• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 349 Views, 11 Comments

Solar: Hero of Canterlot City - Royal Pony Dude

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Chapter 15-Primal Instinct

An early morning at Canterlot High, Sunset has just finished her final exam in her class, that is until her head flashes, ducking from a thrown ball by Lankey.

"Hey, Shimmer. Duke look about done there?" He asked her. "We got practice."

"Cool it, L-man. Bio's not exactly QB's best subject," Comet Thunder told him.

"Yeah, does he have a best subject?" Sunset asked.


Twilight walked out and immediately ducked from the ball that was caught by Comet.

"Hey, Twilight. I just want to say that I'm interning at Everton again."

"I heard. I'm so happy for you. Do you want to go straight there after school?"

"I'm down."

At Everton…

"There you are, Sunset." Dr. Colt greeted her.

"Hey, Dr. Colt. I just thank you for the opportunity again."

"Not a problem. But I was wondering. Have you received any word from Brisk? I'm worried about him."

"Yeah, I haven't seen him since that monster kidnapped Rarity," Twilight shuddered.

"Sorry, I don't know where he is." Believe me I wish I did.

"Colt, this research of yours is stunning," Dr. Flashbright told.

"Kids, this is our new senior fellow, Dr. Flashbright. Flashbright this is…"

"Yes. Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer. My brother, your biology professor, speaks highly of you both. Now, Colt, you're on lizard DNA's mutagenic application to the human genome meshes perfectly with my work, running computer simulations on mammal DNA. Missing a step of course, the formula must be electrolysed to increase potency. But if combine our efforts we could have working programmable mutagen that can be able to restore lost limbs"

"That line of research was a dead end. Something of an embarrassment, really. Please drop it."

"If you insist."

"Well this is a fine pickle I got myself in," Solar thought as she flew across the city. "I get back on the internship and we already have another doctor pulling animal experiments."

What Solar didn't know was that a renowned bounty hunter named Dead Eye was eyeballing.

"Such agility, such grace. Guess the employer wasn't joking about her. Truly, a worthy test for me."

Dead Eye followed her to a building to where Solar was looking over the horizon then Solar took off and Dead Eye armed his bow with an net arrow and aimed at her then fire which Solar noticed and ducked then Dead Eye mutiple arrows at her but Solar blocked with a magic shield then flew over to him.

"Where'd you come from?"

"Mother Russia, by way of mother Africa," Dead Eye said as draw out two blades.

"Two moms and still misbehaving," Solar joked.

Dead Eye tried to slash her but she dodged every attempt then yanked the swords with her magic before getting tackled by Dead Eye falling to the ground.

"What's the game here?"

"Simple. Name's Dead Eye, skilled bounty hunter, your head is worth a lot of money to a lot of buyers."

"How am I not surprised?" Solar exclaimed as bash him into a window and continued to fall.

"You can't shake me that easily."

"Who says I was taking it easy?" Solar bashed into another wall then trapped him in a bubble once they reached the ground.

"Impressed. No one has escaped my grip so easily. For months, I've been looking for someone to test my skill to the fullest and now I have a chance to see if I can hang with the big leagues."

Dead Eye armed his crossbow and trapped Solar in a net forcing to struggle out of it.

"I've been caught in these before, you have to do better."

"I intend to, this dart is laced with the strongest sedative, one shot is all it will take."

He fired it but Solar caught it with her magic then broke free.

"How did…"

"Just a demonstration of my power. Here's another."

Solar did a magic blast but Dead Eye dodged it then dodged multiple shots from her then fired an arrow from his bow and tore right through her suit.

"I can't catch a break today."

Dead Eye tackled her and slammed her right into a wall but Solar got under and kicked him in the chest. Dead Eye tried to punch her but Solar counter each other.

"You just don't get it," Solar punched him right in the face which knocked him back a bit. "You're good. But your skills are outmatched by my powers."

Solar fire blasted to him then came to him and sucker punch him

"Next time you want to fight , at least have some type of edge," Solar said before taking off.

Moments later…

"Can't believe it, I let myself get cocky like that," Dead Eye grumbled as look at the torn piece of Solar's suit. "If I want to become the greatest bounty hunter ever, I'm going to need something extra."

Dead Eye used the torn fabric track it to the source, the Everton Laboratory to

"Yes, I'm this close to adapting Dr. Midnight's mutagen to mammalian DNA as I can come, the only thing I now need is a test subject."

Then without any warning, he was confronted by Dead Eye who had his blade to his neck.

"You. Lab guy, what is the place?" He asked him.

"It's my laboratory, nice blade, custom made?"

"Made from the best material money can buy," Dead Eye said as he looked over a case of rare geodes. "I never seen geodes like these before."

"They were found at a crash site about three years ago, studies have shown each one has given unique abilities once they come into contact."

"Then that means you created the Solar Eclipse."

"Yes, I gave Solar her powers."

"Powers. That's how she beat me. The only reason. Give me powers."

"I can give you some, but not without a price."

"And why should I pay you?"

"You'll have no idea what I'm about to do to you. Would you really trust me if it weren't in my self interest to succeed?"

Moments later…

"Here you go, doc," Dead Eye gave him the down payment. "It should cover everything and then some."

"The mutagen was compounded by your instructions. Once injected into the bloodstream you will be a new man."

Flashlight injected the mutagen onto Dead Eye's arm and not a minute too soon he started to transform, giving him a beast-like appearance making like a lion crossed with cheetah crossed with jaguar and mold into wolf.

"Do you like the results?"

"Yes, but now you can call me Hunter. And now it's time to get even with the sun," Hunter growled.

With Solar, she was on her way to the hospital to meet with the girls, after hearing that Canterlot Football Team won states over Crystal Prep but Duke got injured and was taken to the hospital.

"I mean it's not like I want bad things to happen to him, at least nothing super bad. I had to deal with him for two years for all the pranks he pulled…"

Then out of nowhere Solar gets blindsided by Hunter.

"What in the world? Dead Eye? Is that you?" Solar asked as Hunter tackled her.

"Call me Hunter, now."

"I could call you a lot of things? What happened to you?"

"I got powers like you? But pay a higher price to get it."

"You paid to do that to yourself?"

"Of course. Now I can leap like a jaguar, run fast like a cheetah and have the strength of a lion!"

Hunter grabbed her and threw her down into animal part of the Canterlot History Museum then Hunter dropped as well.

"Before, you had an advantage, but how well will you do now if both of us are equal."

"Sorry to break the bad news, you're not the first genetic experiment gone wrong. Just the first that smells like a litter box."

"All I smell is fear,"

Hunter drawed his blade and swung it at Solar then Solar tried to yank but Hunter bashed her at the head then tossed her across the room then lunged at her but Solar sweep kick him into a dinosaur display then Solar's phone rang showing Fluttershy's number.

"Hold on. Can I take this?" Solar suggested before running away from Hunter's pursuit. "Hello."

Sunset? Thank goodness. Duke is in surgery and kinda worried of about him. How far are you from Canterlot General?

"Not far, like a few minutes, but I'll be there."


"The things I do for my friends."

Hunter kicked her in the chest and sent her into a gorilla display

"Okay, I dealt with animals long enough, this one for you, Shy."

Solar hurled the fake gorilla at Hunter knocking him back.

"I can't believe I said that," Sunset said, then looked around to see Hunter was gone. "Okay, where did he go?"

Hunter came right at her with a sucker punch and sent her outside of the museum.

"I need to isolate him so he pulls any fast ones," Solar said as she created a concealment field.

Hunter tried to punch her but Solar duck and bounced off the field then Solar drop kicked in the face then pushed him into a tree then Hunter rebounded.

"I can do this all night."

"So can I!"

Solar did a flurry of combos then kicked in the chest which sent him into the ground.

"Take that, pussycat. Now who's on top?"

"We will meet again, hero," Hunter dropped a smoke bomb blinding Solar and once she opened her eyes Hunter was gone without a trace. "Well, that just happened."

Meanwhile, Hunter was in his limo brooding about him losing to Solar twice.

"This hunt is not over."

Glad to hear it.

"Who's that?" Hunter asked his assistant.

"Our anonymous American friend now has a name of sorts."

I'm called Mastermind. And I was wondering how you feel about hunting in a group.