• Published 16th Apr 2024
  • 304 Views, 10 Comments

Redemption's Shadow - Whooves235

Sombra has survived death yet again, and with the threat of imprisonment by the princess's has no choice but to seek reformation, and so Blue Crest the Night Guard General takes him in, learning there's more to him then there seems....

  • ...

Chapter 1: Shadow King

Canterlot Castle

The sounds coming from the distressed stallion were confusing to those around him. It was clear that he had lost all connection with reality. He made growls and shrieks as he struggled against the restraints, resembling a wild animal as he bit and kicked at them. Every once in a while, he would hurl his body against the unyielding stone wall, hoping to break free but only causing more harm to himself. Sombra's mind seemed shattered, with the stallion desperately clinging onto bits of sanity within his own thoughts. He would occasionally mutter or ramble about crystals or princesses, showing how far gone he truly was.

"How can this be possible? The Elements of Harmony completely obliterated him!" Celestia said, struggling to believe that Sombra had survived the explosion. Her eyes widened as she witnessed him crashing into the wall with great force.

"I'm starting to suspect that he possesses some form of extraordinary regenerative abilities, ones that defy natural limits," Luna chimed in.

Despite her desperate attempts to calm him with her magic, each use only seemed to anger him more. She could feel his thoughts pulsing with dark energy, resisting her every effort to pacify them.

“He also seems to have gone feral again” Cadence said "I think I might be able to undo these changes using my magic, as it draws its healing powers from the Crystal Heart...but it may require some time. However, I cannot guarantee anything."

"Take all the time you need, Princess Cadence," Luna said gently. "We will address the situation with him once we are able to communicate with him."

Twilight, the one who had discovered Sombra, nodded in agreement as she watched the stallion forcibly collide against the wall once more. The sound of metal scraping and a low growl erupted from Sombra's throat as he strained against his restraints. He was securely bound, a sturdy metal collar encircling his neck and fastened to the floor, with smaller manacles on his front legs that limited his movement. But the most important restraint was the metal mask that covered his face, its intricate design obscuring his eyes and tightly restricting his ability to open his mouth.

“Can we continue this somewhere else? Please? I can’t bear to watch this.” Twilight expressed, as Celestia approached her and softly nudged her towards the exit.

“Yes, I suppose it would be for the better, wouldn’t it?” Celestia inquired, proceeding forward while Twilight followed closely behind. Luna remained stationary, cautiously observing the partially conscious Sombra.

Celestia led Twilight out of the dungeon in silence, the journey to the throne room where they were expected feeling uneasy. The bright sunlight and the sight of her friends rushing to greet her failed to improve Twilight's mood.

Applejack broke the silence, inquiring, "Judging by the expression on your face, I suppose everything mentioned in that letter was true, right?"

“Unfortunately, yes,” Twilight sighed, “Sombra is down there, and I don’t think he’s willing to talk. I’m not even sure if he can talk.”

“So, what are we supposed to do about it, blast him again?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yeah! We can show him the Magic of Friendship with twice the power!” Pinkie exclaimed excitedly.

Twilight shook her head and firmly stated, "No, absolutely not. We have already caused enough harm."

Now all her friends looked at her, all concerned in some way.

“Damage?” Rarity asked, stepping toward Twilight worriedly, “I know we meant to destroy him, but if he’s still alive, whatever do you mean?”

“Oh dear.” Fluttershy covered her mouth in concern.

Twilight shifted her gaze away, unwilling to discuss the events she had just witnessed. Luckily, Celestia spoke on her behalf. "The magical attack you used against Sombra did not work as intended," she explained. "We're not entirely sure how, but he managed to recover from it and revert back to his physical form." Celestia continued, "However, there were consequences. He's now in a nearly primal state, similar to when he first returned from his previous exile. Luna is currently monitoring his dreams to assess his mental state, and we believe that with enough effort, we can bring him back to a stable state where he can regain control."

“And what would you like us to do about all this?” Applejack asked raising an eyebrow.

"For the time being, just carry on with your daily routines. Leave dealing with Sombra to Luna, Cadence, and myself. Let him have some time to recover, maybe he will improve. Return by the week's end, and we will ensure he is banished permanently."

"No" Twilight spoke up.

"I beg your pardon?" Celestia asked, surprised by Twilight's sudden refusal.

"Princess Celestia, as the future ruler of Equestria we can just continue doing this." She said, gesturing to the stairs leading to the dungeon "For 1,000 years you had to deal with the likes of Sombra, Tirek, Discord, and goddess knows what else. I don't want to just lock up our villains over and over again, only for them to return. I want to have Sombra take part in the Reformation Program I discussed with you" Twilight said, looking at Celestia. "It could be the start of something new, something that could change Equestria for the better."

"Twilight...while I admire your selflessness and want to help others, Sombra isn't like any other pony. He is an Umbrum, entirely incapable of feeling anything other than rage and fear. Redeeming him would be no small task." Celestia said.

"That may be true...but I have to believe that somewhere inside Sombra, there is a pony worth redeeming. I have read his journal, I know what he went through in his youth. He is only half Umbrum...I think that with time, we could return him to that state."

"So what do you suggest then?" Luna said, walking up the stairs, having finished what she needed to do and overhearing the conversation.

"We have Sombra live in Ponyville, his magic will be heavily suppressed to only be able to do magic that is necessary to day-to-day living, he will be carefully watched by myself and my friends" Twilight said.

Celestia arched her eyebrow "Are you desiring for Sombra to reside with you in the castle? Are you not concerned that your responsibilities as Princess and Principal at your new school will pose challenges?"

Twilight stood still for a moment, thinking. It was true, she couldn't watch Sombra, nor could any of her friends. They have their own jobs and lives to do. "We could assign somepony to watch him on behalf of us, somepony trustworthy."

"If that is the case might I put forth a candidate?" Luna spoke up, holding her head up high with a slight smile "My newest Night General has shown great promise, and time and time again has proven to me his worth as one of my most trusted and loyal stallions."

"You wish to put a guard in charge of Sombra?" Applejack asked, speaking up.

"Yeah, no offense Princess but that's like putting Soarin in charge of helping Applejack with her annual Apple Pie Bake sale. It just wouldn't end well." Rainbow said, flying above Applejack, who gave her a look after that comment.

"Nonsense...General Blue Crest has shown to me that he is worthy of any task...and when it comes to Sombra I believe somepony with his stature would surface...I also believe that it would benefit us if your plan failed Twilight, as he would easily take care of Sombra if he stepped out of line." Luna said.

"Sister...are you certain?" Celestia asked, with caution in her voice.

"Yes Sister, I am."

Twilight looked at Luna, taking in her words carefully. She made a lot of good points, a Guard who could easily take care of Sombra if he went rogue could end up being useful, and it would also allow her and her friends to continue their duties and job as well. "Very well...I agree with Luna...we can put General Blue in charge of Sombra, will he need any relocation accommodations?"

Luna smiled "No, he lives in Ponyville already. This makes things a lot easier would you not say?"

"It does yes..." Celestia said "Though I do believe we should make sure Sombra is not in a feral state before we do so."

"I have Princess Cadence working on healing Sombra's Mind...he should be in a normal state by the end of the week." Luna said.

"Very well...by this time next week, King Sombra will be placed in the care of General Blue Crest...and from there...we shall see if he truly can be redeemed or not.

The halls of Canterlot Castle were surprisingly quiet and empty as Luna and Blue walked them, trailing along behind Celestia they made their way to the dungeon. A few guards were scattered about, patrolling the halls as usual and occasionally nodding in greeting as the two passed by. The week had passed, and Sombra had been successfully healed to the best of Cadence's ability, and after a long discussion with Sombra and all four Princess's he had reluctantly agreed to the deal given to him.

“Slow day for the Princesses?” Blue asked Luna, the two of them walking to the castle entrance, where they were to meet Sombra.

“Yes General, not many ponies visiting for the day, but I’m sure Celestia doesn’t mind the quiet.” She said, chuckling softly.

Blue nodded, looking around the halls as she walked. Though this wasn’t the hall of stained glass, there were still tapestries and paintings spread about. Portraits of the princesses and their accomplishments, most numerable among them being Celestia, adorning the wall beside every window. There were a few paintings of Starswirl thrown in as well, along with a few faces Blue didn’t recognize. Other ponies from Celestia’s past perhaps?

“Do you think you’re ready?” Luna asked, “I do admit, while I believe this task is up your alley, I would not blame you for requesting another pony to do it.”

“I do admit...the task is quite large, and I didn't think I would be chosen for it especially...however I am ready and willing to take it on” Blue said.

"You are a very brave pony Sir Blue Crest, there is a reason I made you my General...and I do not think you will fail me" She said smiling softly.

"Thank you ma'am...I promise that I will try my best." He said, the stallion looking down slightly "Though I do...have my doubts in my own capabilities."

Luna looked to Blue, draping a wing around him "Blue...you proved yourself worthy of your position a long time ago...your service to Equestria during the Zeebra Land Crisis was especially one of them."

Blue was quiet at the mention of the Zeebra Lands, the stallion looking rather sad at the mention "I still don't believe I am worthy of the praise from that."

"You did your duty Blue...a duty that not a lot of ponies would have been able to do..." She said "Please...try not to hold yourself accountable to the things that were beyond your control.."

"I...will try...ma'am" He said, as the two of them came to the front of the castle.

Sombra sat by the door awkwardly, hindered by the manacles on his forelegs, a faint feeling of dizziness, and horrible pain and heat through his body. His muzzle had been uncomfortably tightened, mouth clamped together to the point his fangs stabbed into his gums. Two guards stood on either side of him, each with a chain to guide him along. They muttered to each other as they waited, occasionally yanking the chains roughly.

He hadn't expected anyone to take him out of his cell. He had growled and kicked at the guards a few times when they’d grabbed at him, but between pain, exhaustion, and a rough blast from a Unicorn, they’d captured him quickly. Now they were leading him to who knows where, throwing insults at him all the way.

He tried to ignore them and stand tall as they lead him away, intending to hold himself high to preserve what little bit of pride he had left, but the guards weren’t having it. They’d pull his head to the ground whenever he lifted it above his shoulders, at one point managing to slam his nose to the floor. It was enough to make it bleed, and enough to get Sombra to reluctantly give in to the guards.

In a rather fitting twist of fate, Sombra now knew how the Crystal Ponies felt when he was king.

“Bet it doesn’t feel too good on that side of the chains, huh?” One asked, Sombra recognized the voice as the Unicorn that had blasted him. The guard yanked the chain as he spoke, but Sombra held his ground, bracing himself and letting out a grunt at the pain, only to be harshly jerked aside by the other guard.

“Nah, bet this is the most excitement this lame hack's gotten in a long time,” He said. Sombra growled at his insult, only for a new agony to spread through him as the guard gave him a fierce kick to the ribs. He staggered to the side at the hit, pain surging through his chest, nostrils flaring as the air was forced out of his body.

“That is enough!” A loud booming voice came from the hall, as Luna and Blue approached the two, the guards standing up straight as they stood at attention.

Another yank forward, and Sombra fell hard, legs twisting and jaw slamming into the cold floor. A tinge of metal in his mouth, an even worse pain in his leg, and Sombra decided it just wasn’t worth the effort to get up again. Even when the guards dropped his chains he did nothing more than struggle to catch his breath, ready to get everything over with and face the Sisters’ wrath, even if this supposed reformation was real. However he soon found himself feeling relief as the shackles, muzzle, and all other forms of chains where removed from him. The stallion was utterly confused.

“You really didn’t have to be so rough with him,” A voice said. It did not belong to Celestia or Luna. “But thank you. You can go now.” the voice said, the two ponies quickly leaving the room as Sombra looked to where the voice had come from. Next to the Princess of the Night stood a grey pegasus wearing Night Guard Armor, his vibrant Blue mane and tail sticking out of the armor.

“There, that’s much better, isn’t it?” The pony in front of him asked, stepping back. Sombra stayed where he was, breathing heavily as he took in painful gulps of air. Reaching a hoof to his mouth, he felt over his sore face. "Who...are you..."

"I am Blue Crest...I have been assigned as your new guardian. You and me are going to be taking a trip to Ponyville." He said, the stallion's voice was rough and demanding, yet somehow Sombra could tell he was being sincere.

Sombra’s head tilted curiously, but he didn't question her further as he leaned over and gently grabbed his forearms. He stiffened at the touch, but allowed Blue to readjust his legs into a less awkward position. Sombra folded his sore hoof against his chest, instinctually hiding any pain.

"...why? What is in Ponyville...a new Prison?" Sombra asked, glaring daggers at Blue.

"No...you are going to be living with me in Ponyville now..."

Sombra stood there for a few moments, taking in those words "You....are joking right?"

"I am not."

Sombra stood there again, taking in the words of this stallion, huffing softly "Very well...if that is the case may we go? I would rather not stay here any longer than I need to..."

Blue nodded softly "Very well...the train station is just outside the gates to the city, we will be heading there."

"Then lead the way...guard..." Sombra said, the stallion's eyes not leaving Blue's gaze for a single moment.


The pastel-hued train came to a stop with a slight lurch in the Ponyville train station. Sombra emerged from it with Blue, his ancient armor replaced, much to his chagrin, the plain clothes of a commoner that had been given to him on the train ride. The day was fair and bright, not so much as a cloud in the sky, but that was not what bothered Sombra. Seeing the grand, if a bit tacky castle in the distance was a sore sight. It simply didn’t fit right, not amongst the thatched roofs.

In the Crystal Empire, the Crystal castle had been a natural continuation from the smaller crystal cottages, fitting its surroundings. This one did not. Whoever had designed it, ought to have been fired from his position. Immediately and violently so. The fact that it belonged to one Princess Twilight Sparkle did not ease his mind one bit. In fact, it may have made it worse. The dark-furred stallion scoffed and gave the pony next to him a brief glance.

"Welcome to Ponyville...get comfortable because your gonna be here for a while" Blue said as he gestured for Sombra to follow him. Another scoff as the stallion followed, with his body language tight and his shoulders ready for a sprint... or a charge, as if he was expecting an assassin's blade from any direction. The king kept his senses wary, and his pace brisk.

"I was under the impression that when the Princesses informed me I would lodge with a guard, that it would be in Canterlot, not in some... quaint little town." The tone of Sombra's voice betrayed his meaning; quaint for backwater town, and guard for servant.

"So you where aware of the plan then? You didn't seem like it back at Canterlot..." Blue said, looking to him.

"I did not know if I could trust you or not..." Sombra said "That...is still up in the air..."

"The Princess wanted you to fit in with pony society. Ponyville was the first ever equestrian settlement where Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies all began to live together, unlike the major cities of Canterlot, Manehatten, and Cloudsdale" Blue said as he trotted along "She feels this place is appropriate for you due to this environment" He said passing by several ponies looking in awe, fear, confusion, and concern as the two of them walked along casually.

Eventually reaching a rather large-looking house. "This is it.." he said, taking the keys from his armor and using it to unlock the door, Sombra took in the unlit corridor as bright sunlight filtered in, revealing gentle and light tones. The dark-coated umbrum sighed and pushed past Blue "This environment is threatening to melt me into a puddle with this blasted heat, so let me inside, peasant." Oh, the dark-furred stallion was clearly in a mood, alright. what a great start.

Sombra wasted no time in removing the coat off his back, as the far cooler temperatures of Canterlot had necessitated, revealing a dark red waistcoat and white shirt underneath. Blue could finally see the stallion in more detail, the dark muscled torso, strong legs and a nasty scar on his left thigh, big enough to cover most of the outer thigh. Black tail furled and coiled with magic, occasionally twitching with an annoyed motion. His other, unscarred side sported no cutie mark to speak of, though what the Princesses had told Blue, it was due to his rather unique heritage.

Blue would walk in after, with an eye roll at the being called a peasant. Upon walking into the home Sombra was met with honestly a nice place, It seemed Blue was an upper class so to speak, and this seemed to be one of the nicer places in Ponyville, with most of his furniture and appliances being more modern than most places in town. Blue removed his helmet, revealing his Blue mane and a now very clear right eye scar in more detail "Right...im going to go change, just...make yourself comfortable" He said as he walked to the stairs going to the second floor.

"And carry my... are you daft--" the stallion started to protest, but Blue was already gone up the stairs. With a growl, the former king looked at his luggage, which, while not very numerous -mainly his armor sans crown and a few personal effects- did weigh a considerable deal."Unruly... good for nothing...guard... Celestia's staff is...abysmal..." The stallion muttered under his breath, lugging his things up the stairs with his telekinesis. If he could, he would have made the stallion's room's door to show him his worst fear, to teach him a lesson. But with an annoyed groan, he had to admit that the princesses' spell on him that kept him from using most of his so-called dark magic -umbrum magic, if he was asked-, had proven too formidable to break.

At least the guard had had the sense to label his door with a simple door sign, hanging on a nail. Sombra pushed the door open with his shoulder, revealing a room that felt almost nostalgic. It was arranged in much the same way as his foalhood bedroom, the bed was in just the right place, near a window, table to the right side of it, and wardrobe across from it. Clearly, they had talked to Miss Chestnut before preparing for his arrival. Or the guard had a similar taste in furniture placement. Sombra let down his luggage with a somewhat satisfied huff, pressing a hoof on the bed. Comfortable, soft, but not too soft. The sheets were cotton rather than the silk he preferred, but he could at least rationalize that a guard wouldn't be buying Saddle-Arabian silk sheets with their salary.

Sombra would walk to the window of the room, using his magic to open up the curtains to reveal a surprisingly good view of the entire town, Sombra slowly taking everything in. This truly was it...this was his new life, and weather he liked it or not...he was going to have to live with it.