• Published 16th Apr 2024
  • 124 Views, 2 Comments

Spike the Brave and Glorious - Troyjan

Rarity gets captured by a gang of old enemies of hers. Spike sets out on his quest to save Lady Rarity on his own.

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Spike the Fool

Twilight watched her portable clock anxiously. Less than three minutes remained until it was nine, and then the diamond dog’s time was up. While relieved by Pinkie Pie’s recent news, Twilight was still on edge. If some creature did not arrive with answers sooner or later, the next course of action would be to invade. And who knows what damage would be caused then.

“There, I see them,” exclaimed Agent 770X. Looking around, Twilight spotted Spike and Rarity, strolling together down the mountain side. Spike was leading the way while Rarity followed along, wearing one of her glamorous yet tastefully fancy dresses, along with her tiara and glass horseshoes.

All of the ponies stationed around the mountain range, let out a collective cheer of joy, once it was confirmed that Rarity and Spike were freed safely. Twilight, along with Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Starlight Glimmer, and Pinkie Pie, walked up to greet the two.

“Hooray,” said Pinkie Pie, releasing confetti that had inside her invisible saddle bags.

“Looks like you were overreacting as usual, Twilight,” said Starlight with a smirk.

“See, what I did I tell you sugar cube? Everything was probably going to turn out fine,” said Applejack proudly.

Rainbow Dash flew above the others in consecutive loops of victory. “Aw yeah, another happy ending,” said Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy just watched and smiled quietly.

Twilight also remained quiet, but was breathing heavily. She slowly walked closer to Spike, unable to look away from him. She was unable to decide whether to be overjoyed that Spike was safe, to give him the harshest punishments of his life so far for his behavior that day, or to just walk away and pretend that the whole ordeal never happened. Once Spike was just in front of her, tears started to form in Twilight’s eyes as her relief and sorrow won out. “Spike, your alive. I thought I lost you. I’m so relieved… I’m…,” stammered Twilight. Losing all composure, she bolted towards Spike, and grasped him in a tight hug. “I’M SO SORRY SPIKE FOR WHAT I DID! I WAS WRONG! I NEVER SHOULD HAVE HURT YOU! I SHOULD HAVE JUST LISTENED…,” said twilight, before being abruptly cutoff.

“Back off, Twilight,” said Spike adamantly, as he pushed Twilight backwards, breaking himself from her grasp. “I can tell that you were worried about me. I assure you that your concerns were misplaced. I was able to pay the ransom, and free Rarity all on my own.” Spike turned away from Twilight, and looked at Rarity. “Now it is on me to escort Lady Rarity to her home. I will reconcile with you later once my duty is done.”
Twilight stared at Spike dumbfoundedly. “Bu-but what happened? How… why… did you do…,” uttered Twilight, unable to speak in coherent sentences.

“I assure you Twilight that we are both fine and well,” said Rarity. “While it is true that a few diamond dogs had abducted me last night and brought me here, it was all part of some misunderstanding. They treated me well, and released me and Spike go once everything was sorted out. Believe me when I say that the diamond dogs responsible had learned their lesson, and that there is no need to pursue them.”

“Well, if you say so Rarity,” said Rainbow Dash, hovering in the air.

“Now if you would excuse me,” said Rarity. “I would prefer to be escorted home. Come on Spikey Wikey, lead the way.”

“Why of course my dearest,” said Spike with full confidence.

Twilight remained silent, unable to process what was going on. All she could do was stare in confusion at her friend’s utterly unexpected reaction to what had just happened. Rarity followed Spike, and gave Twilight a knowing wink as she strolled past her.

“Just let Spike have this one,” whispered Starlight Glimmer. “We can talk about this later.”

“Spikey Wikey,” cackled Rainbow Dash in mockery.

“My Dearest,” snorted Applejack, also in mockery.

“This is a great excuse for a massive party, isn’t Twilight?,” asked Pinkie Pie.

Twilight let out a defeated gasp, as she watched Spike and Rarity walk away into the night. “Fine, I’ll tell Captain Flash Sentry to send his forces back to Canterlot, and to dismiss the civilian forces who volunteered today. But I am going to have a very long talk with Spike the first chance I get.”

“Well, if we’re all done here, I might as well get going. It’s getting late,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Me too,” said Applejack.

“Me three. I have a party to plan,” said Pinkie Pie.

“I will go home too,” said Fluttershy.

“Good idea,” said Starlight.

“See you tomorrow every pony,” said Rainbow Dash, before taking off to the skies.

All of Twilight’s other friends walked away. Upon receiving Twilight’s order, the massive army around the area, along with all of their supplies and machinery, were withdrawn back to Canterlot. After all the commotion was over, Twilight remained. She was looking into the moonlit sky, still unable to know how to feel about the events that day. Once alone, Agent 770X approached Twilight.

“Princess Twilight, I still have some questions that I want answered before I close this case. We can discuss them at your earliest convenience.”

“Fine,” responded Twilight, before teleporting herself back to her castle.

Spike continued leading Rarity back to Ponyville. They took a calm, isolated route to avoid the busy crowds taking the roads through the meadows. Before leaving the diamond dog territory, Spike led Rarity back to where he first confronted the diamond dogs. In the dark area was a large log, with a deep pit next to it. There several recently filled in holes around the area. A large lantern that been left behind on the ground, its flame left to slowly burn out.

“Oh my, what happened here?,” asked Rarity, sounding concerned.

“I had a bit of skirmish here earlier. It was nothing,” claimed Spike. “I just had to rough up those beasts a little bit. After they had to call some reinforcements, they decided to show me to their caves.”

“Well, I’m glad you were able to successfully converse with them,” said Rarity.

“Well, I suppose things got a bit messy,” admitted Spike, while picking all of the pieces of his discarded armor, weapon, and shield. “Forgive me for my appearance Madame Rarity. A proper knight should always remain in unform, until relieved from his duties,” said Spike, as he put his armor back on.

Rarity let out a giggle. “It is fine Spike. I can see that you made an effort.”

Upon putting his helmet back over his head, Spike turned back to Rarity. “Shall we continue?”

“Lead the way, my knight in shining scales.”

After a long walk, Spike and Rarity made it to the Carousel Boutique. Sweetie Belle was by the front entrance, waiting for her older sister. “We have arrived, Dame Rarity,” announced Spike.

“Rarity, your back!,” exclaimed Sweetie Belle, jumping up and down in joy. “What happened, we were all so worried about you?”

“I have had a very long day Sweetie Belle. Right now, I need to clean up and get some rest. I can tell you what happened later,” said Rarity.

“Fine,” wined Sweetie Belle. “I’m heading out soon, and I plan to be back tomorrow afternoon, after school. But you better tell me everything then. Don’t leave out any details.”

“Heading out?,” questioned Rarity. “Where do you think you’re going at this hour young lady?,” asked Rarity in her authoritative, and almost maternal tone.

“Oh yes, I didn’t tell you. Since I was watching Twilight’s castle with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo for most of the day, Twilight offered to let us sleep over for the night. I came back here to get some of my stuff. I even packed my school stuff for tomorrow,” said Sweetie Belle, showing off her saddle bags.

“Oh, alright,” said Rarity. “But you are to listen to Twilight and obey all her rules. And both you and your friends better not be late to school tomorrow.”

“Got it. See you Rarity,” said Sweetie Belle, before running off through Ponyville’s streets.”

Rarity let out an exhausted sigh, as she watched her sister fade out of sight. “Whatever will I ever do with her?,” asked Rarity rhetorically.

Spike walked up to Rarity, getting her attention back. “Is there any way I could be of service to you this evening?,” asked Spike.

“You certainly can,” answered Rarity, shifting her tone. “Come inside, and I will explain.” Rarity sauntered past Spike, subtly showing off some of her physical features. Those physical features, of course, were modesty obscured by her dress, but shown off regardless. She turned her head around to make an inviting wink, complimented by a sly smile.

The scales on Spike’s face burned bright red, and his breathing became heavier. Magical, purple colored, cartoon hearts began appearing and disappearing in the space around his head. At the same time, hypnotic, spiraling swirls formed in Spike’s irises. “Why sure,” said Spike, as he mindlessly followed Rarity through the front door of her home.

“Oh, what I mess,” complained Rarity, looking around the Carousel Boutique. “I never got the chance to clean up from that incident last night.” Looking around, Rarity could see several shards of broken glass and other materials that were scattered all over the floor, along with several shelves, pony-quins, and other furniture that were still knocked over. There were still a few strands of yellow caution tape, back when her home was labeled a crime scene that morning. Sweetie Belle had exerted a token amount of effort before she left for the night. She had rearranged some of the lighter furniture, and sorted the misplaced pieces of clothing that Rarity had on display. But that had hardly left made a dent in what needed to be done. Rarity let out a sigh.

“Did you want me to help finish cleaning up Rarity?,” asked Spike.

“No, it would be best for me to handle this myself,” responded Rarity. Rarity’s horn glowed with the color of her bright blue magic. Various misplaced objects were surrounded by the same magical aura, before being telekinetically lifted into the air. With Rarity’s sheer magical power output being very limited, she had to move and rotate every object very slowly and carefully. Shelves, racks, rugs, pony-quins, chairs, a sofa and a table were all shifted through the air. With the floor bare, the shards of glass, wooden splinters, chipped pieces of metal, stray hair, dust, and dirt were all pushed along the floor, into one single pile on the tile flooring near the door. After that, all of the sorted clothing that Sweetie Belle had left were placed back on the shelves and racks where they belonged. “I should wash myself off. Spike, would you please gather up that pile of debris, and then take it outside along with the trash?,” asked Rarity. “I would be a great convenience to me. I presume that you remember where I keep my broom and dustpan.”

“Why certainly Rarity,” said Spike.

“Thank you,” said Rarity, as she made her way upstairs. “Oh, and you don’t have to wear that armor anymore Spike. I assure you that there won’t be any monsters coming for us in here tonight.”

Spike removed his helmet and armor, and put it all in a neat pile besides his mace and shield. He then took a few minutes to do the last of the cleaning on Rarity’s ground floor. Rarity undressed and took a brief shower in her upstairs bathroom. After waiting a bit more, Rarity came back downstairs, wearing her expensive white fur robe. Ever so silently, Rarity’s stomach growled, reminding her that it was well past her usual dinner time.

“Spike, while you’re here, it would be utterly considerate and romantic of you to make dinner for the two of us. I’m utterly famished, and I suppose that you did not have a chance to eat anything this evening either.”

“Of course, Rarity,” said Spike. “What did you have in mind?”

“For tonight, I would like some fresh eggplant parmesan, served with a daisy salad, and roasted mushrooms. I already have all the ingredients and spices in my kitchen. Feel free to use any of my kitchenware.”

“I’m on it, Rarity,” said Spike, marching into Rarity’s kitchen.

Rarity went back upstairs, and patiently waited in her room. She finished reading the last her novel while she waited. After that, she updated the busy calendar, which was already packed with important dates. Then, Rarity worked on her personal finances, and planned her new business spending budget. When Rarity finally finished, she could smell a pleasing, bit somewhat off aroma coming from her kitchen. When Rarity walked to the source of the smell, she saw Spike in a state of disarray.

“I already finished the salad and roasted mushrooms Rarity. I just need to finish cooking the eggplant, and then add the tomato sauce and herbs. It will be ready in a few minutes,” reported Spike.

“That’s alright Spike, I can wait,” said Rarity, as she took a seat at her kitchen table. Despite giving Spike the recipe and instructions to make the dish in plain written text, it was clear to Rarity that Spike had made some mistakes. By the sight and smell of what was resting over her fire stove, Spike had overcooked the tomato sauce, used some of the wrong spices, and added the basil before cooking it.

At last, Spike was ready to serve the meal. Rarity had set her table with two placemats, each with a silver dinner plate, a full set of silverware, a folded cloth napkin, and a crystal glass besides them. In the center of the table were a set of candles, held upright within a silver candle holder, their flames, gently illuminating the space. “This went way better than the last time I tried to cook eggplant for Twilight,” said Spike. He carefully served two equal amounts of food onto the two silver plates that had been set down onto the placemats that were on the table. “I can’t wait to try this again Rarity.”

“I can hardly wait myself,” said Rarity, feigning as much enthusiasm as she could muster. She then let out another sigh. Rarity figured that if she really wanted her dinner done right, she would have had to do it herself. Taking a modest first bite, she evaluated that her food had still been acceptably prepared. Spike rapidly dug into his food, taking only short pauses to chew, breath, and wipe his face.

After both had finished their meal, Rarity wiped her face, and placed her napkin besides her clean plate. Seeing Rarity demonstrate, Spike did the same. “That was certainly a fine meal,” claimed Rarity. “Despite what happened earlier, I am having a wonderful evening. But I have just one last thing that you could do for me Spike.”

“And what would that be Rarity?”

“Come with me Spike, upstairs,” said Rarity in a sultry tone. Rarity got up from her seat, and began saunter away in a very deliberate manner. Spike watched silently from his seat. Rarity paused and turned her head just as she left her kitchen. “Don’t keep me waiting Spike,” said Rarity as she hooded her eyes and gave a knowing grin.

Spike remained still and silent as he watched Rarity ascend her staircase. Once out of sight, Spike slowly stood up from the chair he was seated in. Against his better judgement, he began to walk towards the stairs. One by one, Spike walked up to the second floor, his heartrate increasing with each step. Once at the top, Spike intuitively yet anxiously walked towards Rarity’s bedroom. The door had been left wide open for him.

Rarity had taken off her robe and was resting on one of her lounging sofas. Rarity was resting on her side, with all four her legs in front of her. “Spike, you have proven to have been a very valiant, vigilant, chivalrous, diligent, and absolutely generous gentle-drake today. To express my thanks, I wanted to bestow you the permission to shine my hooves.”

Spike took a brief pause before shaking his head. Breaking himself out of her trance, he looked at Rarity questionably. Besides her was a small container of various toiletries, bottled products, and a set of course hoof files. “Is that all?,” asked Spike.

“Yes, that will be all. Now if you may, would you kindly get to it. You should be honored that a mare such as myself would offer you such a privilege,” said Rarity in an arrogant, sassy tone.

For the first time in a while, Spike was beginning to have conflicting feelings for Rarity. Spike knew that their affections for each other had always been a bit lopsided. Spike also knew that he was competing with other stallions for Rarity’s favor since he met her. This included Sir Fancy Pants, the Wonderbolt member Thunderlane, the famous writer Trender Hoof, and any other stallions that would come and go. But after all this time, and after everything that happened that day, Spike could not help but feel just the least bit insulted and betrayed by Rarity’s offer. If Rarity had truly wanted to reward him, she could have offered something far better than that. But at the same time, Spike felt that there was nothing to be gained by either complaining about it or turning back and leaving. Compared to everything else that he had done that day, cleaning a set of hooves was practically nothing. “Fine, let’s get this over with,” said Spike reluctantly, as he inspected each item inside Rarity’s kit of her personal hoof maintenance possessions. Rarity beamed as she witnessed Spike do as he was told.

Spike got to work, following Rarity’s instructions at each step. Using various implements, Spike carefully removed every visible spec of dirt, grime, and residue from under the nails of Rarity’s four hooves, and placed it all within a designated container. At the very least, since Rarity had always taken great efforts to maintain her appearance and hygiene, there was very little that had to be done in terms of cleaning. After that, Spike had ever so carefully filed and smoothed each of her four nails such that they were all precisely flush and even. Finally, using some polish and a rag, Spike shined the entire surfaces of her hooves such that they sparkled in the candlelight.

“Would that be all?,” asked Spike, revealing a hint of annoyance through his tone.

“Yes, that will be all Spike. It has gotten very late, and I imagine that you are very tired after such a long day. You are dismissed.”

“It’s about time I left,” said Spike, as he began walking towards Rarity’s bedroom door.

Rarity got up from her sofa and briskly walked after him. “And before you leave Spike, there is something I wanted to give you.”

“What now Rarity?,” groaned Spike.

With one swift motion, Rarity lowered her head, and swiftly planted a firm kiss on Spike’s left cheek. Spike froze, taken completely by surprise by the gesture. “Good night and take care, my sweet Spikey-Wikey,” teased Rarity. Then she abruptly closed her bedroom door, leaving Spike alone in her upstairs hallway.

Spike remained completely still and silent. The same magical, purple colored, cartoon hearts from before began appearing and disappearing around his head. The same hypnotic, spiraling swirls formed back into Spike’s irises. Any conflicting emotions he was feeling were overtaken with bliss. Then, with quick gleeful steps, Spike rapidly made his way downstairs, put his armor back on, left Rarity’s home, and rapidly flew off towards the Castle of Friendship.

Out of the corner of her eye, Rarity saw Spike fly away through her window. She then let out a huff. “What a pathetic, worthless fool,” said Rarity to herself. “Unlike with any other creature, I didn’t have to use any of my magic to alter his emotional state. So long as I act right, and keep him in a good mood, the imbecile will do just about anything I tell him to. Even while under the influence of my magic, those lowly diamond dogs still had more dignity and self-respect than that dragon ever had.”

Rarity walked over to her closet. After moving a few heavy objects out of the way, she pressed a specific spot on the wall with her hoof. That part of the closet wall slide to the side, revealing a small hidden space behind it. Using her magic, Rarity levitated a large, heavy bag out from the secret space. Rarity undid the rope knot that was securing the bag closed, and peered inside. Within it was the considerable number of bits and gemstones that she had teleported back into her home earlier that day, with the use of that magical device. Rarity continued to gaze into her recent haul.

“Ah, Sir Money, truly the finest in all the land,” Rarity uttered to herself. “No stallion or any creature out there can compare. You are truly the only one fit to be the love of my life.”

Spike arrived at Twilight’s castle, just before midnight. Walking through the front gate, Spike let out a satisfied sigh. “Twilight, I’m b…,” announced Spike, before immediately stopping. Spike froze completely still from where he stood. He suddenly became too fatigued to move a muscle, as his mind finally caught up to his body. Everything Spike did that day, from his work with twilight early in the morning, delivering Rarity’s things, racing back to Twilight in panic after discovering Rarity’s disappearance, gathering and counting the entirety of Rarity’s ransom payment, breaking free from Twilight’s magical barriers, reading about and concocting several potions, teleporting himself far away, getting knocked out from confronting the diamond dogs, his intense skirmish with the same diamond dogs after temporarily transforming himself, being taken down to the depths of the diamond dog caves, working intensely for hours, escorting Rarity back to her home, and then finally doing some of Rarity’s chores, all added up all at once. His eyes slowly drooped, and his entire body slackened. Spike involuntarily fell over onto the floor, plunging into an extremely deep sleep. His helmet rolled off his head from the impact, his mace and shield dropped beside himself. After a few breaths, Spike began to snore, as he slept on the floor of the castle entrance.

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom ran over to the entrance to inspect the noise they heard. When they arrived, all they saw was Spike resting peacefully on floor. “That’s hardly a place to be sleeping Spike,” commented Sweetie Belle. “Spike, hello, Spike, can you hear me?,” said Sweetie Belle, raising her voice.

“Wow, he’s out cold,” said Apple Bloom, walking up to him. “I doubt that waking him up would be easy.”

“Hey, let me try something,” said Scootaloo. She placed her forehooves under Spike’s side, and abruptly flipped Spike over onto his back. Spike snorted from the motion, before regaining his steady rhythm of snoring. “Cool,” chimed Scootaloo.

“What should we do with him?,” asked Sweetie Belle. “We could just leave him here, or we can carry him to his bed.”

“Maybe we should tell Twilight,” Suggested Apple Bloom. “Twilight told us not to wander around the castle. She may not want us to go into Spike’s room.”

“Are you kidding me?!,” exclaimed Scootaloo. “He’s wide open. Think of all the fun we could have,” said Scootaloo with a mischievous smile. “You don’t get opportunities like this very often.”

“What do you mean?,” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Yeah, what fun is there to have with a small sleeping dragon?,” questioned Apple Bloom.

“Allow me to inform you two fillies,” said Scootaloo. She stepped closer, and began to whisper to her two friends. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom made similar mischievous grins upon considering Scootaloo’s suggestions.

The three fillies left Spike and walked back to where they left their bags. They returned to the sleeping dragon, bringing glue, feathers, cardboard, string, and a set of thick, wide nubbed, permanent markers. As a team, they ever so silently and carefully removed Spike’s flimsy armor, one piece at a time. The three loomed over their vulnerable canvas, who gently stirred in his sleep. Scootallo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle giggled deviously as creative art ideas collectively formed in their minds.