• Member Since 15th Oct, 2022
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Just writing ideas that come to mind.


Twilight Sparkle's state of mind has deteriorated ever since she got diagnosed with R.O.A.M. (Rapid Onset Alicorn Memory disorder), leaving her hapless in the care of her friends and family.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

Well, that's kinda a sad story right there, and poor Twilight..

So both Twilight and Cadance have alicorn Alzhiemer's. Presumably Flurry is fine, since she was a "natural" alicorn, but that's gotta be rough. I wonder where Celestia and Luna are during this.

When I saw the cover image on Derpibooru, lacking context for the story, I joked about it, as is my wont. Seeing that context now...

This is heartbreaking and a devastating reminder of my grandfather's decline. Painfully effective job in capturing the feeling of watching someone you love fade away as their body betrays them.

One of my questions in this story is why are they keeping her alive? She might as well be brain dead, or do they hope to find a cure eventually? Or they can't bear the thought of her dying?

This one hurts, man. I've seen this concept with Twilight before but something about the stark simplicity and routine in this makes it hit harder. This isn't a special event, this is just a bad Wednesday.

Though I do wonder if Cadance got hit with this as well or dodged a bullet.

Well, the idea of taking your beloved relative with dementia out back and pulling an Old Yeller tends to be frowned upon in most cultures...

Ya but this is different, she is an Alicorn making her immortal, she is basically going to be like this forever until the end of time.

It is an exercise in thought, not an entry to a fleshed out narrative where they need to combat ramifications of indefinitely keeping someone in a vegetable state.

Maybe in a sequel.

I would love to read a sequel, I always like a good story! :twilightblush:

Well, except dark stories with death.

Well that's sad.

Multiple things in my family on fathers side
Went up to my aunts one time, had the same conversion three times
The same sentence three times before she went farther into the same conversation

It probably only affects Alicorns that use an excess amount of magic like Twilight, so Cadance is probably fine here.


She sniffed, trying to keep in the tears that welled in her eyes. She and her friends were spread thin enough trying to keep Equestria operational while two of the alicorns became senile, and seeing the state of Twilight was just too much for her. But she couldn’t leave her. Even though Twilight had forgotten it all, she was still her friend, and she would always keep her safe.

It specifically mentioned two alicorns here.

Block #13 · March 31st · · 3 ·

Her memory became worse, her notes became unintelligible, and her speech became mumbly.

[insert Joe Biden dementia joke]

[insert follow-up request to vote for him anyway because Trump is much worse]

Maybe it's Celestia and Twilight

I wonder what Celestia thinks about all this… if she could have seen what would have happened to Twilight.., would she have still sent that unfinished spell?… honestly the idea of Twilights ascension going wrong is a favorite trope of mine….

I've got relatives with dementia, one of whom roams the streets in the middle of the night sometimes if she's not locked in her house. This is very bittersweet for me, and a very realistic reflection of what it's like to care for someone with dementia or Alzheimer's, or other disorders affecting memory over time. Very well done. Thank you for writing this

I'll always hate Joe Biden dementia jokes. Like, he has a recorded stutter for most of his life, and jumbles up words. Even when he was in his 40s you can see him mix up words and sh_t.

Maybe Celestia and Twilight?

I understand where you're coming from on this. Yes, it's kinda mean to make fun of people for things they can't control, especially if it causes them suffering, but I think it's fine if it's done light-heartedly and not out of malice. It's not ideal, but I think it would be even worse if people had to watch their language in constant fear of ruining their lives with a single joke. This is the sort of thing where there really just is no ideal solution that satisfies everyone.

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