• Published 31st Mar 2024
  • 416 Views, 34 Comments

The Princess of Redemption - Cassette

Twilight seeks to right a wrong that won't stop bothering her.

  • ...

2. In Your Dreams

The lobby of the school of friendship was alive with the sounds of the hustle and bustle of numerous students scrambling to make their next class. The enchanted translucent ceiling allowed the late-morning sun to flood the room, and the hanging drapes created shafts of light that revealed billowing particles in the air that ebbed and flowed in the golden warmth. The chatter of the students as they mingled and weaved about the pillars and busts reached the upper balcony where Starlight Glimmer stood. With a frown, she kicked at a miniscule stain on the navy carpet, patterned with swirls and stars (not all that dissimilar from her own cutie mark), and sipped at her green tea. The cup and saucer were enveloped in the familiar pale blue glow of her magic as she de-levitated the cup from her lips and placed it on the banister with a light tink.

“No running in the lobby please!” She called down, using her magic to slightly augment the volume of her voice. Down below, several students hopped in fright into a brisk walk, from what was a run. Starlight smiled. There were creatures from all corners of Equestria in attendance now; Yaks, Dragons, Changelings, Griffons, Hippogriffs, even a few Cows, Diamond Dogs, Cats and Zebras in the current term. All of them here to learn the nuances of friendship. Starlight found it quite moving; to think that so many disparate beings could be unified by one singular desire, a desire to understand, to be understood by each other as they navigate the tempestuous waters of existence, clinging to one another for support, companionship.

Say, that might look good on a plaque.

Starlight took another sip of tea and adjusted the lapels of her maroon blazer. With a pang of guilt, she remembered her old village that she’d once ruled with an iron hoof. Despite her misguided and more than a little despotic methods, all that she’d really wanted was unity, a sense of community. Here, she had that, but it was different, better, unity through diversity. More plaque ideas flooded her mind.

The last few stragglers appeared to have made it to their respective classes, and a serene silence once again fell across the grand hall. Starlight mentally went through her daily to-do list; review the faculty lesson plans, chair a staff meeting, review the permission slips for Apple Bloom’s field trip next week, liaise with the head of the PTA...

A familiar loud ‘bamph’ behind her knifed through her thoughts and instantly signaled to her that a powerful magic user had just teleported behind her. Instinctively she tensed, her mind instantly going into threat assessment, but she paused, rationalizing her thoughts. There were very few creatures capable of unassisted teleportation, and the sound of the spell told her that it was innate, not artifact magic. One of the former Princesses was possible, but unlikely. So too with Sunburst. They were the types to send a message before simply appearing. No, the most likely candidate would be somepony who was powerful, gifted, and scatterbrained enough to not write first. So that left...

“Twilight!” Starlight exclaimed with a smile, turning around to greet her mentor.

Twilight had appeared with outstretched wings, as was her typical teleportation stance. She was wearing her minimalist but regal golden crown, breastplate and shoes, and her purple and pink mane flowed ethereally in the warm air. Her eyes remained closed as she folded her wings to her back, and then she opened them, smiling a smile of her own.

“Starlight. It’s good to see you.”

“Did...did we have a meeting scheduled today?” Starlight enquired, a twinge of fear gripping her stomach.

“No, no,” Twilight replied. “This is an impromptu visit. There was something I wanted to discuss with you.”

“Oh, that’s good,” Starlight said, breathing a sigh of relief. “Shall we head to my office then?”

“That would be lovely.”

Starlight led the way down the main staircase, glancing over her shoulder at the Princess following behind.

“So you couldn’t have sent a note? I am quite a busy mare, you know.” Starlight mocked as they walked.

“Sorry,” Twilight replied sheepishly. “The truth is, I had something of an epiphany last night, and you’re the only pony I can talk to about it.”

“Well, this sounds intense. Colour me intrigued.”

The pair reached the foot of the stairs and Starlight led the Princess off to the left, weaving between the marble pillars. They passed under an ornate archway, and down a corridor lined with polished oak doors and framed pictures of teachers, both past and present. Twilight smiled as she passed the portraits of her closest friends, and she couldn’t help but pause at her own. She looked at the picture, then frowned at the reflection in the glass. When had she gotten so old?

Starlight glanced back at the Princess from several meters ahead, a knowing smile playing about her lips. Twilight snapped back to reality with a flustered clearing of her throat, and quickly trotted after her protégé. Finally they arrived at a door set with a frosted glass window that in black lettering bore the legend ‘Starlight Glimmer Headmare’. Starlight casually pushed the door open, and welcomed Twilight into her office. It was less cluttered than Twilight remembered, and Starlight’s desk had definitely received an upgrade, being as how it was now a solid slab of polished applewood. She had an extensive bookshelf to the right of her chair behind her desk, and a glass fronted display cabinet to the left, displaying various keepsakes, curios and tchotchkes. There was still elements of the familiar within the office though, Twilight noticed. Phyllis, Starlight’s potted plant, still had pride of place on the Headmare’s desk, there were still pictures of Starlight’s closest friends (Maud Pie and Trixie, though admittedly the pictures were now framed) and several box kites still hung from the ceiling.

“Can I offer you something to drink?” Starlight enquired as she strode around her desk. “I have tea, coffee, water...”

“No thank you, I’m fine.” Twilight said as she stepped across the luxurious carpet and took a padded chair opposite the desk.

“Phyllis,” Twilight smiled with a nod at the plant. “A pleasure as always.”

“Oh, actually, that’s Fern,” Starlight chimed, standing leaning against the back of her own chair. “Phyllis’ daughter. Phyllis is enjoying her retirement in my window box.”

Twilight shot her friend an incredulous look.

“Apologies.” She replied dryly.

With a wave of her hoof, Starlight wheeled her chair from under her desk and took a seat.

“Well, I’m sure it’s not the lineage of my plants that you wanted to talk about Twilight,” Starlight said, resting her elbows on the surface of her desk. “What’s on your mind?”

Twilight took a deep breath.

“I have a project that I want you to spearhead. What it is exactly I can’t tell you, not here. Just know that it’s highly classified, and potentially a matter of national security.”

Starlight’s eyebrows leapt up to greet her hairline.

“Well, you don’t beat about the bush, do you?”

Twilight blushed a little.

“Sorry. I probably should have gone through a few more pleasantries first, huh?”

“Uh, yeah, a little bit.” Starlight replied. She tapped her hooves together in thought. “Is this something that’s going to interfere with my duties as headmare?”

“Almost certainly,” Twilight said grimly. “You should have somepony on hand to take over the school as and when needed.”

“For how long?”

“Impossible to say. At least a few months, I should think.”

Starlight reeled.

“This is a pretty big task you’re laying at my door, Twilight.” Starlight massaged her temples.

“It is.” Twilight said simply. “I won’t lie, it’s probably the biggest task I’ve ever asked anypony to do. But believe me when I say, I’ve thought about this very carefully, and you’re the only mare for the job.”

Starlight suddenly became acutely aware of the gravity of the situation. This wasn’t just a favor for a friend, this was a full blown task handed down by the ruler of Equestria, of the kind that Celestia used to pass on to Twilight herself. For a moment she was rendered speechless.

“Also, this will likely be too big a job for just yourself, so I’d like you to put together a short list of names of ponies who’ll be working under you. Obviously, this is all on a ‘need to know’ basis.” Twilight continued.

“I...uh...” Starlight stammered. This was big, and one heck of a thing to be dropped on her without warning this early in the morning. It wasn’t even eleven o’clock yet, for Celestia’s sake.

“I know this is a lot,” Twilight spoke soothingly, reaching across the desk and touching Starlight’s hoof with her own, “but I have every confidence you’ll make me proud.”

Starlight looked into Twilight’s eyes. There was the usual kindness and warmth she’d come to expect from her mentor, but there was something else there now too. Something that said ‘I know where you are right now. I’ve been there too.’ That look lit a fire of determination in her soul. This was a challenge she wasn’t going to back away from. Apart from anything else, if Twilight could do it, you could bet your bottom bit that she could too.

“Whatever you need,” Starlight said with a smile, regaining her composure.

Twilight returned her smile and retracted her hoof.

“Good,” she said, rising from her seat. “Well, I hate to dump all that on you and run, but I have some preparations to take care of.”

Starlight’s expression turned to confusion.

“Hold on, it’s going to pretty difficult to put together a list of names when I don’t even know what it is I’m supposed to be doing, you know?”

Twilight turned.

“I’m sure you already have some creatures in mind. I’d recommend using your friends; that’s what got me through everything Celestia ever threw at me.”

Starlight nodded.

“Besides,” Twilight continued, “I’ll be in touch later tonight. Somewhere where we can get right into the nitty-gritty details without fear of eavesdroppers.”

“O-ok,” Starlight replied, the insecurities returning somewhat. “Where? Just let me know and I’ll...”

“No need,” Twilight cut her off. “I’ll find you.”

With that cryptic last statement, the Princess of Friendship breezed out of Starlight’s office and was gone. A moment later, the sound of a teleport spell going off signaled that she had left the premises. Starlight slumped into her ergonomic chair and groaned uncertainly.


The late morning sun beat down upon Equestria, illuminating her green valleys, snow-capped mountains and shimmering silver and blue rivers. On the surface it was probably a balmy summer’s day, but where Spike was, it was just a little warmer than freezing. Not that Dragons felt the cold very much.

Just as well, Spike mused as he zipped through a fluffy cumulus. He adjusted his brass rimmed flight goggles, and brushed some ice crystals from his trousers. The glass in front of his eyes fogged, and he frantically swiped at them with a scaled finger. They were a gift from Rainbow Dash, and had proven themselves invaluable for all the flights he’d been taking. The lenses cleared, he took a look at the land sprawling out underneath him and gathered his bearings. The mountains were in front of him, just peeking out from the horizon. It meant it he still had an hour or so of flight ahead of him. He allowed a lungful of air to puff out of his relaxed lips. As was often the case with extended flights, he soon found that his mind began to wander. Yakyakistan, huh? Spike had meticulously studied what scant information there was on Twilight’s job sheet, and from what he could gather, there was a single Yak trader that had set up shop high in the Yakyakistan mountains, which technically put him just inside of the Dragon’s territory. Not too much of a bother, theoretically at least, just show up, flash the royal seal, and get him to move his stall all of six meters. Easy peasy, marinated in citrus juice. Then that left him in Yakyakistan, and look at that, a healthy number of personal days saved up and not much to do with them. And you know who else was in Yakyakistan...

Rarity! Excitement sent a charge of electricity through his stomach. It had been quite a while since he’d seen her. He’d caught glimpses of her, of course, the odd ‘hello’ when he’d passed her while she was visiting Twilight on their monthly get-togethers, but they hadn’t had any one-on-one time since...Celestia, it must have been years. Maybe he should start asking if he could be included in their little meetings, but he had his dignity, gosh darn it. Besides, it wasn’t like he’d asked Twilight to join him and the guys for Ogres & Oubliettes anytime recently.

Rarity! He wondered if she’d remember him. No, that was ridiculous, of course she’d remember him. He was little Spikey-wikey, right? The chivalrous young Dragon that would move mountains to help out his sister’s fabulous-best-friend despite his diminutive stature and limited capabilities. Not that he was so diminutive anymore. Or limited. He shifted his backpack around on his shoulder, adjusting it for the sake of comfort. To use it the way nature intended, i.e. over both shoulders, would interfere with his wings, and could very well prove fatal. It wasn’t particularly heavy; all he had in it was his job description, a pillow and thin blanket, a spare pair of trousers, some snacking gems, and of course Rarebear. He’d almost left home without her, Twilight’s gentle ribbing still fresh in his mind, he’d even made it out of the door to his bedroom without her, but something dragged him back, and he quickly stuffed her in the bag’s front pocket. Old habits died hard, he guessed. He needed to snuggle something at night, for Celestia’s sake. Still not comfy, he shifted the bag again with a frustrated grunt. Of course, the really smart thing to do would be to wear the thing backwards, over both shoulders covering his chest, like some kind of makeshift papoose, but he just couldn’t get over how uncool it made him look. Sometimes sacrifices were required for fashion. Rarity would appreciate that, he thought with a smirk.

Rarity! He couldn’t wait to see her. Of course, nothing was going to happen. He’d often toyed with the idea of revealing his feelings to her over the years, but he’d come to the conclusion that no good would come of it. She knew anyway, right? She knew. He remembered (exquisitely, due to the embarrassment) the time when he’d become giant and feral due to greed, and he’d taken her like she was a possession, he’d almost spilled his guts then, right when he snapped back to his old self. She’d silenced him with a gentle hoof to his lips. She knew. So did everypony else, he thought with a scowl. It was one thing when he was a child, but now...was this particular fixation starting to border on the...creepy (for lack of a better word) side of things? The thought made his blood run cold. No, no, surely not. If that were the case, somepony would have told him, right? She would have told him. Rarity was fabulosity incarnate, there were undoubtedly a line of creatures longer than one of Twilight’s to-do lists who were enamored with her, it was a statistical certainty that she would have had to have given a few of them the polite brush off over the years. Or maybe not. It was one thing when it was the unwanted attentions of some stranger your own age, quite another when it’s your best friend’s little brother. Who happens to be adopted. And a dragon. He shivered a shiver that had nothing to do with the cold. He made a deal with himself; when he saw her in Yakyakistan, if he saw her, he’d play it cool. You know, just say hello, ask how the business was doing, small talk-y type of stuff. Her reaction and body language should tell him everything he’d need to know. If he got a frosty reception, then it was time to lay this unrequited love to rest and move on with his life. Celestia, he hoped that wasn’t the case. Please Celestia, let that not be the case...

Rarity! Speaking of giving someone the brush off, he remembered too the time that that odious travel writer, Trenderhoof had breezed into town. She’d practically offered herself on a silver platter to that stallion but he didn’t want to know, he only had eyes for Applejack. What an idiot! What a buffoon! What a chump! At the time Spike had been torn between breathing a huge sigh of relief and grabbing the gormless specimen by his over-starched lapels and shaking some sense into him. Mercifully, he hadn’t done that, but the urge was undeniable. The thought raised a good point though, he had no idea if she was still single. In all honesty, the smart bits said probably not. She was a high-society fashionista with the full force of a clothing empire behind her, one who regularly fraternized with some of the most eligible bachelors in all of Equestria. The idea that she wouldn’t be seeing somepony...well, it was remote, to say the least. Spike’s stomach lurched. This flight was beginning to turn into something of a rollercoaster, emotionally speaking. He took a few deep breaths. Well, if that were the case, refer back to the ‘frosty reception’ pathway. He was starting to understand that this trip was most likely where this little fantasy of his died. A small, cold ball of despair welled up in his chest, but he beat his wings nonetheless. Well, if that were the case, so be it. He’s admired her from afar this long, he could do it some more. Besides, nothing was going to happen anyway, he reminded himself. She’d always be special to him, and that was enough. He’d always have rare-bear, he thought grimly as he clenched a fist around his backpack strap. Also, if this was where the fantasy died, then fine, but it wasn’t quite dead yet.


The purple shape streaked though the cyan sky towards his final destination on one of the remote peaks of the jagged mountains.


Starlight sat nervously and rearranged her desk for the third or fourth time. It was late, the mare-in-the moon clearly visible from her office window, and with each passing second the Headmare was growing more and more fretful.

‘I’ll find you,’ she thought for fourth or fifth time. ‘What the heck does that even mean? I haven’t gone anywhere.’

She span herself around in her swivel chair for a few rotations before pushing her hooves against her desk and boosting herself backwards several feet. Then she had the indignity of having to waddle back to her desk. There was little on it, just her name plate, a writing pad and pen, a Newton’s cradle and of course Fern. Starlight reached into her bottom right drawer and retrieved a small spray bottle that she misted her plant with for the fifth or sixth time. What had Twilight meant, exactly? Where would the Princess find her where they couldn’t be eavesdropped upon? Was this a test? Some sort of puzzle she was supposed to solve? That did sound like Twilight. But if that were the case, what was she supposed to do? She had nothing to go on. Where in Equestria was safe from magical interference? Tartarus? She wasn’t going there, even if she had a key to get in.

Starlight slammed her fore-hooves down on the desk, making Fern jump in her pot, rose from her chair and paced to the window, for the sixth or seventh time. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting to see when she looked out of it, but she’d been hoping for some sort of sign, a pointer to nudge her in the right direction. She saw nothing, save for her own stressed reflection and the bright, misty, full moon. The effigy of Nightmare Moon was just as well defined as it had always been, a remnant of a by-gone age. She’d heard the stories when she was a filly, though she’d never paid them much attention. An old mare’s tale, nothing more. How curious that in her lifetime, Nightmare Moon had gone from scary story to frighten foals, to a horrifying reality, to Princess Luna, beloved and respected (and now retired) joint-ruler. Not that any of that was helpful right now. She sighed, her breath fogging up the window pane, before slinking back to her chair. She tapped the Newton’s cradle (for the seventh or eighth time) and allowed the rapid clicking noise to assault her ears. She’d give it ten more minutes, after that she was going home and getting in bed, Princess or no. She was a busy mare with a school to run, for Celestia’s sake.

That thought dragged her to the one thing she hadn’t really wanted to think about; just what the heck was it that Twilight wanted her to do that required this much security? Starlight could conjure up a privacy spell, complete with physical force-field barrier and soundproofing with ease, and such was her prowess that there weren’t many in Equestria that could break through it. In fact, was there anyone? Discord, maybe. Starlight crumpled up her face. That pain in the flank. Is he what had the Princess spooked? The Draconequus mostly limited himself to fawning over his unofficial wife and terrorizing his O&O group, but it wasn’t unheard of, even these days, for him to stick his oar into official state business and make trouble. Usually when he had an ill-conceived point he was trying to make. So what was it that Twilight had in mind for her?

It was pointless to speculate. She’d know more when she talked to Twilight again, whenever that might be. But with this amount of caution, it was safe to assume that it was big. Maybe it was to do with...

There were three light raps of a hoof on Starlight’s door. The mare jolted upright in her chair, performed a last-minute check of her desktop furniture, silenced the cradle, and cleared her throat.

“Come in?” She said in a voice that she hoped sounded inviting and not at all freaked-out. The door opened a crack, and a white and sky-blue mane framing a mischievous face popped around it.

“The grrrreat-and-powerful Trixie saw your light was still on. Working late? Time for a break?”

The immediate tension left Starlight’s body. She opened her mouth to say something, but the blue mare beat her to it.

“I brought appletinis!” She said, her horn glowing light blue, and a bottle and two cocktail glasses floated across the threshold. Starlight eyeballed the bottle.

“Get in here.”

One swift explanation and several swift drinks later, Starlight reclined in her chair while Trixie lounged in one of the headmare’s guest chairs, her hind legs propped up on the desk. Starlight glanced disapprovingly at the guidance counselor's hooves, but had long since given up passing comment on Trixie’s slovenly behavior.

“So that’s it then?” Trixie asked, folding her front legs.

“Yep, that’s it.” Starlight replied, toying with the mostly empty appletini bottle.

Trixie chuckled, shaking her head whilst looking away. She sucked some air through her teeth with a light squeaking noise.

“This is so like her,” She muttered. “No thought to who she’s dumping on. Just as long as her ‘research opportunities’ are satisfied.”

Trixie emphasized the words ‘research opportunities’ with an unflattering Twilight Sparkle impression. Starlight tried to suppress a giggle but failed miserably, sending it through her nose with a snort instead. Trixie looked over at her friend with a satisfied grin, while Starlight attempted to regain her composure.

“So what should I do now?” Starlight asked, wiping at her nose with her hoof.

Trixie stared at her blankly and shrugged.

“I dunno. Nothing?”

“Oh, you’re a massive help.” Starlight muttered sarcastically.

“No, I’m serious,” Trixie continued, her voice taking on a stern edge. “Twilight came to you, not the other way around. Remember, you’re the one doing her a favor, whether she’s the Princess of Equestria or not.”

Starlight abandoned the appletini bottle and looked at her friend. Her usual, slightly smug smile, was gone, replaced by an intense look of earnest honesty. Her big purple eyes were large and unblinking, and for a moment, Starlight found herself lost in them. After a second that spanned an eternity, she mentally shook herself out of it.

“So I should just wait for Twilight to contact me?”

“The ball’s on her side of the buckball field,” Trixie replied. “So yes, you should just wait. But more importantly, you should relax and stop worrying.”

Starlight looked down at her tabletop, poking at her note pad with a hoof-tip.

“You’re one heck of a guidance counselor, you know that?”

“The best the School of Friendship’s ever seen.” Trixie smirked.

“Yes, I suppose you’re - HEY!” Starlight started, before picking up on the veiled insult that had been tossed her way. Trixie’s smirk intensified, and Starlight couldn’t help but laugh at her best friend’s jibe. This in turn caused Trixie to laugh, and within moments they were both giggling just like old times. Upon regaining her composure, Starlight picked up the bottle, and split the last of the contents between their glasses.

“Thanks. I really needed that.” She said, pushing Trixie’s glass across the desk to her friend. “The relaxing is going to take some doing though. I’m wound up tighter than a cuckoo clock.”

“Ooo, The Great and Powerful Trixie can help with that too,” Trixie chuckled giddily. “How about a massage? Trixie has magic hooves!”

Starlight leaned back in her chair, before sinking the remains of her drink and shrugging.

“What the heck. Anything to get my mind off this Twilight thing.”

Trixie grinned that grin of hers, rose from her chair, and trotted around Starlight’s desk and behind her chair. Presently, she felt hooves connected to silky-smooth fore-legs pass by either side of her head, and rest firmly on her withers. Starlight sharply drew in her breath as Trixie began to dig her hooves into her flesh, which then escaped back past her lips in a low groan of pleasure.

“Hoooooo....” The headmare commented.

“See? I told you.” Trixie’s smug voice rang in her ears. As the guidance counselor continued to work at her neck and upper back, Starlight allowed her eyes to roll back in her head slightly.

“You know, Twilight told me that this ‘project’, whatever it is, is definitely going to cut into my duties as Headmare.” Starlight mumbled, in-between gasps and grunts. “That being the case, I want y-ah! ...you to take my place.”

“Well, I guess I’ll just have to be the greatest Headmare the school has ever seen too,” Trixie whispered in her ear. “Enough about Twilight now. You’re supposed to be relaxing.”

“Right you ar-reee!”

Trixie leaned forward, as she slid her hooves down Starlight’s back. In turn, Starlight scooched her butt forward in her chair to allow the blue mare better access. As she did so, she felt a soft cheek brush against her own. The headmare opened her eyes, and was met with a strand of silver hair right in her field of vision. She immediately noticed the smell of it; like a summer meadow, and she found herself briefly intoxicated by it. Twisting in her chair, she turned her head to get a better look at her friend, and was soon met with those huge purple eyes once again. Starlight felt a pump of excitement in her chest, for reasons she couldn’t quite articulate. The mischievous smirk once again played on Trixie’s face, as she glided her hooves around Starlight’s body to her chest.

“Hey.” The cyan mare said simply.

“Hey.” Starlight replied, the feeling of excitement intensifying.

Agonizingly slowly, Trixie closed the mere inches gap between their faces until their lips met, and before Starlight knew it she was kissing her best friend. Her eyes closed once again, and she felt Trixie’s tongue enter her mouth and wrap around her own. Enthusiastically, Starlight returned the kiss, and semi-consciously reached one hoof up to caress Trixie’s cheek. The mares explored each other’s mouths for several more seconds before breaking off, panting, their faces touching nose-to-nose. For a few brief moments, a saliva strand connected their lips before dissappearing. Starlight once again lost herself in those amazing eyes, while Trixie, without breaking her gaze, or allowing her smile to falter, slid her hoof over Starlight’s chest, and began to slowly pop the buttons of her shirt apart. Starlight felt an electrical charge run through her body, and she began to feel hot, as the excitement settled in her crotch. Trixie kissed her once again as the last of her shirt buttons fell to her probing hoof, and now, her upper body exposed, the counselor deepened her kiss and leaned even further forward, until her hoof met the waistline of Starlight’s skirt. Trixie broke off the kiss and Starlight gasped as she did so, as Trixie looked down to better focus on what she was doing, as her hoof gently slid under the waistband, softly caressing Starlight’s lower belly, continuing lower, straight towards her eager...

There was a cough from the other side of the room.

“I’m just going to announce myself now, before this goes any further.”

Starlight gasped, this time out of sheer panic. Her eyes flicked open, and after taking a split second to focus, she saw Twilight Sparkle standing in the far corner. She was blushing heavily, partially hiding her face behind an outstretched wing.

“Twilight!” Starlight practically shouted. “What’re you...I mean, Trixie and I were just, uh....”

Amid the blind panic and embarrassment, a small part of Starlight’s brain told her that it sure was strange that the Princess hadn’t bothered to knock, or that she hadn’t heard the door open, or a teleport spell go off for that matter. She cast her eyes back to Trixie, hoping for some kind of guidance, only for the blue mare to roll her lips inward in an expression depicting ‘Sorry, buddy’, before she shrugged her shoulders and ethereally faded from existence.

“Wh-what?!” Starlight spluttered, scrabbling to sit up in her chair. As she did so, the room and all of its contents faded away too. Soon all that remained were herself, her chair, and Twilight Sparkle in an inky black featureless void. She shot Twilight a panicked look, who was still looking intensely uncomfortable, but strangely illuminated, despite there being no visible light source. It was only then that the full horror of the situation dawned on Starlight.

“A dream.” She moaned, clasping her hooves to her eyes.

Author's Note:

Dunno if I should kick up the rating to 'M' because of this? How suggestive is 'too suggestive'? Advice welcome. Anyway, hope you liked!