• Published 10th May 2024
  • 646 Views, 95 Comments

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic The Movie: What If? - SuperPinkBrony12

(Takes place within my "What If?" rewrite series, familiarity with its volumes is recommended.) An alternate take on the 2017 movie exploring if scenes had played out differently, and some characters were written differently.

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Part 13: One Small Thing

In another part of Seaquestria, Princess Skystar was sulking to herself with only her "friends" Shelly and Sheldon for company. She had been so looking forward to making some new friends with the outsiders, only for her mother to more or less shoe them away.

Suddenly, it seemed as if Shelly and Sheldon had a mind of their own, because they started singing to the princess:

Hey now, don't be sad,

I know we cannot stay.

But it wasn't the shells singing, it was Pinkie Pie. And she was accompanied by all her friends, except for Princess Twilight. Pinkie was now excitedly singing:

But we've got a couple minutes,

And a little time to play.

Although delighted to know that the outsiders hadn't left yet, Princess Skystar couldn't bring herself to accept their invitation. So she opted to sing back to them:

I know you have important things,

So it's okay, just go.

Not one to take no for an answer, Pinkie Pie swam over to Princess Skystar and sang to her:

But we can still pick one small, little thing,

To do with you, y'know.

One small thing doesn't seem like a lot,

One small thing, work with the time you've got.

Soon, one small thing becomes two.

After two, perhaps another few.

Then one small thing is not so small,

One small thing can be the biggest thing of all.

The singing quickly convinced the young princess, and so she happily led her friends out into the middle of Seaquestria to play. As she did so, she started singing:

All right now, since you're here,

Let's see what we can do.

Swim with the flow until you go,

Together, me and you.

But of course, that "one small thing" was not enough to satisfy Pinkie (or any of her friends for that matter). She quickly started doing more activities, all the while singing happily:

I've got seashell necklaces for everyfish,

So what else do ya got?

Skystar sang in response:

Well, we could play the bubblefish.

You'll like this one a lot!

And indeed, that activity was a ton of fun. Naturally, the fun proved to be contagious, Pinkie Pie and Skystar together were having the time of their lives. And their joy was quickly spreading to the others, luring them in. Meanwhile, the two new friends started to sing in unison:

One small thing, it's a good place to start,

One small thing, and we don't seem so far apart.

They hadn't been singing together for long before Spike and the four other seaponies began singing together:

Soon, one small thing leads to more,

It's so much more than there was before!

Just one small thing, and you will see,

The start of something big for you and me!

Soon, it turned into a chorus. Said chorus drew in many of the residents of Seaquestria, who could not recall the last time they'd had so much fun and joy in their lives. And their harmonious, joyful singing echoed across the depths:

One small thing.

Just one small thing.

Or a tall thing.

Just one tall thing.

Or a sing thing.

Just one sing-y thing.

Or a bling thing.

Just one bling-y thing.

Or a conga thing.

Yeah, a conga thing.

Or a longah thing.

Just a longah thing.

A blue thing, true thing, you thing.

A whee thing, sea thing, me thing.

The fun continued for what seemed like forever. But all too soon it started to die down. And as it did, Pinkie Pie and Princess Skystar had time to reflect on what their "playtime" had accomplished. In the span of just a few minutes, they had brightened up everyone's spirits. And so they sang together:

So many things and everything until our time is done,

There's one small thing for each and everyone!

A moment later, Princess Skystar happily sang her sentiments:

One small thing, so much we can create,

You and me, we started something great!

It's so amazing, look around,

At all the happy sights and sounds!

One small thing is big, it's true,

You did this all for us.

I just wish there was one small thing,

An extra special kind of thing,

The princess was then joined by the residents of Seaquestria, as they all sang together:

That we could do for you...

One small thing!

As luck would have it, the joyous singing and laughter had drawn the attention of Queen Novo. She could not recall the last time she'd seen her subjects so cheerful and so full of life. Even she had found herself tempted to join in, and ultimately had done so at the very end, dancing with her daughter.

Just like that, the queen's earlier suspicions seemed to melt away. If these outsiders could do all of this out of the kindness and generosity of their own hearts, maybe they could be trusted after all. And maybe they deserved something more than just a few of her soldiers.

"You know," Queen Novo stated as an unusually bright, wide smile spread across her face. "Maybe there is one small thing we could do for you. You've convinced me."

Spike and the five seaponies were amazed and astounded! Everything seemed to be working out for them after all! Twilight's suggestion had worked better than she could've ever anticipated.

But before any promises could be made or any discussion could be had about what to do next, the sharp blaring of an alarm filled the air.

Queen Novo got a worried look on her face. She seemed to know what the alarm meant. She rapildy swam towards the throne room, and her daughter and the outsiders followed. What they saw shocked them!

There was Twilight Sparkle, tangled up in the long tentacles of the sea anemone that housed the Pearl of Transformation. Try as she might, she could not break free. The pearl remained just outside of her reach.

Immediately, Queen Novo's earlier happines faded. Now she became visibly angry, her eyes narrowed as she quickly swam up and snatched the Pearl of Transformation, holding it close to her chest. "I should've known! You can't be trusted! You just wanted the pearl for yourselves!"

"No! It's not like that!" Twilight protested. "I just wanted to study it, learn how it worked!"

"Well you should've asked me first!" The queen frowned.

Twilight could only argue back. "I didn't think you'd agree. You already said you wouldn't let us use it. I thought this was the next best option."

The queen only coldly replied. "You're no better than the last outsiders who visited my kingdom. Just like them, you used my daughter against me!"

Princess Skystar desperately tried to plead. "No, Mother! They're not like those previous visitors! They're not working for the Storm King!"

Queen Novo coldly brushed her daughter off. "They might as well be for all I care! This is why we don't trust outsiders, Princess Skystar! You are too niave for your own good! When someday you are queen, you'll learn to see it my way," Then she turned to Twilight, quickly untangling her from the tentacles, only to then say to her face. "You and your friends don't deserve the pearl's powers! You leave me with no choice!"

Twilight desperately tried to argue! "Please, your majesty! Do whatever you want to me, but leave my friends out of this. They didn't do anything. I'm the only one you should punish."

The queen scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Do you take me for a fool? Your 'friends' were part of your plan all along. You just used them to distract my daughter and myself so you could swipe the pearl while I wasn't looking! Therefore, they'll all share in your punishment!" She held up the pearl. "Don't ever show your faces in my presence or my kingdoms ever again!"

Princess Skystar quickly swam forward, grabbing one of her mother's fins as she saw fit to interject. "Mother, they're not like you and I! They can't swim underwater, they'll drown!"

Queen Novo sighed, quickly tapping a fin against her crown. Several air bubbles quickly surrounded the outsiders, circling their heads. "There, at least now you know I'm not like the Storm King. He would show you no mercy." Then she brough the pearl forward and held it up again.

With a bright, blinding flash, the transformations were undone! The seaponies were back to being just ponies, and Spike had been turned back into a dragon. And before any of them could say or do anything further, a current whisked them away! Seaquestria soon faded from their view as everything went dark again.

Author's Note:

About the only thing I wanted to change for this scene was Queen Novo presumably sending the ponies and Spike back to the surface after undoing their transformation, but without giving them a way to breath. She very well could've caused them to drown. And even if she was mad with them for what Twilight did, she didn't have the right to condemn them to die.

The next chapter is going to include the part of the movie I think everyone has been wondering about. And rest assured, I will have a lot to say about it.