• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 348 Views, 2 Comments

A Wild Date - Lulamoon-Crystal

Visiting your crush’s parents is rather an experience. Especially on a date

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Jazz smiled and blushed a bit as Rocky ate some cheese from her hoof. As she rested against him, the two of them feeding each other cheese. Like they've seen other couples do. Jazz grabbed a slice of cheddar and put it on top of Rocky’s muzzle, goggling as he glanced it, smirking at Jazz as he tried to reach it with his tongue, getting an idea.

“Bet you can't do this.” He said before flipping his muzzle up, sending the cheese into the air. She looked on with awe and excitement as he caught it in his mouth.

“I think I can!” She exclaimed, getting up off him and sitting normally. Placing a slice on her muzzle and flinging into the air by whipping her head. Opening her mouth, waiting for it to fall in. It was sure taking a while, wasn’t it?

“Hm?” Jazz opened an eye, seeing Rocky chew on something. Her slice of cheese, maybe? “Rocky? Did-“

“Oh sorry, was that your airborne slice?” He smugly responded, nudging her as she pouted. She nudged him back as he laughed. Watching her try it again, watching as this tine, it ended up on her forehead. At least she was closer than last time.

“This is so difficult!” She pouted. He chuckled and nudged her as she tried again.

“Takes a bit of practice."He smiled, staring into her beautiful aquamarine eyes. She smiled a bit as the threw up another slive. Throwing it high enough it stuck to the ceiling. She was unaware of this as she held her head up to catch it. It didn’t take long for him to get an idea as he grabbed an olive. Dropping it into her mouth.

She instantly spat it out in surprise, wiping her mouth as she looked at Rocky in defat, “That was hot cheese.”

“Suppose a fairy changed it midair.” He joked as she went to try again.

They only did this for a dew minutes until they got bored. Well, when the good cheese was eaten anyway. It was cute, but not as entertaining for a Long period of time, unlike what other couples say.

“I will never understand why couple feed eachother like that.” Chimes said. Looking over. “At least they are trying to play a game now.”

“Yeah!” Tune poked his tongue out.

“But they are cute, tho.” Chimes slightly defended then chuckled. “But can you imagine them kissing?” She asked. Jokingly gagging.

“Ew!” They exclaimed together before laughing. Rocky and Jazz simply ignoring their actions. They weren’t getting all mushy yet, were they?

“How much longer till dinner!?” Tune cried out.

“Only about-“ The dad was about the say before there was the noise of a pot falling to the ground. Making the couple jump out their skins.

“Peanut butter sandwich!” He groaned as he had dropped boiling water on the ground that had all the noodles and peas in it. “Aw sugar. There goes the peas. At six-thirty at this rate!” He groaned as he cleaned his mess. A smirk appeared on Rocky’s face when he looked at the tome. Only four-fifteen.

“Jazz? Do you want to see something cool?”

Jazz looked at his smile, “Do I?” She nudges him. Ignoring the movie that she could watch anytime, she had already watched it before anyway. But she had a great feeling that she had never seen this cool thing Rocky wanted to show her. Rocky said something that caught her interest, even if it was vague. It was sure to be cool indeed. Her heart fluttered as she looked at him, smiling too.

“C’mon, let’s go!” He grinned as got off the couch, Jazz wiping the crumbs off himself before she joined him, Walking towards the back door where they were interested by Grandma. Who stood in the living room with a stern expression. Apparently she had just came down the stairs. Looking rather displeased with what they could be planning.

“Where do You think you are going?” She asked. Looking at him suspiciously.

Rocky froze in shock as his smirk fell, gazing towards his Grandma, who was not looking very impressed.

“Oh! Just for a short stroll. Some sightseeing."

"In the back yard?" Grandma raised a brow. Rocky instantly realised what he said sounded a little silly. The back yard wasn't that exciting or big to go for a stroll. Just some swings, a garden and a pig pen. Not really sight-seeing. But no worries, he could fix it.

"Starting in the back yard." He grinned

There was a paused as Jazz gazed at her with worry, swishing her tail slightly as she stayed close to Rocky. Feeling his wing move a bit as her torso went up against it.

“Be home by sundown!” She shouted threateningly. Making him roll his eyes and nod.

“I Think I’ll be home by then.” He responded with a smirk. Getting approval from his Grandma who went to let others know he and Jazz were going for a walk.

“So, what is it?” Jazz asked as she followed him out the back. Looking at the garden. Mr. Oinks was laying in a mud puddle nearby. Minding his business as Rocky walked through the grass. Maybe one of the last houses with such a huge backyard in Zephyr heights.

You could see the touring buildings of the bustling city from the backyard, shining proudly in the sun. Almost overshadowing the house it.. This house was apparently about 150 years old, if she heard right. Being in the family for generations. It matched the aesthetics of the rest of the city. But it was clear that most homes near this one were replaced with more futuristic looking ones, like the next-door neighbours in buildings that had glass domes on top. With maybe a garden or some kind of studio or office in the dome it self. Must be pretty hot in there. The one that belonged to Rocky’s family looked much like a hybrid of both a house from here and Maretine Bay. Which the preferred to be honest, but it was rather interesting how pegasi chose to make their home into a whole golden and white city. Maybe because there’s so many pegasi. More than Earth ponies and unicorns.

Rocky jumped over a hedge with Jazz climbing onto it, her leg got caught. Making her fall into the dirt below. She got up, wiping herself off as he looked at a large light yellow wall.

“Wow! Amazing wall!” Jazz exclaimed, only for him to shush her.

“My mother hates me going this way.” He whispered, pointing towards the house. Looking down at a large hole, it appeared big enough to crawl through. He had done it heaps of times as a teen. “Jazz? Can you climb through a hole?”

“I’d rather not risk getting dirty… Maybe we can go over?” Jazz’s eyes widened as she looked at him. Never even thinking she’d hear that come from his own mouth. A sly smirk appeared on her face aw she lifted her hoof glowing with green magic, she slammed it on the ground. Vines climbing up, tick enough to hang onto without breaking and plenty of parts to grab.

“There! Now we don’t have to go through that sharp, small hole.” Jazz smiled. Wondering what would be on the other side. Rocky seemed pretty keen to show her.

“That’s actually a pretty good idea, Jazz.” He complimented. “Race you over!” He exclaimed, lifting his wings and flying over the wall as fast as he could.

“What!?” Jazz squealed, climbing the vines to the top of the wall. “How is this a race!?” She grumbled as she made it to the top of the wall. Sliding down the vines like a slide to see Rocky on the other side ith w smug smirk. What was this place? She wondered as she looked around. Nudging Rocky slightly as she looked around her.

To the left was an area overgrown with ferns and trees. To the right was a natural path formed onto the mountain, going down into the cloud layer it seemed.

“What’s that way?” Jazz asked, pointing into the ferns. Spotting what seemed to be the remains of a wooden fence and gate leading to where they were standing. In fact, down the path, there was old, worn out fencing making out the path. Most of it fallen and broken. Against the high formations of the mountain ahead of her was a sign. The words long warn out. But it did appear important.

“A long abandoned park of some sort. Closed when I was ten. Going that way used to be easier, but it’s overgrown with ferns and ivy now. Who knows what creatures would also be hiding in there.” He said, sounding a little sad. She wondered what kind of park it could have been. Was he sad it was abandoned?

“Rocky?” She asked softly, looking at his sad expression as he just stared.

“But-“ He interrupted and changed the mood. “That’s not what I was going to show you. It’s down this way!” He exclaimed, going down the path, she followed. A little concerned by excited.

Down the path led below the cloud cover, which blocked her view a little bit. But she could still see his shadow ahead. She could hear his hoof steps, too, so it was not like she’d lose him in the fog. He turned a corner through the fog, going farther down the mountain The clouds becoming lesser and lesser, Jazz carefully following. Admiring the view in the distance. She could see a vast valley and forest out in the distance.

What was out there? She wondered, making sure to keep up with Rocky. The path was wide, broken wooden fence posts were about.

“Jazz, do you trust me?”

“Uh… Yeah?” She said, raising a brow before he put a wing on bis face. Blocking his view.

“Good. Now follow my lead.”

“O-okay!” She said, a little unsure, but willing to go with whatever he was doing.

When he fibally uncovered her face after leading her to the location, she gasped with awe. Seeing a large waterfall russhing down into a deep looking river. Sublight shimmering down as a rainbow formed.

“What is it?” She wondered, a little confused on why she needed to be blindfolded.

“Come on,” He said happily, jumping over sone stepping stones and approaching the waterfall. Some mist hitting him as he approached the entrance to a huge cave behind the waterfall, in size, not depth. She followed him with awe as she walked in, her hooves emerged as she found herself on the other side of the gushing waterfall.

“Uh, Rocky? It’s just pitch black in here.” She said bluntly. “There’s nothing to see!” She pouted, “Just a black gap behind the waterfall…”

“Or is it?” He smirked, which was not visible in the darkness. He looked towards the roof and exclaimed. “Hello!”

In nearly and instant, the roof and ceilings started to gain an aquamarine glow. Created by dots, almost like stars in the night sky.

“Glow worms?” She asked.

“A special kind it seems. I’m not so sure on the name. But these guys can turn their glow on or off in a second. Like switching on or off a light.”

“That’s so cool!” She exclaimed with joy, jumping and creating a splash.

“Yeah it is. But watch this!” He grinned, clapping his hooves twice.

The glowworms stopped lowing briefly. Before every second line of glow worms lit up and went off. Making it look like lines of aquamarine light slowly moving up to the roof of the cavern they were in. A heart slowly forming at the top, growing bigger and bigger. Going as big as the flat ceiling allowed as the centre emptied. Slowly turning into an outline of a love heart with two familiar images in the middle.

"It's our cutiemarks!" Jazz whisper-yelled as she pointed at him. Heart felling with joy as her heart raced. Words could not explain how amazing this was to her. She never thought she'd see glow worms put on a show for her!

On the walls of the cavern, glowworms were flashing off an on at correct time. Making it look like an image of her and Rocky made of light were running towards each other. Hugging as hearts appeared.

The show went on for a few minutes, recreating things in their abilities of flashing their lights. Like the salon, or the time they met, confessed their crushes and some other memorable times. Created by just their limited dots of aquamarine lights. Ending with their cutiemarks surrounded by hearts. Before they went back to their normal casual glowing pattern before the show started.

"Bravo!" Jazz clapped excited;y. Rocky was just about to ask her what she thought of it. But she muzzled him in the face and nudged it. "That was a amazing! I have so many questions but- I loved it!" She paused to breathe normally. Resting her face up against Rocky's.

"Y-" He was blushing as butterflies came in his stomach, his heart raced as he became flustered as Jazz nuzzled his cheek. Rubbing herself over him like an affectionate cat or dog. He did not know what to say without it being a mess. "J-Jazz."

“How did you get them to agree with that!?” She then paused. “Oh, you must have asked Hitch for help!”

“Nope!” He exclaimed with a grin. The blushing fading as he regained the courage to speak. It appears they were trained to do light shows for the guest before the park closed. I’m not sure who the owners were, who trained them and how. But they seem to be fond of me since they always greeted me whenever I came to this cave. I got them to do this show for you once I found out they used to do shows.” He paused and sighed for a while. “I suppose they miss the guests that used to come here, and I’m the only pony that they can entertain these days.

Jazz’s heart dropped. She couldn’t help but feel bad. They must not understand where all the ponies have gone. Only seeing Rocky and whoever he brought with him. In a while during his childhood and teen years. When Rocky left for Maretine Bay, they must have had no one.Maybe this was why Rocky took a trip to Zephyr Heights once a month. He wasn’t the kind to like bugs, but she could tell he felt bad for these critters. She wished she could do something.

Were their trainers heartless? Or did something happen to the park and they couldn’t come back to them. Whatever the reason was. It was pretty unfortunate.

This specific specie of glowworms usually live up to 4-6years. If this place was abandoned for about thirteen years. That meant this smart species of glow worm either had lifespans twice as long, or their memories, training and such went down to the next generation of glow worms. Teach their children what they were taught. Or both!

“I suppose we should start heading back.” Rocky looked at Jazz a little sad. She followed him as they excited the cave.

“Uhmmm I don't see why we can’t stay a little longer!” She exclaimed, sitting on a rock. Close to the waterfall, but not close enough to be getting wet. “Why don’t you tell me the story of how you found this place?”

A small smile appeared on his face as he looked at her. Her heart beating fast as they exchanged eye contact. Looking at each other for a moment before a response was made. “Sure.”

“-And that’s how I befriended a whole colony of glow worms.” Rocky finished. “My mother freaked out enough when I came home sopping wet a few times by accident in winter. Since on a windy day the water would fly at you. In summer, I just made an excuse of swimming lessons, or took a dip in the pond we used to have in the backyard.” He then smirked.“But I also like going right through the waterfall itself. Such a cool feeling.”

“Oh! What a great story Rocky!” Jazz wiped her eyes and looked at the waterfall. “I actually kinda want to walk right through the waterfall itself but… Maybe not a good idea at the moment.” She gave a cheeky grin.

“Yeah. She most certainly won’t be happy.” He laughed..“She is hates bugs! Well, a lot of them anyway. So I don’t know how’d she react to this…”

“Your secret is safe with me!” Jazz exclaimed with a grin.

“Thanks.” He said, gazing at Jazz. It was a beautiful sight of the afternoon sun shining on the waterfall. But Jazz in from of it, made it so much better. He hadn't noticed the sky had gone slightly darker while he was talking. Likely just some clouds floating above.

His heart raced as he gazed at her as she looked out into the distance. How was she so cute? Her dress blew slightly in the wind as he stood there. Not realising he had been staring at her for a minute.

“R-rocky?” Jazz questioned. “Do I have something on my face?”

“Wh-wha!? No. Nothing!” He waved his hoof, blushing a bit as his heart raced faster. Gulping as butterflies came back into his stomach. He looked up at the dark clouds above where Zephyr Heights was. This did not look good.

A drop of water fell from the sky, hitting Jazz’s withers. Soaking through her dress and to her fur.

“Uh?” She looked up towards the sky. Another drop hitting her muzzle as she looked up to the sky. Seeing the dark cloud approach. Were these the same ones she saw from the window earlier? At that moment, she and Rocky looked at each other with worry. Without a spoken word, they knew what the other one was thinking. They dashed up the slope, galloping as fast as their legs could carry them as a few drops fell from the rain clouds.

They ran as hard as they could through the back door. Not caring about the mud, they tracked in on the wooden floor. Rocky spread out his wings, water dripping down as Jazz wringed her mane, water flying from it as she shook her head as her mane flopped around.

“You didn’t know it was going to rain?!” She asked in a scolding type voice. Moving back her limp mane and ignoring the discomfort of her dress sticking to her body.

“Let’s just quickly dry off before anypony sees us!” Rocky whispered to Jazz, noticing his family all watching a movie in the lounge room. He did not want to be scolded for coming in sopping wet at a time like this. He couldn't exactly use the pond as an excuse this time, thanks to his dad demolishing it for a “Stick In Neat.” Whatever that was or meant. He had no idea what that could possibly be. Maybe some day slang from his days?

She nodded, and they both hurriedly rushed up the stairs and into the bathroom making as little noise as possible.

The first thing Jazz did was rinse the mud off her hooves using the shower. While Rocky waited for her to finish before hopping in to rinse mud from himself.

“Ugh…” Jazz groaned as she looked down at her soaked dress. The skirt part flopping down on her butt instead of lifting above her tail. She’d be lucky if it dries well.

As Jazz combed and dried her mane, she noticed Rocky preening his feathers under the show head as it rinsed some mud off them. Having never seen a Pegasus preen their wings before, she was in awe. It was a pretty majestic sight to see, actually. How much care was being taken as he dug into his feathers. Grooming each one with his teeth, setting any messed up ones correctly.

“Ooh.” Jazz exclaimed with awe, receiving a death glare that made her turn around. Continuing to dry her mane as Rocky focused on what he needed to do. As he stepped out, grabbing what he needed to comb and dry his mane back to its normal style.

Jazz’s stomach filled with butterflies again. She sighed happily as she looked at him, he was so handsome and cute at the same time. No pony could do that, except him.

“Ahem!” A voice sounded in the doorway. Rocky dropping his comb in shock as he faced the doorway. Someone was there.

“G-grandma!?” Rocky exclaimed, blushing in embarrassment.

“Serves you both right!” The grandma shouted and laughed. “You got stuck in the rain.”

“H-how long were you standing there?” Jazz asked.

“The whole dang time…” She snorted. “Hurry up, dinner will be ready soon.” By ‘soon’ she most likely ment an hour and a half away. It was only four-fourty. The sun had only just started setting.

“It’ll be a miracle if my mother doesn’t shout at me.” Rocky groaned, putting a hoof on his face as Jazz started to try and dry her dress. Maybe she’d have to take it off. It was completely soaked.

He watched as she laid her dress over the bath and grabbed the hair drier and aimed it towards it.

“Jazz, don’t worry about the dress.” He responded. Fixing his mane that was slightly damp still before heading downstairs with her. Joining the family as they watched-

“A baby video about me!?” Rocky exclaimed, interrupting the narrator as he watched them start up a home-made video. Of Rocky as a baby. He blushed hard as he watched his mother talk about the video before it started.

“Aww.” Jazz giggled as his flustered expression and fluffed up wings. “How bad will it be?” She asked, sitting down with him joining her. Watching the video.

“So. My bun is finally out of the oven.” Milky on the TV explained, the camera showing a crib. Rocky only a few hours old laying in it peacefully, curled up in a way. Similar to the loaf position cats make.

“He actually does look like a bun.” An unknown voice responded.

“Oh yeah…” Milky agreed. Then went back to talking to the camera. “He’s a healthy baby colt. We decided to name him. Rocky!”

“Oh he was such a cutie…” Aunt Funky smiled. Tune and Chimes were giggling quietly to themselves, a tablet with them as their attention would go to that whenever the video got boring.

The next clip shown was baby Rocky stumbling as he walked to his mother as she held a milk bottle. He tumbled on his face but he kept flapping his wings. Soon getting up and crying loudly as he stumbled towards Milky. Completely missing the milk bottle, heading towards her hind legs. To be fed the natural way.

“No Rocky- Ow!” Milky was heard crying as Rocky started to suckle. He was leaning against his mother’s leg, which was seemingly injured at the time. Hurting her without realising or meaning too as the camera zoomed on the milk bottle. A sad face being edited in the video on the bottle.

“Awww.” Jazz smiled happily. Finding that kinda cute. But poor Milky, hopefully it turned out alright. Rocky had his face in his hooves. Not finding it as cute as she did. But it was soon for the next clip.

It started with Rocky being thrown up and down by his uncle. Soon landing face first into a cake on the table. The next one was less painful to look at. He was looking up at the camera.

“Say mummy?” Milky said happily.

“No, no. Say rockstar!” His father was heard.


“He’s gonna say it, honey! He’s gonna say mama!”

“Ma-Mu-Music!” He cried out happily.

“Your first word was music?” Jazz snorted, nudging him. He smiled a bit as he watched her reactions.

Jazz rested up against him. “I hope our future child will be as cute at this.”

“What!?” He exclaimed.

They watched peacefully, laughing every once in a while.

“Dinner’s ready!” A voice eventually called.

Once he date was over, Jazz and Rocky said their goodbyes and started to leave.

“That was an amazing day…” Jazz smiled as she nuzzled Rocky. “Hey, Maybe I should repay the favor!” She exclaimed.

”Huh?” Rocky questioned.

”Maybe some day you can come spend dinner with my family or something!”

Rocky looked at her and smiled slightly. “Yeah… I suppose so…” He smiled as they walked towards the staion. He bkushed a little as he watched her walk ahead and stop.

“Race you to the station!”

“You are on!”

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