• Member Since 29th Jan, 2022
  • offline last seen 11 minutes ago


I post stories on Fanfiction.net and here so people can read something to past the time, in my opinion. They aren't great, but they aren't terrible either!

Comments ( 20 )

all right, I have delved into random stories here... and... what did I just read? Where are the pony characters? Is this set up to a later connection with FiM? I am confuzzled :( I don't know 100%, but I am pretty sure that this will not fly here. But you have ability, so if you were to modify this, or just write a pony thing, I bet people would <3 it.

“Hell, what do you think, boy?” The man snapped irritably

this is a said tag. The pony writing guide is really useful. It helped me loads with creative writing. You clearly have talent, so look up the pony writing guide, or if you have read it already, double-check it on said tags.

Camp, if you could call it that, sat not too far, two tents and an unlit fire pit hunkered down, protected within an unoccupied cave. Attending the previously mentioned fire pit, a flint rod and a hunting knife in hand, the man regarded another younger, Jamer Ardian, a similarly dressed man ten years his junior, nodding slightly.

The start of this paragraph is really good. Try to write like this in general.

This chapter is more of a protologue than a first chapter, but I like to keep my word limit below, at least, 4000 words so that I don't burn myself out and this's all I could've thought of for the first. That's why I added the little scene at the end, to add pony-related content. Luckily, I've got Chapter 2 planned out and it'll come out soon. But thanks for the advice, I'll check out the guide.

that will help, but I also suggest adding a little foreshadowing of the ponies to this chap. just so fans can anticipate the FiM goodness - you want a blend of the familiar and new to engage readers.

if you hit me up for the next chap, I will be happy to review it :) I have a recommend series which you can check out on my page

American History Books Don't Mention

Mexico started to abolish slavery in 1821 & completely abolished slavery in 1837.

This was a major reason Texas rebelled. Most of the early settlers were slave owners. +Racism. They didn't like being ruled by non whites.


Thx, I'll keep it in mind, but those two poines (for now) don't have any significance- spoilers. They're just padding, lol.

Huh, I didn't know that. Not surprising, knowing how southern America, including my home state, was back then.

One final minor bit.
The term "Gringo" originated in the Mexican American War. (1846-1848). Of uncertain origin when applied to Americans, it is thought that it might refer to the green army uniform coats they wore.

Or, it could be a corruption of "griego" (Greek) a Spanish term for foreigners.


Well, this is certainly unexpected!

As a history buff for this time period regarding military and cultural aspects, I'm finding much with this story. The overall concept is a fresh, different take on the usual HiE, even the MiE, perspectives. With its focus being on 19th Century Texas Rangers on the frontier being especially cool and provides characters that are chock full of potential for a future adventure in Equestria. Plus, the writing, pacing, and scene description styles are also very well done, giving it a legit novel feel to it with really good lingo between the characters. I'm especially happy to see protagonists that come from the southern United States, as thats also something that is seldom seen in fics. While it's not mentioned, I gather that this takes place in the post Civil War era?

The only downside I have is that I wish there was a more formal introduction to our two main characters, which I think is Cole and James? It's honestly a bit confusing through the pace it initially sets off as. It would have been a little more clearer if we got more formal introductions to our two heroes.

Hoo boy, next one's gonna be a doozy, ain't it?

Uberti is a Italian company that makes reproductions, if this is supposed to be someone from the 1800s it would be a Colt model 1860.

I was trying to find a short barreled revolver for Colms sidearm, and it was the first thing that’s caught my eye since I was in a rush during writing this chapter. I’ll fix it.

Mandatory big iron comment, something about Texas Red and one fatal slip.

Why is it always "big unknown creature, must lock up" with the ponies? My pet peeve rears its ugly head again! :fluttershbad:

In fairness, they came in riding horses. Being a nation of equines, I don't think they'd ever take seeing horses well.

I was moreso referring to the Rangers themselves! But my gripe is with the trope in general! Be it in books, or action movies, or whatnot. It's always when an unknown creature or beast, or anything else considered abnormal shows up, and the public defence force or military immediately tries to subdue and capture/kill it, without trying to comprehend or understand it! I think it makes for bad writing and creates unnecessary conflict!

In a lot of cases I will agree with you, but I'm fine letting it slide this time. A lot of violence and uncertainty is in the air- of course they're going to keep being afraid. A lotta ponies died, good and bad. They'll be out of jail next chapter if we keep seeing things from the Rangers' perspective.

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