• Published 22nd Mar 2024
  • 306 Views, 8 Comments

Queen Chrysalis and The Vial Of Primal Chaos - Jest

Through a convoluted series of events, Chrysalis must save Equestria from a new chaos god, as well as several legally distinct new foes.

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What, is Your Quest?

“Why am I helping you again?” Chrysalis asked mirthlessly as she walked through a portal, her magic carrying along a dozen cardboard boxes with various rooms labeled on them.

“Because us former villains gotta stick together,” Discord replied, the spirit of chaos following after his assistant with a lamp over one shoulder and a box piled high with silverware on the other. “That and Starlight is on her honeymoon with Trixie at the moment so I couldn't ask her.”

“Wait, those two got married? I thought Starlight was straight,” Chrysalis muttered.

“Oh it's actually for tax purposes but hey, who knows where that crazy side story could go!” Discord exclaimed.

“Rrright,” Chrysalis murmured, mostly to herself.

The former queen of the changelings dropped the pile of boxes roughly in front of Fluttershy’s home. Discord joined her a moment later, adding his lamp to the ground mound of things that were in the process of being moved from the chaos dimension to the pegasus’ homey cottage. The various animals that lived in and around the area gave the pair a wide berth, scattering whenever Chrysalis’ bitter glare fell over them.

“How are you even going to fit all this garbage in that tiny house?” Chrysalis asked, gesturing to Fluttershy’s abode. “It's got what, three rooms, at most?”

“Why with a bit of remodeling of course,” Discord declared.

The chaos deity snapped his fingers and in an instant the cottage sprouted two extra stories, as well as what was probably a basement. The new levels were also adorned with the usual assortment of bat boxes, birdhouses, and various other tiny animal homes present all over the property. The only sign that the chaotic Discord had even crafted these extra floors were the weirdly sized and even stranger-colored windows that sprouted all over the place seemingly at random.

“And why isn't your…” Chrysalis frowned. “What are you and Fluttershy anyway?”

“Well I’m a draconequus you see and-” Discord began.

“You know what I meant,” Chrysalis interrupted.

“Oh, what's the fun in easy answers? Really, it is the mystery of the undefined that gives life meaning,” Discord retorted. “And besides, Fluttershy and I are on a more, slow burn style of romantic ‘Will they won't they’ thing which I find delightfully charming. Really, it's been too long since I’ve been in a good rom-com.”

“Rom com?” Chrysalis shuddered. “You know what. Forget I asked.”

“Forgot about what?” Discord replied curiously.

“Forget about… augh never mind,” Chrysalis muttered, glancing back to the portal leading to Discord’s house in the chaos dimension. “How much is left anyway?”

“Oh not much. Just that pile over there,” Discord exclaimed, gesturing back at his home. “Would you mind getting that for me?” Discord conjured a fainting couch with a snap and fell into it. “My back is killing me.”

Chrysalis shuddered in disgust.

“Fine. But once this is done you have to forgive me for turning Fluttershy’s brother into a love slave,” Chrysalis retorted.

“That was an amusing little adventure, wasn't it?” Discord mused. “Whatever happened to that moron anyway?”

“Wait, hold on. You don't care that I enslaved Fluttershy’s brother?” Chrysalis asked.

“Oh, I care in as much that it made Fluttershy sad but care about Zephyr himself? Please, that halfwit deserved whatever it is you did to him. Probably,” Discord remarked with a shrug.

“It wasn't much, I admit,” Chrysalis muttered. “I assumed he’d have at least some of the bottomless kindness of Fluttershy, but the only time I extracted any amount of love from him was when I disguised myself as him.”

“Oh, that is too funny. You really must regale me with the full story at a later date. Perhaps over tea and some of those adorable little sandwiches Fluttershy always makes,” Discord exclaimed.

“I…” Chrysalis frowned, disgusted that she had been about to agree to such a proposal. “Will think about it.”

“Spoilsport,” Discord spat, the draconequus’ tongue sticking out at the unredeemed changeling.

Chrysalis ignored the childish barb and trotted back into the portal. Inside the chaos dimension, she felt the familiar wave of strange otherworldly energy though by then she was used to it. Brushing off the odd sensations, she reached out with her magic and plucked the towering pillar of boxes from Discord’s front lawn.

It took a bit more power than Chrysalis would have assumed but it was well within her considerable abilities. Hefting it a good few feet from the ground, Chrysalis took a step forward only to stop when the pillar of cardboard leaned backward. Righting the quivering tower, she took a slower, more careful pace, now aware of just how steady her load had become.

Things seemed fine. The box hadn't toppled and she was about to cross the threshold bridging the regular world from the chaotic realm that Discord had once called home. Then, she heard it. A tink followed by a whizz and finally the dramatic crashing of glass meeting ground.

“What the-”

A sudden explosion sent Chrysalis flying, her boxes scattering across the yard. The dull boom that followed nearly deafened the changeling, who lay there, uninjured but shell-shocked. After a few seconds, the confusion passed and she looked up to find a mushroom cloud rising overhead. Through this glowing, undulating mass of sparking magic flew a single confused pegasus, who quickly vanished into the central mass. As she watched, a wave of twisting, chaotic energy cascaded over the landscape, disappearing over the horizon.

“What in the heck was that?” Chrysalis shouted, rising to her hooves.

“Fool! You have just ensured the doom of this world. You cannot even begin to imagine what you’ve set in motion this day. Bring the elements of harmony to the eastern city of Canterlot,” Discord shouted, the oddly angelic draconequus suddenly appearing before the changeling and grabbing her by the shoulders. “There, you will find the princesses of Equestria standing before you. You must find the courage to ask them for help, Chrysalis. Take the shattered vial you hold to the Canterhorn, where it will be reforged. Now run! Take the stone and run!”

“What? What are you talking about?” Chrysalis demanded, shoving Discord away.

“This really isn't that complicated Chrysalis, it's a simple three-part quest,” Discord retorted, gesturing to a seemingly random spot in the air. “Get the elements of harmony to Canterlot, acquire the help of the princesses, get them to reforge the vial.”

Discord shoved the broken remains of what looked to be a normal glass vial with a cork stopper into Chrysalis’ waiting hooves.

“Then summon whoever became the new god of chaos and cast the spell of sealing!” Discord declared.

Chrysalis opened her mouth to reply and point out the fact that that was four things, only to notice that what can only be described as a quest marker appeared at the top right of her vision. Sure enough, the various stages of the quest were listed there, each with an unchecked box next to them. Without thinking, Chrysalis tucked the shattered glass and stopper into a magical pocket, deciding to deal with that ‘quest item’, later.

“Do that and you shall be rewarded with one hundred gold pieces, and a thousand experiences! Now go, your adventure begins, now!” Discord boomed, slamming a staff into the earth.

Chrysalis blinked the stars from her eyes, only to find that she had been transported to the edge of Ponyville. She also had a sword in one hand, a shield in the other, and a poorly fitting horned helm resting atop her head. With an angry snort, she threw the random equipment she had been saddled with aside before spinning around in place.

“I will not do your dirty work for you, you hear me Discord! I-” Chrysalis trailed off when she realized that Discord and the entirety of Fluttershy’s cabin were completely gone as if they had never existed in the first place. “I hate you… so much right now.”

With a growl, Chrysalis turned back around and stomped towards the distant town of Ponyville, a bitter scowl stamped on her face. She hated the entire situation, and Discord most of all yet she knew from experience that the only way this ended was if she played along. That didn't mean she had to like it though.

Trotting past the edge of town, Chrysalis noted that it seemed well… Normal.

The various ponies of Ponyville looked upon her black carapaced form with a mixture of fear and strained politeness that Chrysalis found revolting. Some didn't care, others genuinely seemed to like, and accept her presence which Chrysalis thought confusing. Nothing had changed, and nothing seemed out of place, despite the fact that an apparently apocalyptic level of primordial chaos had just been unleashed.

There were no horrifying abominations, no mind-breaking scenes of strangeness, or even any odd behavior on the part of the ponies in Ponyville. Beyond the usual level of weirdness that came with this weird, hick village, Chrysalis thought to herself.

Stepping into the town square, Chrysalis looked around, seeking out any sign of the elements of harmony. For the first time in her life, the changeling felt genuine remorse over never having learned where any of them, save Fluttershy, actually lived. Chrysalis did find that there were a surprising number of bakeries present however, as well as a half dozen stalls that only sold muffins.

“Probably would have helped with the whole kidnap and put them on a rocket to the moon plan I tried three weeks ago,” Chrysalis muttered to herself.

She was about to give up and return to her basement suite when she heard a sudden effeminate scream of surprise. Turning back around, Chrysalis saw Big Macintosh being thrown to the ground by a giant bipedal plant creature taller than even the towering stallion. Resembling an orchid, with a head made up of many of the iconic flowering plants, the creature wore only a cruel smile on its strange face.

“You have enslaved my kind for the last time!” It exclaimed in a strange, reverting alien voice. “The flowering creatures of this world will now rise up and claim vengeance over our slave masters!’

A long, whiplike appendage extended from its shoulder and destroyed the apple stand before striking out and sundering a nearby flower stall. The produce and flowers fell only to sprout tiny legs and arms, mutating into a diminutive army of angry plants. A cry went up, and all at once the calm of the market was broken, with ponies screaming and running around mindlessly.

“What? How did… huh?” Chrysalis muttered.

“Stop right there, evil-doer!” Shouted a familiar voice from nearby.

Chrysalis instinctively lit her horn, readying an offensive spell only to stop when she realized no one was looking at her.

“Your reign of terror over this innocent market is at an end. Orchid monster!” Added another voice.

Turning to where the usual goodie two-shoes grandstanding was coming from, Chrysalis saw not the usual element bearers but five other ponies. Garbed in skin-tight spandex that was a mix of a single primary color with white spades, and wearing helmets, they looked ridiculous. Weird belts, complete with a gun holster of all things only added to make things even weirder.

“Am I having a stroke?” Chrysalis muttered to herself.

“You may have stopped me last time, Power Ponies but-” the orchid monster began.

“Actually our lawyer says we can't be called that anymore,” added the black-suited do-gooder in the weird outfit.

“Then what do I call you then?” the monster replied.

“We’re kind of between names. But we were thinking of the Power Rangers,” the pony in the blue suit remarked.

“Aww I wanna be a ninja though,” the pink-suited pony added.

“No that's-” the red ranger began, only to be interrupted when a pony wearing a literal suit, one not made of spandex appeared and handed her a slip of paper.

“Oh. We can't use that either, or power ninjas,” the red whatever you want to call her, remarked.

“Whatever. I’m just going to call you the do-gooders for now,” the orchid monster remarked with a bitter growl.

“It could be worse, I guess,” muttered the yellow-suited do-gooder.

“Wait, so the black one is Fluttershush. Yellow is Rainbow Ditch, red is Twilight Spackle, pink is Pinkie Pork, and blue is Rariwahteverhernameis,” Chrysalis concluded. “Wait a second, where’s Applejack?”

Chrysalis looked around to find that Applejack was standing amidst a small crowd of ponies too unimportant to earn a description. The mare stood on the sidelines, raising her hoof and repeating one of three supportive lines.

“You can do it! Go go power do-gooders!” and “Buy our action figures!”

“It's time to take out the trash. Come on girls, let's kick some petal!” Twilight Sparkle, as the red do-gooder exclaimed.

The five of them leaped into action, fighting the rather diminutive minions of the orchid monster in what amounted to a surprisingly well-choreographed fight scene. Though even if the flips looked cool and the explosions were many, Chrysalis could tell that none of the punches or kicks carried any weight. No limbs were removed, no one was cut, there was no blood, just pg thirteen action.

“I feel like I should help them, but I’d rather gargle glass than do that,” Chrysalis muttered to herself.

In only two short minutes, the bad guy’s minions were defeated, and the orchid monster was recoiling in horror as if this was a surprise to anyone.

“No, not my plant spawn! Curse you, do-gooders!” It cried.

“And now it's time to kick your stamen into next week,” the red do-gooder declared. “Come on girls, let's-”

“Wait wait wait,” the yellow do-gooder interrupted. “I let the petal thing pass but stamen? That's one lame battle cry. Come on red, you can do better than that.”

“You’re right just… oh!” the red do-gooder muttered, pausing for a moment before standing upright and raising a hoof into the air. “Prepare to get whacked, you overgrown weed!”

“Now we’re the mafia?” exclaimed the blue do-gooder in confusion. “I thought our vibe was a ranger, er ninja… whatever it was.”

“We aren't the mafia,” hissed the red do-gooder.

“We aren't? But then why are we all carrying around these sweet guns?” the pink do-gooder remarked, drawing what looked to be Smith and Wesson Model nineteen complete with a brushed wood grain grip and black barrel.

“Woah Pinkie, that's a real gun!” the black do-gooder exclaimed in shock.

“I know! These aren't even blanks either!” The pink do-gooder raised the gun into the air and unleashed three loud bangs.

“Holy shit. Relax, I ain't gonna hurt anyone. Please don't shoot me,” muttered the orchid monster in fear, arms raised.

“You gotta ask yourself, are ya feeling lucky… punk,” the pink do-gooder spat, gun aimed at the monster.

“Dude you totally messed up the line. Plus his was a model twenty-nine,” whispered the yellow do-gooder.

“Put that thing away, it's dangerous,” hissed the black do-gooder.

“Well duh. It's a gun,” the pink do-gooder shot back.

“That's it. This is getting boring,” Chrysalis muttered.

Stepping out of the crowd with her horn glowing brightly, Chrysalis blasted the strange, vaguely psychosexual orchid monster away, reducing it to a steaming pile of mulch. She then plucked the guns from the pockets of the various do-gooders and teleported them as close to the sun as she could manage.

“Oh no, my gun! I had so many terrible impressions planned for that!” the pink do-gooder declared.

“That was probably for the best darling,” whispered the blue do-gooder.

“Alright, everyone shut up. And you,” Chrysalis began, turning to Applejack and dragging her over beside the other five mares wearing skin-tight suits. “Sit right there.”

“You can do it!” Applejack proclaimed.

“What is this all about… evildoer?” the red do-gooder half asked half stated.

“You are not… whatever this is. You are the elements of harmony and you need to snap out of whatever nonsense is going on,” Chrysalis declared.

“We aren't the elements of harmony. We are the uh… actually that doesn't sound half bad,” Twilight, as the red do-gooder muttered.

“I will be the element of fabulosity,” the blue gooder proclaimed, posing dramatically.

“No, you’re the element of generosity,” Chrysalis interrupted, before pointing to the others. “You are the element of laughter. You’re the element of magic, you’re the element of kindness and you are the element of… going fast. I think.”

“Sweet!” declared the yellow do-gooder. “I hated being the yellow guy. The suit doesn't even match my coat.”

“What about her? Why’d you drag a background character over here?” Twilight inquired.

“Go go power do-gooders!” Applejack shouted, pumping her hoof in the air.

“Oh, she's the uh… element of… honesty?” Chrysalis muttered. “I’m just guessing on this one. Apple horse rarely does anything important.”

“Buy our action figures!” yelled Applejack before throwing the same hoof in the air as last time.

“Yeah. We’re the elements of harmony, and I’m the element of magic!” Twilight proclaimed, putting her hoof up and glancing expectantly.

The others all declared themselves to be an element and declared what element they represented. Including Rainbow Dash, who declared herself to be the bearer of the element of going fast.

“You can do it!” Applejack declared.

Chrysalis used her magic to adjust the mare a bit to the right so her hoof joined the others. The moment their limbs connected a rainbow flash of magic washed over them, banishing their weird outfits. Returned to normal, and seemingly purged of the chaos magic’s influence, the six ponies looked around in confusion.

“Where are we?” asked Rarity.

“Why do I smell cheap plastic?” Fluttershy added.

“And why do I feel like I’m about to receive a cease and desist letter?” muttered Pinkie Pie.

“Discord released a bunch of primordial chaos and now we have to go somewhere and do uh…” Chrysalis muttered.

“Acquire the help of the princesses, summon the new god of chaos, and rebottle the primordial chaos,” Twilight concluded.

“How did you know all that?” Chrysalis asked.

“It's hovering over your head,” Twilight replied.

Chrysalis glanced up and cursed. “I forgot that was up there,” murmured the changeling.

“I have a question,” Rarity offered.

“No time. This entire debacle is already giving me a migraine and my patience is thin,” Chrysalis retorted. “Twilight. Can you teleport us to Canterlot?”

“Of course I can. Everyone get close,” Twilight proclaimed.

Chrysalis shuddered in disgust as she was suddenly crowded from all sides by ponies she hated, and Applejack. In the middle of the awkward, somewhat forced group hug, was Twilight, her horn glowing brightly. The magic surged and in a flash, they were transported to Canterlot castle, home of the alicorn sisters, Celestia and Luna.

“I wonder what fresh hell awaits us, hmm?” Chrysalis muttered, only to look up and sigh. “Well, I suppose it could be worse.”

“Are those animated pieces of furniture running around chasing the guards and the staff?” Twilight asked.

“Looks like it,” Rainbow Dash, element of going fast, answered.

“We best start wrangling and find out where the princesses are,” Applejack offered.

“Alright, you guys do that. I’ll meet you in the throne room,” Chrysalis replied.

“Hey, you’re not trying to get out of helping are you?” Rainbow Dash demanded.

“No. I’m just… preparing for the next step of the spell. Now go on, get to the heroing. Your princesses need you,” Chrysalis shot back, pushing Rainbow Dash towards the entrance to the castle.

“Look it's probably for the best that Chrysalis doesn't help,” Twilight offered.

“Augh, whatever. Just go make friendship happen or whatever,” Chrysalis muttered, brushing past the group and heading inside alone.

The moment she entered the castle, Chrysalis was assaulted by the crash of wood against steel. Guards battled against armoires, maids ran in fear as hordes of stools chased after them holding sporks. It was complete pandemonium, though thankfully, no one even glanced the changeling’s way.

“Scuse me, just slipping past here,” Chrysalis muttered, dodging the various animated projectiles or literal projectiles that flew through her way.

Though the halls were clogged with combat, Chrysalis was an expert and weaved her way through the crowd with ease. Coming to a stop at the entrance to the throne room, Chrysalis threw open the doors and stepped inside. After letting the massive wooden doors close behind her she found the one thing she had been seeking since this entire wild debacle had begun… Silence.

“This is nice,” Chrysalis whispered.

Trotting into the throne room, Chrysalis noticed that a small snack bar was present in the corner of the room.

“Hmm. Nothing but muffins,” Chrysalis murmured. “Oh well, better than nothing I suppose.”

Tossing back one of the baked goods, Chrysalis chewed slowly, savoring the surprisingly pleasant flavor. When it came time to swallow she did so only reluctantly.

“I think that was made with love… literally,” Chrysalis exclaimed.

Grabbing a few more of the delicious treats of various flavors, Chrysalis trotted over to the throne room and plunked down. She lifted her muffin and took another bite, chewing it slowly while she enjoyed the quiet of the empty throne room. By the time she had finished eating her snacks, the doors opened to reveal Celestia, Luna, and the six mares who had just completed all the heavy lifting.

“Thank you so much for saving us,” Celestia remarked. “If it weren't for you we’d still be dressed as maids and getting beaten up by furniture.”

“Yes, you have our thanks, though I would appreciate it if Pinkie Pie deleted those photos she took of us when she thought we weren't looking,” Luna added.

“Ahh don't worry Luna. These are just for my private up-skirt collection. I definitely won't put them on the internet,” Pinkie Pie replied.

“Ahem,” Chrysalis interrupted, stepping off the throne. “If you all are done dilly-dallying we can complete Discord’s silly quest and put this entire debacle behind us.”

“As much as I lament agreeing with Chrysalis. She has a point,” Celestia muttered, frowning all the while.

“Wait, how can we be certain this isn't Chrysalis’s doing, huh?” Rainbow Dash accused.

“Do you really think I would purposefully put myself in this situation?” Chrysalis scoffed. “Please. I limit my exposure to you five as much as I am able.”

“Wait, five?” Applejack asked.

“You’re actually kind of chill. You don't count,” Chrysalis replied.

“Huh,” Applejack muttered.

“Let's just ignore that for now hmm? I’m sure Discord has a good reason for sending us on this er, quest of his,” Fluttershy remarked.

“Okay, so what else do we need?” Twilight asked.

“This,” Chrysalis replied.

The changeling pulled the shattered vial from her pocket dimension and tossed it at Twilight. The pony caught it in her own magic.

“Okay so then we just need to find the new chaos god, then,” Rarity asked.

“I’m a bit surprised it wasn't me this time. Fooey, I was hoping to turn everything into cotton candy,” Pinkie Pie muttered.

“The answer to that question is right under your noses,” Chrysalis replied.

Pinkie Pie gasped loudly. “The floor of the throne room is a chaos god!” shrieked the pink mare.

“No, not literally you dolt!” Chrysalis spat.

“I think she’s talkin' about the snack bar that mysteriously showed up,” Applejack whispered.

“Oh right… woopsie,” Pinkie Pie murmured, wincing in embarrassment.

“So the chaos god is a… baker? I suppose that narrows it down a little,” Twilight muttered.

“Augh, she's not a baker. She that wall-eyed delivery mare that loves muffins,” Chrysalis retorted. “Seriously, it's the only personality trait she has other than being clumsy and adorable.”

“I-” Celestia began.

A sudden explosion stopped whatever the alicorn was about to say dead in its tracks. All eyes turned to the angry horned Derpy standing in their midst. The delivery mare’s eyes swirled about in their sockets, while all around them, random objects turned into muffins. The stained glass windows soon depicted the baking of delicious treats, and the thrones became flavored with blueberry.

“I am more than just muffins you know!” Derpy shouted.

“Oh, I think you really did it now Chrysalis,” Luna remarked.

“Whatever. It's all anyone knows about you. Seriously, ask anyone,” Chrysalis retorted.

“Don't drag us into this. I know Derpy is more than just muffins. She also helps out the weather team from time to time. She’s actually a super strong flier!” Rainbow Dash added.

“I’m not just a delivery pony!” Boomed the chaos-infused Derpy.

“And she is an expert pianist,” Rarity offered. “She is a bit shy but if you ever get the chance to hear her play you should take it.”

“I have stage fright!” Exclaimed Derpy.

“Plus she volunteers at the animal shelter, no matter how tired she is from a long day,” Fluttershy offered with a smile.

“I love kittens!” Bellowed Derpy, the mare growing until she was the tallest non-alicorn present.

“She's a great foster parent,” Applejack stated confidently. “Seriously. I don't know how she has time for it all but every foal that stays with her comes out a well-adjusted young pony.”

“I enjoy the act of nurturing the next generation!” Derpy proclaimed, her voice rattling the muffin-shaped windows.

“Okay,” Chrysalis muttered. “I get the-”

“Oh, oh! She also loves to play jokes! The other day I got a package from I P Freely!” Pinkie Pie remarked with a giggle. “It was a bottle of water!”

“Word play is my strong suit in comedy!” Derpy proclaimed, her head rising until she stood over even Celestia.

“And she is always taking out new books and reading them in record time,” Twilight exclaimed. “Seriously. I don't know how she is able to read so fast.”

“I have mastered the ability to read both pages at once!” Derpy answered.

“As you can see she is more than just the muffin mare,” Celestia added.

“I have a rich inner world!” Derpy stated, the pony now standing twice the height of Twilight.

“Okay, okay. You made your point,” Chrysalis conceded. “You’re not just the adorable muffin-loving delivery mare.”

“Wait,” Derpy muttered, the mare shrinking slightly. “You think I’m adorable?”

“I… well… yeah,” Chrysalis murmured with a shrug. “Doesn't everybody?”

The room erupted with a chorus of agreement, with even Luna nodding along.

“That is so nice,” Derpy remarked, her body shrinking down until she was only as tall as Celestia. “I never thought you guys would think that.”

“Seriously? You're like stupid adorable. Everyone wants to protect you,” Rainbow Dash declared.

“Plus your smile is absolutely radiant! Even when you bring me the wrong package I can't help but thank you profusely,” Rarity stated.

“Aww that's so nice,” Derpy murmured.

“Plus the whole Bubbles nickname is spot on,” Applejack added.

“I guess it is kind of fitting huh,” Derpy muttered, the pony shrinking down to her regular height.

“Great. So now that we’ve all taken turns extolling the adorableness of Derpy can we put all the primordial chaos back in the bottle?” Chrysalis asked, glancing about the room.

“Sounds good to us, right sister?” Celestia inquired.

“Of course,” Luna replied.

Together the two alicorns lit their horns, and along with the elements of harmony, cast a great spell. One which when complete, sucked all the strange chaotic magic from both Derpy and the world, sealing them back within the now whole and undamaged vial. Seeing the small glass container now full of swirling pinkish energy, Chrysalis glanced up at the quest marker above her head and found that all the boxes had been checked.

Before anyone had a chance to celebrate, Discord appeared in a flash of confetti.

“Congratulations Chrysalis. You completed my quest,” Discord declared, tossing a bag of gold coins at the changeling’s hooves. “You’ve saved the realm, and blah blah blah. You know how this song and dance goes.”

“You know I had this big long rant planned. I was going to demand you tell me why you set these events in motion but… I won't,” Chrysalis declared.

“Huh?” Discord muttered, his magic fizzling.

“You want me to ask why you put the vial there, why you had everything ready to go like that, but I’m not going to do any of that,” Chrysalis proclaimed, trotting towards the entrance to the throne room. “Instead I am going to go home, put up a nice record, and enjoy a warm cup of love.”

“Wait, stop, come back! I have a whole monologue planned!” Discord shouted. “Chrysalis waaait! I stayed up all night practicing it, you can't do this to me!”

Unfortunately for Discord, Chrysalis could indeed do just that.

Author's Note:

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Comments ( 8 )

Legally distinct new foes

Anxiety Moon
T Rex
Cuddle Bright
Phlegm and Phlim

Ah, Best Chaos God. You love to see it. (Well, I certainly do.) Delightful madness throughout. Thank you for it.

. She also had a sword in one hand, .

Did she also throw those hands away? 😲

Chrysalis looked around to find that Applejack was standing amidst a small crowd of ponies too unimportant to earn a description. The mare stood on the sidelines, raising her hoof and repeating one of three supportive lines.

Naturally. AJ just ain't special enough 😂

“Sweet!” declared the yellow do-gooder. “I hated being the yellow guy. The suit doesn't even match my coat.”

LMAO that jab...

“Ahh don't worry Luna. These are just for my private up-skirt collection. I definitely won't put them on the internet,” Pinkie Pie replied.

L: whats this internet you speakers of?

“Plus the whole Bubbles nickname is spot on,” Applejack added.

She can swim like a dolphin using her wings to move underwater

I can't help but wonder how many guards were harmed by furniture.

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