• Published 18th Mar 2024
  • 403 Views, 8 Comments

Ajin: Demi-Pony - Pachi

Ajin. Humanoid creatures that have many powers, their most notable one is being absolutely and completely immortal. What happens if an Ajin somehow does truly die and is reincarnated in poneland?

  • ...

Rebirth and 4 Months

I opened my eyes

Holy Shit what's that!? I can… see…? I shouldn't be able to see…

Wait, why shouldn't I be able to see?

Nevermind...Okay… where am I right now?

Looking around I saw… not much, everything was exceptionally blurry

What I could see was giant things moving all around the place in a hurry

What language were they speaking? Why are they yelling?

I looked down at my body to see it was… furry? Okay, okay, don't panic. Let's see, my body has… four limbs… no fingers… and… I see a protrusion in my vision… a muzzle?

A horse? I'm a horse? Okay, cool…

I then spot something completely unexpected…

A small black dot rising up from my body


Let's hope they didn't see that

I heard the voices mumble something in disbelief

And it turns out they didn't, thank god

Okay, so recap, I'm a horse now, and I'm still an Ajin, and as well as that… I died… how?

Well, I was nearing… I don't know how old… but I heard Ajin can die of old age, so that's probably how I kicked the bucket…

I mentally shuddered as I tried to remember anything past a certain point in my past life

And then I did something really weird…

I started crying

My body tensed up and I started crying

I was filled with an overwhelming dread the moment I tried to remember anything

I felt someone pick me up and I was faced with a horrifying creature with giant eyes

Yet the creature looked at me with a kind of motherly love…

[4 Months Later]

“Demi…” I had heard my older brother, Ivory, mumble my name in his sleep

He was sleeping next to me on my parents bed after a long day of playing together

Well, more him playing, me laughing

I don't know why (probably because I'm a 3 year old now) but everything seems so much funnier

I cry easier, and I get angry easier

I feel emotions easier, is what I'm saying

He was 5 years older than me, and very...active, to say the least

He had a light reddish crimson coat, with piercing silver eyes and black naturally curly mane, and a pair of small wings on his back

I had learned the language of these people during my time here and… suffice to say, it's strangely complex

Due to the structure of our vocal cords, we could make a variety of noises unachievable by the human mouth, which is pretty cool, but other than that, I was able to learn it pretty fast due to the similarities to my native language

What's not cool is the fact that I can't fucking use magic

I'm in a world with goddesses that raise and lower Celestial bodies, and I don't have jack shit!

Maybe the fact that I'm an Ajin, but even that is more of a curse than anything

Yeah I have a horn and stuff, but I haven't had a single magic surge!

What's a magic surge, I hear you think

Well, basically, when a pony is really young, their body reacts to the natural magic in the atmosphere to… Well, to skip the nerd talk, baby ponies do magic

Earth Ponies can magically become stronger, Pegasus Ponies have random bursts of flight, and Unicorn Ponies perform random Magic. Sometimes even high level spells, simply by accident

But I haven't had any. Not a single magic surge my entire life, which means that I may or may not be screwed when it comes to the magic department

And another thing which I have come to realise about my reincarnation is… the fact that I'm a girl

I liked gender bender light novels when I was still… ‘alive’...alive meaning from what i can remember of my first life, and so I was quite accustomed to most things about being a gal

Just… strange that it's as a horse, or ‘pony’, as they prefer to call themselves

Apparently horse is a slur against Earth Ponies, which is something I did NOT know before I said the word (albeit very poorly due to my undeveloped vocal cords) near my Earth Pony Uncle and he started laughing his ass off

I heard the door open as a light pink young mare with beautiful multicoloured hair and both wings and a horn on her head walk in

That was Cadence, my babysitter

Not that I really need babysitting, but apparently my mom and dad think otherwise

Speaking of mom and dad, I see both of them enter the room with her

“Oh, thank you Cadence, we really are so happy for you to take this request on such short notice” said a deep voice. It was from my dad, a Unicorn with auburn red hair and light green coat, as well as piercing purple eyes

“No problem Mr Cube! But… this is gonna be a dual scheduling issue with another family I'm babysitting for… Though I'm certain that I would be able to get The Sparkles to let me bring over Demi and Ivory to have them all at once! And turns out, that their child is the same age as her and also hasn't gotten their Magic surges yet, I'm sure Demi and her could bond over that!” I heard Cadence reply… she really is working herself to the bone…

“Again, we are ever so sorry for this” I had heard my mother say. She had a silvery coat, with deep emerald eyes and desaturated greyish-blue and golden-yellow mane, and a pair of wings

Well, I guess I'm meeting someone new tomorrow…

What happened to me?

I couldn't remember much about my past life…

Maybe it was the fact that I am technically a child, with a child's brain so my memories are being locked away Denji Style

Speaking of Denji… I never got to see the end of Chainsaw Man

Nor did I ever see the end of Jujutsu Kaisen

I never finished Re;Zero or The Saga of Tanya the Evil…

Or Lookism or Baki!

There are a lot of things that I never got to finish…

It's currently the middle of the night

I have no clue why, but I always wake up at night

I have the slightest suspicion to what happened to me

There were rumours that the government of the country I was living in experimented on Ajin

So maybe that's the trauma my toddler brain is trying to protect me from…

Well, how bad could it possibly be?

I'm pretty sure my mind is just over reacting, no way it could be that bad

And why am I so sure that I'm an Ajin anyway?

Well, if I try to say that I'm not an Ajin, I get a strange pang in my chest and my eyes start to well up...

Oh, and also Maybe it's because of that…

My eyes glanced over to the side, where I saw a tall Humanoid creature made of black particles that my body was emitting

The creature had large wings on its back and halo above its head, clearly attached to the head like a costume

It had no face, or to be more specific, the face it had was completely black. Such a large density of particles that it blocked vision to it

It had 5 fingers on each hand, yet the fingers were sharp and looked more like claws


I remember a scientific paper published by some Japanese guy who revealed that the black particles Ajin creates are able to form second bodies that only they, or things that it tries to kill are able to see

IBM stands for Invisible Black Matter. Not very scientific, but it was an accurate descriptor for it

Though… whilst the Japanese Scientist who created that paper was highly respected, most of the contents were treated as rumour

But judging by the fact that… It… is here, we can accurately say that guy was telling the truth

Well, not much else to do but sleep…

I was in an enclosed room, posters all over the place and a door in front of me

Oh! I know this place! It's from… Chainsaw Man? Did my mental Denji comment make my subconscious copy whatever he had done?



Does that mean that if I open the door, I'm gonna find out about what happened after the point where my memories were cut off?

I reach towards the door and try to pull the doorknob only…

“I have a hoof…” I couldn't open the door because I had a hoof, not a hand

And I couldn't even use Hoof Magic (A basic magic all three pony types know that allows them to hold things) because I haven't gotten my magic surges yet!

Wait, this is a dream, why would that matter?

“Through the power vested in me as a lucid dreamer, I will thee to open!” I say… and nothing happens

Well, that's to be expected

No way a moment of character development like that would be occurring so soon

Maybe when I'm older or something…

While I'm here, maybe I should read some manga!

I materialised a copy of Chainsaw Man Volume 1 and began reading

Of course I've read it before, but it doesn't stop it from being a good read…

And if you're wondering how I could read manga that I read over 3 years ago in my sleep… that's because I have something called an ‘Eidetic Memory’

Funny, that means I can't forget anything ever, but there's also a large chunk of my life presumably missing from said memory

I just kept reading and reading until I woke up in the morning...

Author's Note:

First Chap of a new Fanfuck. Not abandoning Egotistical Gamer, just having a bit of rest