• Published 23rd Mar 2024
  • 1,208 Views, 77 Comments

A Tail of Two Ponies - Lilyheart

Two friends end up in Equestria. One loves it, and the other hates it. Will their friendship survive?

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Chapter Fifteen: A Tea Party


I’m a sobbing mess in front of a few of my favorite characters. It was absolutely mortifying. Even more embarrassing to have Robin treat me like a child in front of them. And yet, when he lowered his head and asked if I wanted to leave, I felt just a little bit safer.

But I couldn’t talk. The words wouldn’t come when I asked Robin to take over for me. They just wouldn’t come.

Starlight asking me if I was okay only served to increase my embarrassment. So, like a shy child, I crawled behind Robin, my protector and guardian. Which is when he began to pat my head. Sometimes stroking his hoof back and forth, scratching itches I didn’t know were there.

And at some point, I dozed off. I could still hear the discussion. Kind of.

“We can’t walk through the TV,” said Sherlock, bubbles blowing from her pipe. Except the bubbles were the color of fire. “We have to watch the play in the mirror.”

“Yes,” said Matt, though he was upside down.

“Rai ron’t rit it,” said Scooby-Doo in a wizard’s hat.

“We’re book characters,” answered Sherlock. “We have to color ourselves in with crayons, first.”

My cat was meowing at me. He wanted more pets. But he had hooves and I needed to get his food. I opened the bag of cat food to find a container of orange chicken. I reached to take a bite with my paw…

“Rai rill ron’t rit it,” said Scooby.

I opened my eyes and stretched, everything coming back to me immediately. A flash of neon light. Now, Robin was getting louder. Distressed. Refusing to accept the simple truth from Starlight that I accepted a long while ago. We aren’t getting home any time soon.

“We’ll go to Fluttershy. She’ll know how to find him. Or at least get his attention,” Robin said, turning to walk away.

No. Stop. We need sleep. Food. If only my tongue would work.

I quickly wrapped my forelegs around his patchy, chocolatey tail.

“Wh-why?” he asked.

Maybe if I try. Let’s rest here, first. Rest. Here. I tried to push the words out. But nothing came.

“I can’t understand you,” he said. Such clear frustration on his face; but his words were still gentle. “Lily, let’s go. Starlight can’t help us.”

Yes, she can. You have to be patient. I grabbed my legs more tightly round his tail. No!

“Don’t you want to see Fluttershy?”

A little fizz of joy bubbled up in my heart at the thought. As much as a little girl wants to see Elsa at Disneyland. But not yet.

Here! I stomped a hoof on the floor, that lovely clop echoing through the hall. Stop, Matt! You’re not thinking straight! We’re both wrecks right now!

He sighed. Such a tired sigh. “Can I at least go for a walk?”

I don’t want you to go.

But I relaxed my grip anyway.

A moment later, I was left alone with the three mares. All unicorns, just like me.

“They’re from another world?” asked Trixie. “How many of these different worlds are there? Are more of these who-man things going to appear?”

“I don’t know,” Starlight mumbled. “Twilight and I have only managed to find records of a few others, and none of them were like Sunset’s. I’ll send a letter to Twilight about it later, for now…” She walked towards me, a hesitant smile on her face. “Maybe we should start over. Hi, my name’s Starlight Glimmer. Though, I guess you might have heard of me.” She reached out a hoof.

I gingerly reached out and did the best I could to smile. Moving was hard, like it took twice the energy it ought to. Yet, the moment our soles touched, I found my hoof attached to hers. Somehow, she gripped it. Maybe pony hooves were magnetic. Magical magnets?

She pulled, and using her support, I stood up. Then, whatever magic she used to attach our hooves together was severed, and my leg was free again. I gave a little bow to her.

“You’re welcome,” she answered.

I looked back towards the doors Robin had just gone through. I wanted to go with him, but I would have been useless to him in this state. But maybe…

Sunset would understand Robin, but she was clearly under a lot of stress herself. She still managed to be awesome, but it didn’t seem the right time. Starlight? A little weird asking her to follow someone who just left her house. But Trixie? Student counselor Trixie? Trixie who always acted arrogant and selfish. Trixie who was blunt. Trixie who could be paradoxically observant and oblivious as to the needs of those around her. Trixie who cared. Trixie who somehow always provoked the strengths out of the ponies she was with.

Of course, since he hadn’t watched season nine, Robin would be quite at a loss as to why I would think to pick her.

I began rapidly pointing my hoof at Trixie and then the door.

The other three mares looked about themselves a little confused.

“You want Trixie to leave?” asked Starlight.

I quickly shook my head. Robin! I mouthed. Wait, they don’t know that name. Go! With! Him!

“Lip reading isn’t one of Trixie’s talents. Shocking, I know,” said Trixie.

“She’s telling you to go with her brother,” Starlight translated with an eye roll.

I have never loved you so much, Miss Communist.

I nodded so rapidly, my vision got blurry.

“Why?” asked Trixie.

Really? You want me to charade all of my reasoning? Just go, Trixie!

I wrapped my forelegs around her own. Please!

“Okay! Okay! I’ll go! Just remove your hooves from the Great and Powerful One!”

After doing as she asked, Trixie slowly made her way towards the door. But she looked back dispiritedly. “Are you sure I should go with him? I mean, maybe somepony–”

“Trixie.” Starlight glared.

“Okay! Trixie will follow the angry pony and listen to his life story while he cries into tissues like the amazing school counselor of friendship I am!” There was a burst of magic around her, and she was gone.

I guess you kept up on your teleportation practicing, Trixie. Good to know Starlight’s early grey mane won’t be for nothing.

We were left with an awkward silence. I demurely shrank back and rubbed my hoof over my other foreleg.

“So, would you like some tea?” Starlight asked. Oh gosh, that smile. So awkward!

I meekly nodded, and soon was left alone with Sunset. Great. We locked eyes, and both of us immediately averted gazes. I found myself staring at the crystalline floor.

“I’m… going to take a seat,” saidSunset.

Right. A seat. That means I should do that, too. I watched as Sunset jumped up to Rainbow Dash’s chair, and positioned herself, at first, like a human. A subtle blush appeared over her face before she repositioned herself as the ponies normally did.

Intentionally choosing Fluttershy’s chair, I imitated Sunset the best I could… even though that meant sitting directly next to her.

It’s like being in middle school and sitting next to the kid you like, but only because you liked how the chair leaned back and you always sat in it and it would be weird if you suddenly chose a different spot.

Sunset twitched as though she was going to get up and take the next chair over.

I face hoofed. Lilyheart, you are an idiot. Of course, she wants to move. But now she can’t without making it more awkward. Did you have to make a big deal about sitting in Fluttershy’s spot? Just because of the butterflies? But, come to think about it, this was Fluttershy’s spot. She sat here. I almost wanted to search for hair or feathers. But that would be weird.

Still, it was like Picard told Data. To touch something made it more real. The same with to smell something. She was real. All of it was real.The chair felt just like crystal. Smooth. But, somehow, a tad warm. Did Harmony generate warmth? Like energy? It’s like it’s alive. But, I guess it is.

I was startled by a sudden BANG from Sunset. I looked over and found her head on the table, hooves over it.

My mouth opened… Sunset? Of course nothing came out.

“Tea! And scones. Sorry if they’re not the best, but Pinkie has been teaching me. Personally, I think she adds a little too much sugar, but somehow it works,” Starlight was saying as she entered, telekinetically holding a large plate with saucers, teacups, a teapot, and a stack full of scones.

An itch ran down my chin, which I brushed with my hoof. Wait, I’m drooling?! Is that a pony thing, or because I’m so hungry?

“Stallamon and spice?” Starlight asked me.

I nodded, and watched as a saucer and cup floated towards me, and was quickly filled by a hovering teapot. The scent of cinnamon filled the air. Stallamon? That’s just–ahh.

Starlight did the same with Sunset, who was pursing her lips. It made me realize I should say thank you. I’ll have to do that later.

“Apple Scone?” Starlight asked me, clearly unnerved by the silence.

I nodded again. Scones? Are those acceptable for breakfast? Or, is this just brunch for them?

Starlight repeated the question for Sunset, who mumbled a quick “No thank you,” and Starlight quickly prepared a cup and two cookies for herself. Two more cups and saucers remained on the plate. She must be planning for Robin and Trixie to return. Always prepared, Starlight.

“I’M SORRY!” Sunset suddenly yelled. “I didn’t mean to glare at you, or make you cry. It’s just, I miss my home. And my family! I just keep making mistakes and I got my hopes up that maybe I could go back…” Her cyan eyes were staring wide at me. “I’m sorry. Just, please, talk again.”

Once again I opened my mouth, but no words came out. I looked between Sunset’s pleading expression, and Starlight's shocked face. And then I laughed. Why am I laughing? What is funny? Still, the laughter came.

Starlight followed my lead by giggling a little, while Sunset looked at the two of us in confusion..

“I…I,” came a whisper from my throat. “I… I can talk!” Albeit, only in a pitch so high it almost hurt.

“Well, that’s an improvement,” said Starlight.

I reached over and placed a hoof on Sunset. My mouth opened, but the words were still difficult. “I understand. I think… you’re one of the coolest p-p-p-p-ponies ever. You’re… admirable. I’m just tired. And… sensitive. Really sensitive.” And hungry.

“If you really have seen me on TV,” said Sunset. “Then you know what I’ve done, and still think that I’m admirable?”

“Of course!” I chirped. “We’ve all made mistakes. Seeing you rekindle that fiery passion you have, but as a good guy, was inspiring. And the fact that you’re smart enough to give Twilight a run for her money. Normally, it’s one or the other. That moment when you started singing with… uh, I forgot their name… Rainbow something… Rainbooms! When you finally reclaimed your passion and took on the Dazzleings was fantastic!”

To my surprise, Sunset’s face fell. “Oh. You think I’m that Sunset Shimmer.”

It took me a moment to process what she said. “Wait, you’re h-h-h-h-horse Sunset Shimmer?! I mean–agh! You’re… You didn’t come from here originally? Steal the Twilight’s tiara and was a former student of Celestia?”

“No,” she answered dismally. “I was born human. Like you.”

“I…What happened? Wait,” I swung my forelegs wildly. “Never mind. I understand if it’s hard to share. But, I… I never got to see you appear in the show… Regardless, it doesn’t matter. Even if you’re not the same Sunset Shimmer, because I know the other one, I know what’s inside you, too. And, even without knowing what happened, I’m certain you can still overcome your past mistakes. That same fire in the other Sunset is in you, too.”

“She told me something similar,” said Sunset. “Before I… Sorry. I’m just… not ready.”

“Do either of you want honey?” cut in Starlight with a grin like the crescent moon. “Heh. Right, never mind. I’ll just add a few…” she trailed off as she began dumping generous globs of honey into her own cup.

The awkwardness again caused me to giggle. “Actually I’ll take two scoops, please.”

“What? Oh, right! Coming right up!” Starlight answered with a beam.

“Thank you,” I murmured.

“You’re welcome!” she said with a wink. “Sunset?”

“One scoop would be fine,” she answered dismally.

“You got it. By the way, did you pick up the zap apple jam from the Apple Farm?” asked Starlight.

“Ugh, I completely forgot about that. I came across Lilyheart and her brother just outside of town.”

“No big deal,” Starlight waved her hoof as though to slap the thought aside. “I’m certain the Apple’s will have some left this afternoon. You can go pick it up later.”

I watched as the two used magic to begin sipping tea and taking nibbles of scones. Sunset’s telekinesis seemed a little wobbly, and she grimaced when she first started, but slowly seemed to relax.

“Is there something wrong?” asked Starlight.

“Oh, no,” I answered. “It’s just that–”

“You’ve never used magic before, have you?” asked Sunset.

“No. Well, yes,” I scrambled. “I kind of had a sudden magic surge before I got here. I’m not super comfortable trying to test out my horn after that.” It still felt tender. “Do you mind just bringing some scones over to my plate? And, just, well, please don’t mind my table manners, since this is my first time eating as a unicorn.”

“Of course!” Starlight cheerfully complied.

“It took me a week before I could feed myself with my magic. I’m certain you’ll get the hang of it,” Sunset answered.

The smell of the cinnamon and warm baked goods filled my nostrils. I held my hoof to my mouth to make sure I wasn’t drooling. One more thing, first, girl.

“Actually, Starlight, um, if you don’t mind, is it alright if Robin and I stay here for a little while? At least until we figure things out. If you have room, of course.”

The two laughed. “Of course we have room!” said Starlight. “You can stay in Twilight’s old room. And your brother can have Spike’s old room from across the hall. We just finished clearing them out.”

“Thank you! Robin and I haven’t slept all night. Or eaten since lunch yesterday.” I eyed the scones. Savory, baked, goodness. I could see the steam drifting off them. When I looked up, I found that both mares were looking at me.

“You haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday?” asked Starlight.

“Or slept all night?” asked Sunset.

“Minus the part where I fainted because of the magical surge, no.”

“I’m not certain that was the magical surge,” said Shimmer.

“Why are you not eating the scones?! If I knew, I would have made more!” said Glimmer.

“I’ve gone longer without food before,” I shrugged with a smile, ignoring the rumble in my stomach. “I just wanted to figure everything out, first.”

The two looked at each other, and then back to me. “EAT!” they cried in union.

“Jinx, you owe me tea,” I mumbled quietly as I lowered my head to take my first nibble of food since becoming a pony.

Author's Note:

Have I mentioned how awesome my proofreaders, Ashel and Raiss, are?