Nephew. So, I assure you as well, you and Quill, one day. Will make great parents. Kind and caring and so much worry for others.” Giving a more chaste hug for Mels and quick peck on the cheek for Wind. “I must go, my shop is busy, which surprises me this day. But the ocean is quite relatable to love, the waves and motion, intertwined. But I should go, Wind. I’ll see you tonight, I’ll cook up our favorite fish the way you like it. Then…..well, we’ll see where the night goes.” Giving Mels one last look before leaving. “Tell Quill I say hello, his Aunt-in-law wishes to share more recipes.”

Now openly giggling and smiling at the antics, Mels nodded. “Yes Aunty, I’ll let him know tonight.”

“Thank you, oh, before I forget. Your sister got the hidden gift from your house. She almost forgot it the poor dear, trying to always show her love for Sumac. Well, goodbye my love and Nephew. Have a lovely Hooves and Hearts Day….no, Hearts and Hooves, hahaha. Such fun pony traditions.” Waving goodbye, leaving the two alone once again.

A few moments of silence carried on till Mels cleared his throat. “Always the direct one. Did you share the talk we had about adoption applications? I’m trying to surprise Quill with that, we’ve discussed adoption because we’ve brought up the idea of family before. But I had to start the process of getting approval in the system first. I got it back and…..well….I want it to be a surprise.” Shifting and adjusting his wings, Mels did have a small pool of nervousness sit in his gut.

“You told me and when Bryle mentioned having kids, it spilled out and I’m sorry about that. I hadn’t mentioned it any other time. But she’s not wrong, you’ll be a great parent. Like you told me. We’ll both be good at it. I don’t lie when I say you’re like your dad. Many aspects of him I see in you. But I feel you’ll be more like a mother. Sorry kiddo, but you’re very motherly at times, especially around kids. That might come from being raised by Pluma though.” Adjusting his armor and removing his own helmet, showing his light blue short cut mane. “At least our kids will be safe, Royal Guard parents that love them, they’ll be happy.”

Mels looked at his helmet and grinned. “You’re right. They’ll be lucky. You think Quill will be happy about it?”

Before Wind could respond, a Griffon landed in front of them, quite hard. Dust blowing around them and hiding them for just a moment, before clearing and showing the prior mentioned Griffon. Quill. “Crickey, defo not my best landing, sorry love. Oh, heh G’day Uncle. Hahaha, rushing so made that a bit iffy. Mhm, you two guards doing some hard yakka?”

Coughing and clearing his eyes, Mels giggled and quickly closed the distance to quickly kiss the Griffon. “Hey there hun. Always working hard,” placing a quicker kiss on Quill’s beak. “What brings my loving husband to my guard post?”

“Had to come see ya, shop is on break, had to come get some loving.” Nuzzling into Mels and chirping happily. “Best break. Prefer ya nuddy, but duty calls for armor I guess.” A mischievous grin was plastered on him as he nipped the soft pony neck. “You owe me tonight for this, tea is nice and all, but I have a better plan for our night, then tomorrow we can do more.” Looking over to Wind he chuckled. “I got ‘em tomorrow, right? Not keeping him, are ya?”

“No, he’ll be all yours Quill, sorry I have him for today. I know it’s ya’lls anniversary.” Wind placed his helmet back on and kept up his smile. “Other than seeing my nephew, what brings ya around?”

“Oh, right!” Quill opened a saddlebag and pulled out a small box. A jewelry box, holding it out to Mels. “Go ya something.”

“Q-Quil…..you didn’t….I mean….right. Thank you hun.” Taking the box, he opened it and was shown a necklace, with a piece that was two feathers intertwined together tightly, specifically their feathers. A blue one and a dark brown one. Held by a glass or gem-like clear material that added a shine to it. The top was laced with a gold metal that twisted loosely and up to a point where the thin silver chain held it. “Oh my….it’s beautiful. How’d you do this?”

“Jewler, the one who made our rings? He came up with it. A permeant intertwining of our feathers in enchanted gem-glass to prevent scratching or discoloration. A lot more magic mumbo jumbo but it works nicely.” He took it out and held it up. “Does the good L.T. mind if you wear it on duty today?”

Watching the two and nodding. “Just for today on duty, it’s a special day. I’ll leave you two to it, but Mels will be off Duty in a couple hours. I’ll take over the post till the night guard comes in. So, I’ll be back in a bit.” Without another word, Wind went back into the castle to do whatever the L.T. does, leaving pair outside.

“Well,” Mels held his head up. “That’s nice of him. Sorry I don’t have your gift with me right now. B-But wanna put it on me?”

Not a beat skipped, the deft talons moved the chain around and hooked it. The feather-gem wasn’t that large, it had two of their smaller feathers to not be as large as primaries but sat nicely against the darker armor. “Look at that, bloody lovely. Almost as lovely as my sweet husband.”

“W-well….I….you…o-h my…” Even after marriage, so easily flustered. “Thank you. It’s beautiful, almost as beautiful as my own husband.” Kissing Quill only with a chaste moment but paused before pulling him into a much deeper kiss, his soft lips locking with the beak. Which isn’t as hard as many think. Closing his eyes and pulling Quill closer, enjoying the warmth shared in the cool breeze.

Only breaking the kiss when they had to breathe, sharing a nuzzle and silent appreciation of each other before Quill spoke. “Keep kissing me like that and I’ll marry you all over again.” Earning a giggle from Mels.

“You just want to have me in that wedding dress again. I know distinctly how much you enjoyed that.” Another short kiss. “I love you.”

Clicking his beak cheerfully as his feather’s puffed up. “I love you too. I can’t wait too see what gift you have waiting for me. Oh, is it that lace I saw the other week?”

Mels became flushed and was redder than blue now. “W-Well….no….but…..ya know….m-maybe some other day. Sorry, but I promise you, you’ll enjoy it. Then we’ll have a nice dinner and enjoy each other’s company tonight.” Holding onto his talons now, the box set down. “I love you and I’ll see you later, okay?”

Quill huffed playfully and nodded “Yeah…..wish you could leave now….I really want to enjoy my husband on our anniversary.” He pouted and hid a smile.

“I know, you will. I’ll make sure I have off next year.” Kissing Quill again he gave a wing wrapped hug. “Happy Anniversary, Quill.”

Tucking his smaller body into the hug, Quill rested his head on the soft neck. “Good to know. Mhm, Happy Anniversary, Mels.”

The two shared the moment a pinch longer before breaking apart and having a quick discussion of what to have for their dinner that night before Quill placed a quick kiss on Mel’s cheek and took off back towards their home. Leaving the stallion standing there, placing his helmet back on, watching the couples passing by again, and occasionally holding the new bit of jewelry to admire the warmth it gives his heart. This is turning out to be a pretty good Hearts and Hooves Day.