• Published 16th Apr 2024
  • 146 Views, 7 Comments

When the soldiers sing - Udahyas

An anthology of short moments where soldiers in the Equestria at War universe sing.

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The Red Army is the strongest of all! (Stalliongrad)

A few minutes left until the greatest day in history. A war that will end all wars. The liberation of Equestrian lands from the plutocracy of princesses. In just a few minutes, Secretary General Sinister Serov will read out his speech, which will be broadcast throughout the country! And then the great liberation will begin!

How exciting it is to be a member of a military band at this time.

Trembling slightly, I stood in my place next to a lot of other ponies from the orchestra. There were mostly unicorns on either side of us, with various instruments. Starting from cymbals, drums and ending with a flute. The conductor, who dressed in a military uniform for such an important event, stood sternly in front of us. Behind him, a lot of real soldiers could be seen using tanks as a makeshift bench.

"A performance for the liberator warriors. What an honor. " I thought while the conductor was carefully cleared his throat and experimentally trying to rear up. I don't know if this is right or not, but specifically, when he commands us, he stands on his hind legs and waves his hooves.

On the other hoof, how else can a conductor work?

My thoughts were interrupted when the conductor finally reared up steadily and began waving at the unicorns. Almost instantly, they began to play a slow but solemn melody. After just a second of clean instrument operation, the conductor turned his attention to us.

With a feeling, we all began to sing in chorus:

The withering sun has always refused our pleas

She prophesied the end of the people's call

But from the southern jungles to the penguin seas,

The Red Army is the strongest of all!

The timing is perfect. As soon as we finish singing, the greatest speech ever will begin!

So let it be Red

Holding its own head proudly

Step forward fearlessly

And let the hungry people be fed!

After taking a short breath, we started the second part of a surprisingly long verse:

Red Army, march, march forward!

The people who suffered under the hoof of a tyrant will receive a reward!

After all, from the southern jungles to the penguin seas,

The Red Army is the strongest of all!

Now i can take a good breath. I don't want to run out of air to sing with the others.

After the chorus ended, we had a whole few seconds to catch our breath. At this time, it felt like the players of the instruments were trying to show themselves as well as possible, as if they were competing with the choir for the attention of the audience. But unlike the terrible Equestria, our life does not depend on this competition and it is truly fair for us!

With a proud smile, I took a breath just before the conductor pointed at us again:

We are fanning the fire of the world,

Let's end the dictatorship of gold

Let's liberate the oppressed class of workers,

Putting the finishing touch on the Smirkers!

Finally, this day is coming.

There was a brief moment before the chorus began, during which I could see that the soldiers sitting on the armored vehicles began to lightly tap their hooves to the beat of the music.

When we started singing, new singers joined the chorus, making the chorus even more vociferous:

So let it be Red

Holding its own head proudly

Step forward fearlessly

And let the hungry people be fed!

Our mentality is finally triumphant.

Red Army, march, march forward!

The people who suffered under the hoof of a tyrant will receive a reward!

After all, from the southern jungles to the penguin seas,

The Red Army is the strongest of all!

The generals know their business.

There was a brief pause so that the instruments could show themselves. The solemn sounds of drums, deafening cymbal beats and elegant flutes played in perfect harmony. Moreover, the musicians began to play more and more solemn and louder, as if they remembered that the last verse was about to be played. And they certainly weren't helped by the conductor's hooves.

When our ears started to hurt quite a bit about the volume of the music, the conductor waved his hooves at us and we excitedly sang the final verse:

So let the Red

Honor the memory of the long-dead

And it will bring the next stage of evolution

The triumph of the people's revolution!

Uhh, it feels like I've been preparing for this all my life. Heh, actually I was preparing for this even before I was born. Even before the creation of Stalliongrad.

Before I could smile, a long-drawn-out signal sounded from the loudspeaker, announcing the imminent beginning of Comrade Serov's speech. The length of our performance was calculated so accurately. But despite all the planning, the excitement and emotions accumulated after the song required release. Right now.

Almost instinctively, I lifted my hoof up, which was surprisingly done by the other ponies and we all shouted loudly: "URA!"