• Published 13th Apr 2024
  • 1,078 Views, 56 Comments

Are changelings... Ants???? - ImClinicallyDepressed

Okay here's the rundown, me dead, me changeling queen cool powers, need make hive, annoy Celestia. You got it? Of course you do I'm talking to myself. ***DISCLAIMER! CRUDE HUMOR IN THE BEGINNING CHAPTERS!***

  • ...


Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait. School sucks lol.

Anyways a little bit of a serious chapter this time.


Also a little bit o context: (You can skip this)

Trixie is gone, she doesn't exist in this AU. She's been replaced by our MC.

Starlight is about 4-6 years older than the mane 6 in this AU.

Starlight doesn't have her 'make-ponies-normal' staff thingy, she instead has magic to do that. Everytime she does the magic she practically collapses.

Twilight is not Celestia's student yet, Sunset isn't jealous or anything so she doesn't leave.

This AU happens about 6 months - 1 year before the rainboom.

Cursed techniques are very hard to learn, Rimu just got lucky with the system.

Starlight isn't completely evil yet, she's still redeemable.

Rimu (now called Trixie) has Cursed king variation of cursed energy. This means he has the powers of the cursed king aka sukuna. This doesn't mean he's gonna be evil, he's unstable at best.

Starlight doesn't hate Trixie, she just thinks her 3rd person dialog is annoying as shit.

In this AU Starlight went evil after Sunburst left for CSFGU (school for gifted unis), she developed the pony to normal magic to use on him but missed and is now on the run.

Trixie in this AU has the exact same voice as Trixie in main canon.

Trixie's parents dont exist. Well more accurately they got scrubbed.

With the weak magical wave occuring, this caused Twilight to slightly go into her Celestia personal student self, so in turn she's a lot more lonely than in the main timeline.

Rainbow dash is an orphan (for now, might change it)

Pinkie cannot communicate with Trixie, it's more like a future Pinkie doing the talking, Pinkie knows she's talking to someone but she can't control it.

Applejack's parents are still alive for now.

Rarity is getting ready to move to Ponyville because of an itch caused by the Trixie wave (the weak magical wave)

Applejack is still in Manehattan, but she's slowly thinking to move back in with her parents.

Pinkie is still in the rock farm, slightly less like Pinkiamania and more like our Pinkie.

Fluttershy is in flight school with dash.

Dash admires the wonderbolts as a parent figure of somesorts slightly more than just admiring the wonderbolts

Dash has an itch to go fast.

Twilight is hanging around libraries more.

Trixie and Starlight are in the outskirts of Equestria. About where the AJ episode where they chase her because she didn't come back from Canterlot occured.

Cadence might or might not be a reincarnated human.

Same as Shining.

Nightmare moon felt the Trixie wave.

Celestia's last heat was 100 years ago.

Sunset doesn't know about the mirror.

Starlight, Twilight, and Sunset are about as strong as each other. Starlight being slightly stronger than the both.

Trixie is weak as shit as of now, he may have fought against Starlight and technically won, but he was running on fumes and adrenaline.

Starlight can either cast 314 shields at the same time but weak as shit, or 1 shield that's as strong as a steel wall basically.

Twilight can do 5 weak shields, 1 shield as strong as a wood wall.

Sunset can do 400 weak shields, 1 shield as strong as a double layered steel wall.

Trixie can do one shield, take it or leave it.

Trixie can't read for now.

Trixie can't change forms for now.

Trixie can't casts spells normally, if she tries her horn explodes. She needs the help of the system for now.

Trixie doesn't have a cutie mark if she transformed.

OVERDRIVE works like an adrenaline rush x100. It also conflicts with adrenaline rushes and gives Trixie a mild heart attack.

Trixie can lay eggs, she just isn't powerful enough.

Trixie isn't really the smartest mare in the shed. She struggles with languages but excels at math, science, and magic if she tries.

The rune Trixie made in chapter 0 was an alphabet. I can draw the alphabet next chapter if you guys want.

Earth is completely destroyed when Trixie died.

Trixie may not know plot elements after s4 but he somehow remembers certain important plot points.

The moon is made out of cheese.

Trixie can die, hell she died a few times already. She just doesn't want to, so the system doesn't let her.

Chrysalis is plotting something.

Trixie didn't stumble when she woke up at the first time because she forgot to.

Shining and Cadence reincarnated when they were both born.

There's nothing going on in system.inc

Starlight has dreams about the future. When she dreams it, the future slightly changes.

Man, I think you got the wrong guy for the job.

-Me, who barely started to take this fic seriously.

It was a blissful moon for Sunset. She sat at her balcony and stared into the stars that we're illuminating the sky, the moon shining bright as ever.

This was a rare bliss for her, one she greatly appreciated. She grabbed the coffee next to her and took a small sip out of the cup. She had heard that a commotion was happening in the town of gravel mane, but she told herself that she simply did not care. Besides, from what she heard either the whole town is on some potent drugs, or a new type of casting was discovered in a fight. She didn't know what made more sense, but she was slightly leaning to the drugs.

I mean, a new casting method? One that didn't involve the use of horns? Insane!

She had heard that last night, a battlefield seemingly appeared out of thin air. Residents depiction of the fight was truly bizarre.

From what she had heard, there were two main perpetrators. One black coated mare with a blue and green mane, and a light purple mare with two black bars for a cutie mark. They apparently, "Flew across the sky,".

The fight started with the purple mare blasting the other point blank, then the purple mare reportedly flung the blue mane'd mare to the sky, destroying the building's ceiling in the process. The purple mare teleported above the other and bucked her, making the other soar to the ground, making a dust cloud as she hit the ground. To make it more easier for her, Sunset decided to name the black coated mare "Moon" and the purple one as "Aurora".

Residents reportedly heard a distinct 'Screech' and a 'blast', before Aurora was flung through the dust cloud, gushing blood out of her mouth was seen as she soared through the clouds, splitting them in the process. A round of laughter was heard from Moon as she shouted, "Cut". She then screamed profanities as Aurora and flew forwards with her wings, turns out she was a pegasus. The following fight wasn't entirely clear. Some residents said that they saw 'Air slashes aimed towards Aurora.' Others reported 'Stars with a black outline.'

One thing was for certain however, Aurora was lossing. She reportedly put up a massive amount of shields, somewhere along the lines of 100-1000 shields. Very impressive considering her apparent age. Almost too impressive. All the shields were for not as they were cut down in a second. The amount may be many but the strength of these shields were hindered because of her blunder. She apparently noticed that and put up shields, this time stronger and more thought out. I have to give her props for quick decision making.

Moon shouted something unrecognizable at first, but the rest of her shouting was. She said something about, "(Aurora)! YOU CAN SEE MY CURSED TECHNIQUE!"

Now that's odd, what in the hay was a 'Cursed technique'? More evidence to support my drugs hypothesis. Aurora teleported to the ground, Moon soon following suit. Mind you, this was about the time Moon shouted profanities at Aurora. Both mares where panting and stood still, multiple shields breaking and getting casted as they stood still. Upon closer inspection of both mares, courtesy of a brave stallion, Moon seemingly out stretched one of her for legs out while standing on her hind legs, Aurora mean while was dodging and weaving from nothing, or something invisible.

After a few moments Moon seemingly lost her balance, Aurora seeing the chance promptly took it and teleported behind Moon and bucked her full force, making her tumble to a nearby dark alley. At this time the nearby guards from surrounding towns were called along with some royal guards from Canterlot. Residents don't know what happened next, as all of them were instructed to move out the premises and find shelter.

Unfortunately, both Moon and Aurora were not found. One mare did say that she heard arguing from the alley where both was but that statement was quickly trashed.

Sunset took another sip of her coffee, "Looks like it's going to be a long day huh," The sun was now in the sky, illuminating the entirety of Equis for another day.

"So can I get down now?" I asked Starlight while dangling on the rope in her tent's ceiling.

"No, I still don't trust you." Starlight said while letting out an annoyed groan. Starlight forced me into her tent (non consensually) and tied me up and just let me dangle off the ground while slowly spinning in circles.

"The great and magnificent Trixie doesn't approve this method of interrogation, it kinda makes me sick." Starlight was now looking at me with a mixture of worry and confusion. After a few moments of staring into each other's eyes she sighed and stopped my spinning with her magic.

"So... Does that mean Trixie is free now?"

"No, and stop talking in 3rd pony."

"It helps build Trixie's character," Starlight looked like she was about to smack me through the atmosphere and onto the moon with Luna by the looks of it.

"So, let me get this straight." I nodded and let her continue, "So this 'Cursed technique' is something that you came up with on the spot?"


"And this type of casting can make anypony be able to cast magic?"


"And their magic is different pony to pony?"

"Well most of it,"


"What do you mean 'most of it?'" Shit I just opened hell's gate on myself again huh.

"Well Trix-" Starlight stared right into my soul and I felt my soul shudder, "-I mean that the magic pool and unique abilities are different. There are some that can be learned,"

Starlight stopped her glares of sauron and pulled out a notebook out of thin air, "So you mean I can learn this... 'Cursed technique'?"

"Just call it CT, my ears hurt everytime you try to pronounce it, and yes you can learn it."

"Tell me how."

"Not happening Glims," Starlight almost looked offended by the nickname but decided to just glare at me again.

"Why not?"

"Not giving a mare that has a cult more power than she already has."

"Cult? What's that?"

She... Didn't know what a 'cult' was? Wait did she even go to school?

"Indoctrinating ponies, Star, that's what a cult is."

"I haven't even done that yet."

"You can't leverage your little cult against me ei- wait what?"

"I haven't even indoctrinated ponies yet,"


I can still fix her guys holy shit. Maybe, just maybe, I can actually fix her damn attitude and not make her a complete douche.

"Well if you're so insistent, you'll be my first member. Think of it as a blessing from your superior to you," Nevermind she's already a scumbag. I just wanna smack that face into neverland so badly.

"Trixie doesn't care about your blessing," I said while putting my tongue out and blowing a raspberry at her.

"Ew! Stop that!"

"No!" I didn't stop blowing a raspberry at her to piss her off.

"You know I can just blast you into dust right?"

"Yeah but will you do i-" I felt a strange wave of energy as I passed out infront of Starlight.

Achievement unlocked! The great annoyance!

Skill unlocked! The how 2 guide to piss of mare's and stallions alike!

Skill unlocked! The how 2 guide to piss of mare's and stallions alike!

I, The great and magnificent Trixie shall commend you! You hast found my great and ancient technique of pissing people off! I mean ponies off!

This skill allows you to annoy people to the utmost degree! Any and all attention will be directed towards you as you perform this magnificent skill! You will be hated however! Unless you know magic that is, well, know mastered magic.

Level: Magnificent!
Mastery: Not as great as me!

"Oh buck off you horse,"

"Unfortunate that I had to kill Trixie, that CT would've made me even more powerful, but I can just replicate it with due ti-"

"Bleugh! Trixie doesn't like pure magic going into her lungs..."

"Wha- how..."

*annoy activated*

"You simply just suck stallion balls my dear Starlight." I said with a smug grin. I could smell my burnt mane and chitin, and it smelled not so great.

*annoy deactivated*

"Why you..." Starlight said while charging up another magic blast.

"Not happening again!" I activated OVERDRIVE for a split second and used 'cut' on my ropes, freeing me just in time as Starlight released her blast, completely destroying the roof of her tent.

"Oh buck me!" Starlight said.

"Trixie would rather not." Now that Trix- I was thinking about it, my voice sounded a whole lot like Trixie's. Strange.

Starlight blushed a crimson hue on her face and said, "Oh you know what I mean!"

"Yeah yeah, just using your tricks on yourself."

"My tent too! I casted a space spell all week to make this tent bigger on the inside and you just tore a hole through it like it was nothing!"

"Well I didn't, you did." I quipped.


We sat there for a few moments in silence. Looks like Star is out of magic. She's sweating up a storm by the looks of it.

I grabbed a towel out of my mane and went closer to her.

"Hey just what do you-"

"Oh just shut up Star you're filthy,"

She only sat there stunned by my comment. I was now right besides her and was rubbing the towel all over her body to clean her. I wasn't joking either about how she was filthy, she smelled like an average comicon convention in texas.

She waited patiently for me to finish drying her off. After I did she only yawned and started to doze off, and promptly flopped on the floor, knocked out.

"Huh... She really was tired." Well it wasn't surprising because after the fight she kept interrogating me in her tent and didn't even catch a wink.

"Well... The least I can do is fix her tent up." And so that's what I did. Changelings really didn't need sleep that much, while yes we did feel sleepy, love usually just makes our brain stay awake longer, and I gathered a fuck ton of love at the bar.

While I was fixing her 'roof', I decided to look at my stats again. 'Zero!' Thankfully I didn't need to shout it now.

Name: Rimu
Age: 2.1 days (14)
Gender: Female (male)
Level: 1
Best hoof skills! (Lv: MAX)
Basic magic (Lv: 1)
Pinkie stash!
Cursed energy: king variation (level 0)
Love meter: 25%

Cursed energy:

Some say this energy only gets uncovered once a eon. This energy is very strong, even stronger than most magic. You have a small amount stored, but with enough practice you shall have an ocean.

Level: 0
Variation: Cursed king

That's... Interesting. Didn't know there was another version of magic. Well I should've guessed because dark magic exists.

I levitated a few pieces of cloth from my mane and started to stick it to the roof of the tent. After a few minutes it was fixed. I inspected my creation and laid next to the sleeping body of Starlight, beginning to slumber as well.

"Hey, Twily? What's going on?

"Trixie! There's a changeling queen on the loose! We need to hide now!"

"What's so bad about changelings?"

"They can steal our identity Trix! And I suspect you're the prime target!"

"Why me and not you?"

"Trixie! You're the most illusive out of all of us foals! You have no parents, no family members alive and you appeared randomly! If I didn't know any better I would've thought you were the changeling-"

"Uh, Twily?"

"Trixie... Why aren't you talking in 3rd pony?"

"You do know Trixie doesn't talk in 3rd pony all of the time. It gets annoying at times- uh Twily?"

"You... You aren't my BFFFL..."



"Trixie? Horseapples the buck happened to you?! You're bleeding everywhere!"

"Can't... Breathe..."

"Hold on! Stay awake for a few more seconds Trixie! We're gonna teleport to Ms. Healthpack, ready?"

"Lungs... Magic... Collapsed... Scared..."



"Yes master?- WHAT HAPPENED TO LULA?!"

"I don't know! She just teleported Infront of me bleeding! She isn't responding or turning back too!"

"Get her to the table, I'll gather up the rest of the doctor members, just try to stabilize him for now, I won't be long."



"Please Trixie, don't leave me..."


"AHH!" Starlight screamed out, jolting me awake.

"Starlight it's the middle of Luna's fucking night can you up," I tried to quip again but Starlight didn't listen. Tears were streaming down her face and she was panting heavily.

"Hey Star you alright?"


"Star?" I tried to reach out to her but I was interrupted by a sudden hug from Starlight.

"Hey woah Star you good or?"

"Just shut up for a second Trixie."

"..." I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned for Star. But I have a feeling she doesn't like help for her problems. So instead, I just sat there, embracing the hug for a couple of minutes while listening to Starlight's mumblings. I think someone needs a party.


Starlight went back to sleep after a few minutes, I tried to sleep too but I just left her alone, she needs it.

I stepped out of her tent and looked at the night sky. In earth this shit wouldn't be possible, but in Equestria... I guess you can do everything.

The night sky was beautiful. I started wondering for a moment why it was night, then I realized that me and Star probably slept through the evening because she was dang tired. I rubbed my eyes to clean the remaining dirt that was stuck in them and yawned. 'I can't wait for the rainboom.'

I just sat there, in the night sky. It was peaceful, no gunshots, no police sirens, and definitely no air pollution that's what I know. It was nice. It was nice to get a nice and slow moment after my first day in Equestria. First it was the incident, next the Hydra, and lastly it was Starlight.

My mind drifted into different thoughts. One of these thoughts were simple enough,

"What now..."

I haven't really thought about it. What the fuck was I going to do? I appeared years before the first episode happens, so one wrong step and everything goes kaboom on my ass.

'Maybe you should rule the world'
'Maybe you could help Twilight be stronger!'
'Or have some fun!'
'Or be the best wonderbolt for Dashie!'
'Or ah could be the sponsor for Apple Acre's,'
'Or you could be the best tailor and be the mentor for dear Rarity'
'Or you could help animals... Just a thought.'
'Or attend CSGU to complete the promise you made to mom...'
'Or you could be the strongest?'

What will you choose?


I could use a little excitement. Maybe a party should do it! No I need to go fast! Maybe I should study? Dear you and I know we can't read. Maybe we could um... Pay our respects to uh... Mr. Hydra? Mr. Hydra got what they deserve, ah really don't want to see em' again. Augh, just ask Starlight to teach us magic. I don't need help on magic?!

Just... Shut... Up...

We clearly do. No we don't! We could just study for it? Darling we can't read. Oh...

Shut... Up...

Ah really am itchin to get mah bucking done. Oh silly! We don't have an apple orchard! Darn.

Shut... UP!


Achievement unlocked! Elements.

... What was... That? My... Head really hurts... Am I finally... Going nuts?


Name: Rimu
Age: 2.5 days (14)
Gender: Female (male)
Level: 1
Best hoof skills! (Lv: MAX)
Basic magic (Lv: 1)
Pinkie stash!
Cursed energy: king variation (level 0)
Love meter: 25%

Skill: Elements.

You may not be one of us originally Rimu. But dear please do remember you now one of us, ah know, ah know, you just got thrusted with his ability. But we seriously need your help! You're the only one that can change the futere Rimu! If you could... Not tell anyone about this it would really help... We're not forcing you to uh... Take up responsibility... But you really need to focus.

We aren't the Elements per say. We're a mangled representation of it, made by you're brain. So please Rimu, you need to change the future. Hey stop saying that, he doesn't have to change the future, he just needs to not fuck it up. Hey quit talking Cursed! Seems like I'm the only smart person here anywho.

Rimu! You need to follow your heart! Yeah! It sounds counterproductive but... It's the right kind of counterproductive. We're here if you need anything. And don't confuse us with the actual elements and their friends. We're just a figment of your imagination trying to make you understand. We're-no- I'm special. And darling please don't say otherwise, you're not useless you're just as important as Celestia, hell even more important than sunbutt. Hey! Well, we gotta go. Remember me, don't bottle up your emotions like last time, alright?

Level: You're good!
Mastery: We're here for you.


I am going insane.

So do I have the entirety of the elements just telling me what to do now?

Rimu we're just figments of your imagination, we just put our perspective so you could understand.

This is just confusing. Why do I have special powers like this...

Pshh. Ah'm more deserving as anypony to get this power.


Did I talk like that or did my imagination talk like that? Augh... I really need to cool off right now.

Oh! Party time me? I think it's party time me!

I should've gone to a therapist last life.

Oh dear, hey me? Did we break me?
Heh. I knew Twilight-me had the worst idea known to man.
Hey! I have a good plan! You just ruined it with your confusing explanation!
Idiot, you made the explanation. All of us did.
Hah! I'm starting to like Cursed-me a lot better!


God dammit I need a lobotomy right now.