• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 677 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Pony: The Ghost Rider 2: The Spirits of Vengeance - Big Imagination E

Johnny Blaze along with his new friends are back. And this time on a quest to save Cadance and a young boy from new demons of hell.

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The Secret Church and the Truth about The Ghost Rider

Deep within the mountains we see the crew heading to where Moreau was leading them. So far they see nothing but sand and rocks all over the place. But then suddenly they came to a place that was built in the mountains and has been kept a secret for over thousands of years. This was without a doubt the secret church that Moreau mentioned to Johnny back when he first met him and the girls. Then a trio of priests with writing on their faces came and when they saw the crew they smiled and took off their hoods.

Moreau then was greeted by one of the priests and gave him a hug. He then saw the group behind him.

"You all shouldn't be afraid. It was God that led you all here." One of them said.

"Thank you sir. Though what is with the writing on your face?" Rainbow wondered.

"I know what your thinking Rainbow. A little uptight. But their all not so bad once you get to know them. Now go on." Moreau said to Nadya and Danny. "They will take good care of you."

"What about you guys?" Nadya asked.

"We will join you later. We have some business to complete between us. I did make a promise to Johnny and his friends." Moreau answered.

Nadya nodded and she and Danny went with his priest brothers to a room. But Danny didn't want to go because he wanted Johnny and his friends coming. Then Johnny explained why. It's because that now he's safe the only thing that can hurt him is Johnny. So therefore he understands and went with his mom along with Moreau's people. Then he led Johnny and the others to a place in the mountain church.

"So where are we going Moreau?" Twilight asked.

"To my favorite room. If there is one thing these sons of bitches know it's wine." Moreau answered.

They arrived in the wine room and saw all kinds of wines that aged for over thousands or millions of years. Then he took one out.

"This bottle would fetch 50,000 euros at an auction." Moreau said.

"Moreau? Listen we need to know what this thing is inside of Johnny. We wish to know before we commerce." Cadance said.

He nodded and prepared to tell everyone about the curse that Johnny carries.

"Very well. This thing inside Johnny is know as Zarathos. You see girls Zarathos is an angel, known as the Spirit of Justice, that was created and sent by God to protect the innocent on Earth. However, he was tricked and captured by demons who brought him down to Hell, where he was corrupted and tortured with visions of humanity's depravity until he was driven insane. His mission to protect the innocent was perverted into a lust to punish the guilty; he then became the demonic entity known as the Spirit of Vengeance." Moreau explained.

"Ok. But the angel, the Spirit of Justice is he alive in there? Somewhere?" Rarity asked.

"Oh he could be. Do you all feel him?" Moreau asked.

"No." Johnny answered.

"Don't worry guys. Cheer up. Soon you will all be free from this. And get this. This bottle, this one is over 2000 years old. I've had my eye on it for a while. When all this is over we will share a drink together." Moreau said.

"There's something else. What is it?" Shining asked.

"This thing that Roarke has done to you and your friends is not easily undone. You risk death. Worse than death. If you wish to be freed then you must confess the one thing that is most difficult for you all to talk about." Moreau explained.

Johnny and his friends knew that he was right. So he needed to confess about his father.

"My dad. I didn't do it for him. I made the deal for me. I couldn't let him go. To me it was selfish. He was ready to die. He knew it was his time. And I thought that I could change that. I'm sorry." Johnny confessed.

"Now that was pure honesty." Applejack said.

The girls cried a little from Johnny's confession and Moreau understand why he did it. Then he grabbed a loaf of bread and broke it in two and gave one half to him.

"This is the lamb of God that takes away all the sin from the world. Happy are those that are receive him. You say that you're not worthy to receive him." Moreau said.

"Okay, that's good enough." Johnny said as Moreau tore off a piece of bread and Johnny got it and ate it. "You've been carrying this bread around for a while."

"Let God carry you all into the eternal life. Cadance will stay with me til you are freed. That is, Johnny and you girls if today is, in fact your last. Wherever you go now I cannot follow. Are you ready?" Moreau asked.

With one nod from Twilight she, Johnny and all the others headed to an underground place. Then once in the room the entrance closed and they all looked around to see if anyone was there. When suddenly a bright light shined the room and the crew all started to laugh like crazy and yell in pain. During that time the girls felt the same pain and torture and they felt the power of the Riders leaving them. Then everything went black.

When they all woke up they no longer felt the curse inside them. They cheered as they now can head home. They all looked around for Moreau to thank him for freeing them from the curse. But suddenly they looked around seeing that the mountain church was empty. Then suddenly they heard some screaming coming from inside.

"Cadance! She's in trouble!" Shining feared.

"Come on girls! We gotta find Nadya, Danny and Cadance now!!" Twilight declared.

Running in the direction of the scream they knew that there was something more going on.

Author's Note:

Something tells me that this is far from over. Well I had an idea for the ending that Johnny will be reunited with his dad in Equestria and The Royal Sisters will tell him that they revived him. Anyway next chapter they will try and find their friends and a certain someone comes back and kidnaps Danny and Cadance.