• Published 17th Feb 2024
  • 276 Views, 3 Comments

The Wild Mare - Lulamoon-Crystal

While on a camping trip. The Wild Mare gets discovered to be something no one expected

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The Queen

It was early the next morning. Zipp had convinced Grey to follow her into the bathroom. But this time, without Sunny. Who had succeeded in convincing her to follow. It ended up working when Sunny explained if Zipp tried anything to hurt her, which she wouldn’t, she’d be there in a flash.

For the first night, it was not so bad. If she hadn’t emptied the fruit bowel and made a mess of cereal and made howling noises at night. It was hard to imagine the mess if she managed to open the fridge.

She had refused to sleep in the bedroom. Meaning Sunny had slept downstairs on the couch, to keep an eye on her. Grey was noisy but both her and Sunny managed to sleep well.

Zipp stood in the bathroom, not closing the door too much, as she knew Grey would be more fearful if she felt trapped. She did not know how to open doors yet. So of course she would likely not like the feeling of not being able to escape.

“Remember what I told you about the toilet?” She asked. A little fearful of her from the night before. But the others were close by, having Breakfast. So if anything happened, then they were near to help. It was pretty scary being with a pony who tried to kill you like predator and prey. But she had hope that it would not happen again. But she had to be careful. Because it appeared she had some wild animal instincts and is not familiar with many things that she should be.

Like Pipp’s phone ringing earlier gave her a fright, for example.

Hitch was at his station, however. Dealing with an issue about a robbery. Plus a few other small things. But when he could. He was looking through his files for any information of Grey. Wondering if Zipp was right about her being lost or abandoned at a young age. Or if anything else was the case. All they could know that there was a whole civilisation deep in the forest with ponies like her. But that’s kinda unlikely. But would explain why she would be howling out like she is calling for someone.

Grey looked around. Looking a bit more confident about being in this room that the last time she was. She looked around, jumping back as she heard the noise of the shower head being turned on. She yelped as she jumped. Hissing at the tub.

“Hey, it’s just a shower…” She calmly assured her. Watching as Grey looked very unsure about it. She watched as Zipp put her hoof under. “See? Harmless?” She watched suspiciously, tilting her head as to tell Zipp something who soon seemed to have understood and put her foreleg further under the shower. Wetting more of her white fur.

But Grey kept tilting her head and even nudged Zipp towards the tub. Before growling a bit. She groaned as she looked at Grey. “You… You want me to go in the whole way?” She asked. Not looking forward to it, but if it had to be done, she would.

Grey nodded and nudged Zipp again. She sighed, knowing she had to do it to prove Grey it was not going to hurt her. Of course she wanted to see her do it first.

“Right. Right… Fine…” She responded. Putting both her forelegs into the tub. Water spraying onto her face as she put each leg in and ducked her head under the shower. Her mane getting all droopy and heavy as it got soaked. Just to show Grey that it did not hurt. She rose her head as her mane drooped down, dripping wet. She felt was the warm shower rinsed down her body, she felt it drip from her wings and into the tub. She was completely drenched now, that should be enough.

After a few minutes, she climbed out, sopping wet. Pipp would hate to be in her hooves right now, likely. Complaining that her mane would be ruined for her mother's birthday. To Zipp it was just a minor inconvenience. She looked at Grey. “Happy?” She asked. Watching as Grey slowly got in, bits of mud already washing off her coat and her mane. As she reached for a twig, she noticed Grey growling at her. She ignored as she took some twigs and leaves out. “See? Just a twig?”

Grey grunted as she sat there. The water was not gonna wash away all the dirt and the smell by itself. Grabbing a bottle of shampoo, she noticed Grey put her ears down and crouch, looking at the bottle itself. Looking very nervous.

“Oh c’mon..” She groaned leaning over the tub to show her the bottle. “It’s shampoo! It makes you clean!”

She curiously sniffed the bottle, soon biting it curiously as she smelt the smell inside. She appeared to like it as her ears perked up and her sopping wet tail wagged like a dog’s. She made loud sniffs and started to actually look kinda excited.

“See? Harmless! I just need to put this stuff on your mane, okay?” She noticed as Grey suspiciously watched her squirt some on her own hoof. As she expected, Grey hissed and cowered as her hoof came closer to her. Ears back and snarling like a wild animal. “I’m gonna assume you want me to prove it?” She grunted before scrubbing some in her mane making it all soapy before she washed it out with the water coming out the shower. “There. See? Harmless? I just did it to myself and I am fine.” She said, swiping some excess away that was going towards her eye. Having some shampoo make her eyes sting would not be very good at convincing her that it is safe.

Gey took a nice long sniff at a random splotch that dropped down onto the side of the tub when Zipp put some on her own hoof. It smelt like apple and another plant of some sort, the tool that the strange liquid came out of had a pink flower on it. She had never seen the flower before. That’s even if it was a flower. Could have been a strange animal of some sort, but it did look like a flower.

“If you are wondering about the smell. It’s apple and sakura…” Responded Zipp, looking at the bottle. It was the first one she picked up. It was actually Pipp’s but she has so many of her own shampoo products in the bathroom that everyone came to an agreement. Izzy, Sunny and Zipp are allowed to claim two to use themselves. Well, there wasn’t that many shampoo products of hers. But considering there were 10 of her products in the room, with matching conditioners kinda made an unnecessary amount for four ponies.

It was clear that Grey did not know the smell of sakura as she looked at the blob with confusion. She licked it and instantly recoiled in disgust by leaping back. Scrunching her muzzle and poking out her tounge. She started to shake her head as if to shake the taste from her tongue. She growled a bit.

Zipp tried not to chuckle as the head shaking continued. Then she was just about to rub her tongue on the tub until Zipp stopped her.

“Okay! Okay. That’s kinda gross… It’s not supposed to tase good. It keeps your mane clean and healthy!” She exclaimed as Grey looked at her. She yelped as Zipp roughly ran shampoo through her mane, being careful to not let a drop in her eyes. She scrubbed hard and rined it out. Doing once more before rinsing. She quickly grabbed the matching conditioner and scrubbing through her mane and tail. Letting it set. Now they were almost done.

Mud and dirt still remained on her coat despite being wet. It also reeked of unpleasant smells. Zipp trued her best to ignore this, groaning as she grabbed a sponge and some soap. As soon as Grey saw the sponge, she was wary. She snapped at Zipp as it came close. Growling at this strange looking object.

“Hey…” Zipp assured in a calming voice. “Just a sponge, for cleaning? See?” She was getting a little tired at explaining simple thing to Grey. But reminded herself that there could be a whole list of things going on. Being abandoned at a young age being one. But she made sure to rub the sponge all over herself to convince Grey it was harmless. It felt a little silly. But seemed to work.


Grey stepped back to the other end of the tub, snarling a bit, before she sniffed the sponge and rubbed her face against it. That was when she decided it was safe. Allowing her to start scrubbing the dirt off. Which Zipp did, rough enough to clean but soft enough not to hurt. The first few gasps, she was met with a surprise.

White fur. Grey was not a light brown or orange! She was white! The buildup of dirt and who-knows-what had stained her coat. So she kept scrubbing, getting all the stains of the coat of this mare. She was getting cleaner by the second. Zipp discovered rough patches that would grow back now they are clean and scars that are lucky to have not been infected. But most of all. Her cutiemark was revealed. Being a bow shooting an arrow through a log.

But she kept scrubbing. All this stain had to go. She was gentle around the face. Grey was growling when it was done. But it had to be done. So she kept going. Finally, not a speck of dirt in sight. Zipp smiled slightly as she dropped the sponge into the tub. Soon noticing something on her hoof. Something tiny… On closer inspection she discovered a flea! Right on her foreleg.

“Fleas?!” Zipp exclaimed in shock as she saw the flea leap who-knows-where. Hopefully not planning to use her as a home. No one in the royal palace had fleas before. This was the closest she had ever been to one. But they were treated very seriously, a little overkill to be honest. The royal guards and the family themselves had to use flea-killing shampoo every dang month! The palace was also sprayed with stuff that would kill fleas. Which did not work most the time. It was a scam, it was actually just water that smelt like cherries...

When Queen Haven discovered the scam. The scammers were greeted with a fine and a nice list of stores that might employ them for non-scamming work.

Thankfully this flea paranoia did not last long. Eventually, a plant was discovered that killed fleas instantly. This flower had no impact on how shampoo worked or how it smelt, so it was used in that. So no more stinky smelly flea-killing stiff that stunk the whole bathroom. The earth ponies and unicorns were happy to have these when magic retuned.

But it is kinda expensive due to the plant’s rarity. Also, earth pony magic-grown ones had no effect on fleas. But that didn’t matter now. Zipp had used shampoo that would have killed those fleas. So they were gonna be out of Grey’s hair. Literally.

“Felling any better, yet?” Zipp asked Grey who was getting the conditioner rinsed out. Her tail was waging a lot. So perhaps she did, going by how dogs react when happy.

Once she turned off the shower, she was thanked by getting splashed and soaked by Grey shaking herself like a dog. Water flew everywhere, putting out her hooves was pointless as water hit her. “Ugh…” She groaned. Not expecting her to do that, she wished she did, but whatever.

As Grey jumped out. She took another look at her coat. The white fur, the light grey socks and brown hooves. She was not expecting that. But all the smelly stains were out. Finally. She looked pretty happy! But as soon as Zipp grabbed a towel, she ran out the room. As she did, she knocked Zipp to the ground, into a puddle left.

"You're welcome..." She grunted, moving her limp mane out her face.

Zipp was sopping wet as she walked out the shower, she sighed as Grey started tp roll around on the rug. As if she was trying to dry herself or wanted to roll on it for no reason at all. She smiled a bit at her silly antics. She looked so silly doing that. She noticed Pipp make a long sigh about that rug, it appeared she had given up and accepted it was gonna end up dirty.

“Her coat! I thought she was orange or yellow. Or even a light brown!” Sunny exclaimed in surprise. Noticing the white coat and light grey socks on the mare.

“Yeah! A complete surprise!” Izzy exclaimed.

“Yeah. That just goes to show how dirty she was…” Zipp nodded in agreement. Ignoring her mane dropping down and almost looking like a mess. She noticed Grey jump around and act like an excited dog! The shower must have improved her mood. “Ack!” She cried as Grey suddenly muzzled her and nudged her playfully. “Yeah-yeah. You are welcome!”

“Zipp!” Pipp cried out, alerting her ws she hurried over.Putting her forehooves on Zipp's chest. Shaking her a little “You did good. But hurry up and dry off! Mother’s almost here!” She exclaimed loudly.

”Huh?” Zipp looked at her dripping body.plus her mane that was drooped down her head as far as it could go. She smirked at Pipp and rolled her eyes. “Oh yeah, right. Good point!” She said before hurrying into the bathroom. Knowing her mother would not be very amused if she was sopping wet at her birthday lunch.

By the time Zipp was dried, and her mane was back to normal. The front doors opened. Revealing Thunder and Zoom walk in with the queen behind them. Grey had ran off in a dash. Possibly scared of these ponies who were new to her. Which was fine, no one had a problem with her observing from a distance.

”The queen has arrived!” Thunder cheered in a voice as Zoom glanced at him. The two of them stopped as Queen Haven walked forward, Cloudpuff flying around her.

“Girls!” She exclaimed with a smile, greeting them both with a hug. “I am so happy I get to spend lunch witch you on this special day!”

”Where’s Alphabittle?” Asked Zipp, looking pretty puzzled. Moving from the hug.

“Oh, He will be here in a few minutes. Just running a little late due to an incident at the tearoom.”

”Oh! sure.!”

Zipp noticed Cloudpuff fly around the couch, only to be frightened by the growling of Grey. Just by looking, you could see that this was not going well. Grey was acting like some wild animal when they see an intruder in their territory.

“Hey, hey!” Zipp slowly came over, Cloudpuff going behind her. “Uh… This is Cloudpuff. He’s not an intruder… He-,” She looked at Grey. Wondering what to say next. There was a risk that whatever she says would not work well. She only knew Grey for a day. But it appeared she mostly had the mind of a wild animal. Perhaps a wolf. “Our territory is very big and welcoming! He doesn’t come to this part all the time and just wants to welcome you.” She said with a smile.

“Yep. We are all friends here, see?” Sunny pointed at Zipp who was petting Cloudpuff. “He’s just a really close friend of the queen.”

Grey’s ears perked up as soon as she heard “queen.” She stared at Queen Haven with awe. When said pony came closer, she looked a little concerned as she looked at Grey. “Is everything alright?” Haven asked. “Cloudpuff did not mean to give you a scare…” She did not really get a response besides Grey backing up with a tail between her legs. Observing from behind the couch.

“It may take a while for her to warm up…” Zipp warned.

“That’s alright. Pipp told me all about her when you found her.” She said, putting a wing around Zipp.

”She did?” Zipp realised that her mother knew about her being attacked. But she accepted the hug anyway. Not noticing Grey watching with awe and running to the kitchen.

Alphabittle quickly rushed through the doors. “Sorry I’m late! Something happened…” He looked a bit nervous. He was carrying a bosquet of flowers and had a box of bottles in his hooves.

“That’s alright, Alphie,” She smiled as she went to greet him. Zipp looked towards where she thought Grey was. “See? Nothing to fear…”

The ponies all sat at their table, about to eat their burgers. The two guards standing near the queen, also eating burgers. Soon there was a whimper from Grey as she headed towards the seat Haven was in.

”Oh, hello there.” She said with a smile. Watching as Grey gently placed a coconut right near Haven’s plate before bowing to her. Sunny wondered where she got a coconut from. While Haven simply thanked her and looked at the coconut with a but of confusion.

Zipp started to think. It really does appears that she must think she is an animal of some sort. Once she realised Haven was. Queen, she acted a bit more differently. She even gave her a gift, kinda made Zipp think about ants or bees. How they bring gifts to their queens.

But what would make Grey do this? Unless she was just trying to be nice once she realised she was some important pony. She realised she was maybe thinking too into it. Yeah, she most likely just wanted to give her a gift, maybe got inspired by seeing ponies gift her things since it is her birthday.

Wait. Grey does know what birthdays are, right?

Grey started to sniff Zoom, who simply looked down at her in confusion. She started to look kinda annoyed as her personal space was being invaded. Zipp noticed this quickly and gulped, watching as she push her aside with a hoof. She sighed in relief. Expecting more that the yap that followed. She was expecting Zoom to be bitten. Now she thought about it. She was the only one that had been bitten by Grey. Why was that?

Maybe she learned not to bite anymore after last time. Which was a good thong, so no one else would be bitten. Hopefully. Maybe she will soon learn that she is a pony and not a wolf, or any wild animal. She noticed as she looked up at Thunder, keeping an eye on both pegasi guards as she walked past them. Inspecting them but still wary.

Zipp simply watched as she took her own burger from her own plate. Dropped it on the floor completely dismantled and started wolfing it up. Maybe she didn’t get table concept of chairs and table manners yet. Obviously.

“This pony needs to learn manners…” Whispered Zoom.

“We are getting there…” Groaned Pipp.

“Y-yeah. At least it’d going faster than I thought…” Zipp groaned, then scratched her foreleg that was suddenly itchy. Then she scratched her mane. “Ugh…”

Pipp looked at her with a but of concern. “Are you okay, Zipp?” She asked.

“Y-yeah!” Zipp mumbled to her. “Just so… Itchy!”

“You don’t have fleas do you?” Asked Queen Haven. A little concerned but a smirk was on her face. There was no flea-related disease recorded for generations. So they could not make her ill since she was not allergic to them either.

“Hmmm” Zipp paused. Noticing Sunny start scratching herself. She eyed Grey and thought slightly. “Maybe we should have a shower tonight. Just in case…”

“Good idea Zipp.” Sunny mumbled as she instinctively scratching with her hind leg.

“Great…” Zoom grumbled. “Fleas…”

Alphabittle put the cake on the table. Izzy eyeing the cake, she was so amazed by creative cakes. Grey would agree as both of them watched it like they have never seen a birthday cake before. Well, Grey had likely not. But Izzy was the one that assured Alpha that she’d love the design for her. Even if he rarely had any skills with icing. It still came out great!

The queen was also at awe at the work put into this cake. It was a chocolate cake with periwinkle icing. There were dollops of turquoise buttercream around the edges. The sides had the crown’s jewel etched in it and on the top it was there too. But purple.

“ Alphabittle!” Exclaimed Pipp as she took photos. “The cake it is so gorgeous!”

“Yeah. You actually did a wonderful job.” Thunder smiled. “I almost feel bad for having a slice.”

“You’re not having a slice, Thunder.” Zoom muttered, nudging him a little. Thunder’s face and ears falling as he stared at her in disappointment.

“What! Why not?” Thunder asked.

“Because we are royal guards and we must stand here to protect the queen. Not eat cake…”

“Aww…” Thunder looked disappointed.

Haven looked at her birthday cake and at everyone who was seated. She over heard Thunder and Zoom’s speech and kinda felt a little sad for them. Zoom did sound a bit like a jerk, but she was following rules and making sure Thunder stays alert and on guard. It would not be fair if they had to watch everyone have a slice of a beautiful cake while they stand there and keep watch.

“There are exceptions to every rule, Zoom.” Smiled Queen Haven. “No one’s stopping you from having a slice.” She pointed at two open seats. “Why not have a seat?”

Thunder’s expression lit up as both he and Zoom exclaimed. “Really!?”

Zoom and Thunder smiled as they looked at the cake eagerly. Sitting down happily. Haven smiled a bit as they looked excited. She watched as candles were placed into the cake and everyone sung the birthday song together.

“Now blow the candles, Birthday Queen!” Exclaimed Pipp with excitement before Haven blew out the candles. Everyone cheering along. Except the Grey who was hiding from the noise.

Everyone happily got a nice slice at their desired size. Zoom and Thunder had huge smiles on their faces.

“Thank you so much, Your Majesty!” Zoom exclaimed.

“It’s alright Zoom. You two are such great guards. Also, it wouldn’t have been very fair for you two to just stand there and eat cake, would it?” Haven smiled as Zoom took a bite from her slice. Then looked at the plate with a small slice that was put on the ground earlier. For Grey, wherever she was.

“I do hope you girls suceed in helping her. It’s a shame to see anypony in such a state she is in…” She said sadly. Zipp nodded in agreement.

“Same…” She sighed.

Soon Grey came out of her hiding place and sniffed the cake. She poked it with a hoof and scooped some up. She took a close sniff and licked it before tilting her head. She took a small bite and suddenly looked surpised as she looked down. Then suddenly. As fast as lightning, she gobbled down the rest of it. Completely devouring it, making a mess as she did do. She liked cake it seemed.

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