• Published 15th Apr 2024
  • 112 Views, 0 Comments

Viva La Bamquestria - CortezDude

Bam Margera along with his family and the CKY Crew head to Equestria. What can go wrong?

  • ...

Bam's Plans

Author's Note:

I don't own any of these franchises:

Viva La Bam belongs to MTV.

My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro.

Castle Bam
West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA

Just another Saturday evening in West Chester and everything was so peaceful....NOT!

In a place called Castle Bam where professional skateboarder and Jackass star, Bam Margera along with his parents, April and Phil live as well as his Jackass co-star, Ryan Dunn and their friends, Raab Himself, Brandon DiCamillo, Rake Yohn, Brandon Novak,& Tim Glomb live, everything was anything but peaceful, for in fact this place has been full of massive hi-jinks during their short show called Viva La Bam and sometimes joining them was Don Vito aka Bam's fat-ass uncle, his older brother, Jess, Tim O'Connor, the Dudesons, and others as well. But ever since the show ended, one question remains for them: What the fuck are they going to do right now?

But before this question can be answered, let's head inside, shall we?

Inside Castle Bam, our main guy himself, Bam Margera and his crew decided to play a prank on their friend, Novak who somehow passed out on the couch and snoring peacefully in his sleep and what's Bam up to? Well, let's hear what he has to say, if we must.

Bam whispered quietly, "So Novak the ass wipe here had just passed out on the couch and he's just fuckin' snoring peacefully so were about to play one epic prank on him", he turned his attention to Ryan, "So Dunn why don't you tell them what we're about to do."

Ryan quietly said the plan to the readers, "Basically, we have a ton of mousetraps on where Novak is lying on the couch", we then see so many mousetraps lined on the floor next to the couch, "and what we're gonna do is that we have this airhorn I have in my hand and we will blast it loudly on his ear and he's gonna be waking up in pain!"

They chuckled silently as they put their plan in motion; Bam crept quietly next to Ryan in which he took out the airhorn and when the time was right, he blasted it so loud that Novak woke up and jumped out of the couch only to be greeted by the mousetraps that lied in wait for him as they started hitting him in an jolt and in any part of his body. One mousetrap managed to hit him in the crotch in which he groaned in pain whilst Bam and the rest of his crew laughed at their hilarious antic on their friend.

Novak grumbled, "You guys are fucking assholes."

"Rise and shine, bud", Bam snickered.

"What's all that noise?", came an all too familiar voice of a woman and this one in question was Bam's mother, April or Ape as they call her for short. She and her husband, an almost obese man named Phil who had a brother named Vincent or Don Vito as his son would call his uncle; were going downstairs, dressed in fancy outfits with April wearing a dress and Phil donning a suit and had some bags with them too.

"We just played a prank on No-", he said to them until he caught wind on why they were dressed like that as he asked them a question, "Where are you guys going?"

April beckoned her son, "Come on, give us a kiss and goodbye."

"Where are you guys going?", Bam asked again.

"Equestria", Phil answered, "We're going to the Grand Galloping Gala".

"Equestria?!", Bam shockingly asked.

Now I know what you're wondering, dear reader. How the hell do they know about Equestria? Well, before Viva La Bam started, Bam met Princess Luna along with her fellow Xtreme BMXers and skaters, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Lyra Heartstrings,& Sweetie Drops aka Bon Bon during a demo at the local mall. Luna had also brought her older sister, Princess Celestia to it too so that she can be cheered on. Also with them during the demo was Don Vito and just like April; Celestia had so much distaste for him too but Luna on the other, she and Bam loved to mess him up as well. Before these Equestrians left, Luna decided to give them a spell book that can open a portal to Equestria so that they can visit them too as well as use some spells for emergencies or for fun; but the twist is, they get to keep their human forms when they arrive in that said land. She also gave him an invisibility cloak like you see in the Harry Potter movies and when it was done, they left. Apparently, the Margera couple were invited to the Gala which was sent via magic, and they accepted the tickets that were provided for them. But we're losing track of the story, let's move back on, shall we?

"Yeah, so give us a kiss and a goodbye.", April said to Bam as he decided to give them what they want and left, having satisfied on what their youngest son gave them.

Bam pondered on what they said, "Equestria.....", he thought until an idea sparked on his head!, "Wait! I got it!", he exclaimed in delight.

"What's your idea?", Dico asked him.

"Let's go to Equestria, duh!", Bam replied.

"You just thought about that, right now?", Glomb confusingly asked.

"Yeah.", Bam replied whilst grinning, "Besides, why stay here for the whole time when we can just go there instead".

"Oh my God.....", Ryan replied on whom the latter was stunned on what his co-star proposed"

"Canterlot, baby!", Raab said excitedly

"Well then, it's settled.", Bam announced and came up with a plan to screw his uncle, "I've got an idea!", he turned to Raab, "Yo, Raab! Quietly sneak into Vito's house and get his clothes, then leave a note saying that we're at Paris again so that he'll be stupid enough to believe that shit. Got it?"

"Got it!", Raab answered with a huge grin.

"I'll join too", Novak told them.

"So it's settled, ya little fucktards!", Bam declared and decided to announce one order to them, "Pack all of your fucking shit, then lock the doors and the windows as well, and let's go!"

The crew cheered in delight on this and started to pack valuable things for their journey to Equestria, so without further ado, Equestria beware! Because Bam and his crew will be there!