• Published 9th Mar 2024
  • 264 Views, 1 Comments

Unforgiven - Snugglewarmscale

Sparky has been hurt. His father takes him Some place safe.

  • ...


Hitch watched as his son slept peacefully on the couch. Him and his friends had just made it back to Maretime bay. They had just rescued him from this crazy alicorn called Opaline, she had tried to drain him of his dragon magic. Unfortunately, she had succeed in stealing most of it. Sparky looked so tired and weak, his scales were faded a darker gray. He also felt cold to the touch. Hitch sniffled before resting his head next to his son. How could he allow something like this to happen to his baby? He was the town sheriff for crying out loud. Yet, he allowed this to happen to his child. His child was kidnapped without him noticing; taken by a mare that he thought he could trust, a mare all of them had trusted. Just that thought of her made his mind burn with anger. If he saw her again he would.

He felt a gentle hoof on his shoulder; he turned his head and saw Zipp standing just behind him. She was worried about him and Sparky. All of them were; but they decided to give both of them some space for the moment. She tired her best to smile; but like him she was also worried about Sparky.

She spoke. “Hey.”

He replied. “Hey.” He moved over and she sat down next to him.

As she sat next to him both of them heard Sparky whimper. They looked at the little dragon; he was kicking and trashing about on the couch, possibly having a horrible nightmare about what recently happened. Hitch quickly picked his son up and brought him into a loving hold. He gently shushed him while rubbing his back, a single tear fell from his eye as he felt his sons tears on his chest.

He spoke softly. “It's okay, Sparky.” He reached for the blanket and wrapped it around him, “I'm here son. It's okay.”

Zipp felt for both of them; how in the world could Opaline do such a thing? Opaline, that damned alicorn, how could she do such a thing to Sparky.. I swear when I see Opaline again! I am gonna! She shook her head to clear her mind of the thought. No, now was not the time to think about her. Sparky was the one in need.

Just as the others walked back into the living room the door opened. All of them looked to see Misty walking in; she was wearing her cloak from earlier and she had a smile on her face, a smile that angered Hitch. He looked away from her as Zipp joine the others. He could hear her speaking. But,. he didn't care what that mare had to say, he didn't want to even look at her; all he wanted was to focus on his son.

He heard her say. “I understand if you all hate me.”

Hate? Oh that is an understatement! He was tempted to yell at her; to tell her to get out and never come back to this town. That mare was lucky to be sanding here right now. If this was his home he would've already told her to-.

Sunny spoke. “We don't hate you.”

Hitch's head shot up when he heard Sunny say that. He turned his head as Izzy added. “We don't hate anypony.” Are you crazy?! Izzy, she kidnapped my son.” Pipp added.. “I mean what you did was wrong, I mean really wrong.” Zipp finished. “ But, you did the right thing in the end.”

Hitch had never felt so angry before. He couldn't believe what he was hearing; his “Friends!” were forgiving her. They were treating her like a victim. They, they, he gritted his teeth as he tried to keep his anger undercontrol. He started to breath in and out. But, it was not working. If he didn't get out of there now. There was no telling what he would do. He looked at his son. For, a moment, Sparky had opened his eyes and looked at him. His baby whimpered before reaching for him.

He felt tears in his eyes again as he picked up his baby and held him close. He gently shushed his baby. As he tried to calm his son down; the mares in the room noticed and started to walk closer to him. Misty saw how Hitch was acting and sighed sadly. She knew she had messed up. But, she didn't think Opaline would do something like that. She shook her head and started to walk closer to the two. Zipp looked at her and was tempted to stop her. But, Sunny kept her from doing it.

Zipp questioned. “Sunny?”

Sunny replied. “She's gotta do this.”

Misty stopped just behind Hitch; she was a little hesitant at first. But, she knew she had to say something to him. She reached for his shoulder. Before any of them could reach; vines with sharp thorns grew from the floor. They backed away from the vines and into each other as the vines grew over their heads.

Sunny gasped as she wondered what was going on. That was when she noticed Hitch was still moving outside the vines. She called to him. “Hitch!” She saw a thorn grow and stop just in front of her eye.

Hitch looked at the vines he had grown; before he picked his son up and started walking towards the door. He could hear all of them calling out to him. He felt his magic surge through him again and he stomped his hoof to the floor. The vines glowed and flowers formed on top of the thorns. The flowers released a vapor, a non-toxic one, but the vapor would make all of them fall asleep. He could hear them coughing a little. Before eventually falling asleep. The vines grew back down and released all of them. He looked at his supposed friends before he walked out of the brighthouse.

Hitch gently rocked with Sparky as they waited for him at their home. Sparky whimpered again as he pressed himself against his father. The poor baby felt cold. Hitch tried to put him on the bed. But, his son would only whimper and whine before reaching out for him. His son just wanted to be held. His ears perked at the sound of the station doors opening.

A male voice called for them. “Hitch! Sparky!”

Hitch spoke. “Back here.”

He could hear footsteps quickly approaching them. It was then a teenaged human entered the back room they were in. he wore all black clothing and had white hair. He looked at them with a worried look as he walked up to them. The moment he was close enough; he knelt down and gently hugged Hitch.

He asked. “What happened?” He looked down at Sparky and asked. “Baby Boy okay?”

Hitch shook his head and explained to him what had happened. How Sparky was taken by a mare they all trusted. How he was almost killed by this psycho alicorn. He told him everything all the way to the last detail. The Human, named Jack, had a blank expression on his face.

He stood up and said. “I gotta make a call.”

He walked out of the room and headed for the lobby. Hitch looked at the doorway for a moment; before his focus returned to his son. A few seconds later Jack had come back and knelt down beside them.

The moment Hitch looked at him he was told. “Get your stuff packed. Goose, will be here in a moment.” He stood up and started to walk away.

Hitch called to him. “Jack.” He watched as his friend continued to walk away. He asked him. “Jack, where are you going?”

Jack replied. “You know what I'm gonna do.”

Hitch felt a cold chill on the air as he heard the doors to the station open and close. Just seconds later a portal opened in front of him. He looked at the portal and saw a gray scaled dragon walk out. The dragons stood on two legs and wore strange clothing. He smiled at the dragon and greeted him.

“Hey, Goose.”

Misty groaned as she regained consciousness for a moment. She was still in the brighthouse; but she didn't remember falling asleep. She looked around and noticed that they others were still lying on the ground. Did all of them just fall asleep? She felt somepony grab her by her horn and force her to look up. Before she could say anything she felt horrible migraine surge through her head. It felt so bad she thought her head was about to be split in two. She was then dropped back to the floor. She held her head as she felt throb after throb of pain. For, a moment, she opened her eyes and saw a strange creature standing over them. It stood on two legs and it was holding something in it's hands.

She questioned. “Is that a card?”

The creature threw the card and a portal opened up in front of it. The creature quickly stepped into the portal and it closed behind it. Misty tried to stand only to be brought back down. Her head hurt badly. Why was she having this terrible headache?

Both Hitch and Goose stepped out of the portal and onto dew soaked grass. Hitch continued to hold his son; while Goose carried a bag on his shoulder. Hitch looked up at goose and thanked him.

“Thanks, Goose.”

Goose smiled and replied. “Y'all are fam.” He chuckled before he turned around and commented. “Wow, been awhile since I saw this place.”

Hitch followed his gaze and smiled; Jack must have given Goose the card that took them to the cabin. It was a special place outside of both time and space. A place Jack called a forgotten location. His friend did explain to them what that meant. But, that was a long explanation that hardly any of them stayed awake for. All they knew was sometimes the magic in these places would preserve them as Hidden Sanctuary's. And, whoever finds them are the only ones permitted to enter. They are also the only ones who allow others to enter.

Goose motioned. “Come on. Let's get y'all settled.” His stomach growled and he commented. “Bahamut, I need some cup noodles.”

Hitch chuckled a little as both of them walked up to the cabin door. Once inside the cabin goose helped the two get settled in. Sparky continued to cling to his father; while Hitch continued to comfort his baby. It wasn't long until Jack finally arrived at the cabin. Goose and Hitch looked at him; he looked both tired and slightly angry. Hitch noticed that he was holding a familiar curved horn in his hand.

Comments ( 1 )

Had potential at first, but the second a human entered, ya completely lost me.

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