• Published 6th Mar 2024
  • 614 Views, 94 Comments

Video Game Journeys: Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle - CrashGuy41

The Rainbooms find themselves in a world filled with giant mushrooms, a kind-hearted princess and two Italian-American plumbers.

  • ...

The Rabbid, SupaMerge, & a New Adventure

Author's Note:

First of all, thank you so much to all of you guys, the fellow readers reading this story right now. I am really grateful that so many of you guys like this series so much.

Also, quick shoutout to roxas2017, who helped me kickstart this series with the N. Sane Trilogy story, as well as Dragonknife5, who helped come up with great ideas for the overall story.

"BWAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" a mischievous rabbit-like creature shouted as it stuck its plunger on Apple Bloom's head.

"Sis, help!" Apple Bloom pleaded, as she couldn't see.

Applejack came into the barn with a broom.

"Hold still, you little varmit!" Applejack growled.

Upon hearing Applejack, the rabbit turned its head and screamed.


Thinking fast, it leapt off of Apple Bloom's head just as Applejack swung the broom. Instead of hitting the rabbit, she ended up hitting her sister on the head.

"Ow! Watch it!" Apple Bloom chastised.

"Sorry, sugarcube," Applejack apologized.

The rabbit just laughed at the amount of mischief it had just caused.

"Why you little--!"

The rabbit screamed again.


Applejack swung at the rabbit again, but she missed once more. After a few swings, the rabbit threw up its arms, as if it were surrendering. Just before Applejack could hit it, Apple Bloom grabbed her wrist.

"Wait a minute, sis!" Apple Bloom said.

"What in tarnation are ya doing, Apple Bloom?" Applejack asked.

"Just wait! I think the little critter is trying to tell us something."

The rabbit nodded its head, then gave Applejack the signal to follow it.

"Bwahbwahbwahbwah!" the rabbit said as it ran off.

Applejack handed the broom over to Apple Bloom and ran out of the barn.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was tending to the animals at the animal shelter when her phone started ringing. She picked it up and answered it.


"Fluttershy, it's me. Applejack," Applejack said on the other end. "Do you mind coming over to Sunset's place? I think we got ourselves a situation."

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

She hung up and started to get worried.

"I don't like where this is going."

Upon reaching Sunset's house, Fluttershy was surprised to see that all of her friends were standing outside their friend's doorstep.

"What's going on?" Fluttershy asked.

"If I had to guess, I'd say this weird rabbit feller's trying to get us to Sunset's weird GameStation thing," Applejack said.

Just then, everyone saw Sunset walking towards them.

"Hey, guys. Why are you all standing outside my house?" she asked.

"It's this weird rabbit critter."

"Huh. What an odd-looking rabbit."

"Bwahbwahbwahbwah!" the rabbit said, pointing to Sunset's door.

"You be nice! Where are your manners?!" Fluttershy scolded.

The rabbit tilted its head to Sunset's door, urging her to open it. As soon as she did, the rabbit raced towards Sunset's room and headed to the GameStation.

"What the heck is that thing, anyways?" Rainbow asked.

"Beats me. All I know is that that thing was causing trouble for ma sister earlier," Applejack said.

They ran after the rabbit-like creature into Sunset's room. As soon as they did, a Quantum Rift opened and the rabbit leapt into it.

"Another Quantum Rift!" Pinkie gasped.

"Looks like we're needed to fix another game's ending," Twilight hypothesized.

"Looks like it," Sunset sighed.

Knowing that they didn't have any other choice, the girls leapt into the Quantum Rift, which then closed once everyone was inside.

While traveling through the Quantum Rift, though, something very odd happened. As they were being transported towards their new adventure, most of the girls got separated from the rest of the group thanks to split paths in the rift and ended up traveling to different areas. As for Twilight and Sunset, well, they ended up en route to their destination. Where was that, exactly? The Mushroom Kingdom!

Sunset and Twilight eventually exited their Quantum Rift and realized that they were falling from the sky somehow.

"Sunset, where are we?" Twilight shouted.

"I don't know, Twilight! But I think we'll find out eventually!" Sunset shouted.

Just then, a Roomba-like robot with digital eyes and two rabbit ears bumped into them.

"Watch where you're going!"

"Ex-CUSE me? Watch we're I'm going! You two were in MY way!" the robot retorted.

Suddenly, a bunch of creatures like the one that led them into the gaming world were seen falling as well.

"Just what are those things?!" Twilight shouted.

"They're Rabbids with a D not a T. They exist for the sole purpose of causing chaos and mayhem!"

"That explains why there was one messing with Applejack!" Sunset shouted.

"Who are you two, anyways?"

"I'm Sunset Shimmer!"

"And I'm Twilight Sparkle! Where are we?" Twilight responded.

"We're in the Mushroom Kingdom, it is the home of Mario and his many friends," the robot said.

"Mario?! As in, THE Mario? The Italian plumber hero?!" Sunset squealed as they continued to fall.

"That's the one."

Suddenly, a Rabbid with an electronic VR-like headset on started to glitch out and the headset merged with the Rabbid.

"What the heck just happened?" Twilight asked.

"That Rabbid apparently merged with my creator's invention, the SupaMerge. It takes item A and item B and creates item C, if you want to go how the magazine article that we were featured in, puts it as."

The SupaMerge Rabbid suddenly began merging things left and right out of fear and nervousness.

"Brace for impact, ladies! We're going to hit the ground!"

Sure enough, everyone did indeed hit the ground. Mario, and Italian-American plumber with a red shirt, white gloves, blue overalls, brown shirt and red hat with a big letter M on it, naturally gracefully. The girls, however, were not so lucky, as they landed with a huge thud. Thankfully, they were only dazed and not hurt. Twilight lifted her head up and adjusted her glasses back on her face.

"Some landing," she groaned.

The robot landed, as well. Since it could float, though, it didn't need to worry about breaking or anything. Sunset lifted her head and shook off a bunch of dirt. She then slowly got back onto her feet and saw that Mario was standing right in front of her.

"Are you THE Mario?!" Sunset squealed.

Mario give her an enthusiastic thumbs-up.

"Oh, my gosh! It is such an honor to meet! I'm Sunset Shimmer. I'm like, your biggest fan!"

Twilight gently pulled her friend away from the mustachioed Italian plumber.

"Okay, okay. Calm down, Sunset, before you run out of steam. Sorry about that, sir. My name is Twilight Sparkle. You've already met my friend, here. And this is... I didn't catch your name."

"Oh, where are my manners? I am BEEP-0," the robot said. "I was originally designed to work alongside the SupaMerge with my creator, Jenny. She is a huge fan of Mario and she's also an inspiring inventor."

Just then, two Rabbids fell from the sky. One of them was dressed up like a princess, complete with a pink dress, blonde hair and a crown. Her name was Rabbid Peach. The other was decked out in the clothes of Mario's younger brother, Luigi, who wore green. Everyone then noticed some nearby Rabbids, called Ziggys, messing with some brown walking mushroom-like creatures called Goombas. The Ziggys noticed everyone and started retreating.

"What was that all about?" Sunset said, finally catching her breath.

"Those Rabbids are more bent on causing chaos and mayhem than they normally would. It must be that the Rabbid with the SupaMerge headset had corrupted them," BEEP-0 said. "Although, I fear that the SupaMerge may have been corrupted when we landed in this world. If we find that Rabbid, we just might be able to save this world."

"And find the rest of our friends," Twilight added.

"There's more than just you two?"

"Actually, there's seven of us. We all got separated on our way into this world. If we find them, maybe we can work together and get that headset off that Rabbid!"

"A splendid idea, Miss Twilight! Mario, you heard the lady, let's get going!"

Mario nodded his head and urged his two new Rabbid friends to follow him. Looks like Sunset and the others were off on yet another video game adventure. Little did they know that it would also be one that would prepare them for a fight against a few enemies that they've faced before.