• Published 4th May 2024
  • 194 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 47: End Of The Villains

"Mr. Vekar, I would love to get rid of those pesky ponies. The issue is that I don't have anything to fight them with."

"Call me that again or else I will put you in the cell," Vekar lamely threatened the child. "You know, this is taking ages."

"To destroy the Rangers and their allies?" Grogar questioned, sounding dull for he is getting just as bored as everyone else in this room.

"No, it's taking them a long time to dress up," he answered sarcastically, getting an eye roll from him. "Of course I'm talking about the dimwitted Rangers and their allies."

They have been watching the scene for about two hours, the sky still covered in stars. Any longer than this, it'll be daylight before they know it.

Who battles his army for this long? Right, the Rangers. The stupid humans now turned into cute little horses, the prince thought of his question then answered it.

However, Cozy was getting ticked. She has the urge to fight those ponies who sent her to Tartarus, even though Gallus, Smolder, Sandbar, Yona, Ocellus, and Silverstreem, defeated her when she tried to drain all the magic of Equestria.

She wasn't just getting ticked, she was getting impatient. Yes, she was told by the prince only one person can go, yet, she wanted to be down there. She wanted to rid the heroes for ruining her brilliant plan. She wanted revenge on them for destroying her pen pal.

After standing there for a few more minutes, she walked out of the room, going to where Levira is at.

"Levira, I want to destroy those pathetic ponies."

"I see..." Levira replied casually, seeing the filly hovering in front of her, placing her screwdriver on the table. "No offense, I don't think you can defeat them."

The filly's face turned red. "Why not?!" she projected, her mood changing like a lightbulb.

"Don't get me wrong, kid, those Rangers can hurt you in any way possible." To be fair, the scientist would rather not let this kid get demolished. She was absolutely too young for such a thing.

She does have to give her credit. Cozy is a bad filly. She's used to seeing adults being the bad guys other than children.

Or are there? This green unicorn scientist has never heard of children being villains. Neither did anyone else of the Armada.

Unless there are evil kids, that is.

However, hearing the scientist say the Rangers would hurt the young girl made the filly a lot more mad. "I want to get rid of them - NOW!" the filly screamed, placing herself on the table. "Build me something, anything. Something powerful. Something to get rid of those... ponies."

"Cozy, I need to-"

"Build something for me!"

Levira took a step back, startled at the demand. She even dropped her hammer she was about to use onto the floor.

She's worse than the prince, the unicorn thought, hiding the annoyed expression she has on her. Way worse.

The two stared at each other, waiting for one of them to give in. It was then Cozy did her ultimate weapon - pretending to be upset.

She sat down, acting all sad, forcing tears to brim from her eyes. "You don't want me to defeat those dumb ponies," she acted out with a good fake sniffle as she spoke. "You think I'm a baby. I'm no baby; I'm only a filly who wants more friends than anyone else. I tried to drain all the magic of all Equestria; getting a whole group of ponies at the School of Friendship to be on my side until a pony, a yak, a reformed changeling, a griffon, a dragon, and a hippogriff stopped me, including the others who've betrayed me." She looked up at the mare, making her eyes all sad and pleading "I don't want to go back to Tartarus, friend. I want to rule Equestria for I am the Empress of Friendship. I don't want those nitwit Rangers and their allies to come here - or worse - with the guards by their side to take me away to the horrifying place." She lurched forward, grabbing the horned pony by her green coat. "Please!" She begged for mercy. "You have to build me something! Please, Levira. I'm terrified. I don't want-"

"Okay, okay, okay," she gave in to her, pulling her hooves off of her. "I'll build something for you, alright. Sheesh."

The fake sadness turned into a real jubilant grin on the child's chubby cheeks. "Thank you, thank you."

"No problem..." Before Levira went out of the room, she gave the filly reassuring eyes. "Also, no one can get into our ship."

"You sure?" The youngster had a hard time believing her.

"I'm sure. Now don't touch anything."

Nodding her head, the little pegasus obeyed her wishes. Really.

Once she left, the cutie bad girl snickered. "I'll get rid of those Rangers and their allies for good. And then, I'll take over Equestria with everyone bowing down to me!"

She flew out of the room to the guest room where she and her demolished friends slept every night. She went up to the mirror, her red irises flashing back at her, matching her mischievous grin.

"Who says I can't have more friends than anypony else?" she began to sing. "I have a plan on how to grow, to try something out

Something more important with no doubt.

No more defeats. No more ponies to compete

For I am the one true friend...

Yes, it's time to take over Equestria, for I will be the ruler of them all

For the heroes will fall to me

Because I can have more friends

Then anypony else I see." She moved herself from the mirror, landing on the bed, taking one of the plushies which resembles one of the Elements of Harmony.

"I need to get rid of those heroes. This time they will be gone

For I will be the leader in both dusk and dawn

No one else can get in my way. No hero won't ever stay

Because I want them away

Yes," she continued, tossing the plushie away, "it's time to take over Equestria

For all the places I should run, to be the boss of everyone.

For it's time to take over Equestria." Landing on the floor, she strutted over to the window, shoving it up to open it, glancing down at the land where all ponies live with peace and harmony after getting on the windowsill with a couple of flaps before landing on it.

"I want to break their spirits, I want them to fear it

They have gone far enough, for they all think they're tough

For it's time to take over Equestria, for I will rule them all," she went on, "for all the heroes will fall. To win all sorts of friends big and small

So it's time to increase my chances, by getting rid them by one stance

To crush them into dust, for they won't be able to adjust!" she practically screamed with open arms, eyes up to the night sky.

"A better way to be bad, for it's time to take over Equestria

To make the ponies sad, to be the

Empress of Friendship

For I'll be very glad.

For it's time to take over Equestria~" She finished with triumph with a glee of evilness, along with laughter raiding off of her. She fell on her back, laughing like a hyena for what's about to come next for the ponies she's gonna foil.

She was guffawing so much, she failed to notice the prince's scientist standing at the doorway. She ceased her evil chortle. "Levira." She coughed, clearing her throat from all the laughing she'd done. "You... hadn't heard any...singing...did you?" she nervously said, messing with one of her curls.

"I heard the last bit," the unicorn answered, stepping into the room. "Besides...I never knew ponies sing," she truthfully spoke, shutting the window.

Cozy flipped a hoof like it was nothing. "It's what ponies do."

"Mhm. Anyhow, you have to see what I made for you." Gesturing a hoof, Levira walked out of the room, motioning for the child to follow her.

Doing what she is being told, the little one followed her from behind, the image of destroying the heroes in her head, making her smirk.

The mare led her to a room where the same machine is at, except they walked by it, leaving it alone. It sat there like it was lonely, like it was waiting for it to be activated again.

Good thing the prince hadn't laid a hoof tip on it. The machine should be operated by the inventor for she knows how to work it, despite her boss figuring it out for himself, indicating to get furious for touching the doo-hickeys.

Once these two were away from the machine that brought the Rangers' counterparts, including a monster being brought here several months later, they reached what looked to be a door. A large metal door.

Wrapping her hoof around the handle of said door, the older pony opened it with one swing.

The door hinges are on the tad rust side, for it let out a squeal. It sounded like a gerbil on a unicycle.

It wasn't too obnoxious, yet, the nasty pegasus couldn't help but cringe. She gets irritated a lot. Along as getting mad when she doesn't get her way.

Retreating her tiny hooves from her ears, she gaped at what she saw.

It was...

"Say hello to your Megazord." Walking up to the large Megazord, Levira proudly placed a hoof on it.

Unable to believe it, the filly stood there agape. All she could do is admire it. Admire her own Megazord. She moved her mouth, trying to form words. "Amazing," is all she could get out. "You built it fast, too."

Chuckling, the green pony took her hoof off of it. "Actually," she confessed in a nice manner, "I built this a few months ago, knowing you may need power."

"Amazing," Cozy repeated, ignoring what was told to her. "I want to use it."

"You shall. Though, we both have to let my boss know about this."

Understanding what she said, the filly went to the Command Room with the scientist at her side, telling Vekar what was built.

At first, he wasn't too thrilled that a Megazord wasn't for him, but for the bad filly for he was easily jealous. However, thinking about it for twenty minutes, he thought it was a great idea.

He ordered Cozy to be sent to Canterlot.

Cozy did a somersault with joy. A joy of excitement.

Leaving the room, she headed to the city, ready to defeat the ponies who interrupted her plans to stop her in becoming a new leader of Equestria.

It's gonna be a good night for her.

Meanwhile, back at the glorious city, all the ponies are still busy with finishing up the last of the henchmen.

Noah are too busy engaging the battle against Argus, refusing to let him near the yellow pony, who is on ground. He blocked each move with the Quasar Saber, surprised he was able to keep the Galaxy Mode for a long time.

Fluttershy was still out of Ranger Mode, and when she was getting up, she saw Noah get struck by the Solar Slash move, unmorphing him completely, as well.

The yellow pony gasped when brainiac thudded on the ground.

Out of his Ranger Mode, the two stood up, rubbing the areas where it hurt the most.

Ears pinned down, the Blue Ranger got ready to morph when everyone else came to his and the nature lover's aid.

Seeing how sore they are, the princess tapped her horn on the unicorn then her pegasus pal, easing their pain away.

"Better?" she asked with compassion.

The two nodded. "Yes." The princess moved her head in her return, moving it in an up and down motion.

Noah turned to give daggers at the bodyguard. "You're-"

"Leave my friend alone!"

"Cozy Glow," Rainbow gasped, everyone's eyes on the hovering pegasus.

Emma moved her head to her best friend's direction. "I can't believe a cute pony is a bad guy," she whispered.

"Same," her best friend returned in the same tone.

"Yes, I may be adorable," the youngest villain responded to what was heard by the Pink Ranger, putting her hooves on her cheeks. "I am adorable enough to have more friends than all of you. To be the Empress of Friendship." She giggled, lowering herself in front of everyone. "Once you all are gone, everypony will bow to me," she declared in flight, jabbing her hoof at herself.

"You're a kid! There's no way you can be evil," Marvelous exclaimed, unable to contain it inside.

Blowing a raspberry, she rolled her eyes. "I may be a kid; it doesn't mean I can't be bad. I once tricked the Cutie Mark Crusaders to be my friends and then locked them up in a closet three days later." She flew up to the Red Ranger, her hoof on his helmet. "I should've finished you all at the start of all of this." She moved back, placing herself down, wings in the same position. "You may have gotten rid of Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis, except I wished for you all to back off," she angrily projected, eyes bulging, her veins popping from her neck. She inhaled, exhaled, calming down though she kept the smirk on her, walking around the big ponies like a prowling feline ready to lash out at them. "You know what everyone says in this world? They say friendship is magic. They say it's harmony. In reality, it's power. Friendship isn't magic. It's power." She curled her hoof into a fist, the smile genuinely creepy, for it made all the others feel uneasy, except one of them.

Fluttershy was the most scared, hiding underneath her now boyfriend who glowered at the filly. Ears are down slightly, flicking his tail.

He was the one pony who wasn't afraid of her.

He also has his eyes on Argus who is letting the devil foal talk to them, him sending the geek for brains a menacing look. He eyeballed not only him, but at his girlfriend-

You said 'girlfriend' and 'boyfriend'.


You keep going back and forth. First you keep using the words 'coltfriend' and 'fillyfriend'.

Pinkie Pie, it doesn't matter which words I use.

Mm, when I think about it, it isn't shabby at-

"Sugarcube," the farm pony called out to her. "Who in the hay are you talkin' to?"

"Huh?" Pinkie questioned. "Oh," she shortly realized what her cousin was referring to. "I was chatting with the writer."

"Wri- What is she talking about?" a baffled Gokai Yellow murmured to the Yellow Ranger.

"Forget what the dumb pony said!" the pony who wanted to be the Empress of Friendship blared, her scarlet eyes popping out. "I want more friends than anyone else in the universe. Of all eternity. See this cutie mark?" She used one of the tips of her feathers to point at her symbol on her flank. "It's a rook piece. My special talent is to divide ponies against each other while I gaslight them to make them believe I'm their friend."

Emma's mouth dropped open. "Are you saying you can trick people for becoming their friend?"

"Hehehehe." A depraved titter broke out of her, bobbing her head, eyes closed, her mane bouncing with motion as she did so. "Correct, Pink Ranger," she snidely answered. "I divide them and trick them. Heeheehee, hahahahaha. Ahhh haha." Everyone, excluding Argus, had to fold their ears down from her banshee chortling. "Boy, I wish you all are divided against each other," she calmly wanted, acting all nice. "Except I can't! I know I won't divide you up in any way because you have the power of friendship!" She seethed in a breath, blowing it out, eyes on the Rangers. "When I watched you all, I couldn't believe different ponies with different personalities could be friends. Like these ponies-" Cozy swept her foreleg at Twilight and her friends. "-who believe they can be friends. Their Elements brought them together."

"It's our magic of friendship that brought us together," Rainbow proclaimed with defiance.

"It isn't magic, it's power," Cozy began to argue.

"Cozy, friendship is powerful, but power isn't why you make friends."

"Twilight's right, Cozy, you have no idea what friendship is," Troy finally spoke, stepping towards her. "Friendship is about getting along, working together. My team and I may be different from each other, except it never stopped us from saving our rightful home." The Ranger leader pointed his Dragon Sword at her. "By the time we're done with you and everyone else who decides to attack us, my friends and I, including the Gokaigers, will be back on earth," he vowed gratefully, with everyone on his team giving confirmed nods.

Everyone except the Blue Ranger. His head turned away, knowing what would happen next.

Does this mean he and Fluttershy have to break up? It better not be the case. They just kissed for Luna sake!

Getting rid of the negative thought, Noah stepped up to the bad girl. "You shouldn't divide others and gaslight them. It isn't right."

"It is right, nerd for brains," she insulted rudely, her chubby cheeks getting chubbier with anger. Her freckles seem to pop out. "It's my destiny. I should be taking over Equestria. And you all cannot defeat me for I have a surprise for you!" Looking up at the sky, she raised her hoof. "Bring the Empress Megazord!"

Calling out for her Megazord she saw not too long ago, all the others, including Argus surprisingly, saw a Megazord launching from the Luna sky, landing on its robotic hooves.

It was the color of her hair and coat, wings on its sides.

"Look." Starlight pointed her hoof at it.

"Is that..."

"Yes, it has her face on it," Pinkie declared, answering her prank helper.

Laughing, Cozy flew into her Megazord, grabbing the handles. "Time to bring you down."

"I don't think so." Pulling out a card, the Red Ranger placed it in his morpher. "Gosei Dragon - Activate! Dragon MechaZord!"

Gia, Emma, Jake, and Noah, who is back in Megaforce Blue Mode, as well as Starlight, followed his lead.

"Gosei Phoenix - Activate! Phoenix MechaZord!"

"Gosei Snake - Activate! Snake MechaZord!"

"Gosei Tiger - Activate! Tiger MechaZord!"

"Gosei Shark - Activate! Shark MechaZord!"

"Gosei Ursa Major - Activate! Ursa Major MechaZord!"

The five Mega Ranger ponies closed up their morphers, activating their Zord cards.

A loud roar got everybody's attention, eyes going to where the sound came from. The filly in her own Megazord was unexpectedly shocked to see the Rangers' Zords - the Red Dragon, the Pink Phoenix, the Black Snake, the Yellow, Tiger, the Blue Shark, and the Lilac Ursa Major - coming their way.

The Dragon Zord flew next to the Phoenix Zord, spewing out flames while the other one let out sounds of, well, a phoenix. The Tiger Zord let out a series of growls, the Snake Zord slithering next to it. The Shark Zord is in the water, and the Ursa Major reared up to let out a roar in the sky.

"Into our Mecha Zords!" Troy declared.

"Alright!" the rest of the Mega Rangers, including Starlight, proclaimed together.

The rest watched as the Rangers emerged into their Zords, a few cheering.

Sitting in the seat of his own Zord, the team leader of the Mega Rangers took out his morpher. "Morpher - Locked." He placed it in the slot, locking it there.

"Morphers - Locked." The others did the same, locking their morphers in the slots in their own Zords.

"My turn." Pulling out one of the Legendary cards, the alien placed it in the Robo Knight morpher. "Knight Brothers Zords - Activate!" He pressed several buttons, snapping it shut. "Sea Lion MechaZord! Sky Lion MechaZord!"

A flying Sky Lion MechaZord flew across the air, along with the Sea Lion MechaZord when they got summoned.

They let out furious snarls of courage.

"Lion Zord Morph!" Orion in the Robo Knight form, folded up like a piece of paper, only made of metal, growing three times his own size. "Lion MechaZord - Activate!"

He transformed into his own Zord, causing the Elements of Harmony to be amazed. Even Spike and Starlight are astonished, as well as the Power Ponies and the Gokaigers.

"Wowza!" Sugar declared. "He can turn into a Zord?"

"He is in Legendary Mode," Twilight answered matter-of-factly, getting several nods.

"Let's combine our Zords," Twilight's student proclaimed from inside her own, pulling out the card in order to do it.

"Fanatic idea, Glimmer," Troy responded, getting the exact card, too, his team joining along.

"Gosei Great Megazord - Activate!" Placing the cards in their morphers, the Red, Blue, Black, Pink, Yellow, and Lilac Rangers, pushed the mouths up, calling forth the Megazord.

Fitting together, the Zords pieced to one another.

"Gosei Great Megazord - Ready!" they said in usion, then appeared inside the large robot - Gia, Jake, Noah on the left side of the martial arts skilled pony. Starlight and Emma are on the right side of him.

Jake pumped a curled hoof. "Old is back."

Starlight gripped her own handles on her side of the Gosei Great Megazord. "It's neat," she agreed, fascinated.

"Neat?" A scornful scoff came from the Empress Megazord. "You gotta be kidding. Although, I could laugh at the Silver Ranger for looking like a dump truck." Saying this, she busted out in a devilish cackle, sounding like a witch.

In his Zord Mode, the pegasus had to smirk when hearing this. "Enter Gosei Great Megazord - Activate!" He called out the same phrase out loud, cutting the filly's laugh short. "Zords combined." All three Lion Zords pieced together. "Gosei Great Megazord - Ready," he completed the call, him straight off a Megazord.

"No way!" the Element of Honesty reacted, wanting to refuse to believe it, yet her eyes aren't messing with her.

"Hahaha!" However, this child found it hilarious. "Let's see what you pony Rangers can do." She advanced towards them.

The Rangers in the Megazord, including the now Orion turned Megazord, got ready to fight the malicious kid.


"Wait, why are we doing this?" the Black Ranger halted his leader. "We shouldn't destroy her, she's a kid."

"You mean a bad kid," his best bud frowned with disdain.


"Let's demolish her Megazord."

"She's gonna get demolished with it!" Emma stressed, looking at her best friend who suggested the idea.

While the Rangers tried to figure out a plan, Argus, who had been standing around for some time, yanked Fluttershy by her tail.

Yelping, she pulled her tail hair out of his grasp. A few strands came off.

Seeing his piercing stare, she did The Stare back.

It didn't work when she got whacked in the side.

Her friends went to check on her when a powerful blow came out of nowhere. They landed painfully on the floor, unmorphing them completely.

The Power Ponies and the Gokaigers went to check on them, when they too, got the powerful strike. They, too, got unmorphed.

Immediately getting up, the princess used her healing spell on each pony, including her dragon assistant who was also involved with the hit.

Just as she was about to go use her spell on Fluttershy, she was pulled back - by Grogar.

The orange aura surrounded the lavender alicorn; her struggling to get out of it. "Put me down," she demanded to no avail, receiving a smirk from the old ram. She charged her horn, shooting out a purple beam at him.

The assault made him drop her, rubbing his forehead, Twilight Sparkle catching herself, then landed back down.

"You're in for it now, Grogar," she said aggressively with a stomp of her hoof. "I bet the prince sent you here to get rid of us," she guessed, though she knew she's correct because he let out a chuckle.

He stepped forward, grinning. "He sure did. The prince sent me here."

"The author never wrote the part where Vekar tells you to come here."

The grin turned into confusion for the first time when he looked at the party pony. The confusion went away, replacing it with aggression. "Stupid ponies. I've been wanting to get my hooves on you ever since I assembled Sombra, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow. Yet, you pathetic girls managed to demolish the unicorn king, the changeling queen, and Lord Tirek."

"And we'll do the same with you." Turning towards her team, she spoke to them. "Ready?" She pulled out her key and morpher.

Her friends brought out the keys and morphers. "Ready."

"It's Friendship Time!" the princess called out, inserting her Red Ranger key into the item.

Her friends - A.J, Rarity, R.D., and Pinkie- did the same. "Super Mega Mode! Ha!" They inserted their keys, pushing their morphers forward together after twisting the keys in unison.

"Super Megaforce Red!"

"Super Megaforce Green!"

"Super Megaforce Pink!"

"Super Megaforce Blue!"

"Super Megaforce Silver!"

"We're friends forever, we stay together, we'll never back down!"

When they finished, one of them saw that Fluttershy hadn't morphed, too busy fighting off the bodyguard with her bare hooves once she got back up, him swinging his weapon, her moving out of the way.

Seeing her friends back in Super Mega Mode, she did the same result. "It's Friendship Time!" A burst of yellow engulfed her body. "Super Megaforce Yellow!" In a quick draw, she blocked the incoming sword with her Saber, the metal upon metal clanging together.

Behind her black visor, she did her best brave eyes she could manage.

The two dueled, both swords clanging together, trying to sweep each other's hooves.

With her busy with Argus, the rest of the Elements of Harmony let out a battle cry - when the old villain took out a huge sword. Bigger than he is.

In one motion, he struck at them.

Marvelous rushed over, hollering, "Gokai Change!" A flash of red burst around him. "Gokai Red!"

The other Asian ponies also called out, "Gokai Change!"

"Gokai Yellow!"

"Gokai Green!'

"Gokai Pink!"

"Gokai Blue!"


Yellow, green, pink, blue, and silver colors immersed them. Their own personal colors. They used their weapons to stop the incoming sword possessed by the blue ram.

"Marvelous, my friends and I can take care of him. You help the others," Twilight instructed, motioning a hoof at the two Gosei Great Megazords, now battling Cozy to destroy her Megazord without trying to destroy her.

Taking her advice, Marvelous presses a few buttons of his morpher. "Gokai Galleon!"

Like what happened at the Gala, the Gokai Galleon came forth, ropes dropping down. The captain and four other Gokaigers grabbed one each, being hoisted up there.

"Gokai Trailer!"

"Gokia Marine!"

"Gokai Racer!"

"Gokai Jet!"

The Gokai Galleon opened up, releasing the other Zords, with Luka, Ahim, Don, and Joe got inside each one.

"Pirate Combination!" they rounded up, their Zords convoking to one another. "GokaiOh! Full Sail Ahead!" they ended at the same time, their GokaiOh completed.

"My turn," their teammate declared wildly like always. "GoZyuDrill - Launch!" After placing his TimeFire key, pressing the button of the past sixth Super Sentai, along with the call button, he raised it to the sky, summoning his Zord. "GoZyuJin!" He used the third mode once he placed his AbaraRanger key. "Complete - GoZyuJin!"

The Rangers and Starlight saw the Gokaigers, stopping the fight with Cozy who let out a frustrated snarl, not wanting to stop. She pounded her hoof. "Hey! We aren't done, you dimwitted Gokaigers," she blew out.

"Twilight said we should help you out," the captain of the Rangers' counterparts explained, brushing off the filly's steam.

"We could sure use it; this child is a fighter." Troy quickly blocked the movement of the filly's Megazord with the Dragon Sword, like he was proving his point. "We would rather destroy her Megazord rather than her."

"If you're thinking of sending me back to Tartarus, you better think again." Moving back, she flapped out of her seat, going up to the eyes of her Megazord. "I got sent there when Tirek was at the awful place. In a cage, the same one where each of you was in until you destroyed them."

Both Rangers and Gokaigers looked at one another. She was in Tartarus? The girl, a pony who gaslights others, was sent to the horrid place? They couldn't believe it.

"I would rather be out of that place," she continued, banging on the other side. The other Megazords veered back from her anger, her frustration. Was there a hint of sadness from her? It seemed like they might have picked it up, except it was too sudden for them to even notice. "It's too bad you won't be here anymore - for I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL!" she screeched, her voice sounding like nails on a chalkboard. Sitting back in her seat, she sneered. "Once you and your friends are gone, I'll be sure to rule Equestria. No one will ever stop me. I was stopped once, but a second time is a big no, no. Hahahaha!"

Then, with no warning whatsoever, she charged straight towards them, lifting one of the arms of her Megazord to bring down a huge blow.

She doesn't succeed when the large GokaiOh Sabers and the Dragon Sword block the movement. Orion's ginormous Megazord hands stopped her, shoving her back.

"Sea Lion Kick!" He swung one of his legs with Sea Lion Zords as the foot, giving it a good kick to the evil one.

Down at the bottom, Twilight inserted a key into her morpher. "Legendary Ranger Mode - Mighty Morphin! It's Morphin Time!"

Transforming into the very first Red Ranger in history, she used her Power Sword to strike at Grogar, her counterpart shooting beam after beam.

The beams got smacked away by the ram's sword.

Applejack did a hard buck to his chest. "Gals, let's use as many Ranger Modes and weapons we got."

"Good idea A.J.," her leader agreed. "Legendary Ranger Mode - RPM!"

"White Dino Thunder Ranger!" Dash called out, using the Drago Sword after her friend used the Street Saber.

"Power Bow!"

"Turbo Cannon!"

Pinkie in the very first Pink Ranger form shot out arrows, Rarity using her Turbo Cannon while in RPM Mode.

Watching this, and taking the farm pony's idea, Fluttershy, who is continuing to fight Argus, morphed into a new mode. "RPM! Zip Charger!" She revs the Zip Charger from her arm letting it go.

It smacked him in the face.

"Wild Force!" Grogar wasn't prepared when the Element of Honesty made a horizontal slash with her Black Bison Axe.

"Zeo!" Using the Zeo Mode again, the princess brought the Battle Sword straight down.

The move ended by removing the red attire from his neck, bells jingling when they hit the road.

"You little...!" the ram began to say when Lightning Twister gave him a shock of electricity, stunning him. He recovered. "Quit-"

"Aquitar Ranger Power!" Holding out a hoof, the party pony released origami swans.

"Green Samurai Power!" Her prankster buddy tossed up a tennis ball, whacking multiple of them with the Samurai Sword.

Both of these attacks got stopped by this dude.

"Keep going," Twilight encouraged, this time in Time Force Mode, making slicing movements with her Chrono Sabers.

Back over to Fluttershy, she turned into...

"Legendary Ranger Mode - In Space! Let's Rocket! Star Slinger!"

"Ow, ow!" The sudden pellets came rapidly, too fast for Argus to use his sword. "That's it!" he cried out with frustration. He went towards her in rage.

"Aquitain Saber!" A fast reflex came when she was in Alien Ranger Mode like her pink friend was in; her Legendary weapon stopping the incoming sword going straight towards her.

Going back to the battle of Grogar, Lacy tossed her Hoofarangs to stop the incoming ram, except he made the horseshoes come straight at her, knocking her front legs back.

She let out a whoosh of air when she fell forward on her chest.

A blur came, then a tap on the ram. The ram turned his head - and got smashed in without the face a banana cream pie.

Some of it got in his mouth, having him spit it out, wiping the dessert off his face, all from Sugar Cupcake who let out a giggle, zoomed off again, replacing the pie with a double layer cake, smashing it in the back of his neck.

Busy removing the cake off of him, he wasn't paying attention when Mythic Diamond summoned a bottle of body spray, spraying him.

"There, someone needed a good smell." Instead of finishing getting the cake off of him, he went from there to having a coughing fit while the Power Pony gave him a lecture on personal hygiene. "Sweet perfume, when was the last time you took a shower? Do you swim in the swamp? It's more like you live there for how uncouth you are."

Growling, he went to whack her when he heard, "Samurai Shark Attack!" from the alicorn who's in Red Super Samurai Mode, the Shark Sword extended, going in various directions, hitting its target.

"Battle Gauntlet!"

"Battle Booster!"

Applejack and Rarity attack in turns after pressing a few buttons of the Battle Gauntlet and Battle Booster. First, the farm gal in Black Space Ranger Mode used a violent combination of punches and chops, then moved out of the way for the fashion designer to do her own powerful blows while in Lightspeed Rescue Ranger Mode.

They hoof bump each other, seeing they made a good hit.

Messaging his face, Grogar went to do a move when two ponies got in front of him.

"Fire Power!" Twilight and Dash each created a flame of fire, sending straight at him in Lost Galaxy Mode.

He ducked, getting some of his white mohawk hair between his curled horns scorched, sizzling away.

In the direction where Fluttershy is at, she and Argus have been clashing their swords so much, the two hadn't noticed how far they've gotten.

The sunny pegasus felt her Legendary Ranger Mode weakening, taking a good measure to switch into a new one.

Putting her sword behind her, she pressed the black button of her belt to get a key for her morpher. "Legendary Ranger Mode - Ninja Storm, Ranger Form! Yellow Ninja Storm Ranger!" she called out, a yellow flash bursting around her.

In this mode, she reached behind her, pulling out her Ninja Sword, ready for more.

She flared her wings, breathing out of her nose with aggression, like she isn't a timid person anymore.

The shyness is there, though her bravery took over her whole body. She wanted to defeat the prince's defender who has always engaged in combat with her boyfriend.

Scrapping her free front hoof, she came straight to him, sword prepared for lots of damage.

A forceful blunt came ahead of her. Argus had spun around, using his whole back end, bringing his hind hooves back, then sprung them forward, aiming the other equine.

The sudden kick knocked her breath out. A grunt came when she fell hard on the ground, though her Legendary Mode is in tack.

The Ninja Sword was next to her after she dropped it, making it clatter beside her.

An aggressive yell was heard. It came from a storming stallion, sword raised over his head, using his three free hooves to go after the fallen girl. His one eye seem to turn red with anger, firing at her like spewing lava. He went to clobber her with his weapon, seeming to already glow with pure white energy, reflecting the nighttime moon.

Straight off, the one on the floor gained enough strength to get a hold of her own weapon, swinging it to barricade the other one.

The swords pressing each other, both of these flying ponies stared at one another. Argus shoved his sword downwards, while the other one did the opposite.

Her muscles straining, the pony of kindness felt them get weak. In all fairness, she isn't the type to work out like her rainbow haired friend she made back at Flight Camp, except the time where she had practiced her wing power with her animal friends.

Unable to keep the other sword out of her face, she drew in her back legs, aiming the stomach of her opponent.

Locked on the target, she released her legs, allowing them to throw outwards. A gasping sound came when she got her mark.

Staggering back, Argus heeved breath after breath, clutching his stomach. "You... pathetic Ranger!" he managed to bellow. He charged back at her, this time taking the Ninja Sword away from her, tossing it far from her.

No sword at hoof, the kindness one had to make due with her hooves, being as quick as she can at the incoming whacks.

The bodyguard's face is tense where blood veins are visible, popping up from him. Filled with rage all because of a kick to his gut.

Loud violent neighs came from him. He had put his sword away, rearing up, and tried to stomp the one on the floor like he tried with the brainy Ranger.

Seeing the incoming hooves, Fluttershy sprinted up, hovering to get out of his way.

Her wings flapping, she flew to her weapon.

"Solar Slash Energized!"

She has just got to her sword, just as she heard him call out his signature move. She went to stop it.

Too late. She wasn't fast enough. The move got her out of Legendary Mode.

Being back in Super Mega Mode, she doesn't have any strength left. She couldn't even get her Saber for how weak she is.

Does this happen to Noah? His friends? Losing strength from all the battles they had done?

Watching her struggle to stand back up, the evil pegasus had to laugh in which he's doing at the very moment.

Striding up to her, he fluffed his mangled wings, flinched from the pain then shook it away. He lowered his head to Fluttershy's ear after she collapsed underneath her hooves. "I knew you'd be a lousy Ranger from the start of all of this," he spoke brutally, pressing one of his hooves on her back, keeping her in place. "You are weak to be one no matter what Blue says." A confused expression came from the pony on the street, causing him to chuckle. "We always use Grogar's orb to see what you ponies are doing, where to find you in order to send in our army." Underneath his hoof, he felt her squirm, her trying to get back up. He pushed down his hoof a lot more on top of her. "I've been fighting what I assume is your boyfriend for a while until you and I are doing this for a change," he continued to speak to her harshly, taking his hoof off her, knowing she won't be able to go anywhere due to lack of muscle tone, though prepared himself in case she started to at least crawl away.

His prediction came true when she managed to move an inch. He placed his hoof back on her, to make sure she didn't go anywhere.

He was about to say more when he got suddenly shot out of nowhere. It made him move away from her.

Looking to see who did it, he gritted his teeth to see the Blue Ranger out of the team Megazord.

The Blaster in his hoof, he walked until he got to Fluttershy. He helped her up on her hooves. He kept his Blaster straight at Argus.

"Saw what's happening, heard what you are telling her," he explained dryly, knowing how surprised Argus is due to his reaction. "Had to get out of the Megazord."

"How?" the bodyguard questioned the blue hero.

Underneath his helmet, he smiled. "I had a friend teleport me back down here because I know nothing about magic."

"I don't care; you both are done for." Stepping forward, Argus drew back his sword. "In other words, instead of me wanting to destroy your girlfriend, Blue, I'll destroy the two of you."

Getting in front of Fluttershy, Noah put his Blaster away, replacing it with a Legendary key. "I think it's you and I this time for the next round."

Gazing his one eye to the side, Argus thought about it. He wasn't faking either. Eventually, he stepped forward, smirking at the Ranger who is ready to insert the key in his morpher. "No."

Needing a better understatement, the blue hero replied. "No? Come on, you can't quit. Wait, scratch what I said. You always stop in the middle of every battle we-" He gestured at himself, then at the other one in front of him. "-have every time when we are neck and neck. It's getting ridiculous."

"I know," he said somewhat calmly, putting his sword back where it belongs, "but it's more fun to keep you in suspense," he smirked. "Fun isn't it, my pal?"

Noah stomped a hoof. "No, it isn't!"

"Noah..." Fluttershy started softly, though he continued to vent on.

"It isn't fun, Argus, to leave me - and her - in suspense of every comeback we engage whenever we're face to face. Yes, I know she is fighting you for the first time, but it's more unfair to her than it's to me. I suggest we do another duel. Because I refuse to stop. You may want to 'quit' in every fight to leave, except it needs to be done. This instant. You have two choices: Leave or fight."

Shutting his eye, his one eye since the other one is covered up by a white bandana he had on ever since he and the Armada arrived to this world, he rubbed the bridge of his muzzle. It's like he's getting irritated by him.

And he is. Opening up his eye, he walked closer with the Blue Ranger ready at hoof, preparing to go into Legendary Mode, prepared to keep his fillyfriend safe.

The helmet covering his whole entire head, Argus couldn't see what seemed to be a warning look from Noah, the black visor making it difficult to see it.

Yet, due to his stance, the bodyguard knew that the unicorn wanted another duel. Perhaps the last time to get him destroyed, that way this evil doer won't have to deal with him anymore.

His walks increased. He retrieved his sword. "I'll fight you, Blue," Argus decided, his eye on him then shifted to the yellow pony. "Once you're gone, I'll be sure to get rid of her," he promised with a sinister smile.

"Let's see if you can try something like that," the Ranger replied to the answer, disliking what he stated towards the mare. "Legendary Ranger Mode - Samurai! Go, Go Samurai! Blue Samurai Ranger! Spin Sword!" he called out, drawing out his weapon of choice knowing he has to use it in order to have a sword fight.

Keeping it in Sword Mode, he went towards his opponent.

The two circled like lions in the Savanna, swords ready to go. The Blue Ranger tightened his grip on the handle of his Spin Sword.

The tension set in, the two waiting for whoever makes the first move.

Seeing the Rangers and Gokaigers in the Megazords, the Silver Ranger being a Megazord himself battling the filly in her own, the Power Ponies helping five out of the sixth Elements of Harmony, the lil' dragon flying around spewing green flames like a fire hose, all green at the blue ram, the yellow pony being knocked out of Legendary Mode, getting pinned down by Argus until he was forced off of her by the blueberry colored hero is getting the Armada prince to be more impatient than ever.

Leaving the window, he strode over to the warrior. "When will they finish them?" He was referring to the bad guys, wanting them to hurry it up already to destroy the helpers who will keep winning at anything. "It's taking forever," he complained.

"If you want to, we should head off to the place they're at," he yawned, covering up his mouth. "I wished we had done this in the morning, sire, rather late at night. It's almost three a.m."

"It's almost three a.m.," the prince mocked, getting an eye roll from the bigger pony. "Who cares. Let's go there this instant. We can all sleep once we get back to where earth is," he said, going to his chair. "Unless I know how to drive this thing."

"This is your ship, your highness." Damaras blew his forelock out of his face. "I know our x-borgs drive it, but since we're all out of them, including the bruisers we have to get there ourselves." The prince grumbled when this was stated by him, shoving the orb for it broke in half. "Grogar won't be amused when he finds out his orb is broken," the warrior pointed out. He got no answer. "I'm gonna make myself a cup of coffee. Want any?"

"Make mine with extra caffeine," the prince requested, for his second in command made a good choice - for once. He does need it in his pony body. The sound of the door opening and closing was heard as the other guy headed to the kitchen to make coffee.

Glancing at the clock, he was sort of shocked. It is almost close to three o' clock in the morning. Boy, aren't the pathetic ponies and the dragon tired? Probably not due to all the energy they have in them for trashing all of his army, finishing them off as well as getting rid of the last changelings to his dismay.

He ticked him off when they got out of Tartarus where Cozy once was. He wanted to feel bad, except he's a bad royal prince. A prince next for the throne, for his brother won't be the new ruler for the Armada despite what his dad says.

Thinking about it, this here pony wondered if his brother is here from the wormhole that opened up last year when his bodyguard was dumb enough not to stop the one Ranger who activated the device sending him, his allies, and his army here not knowing the Rangers would be here.

Forgetting what he thought about, he saw his second in command come in with a tray of two mugs filled with coffee. He had a server but he fired him.

Just as he got his cup, Damaras spoke when he picked up his own. "Too bad you fired Invidious." He stopped his coffee.

"He deserved it," Vekar answered, taking a sip of his own. "Yow! Hot!" He set the cup down after feeling the hotness from his drink. "Besides, he kept having goo-goo eyes on Levira. Which reminds me... Levira!" He yelled at the closed door. "Are you done with the stupid device to bring us back home? I hope you are or else I'm gonna throw my filled up mug at Damaras! Hey, I'm hollering in this room where I sit in my chair where I come up with genius plans in destroying the Rangers! Hurry up, you mother-"

His mouth got full of hoof, forced to stop his foul insult.

The hoof belonged to a glaring Damaras. "Watch what you say," he spoke sternly, taking back his hoof.

Vekar wiped off his tongue. "Blah! You ought to have to wash your hooves," he advised in a no good attitude. "Were you playing in the dirt?" he questioned.

He got no answer when his second-in-command walked out of there. The golden pony would rather leave instead of responding back to the royal prince of the Armada.

Sitting there, the prince was about to yell out again when Levira came in and spoke to him.

Fluttershy watched as Noah and Argus continued to stare at one another. She had her hoof on the handle of her Blaster, ready in case something nasty happens.

In a split second, Argus made the first move, followed by the Ranger who blocked the attack. Swords smacked. They made loud noises.

Noah jumped in the air when the fighter swept his weapon, avoiding getting hit below him.

He landed on all three hooves, striking the bodyguard on the shoulder.

Yelling out in pain, the pegasus went to hit him in the same area when the blue hero took out what looked to be a disc.

Placing the disc on the Spin Sword, he called out a new mode. "Two Sword Strike!"

The other pegasus saw a second sword appearing into her coltfriend's second hoof.

With two Spin Swords, he struck his opponent with them. Then another - when he got hit. Hard. He flew back, landing where Fluttershy is at.

With the help from her, he got back up, able to stay in Legendary Mode.

Argus powered up his weapon. "Solar Slash Energized!" Doing the same X, he sent it to the Blue Ranger.

"Hydro Bow!" In a quick move, the Ranger replaced the swords with a Hydro Bow, the one he had used when he fought his counterpart.

The water arrow made its target, getting rid of the glowing X move.

Frustrated, the bodyguard stormed up to him, putting his weapon away. Noah put his Legendary weapon away, too, knowing what's going to happen. He stood at an angle in front of the mare in case of sudden moves.

He was shocked that the evil doer halted a few inches away from them. He couldn't figure out why he did it because he was more likely ready for a punch or something from him.

Was the prince's bodyguard waiting for the right moment? He couldn't tell. He looked up to see his team and the Gokaigers, along with Starlight, fighting Cozy, then did a quick glance behind him to see the rest who were still dealing with Grogar.

"Legendary Ranger Mode - Ninja Storm, Ranger Form!" Twilight called out, inserting the Ninja Storm key into the morpher. "Ninja Storm Red Ranger." Pulling out the Hawk Blaster, she blasted some shots at the ram, followed by Applejack who used the Crimson Blaster after morphing into the Ninja Storm Crimson Thunder Ranger.

Deciding to help them, Fluttershy galloped away from Noah, with him letting her go.

"Come on, let's keep fighting him!" Dash proclaimed - when a forceful blow knocked her and her friends out of Ranger Mode completely.

"Girls!" Going up to them, Fluttershy made sure they're okay, helping them up to their hooves. "I should've helped you out with him," she apologized, feeling guilty.

"Aw, it isn't your fault," the farmer spoke compassionately.

"Argus was the one who made you fight him," the party one frowned.

This made the pegasus frown back. "He didn't make me fight him, I chose to do it. Even though Noah helped out..." Saying his name made her face all warm. "Anyway..." she spoke, getting serious, "we need to defeat this guy."

"How will you girls defeat me?" Grogar had a smirk on him, playing with his weapon like it was a toy. "I beat the five out of six of you for there's one pony who isn't down."

Twilight got up, her eyes burning at the ram. "You may have knocked most of us out of Ranger Mode, but that doesn't mean we're done here." She helped the others get up on their hooves with the help of Fluttershy. "We'll keep getting up no matter how much you knock us down." The girls walked towards him, with him ready to battle them once more, with them thinking the same thing. "We may have lost our Elements," the princess went on with her triumph speech, her horn shimmering, holding the Red Ranger key, placing it in the morpher, morphing into the Red Ranger, the rest doing the same who were out of Ranger Mode, going into Super Mega Mode, weapons in their hooves. "We may have lost the Tree of Harmony. We may have defeated your allies. Except we will never be gone by you."

"Get back!" A powerful slash came from the sword when the old devil ram saw that these mares weren't stopping.

Using her alicorn horn like a sword, the royal Princess of Friendship whacked the attack away. "We'll keep getting up no matter how much you knock us down," she repeated, ending the intense time walking, her friends stopping, too. "You should've been gone long ago. And we will defeat you to save our home! Our friends! Our families! Our lives!"

All of a sudden, something magical happened to all six ponies, glowing in different colors, surprising them with awe. It didn't last long when it went away, being replaced by a voice.

"Twilight, your victory speech has earned you and your friends new powers!" The voice belonged to Gosei, echoing around them. "Use the new keys my assistant made for you."

Doing as they are told, the pony heroes pressed the black part of their key compartment from their belts, shocked to see brand new keys they had never seen before.

It was the Elements! How?

The question should be asked later. Right now, they need to get rid of this dweller.

"Got it, Gosei." Retrieving her new key, the leader of the Elements of Harmony turned to her friends. "Ready?"

"Ready!" they declared in sync.

"Alright..." Facing Grogar, the alicorn princess put on her own smirk. "Prepare yourself for a big surprise."

He stood his ground. "Morph again."

Agreeing to his dare, she shrugged her shoulders. "Suit yourself..." Placing the key, she called out the phrase in order to power up. "It's Friendship Time!"

"Super Mega Mode - Rainbow Power!" The rest of them put their keys in their morphers, twisting them, with Dash placing the see-through lid down, pressing one of the buttons of her own morpher.

"Rainbow of Magic!" Twilight started the roll call.

"Rainbow of Kindness!" Fluttershy went next.

"Rainbow of Honesty!" Applejack called out.

"Rainbow of Laughter!" Pinkie joined along.

"Rainbow of Generosity!" Rarity came in.

"Rainbow of Loyalty!" Rainbow said in full glory.

"With colors by our side, for we will never divide," the princess began to say, "for no matter what comes in our way, we will..."

"...always be here forever!" her friends completed.

Everyone - the Power Ponies, Rangers, Gokaigers, Starlight, and Spike - couldn't believe what they had witnessed.

They weren't the only ones for Argus took his focus off of Noah, Cozy halting in her tracks, with Grogar unable to process what had happened.

There, right in front of all them, stood the six ponies in brand new Ranger powers. Their spandex shimmered with all sorts of colors of a beautiful rainbow, with their cutie marks from their flanks down to their back legs, their tails having these colorful streaks going through them like ribbons since their rainbow helmets covered up their manes like the other Ranger helmets, their visors shaped like each of the Elements - a six pointed star, a butterfly, a diamond, an apple, a balloon, and a lightning bolt.

The Elements are also on their helmets, like those crossed pirate swords from the Super Mega ones. Their gloves weren't white, they were striped with, of course, the color of rainbow. They sparkled like the stars from the night sky.

Lightning Twister was first to break the silence. "Awesome!"

"My, my, such a wonderful thing to see," Mythic Diamond said.

"Wow," Emma breathed.

The rest couldn't think of anything to add. Noah was stunned at the moment, almost forgetting about who he was dealing with.

"Woah!" An outburst came from his leader, who used the Dragon Sword to block Cozy's sudden attack.

"Hold on, I'll be right there," Noah called out to them. "Let's hope Twilight and her friends' new powers defeat you and Grogar," he said towards his foe.

"In your dreams, Blue," he replied to him, the Ranger going back to Mega Mode, jumped, and went back into his teams' animal merged Megazord, Orion and the Gokaigers by their side.

With Noah in the cockpit with his friends, he controlled his Zord. "Mega Punch!" His Shark Zord made contact with the filly's Megazord.

"Mega Kick!" Jake moved his controls, doing a mighty kick.

"Stop it!" the smallest pony screamed. "You can keep trying to destroy my Megazord, except you won't succeed."

"We'll see about, young one," the Red Ranger stated.

Down on the ground, the Power Ponies are dealing with Argus, keeping him busy, while the others are battling the other bad guy.

The holders of the Elements had their new Rainbow Power Sabers, Blasters, and Spear, similar to the Super Mega weapons.

"Apple Strike!" A.J. called out her attack, drawing an apple, sending it at Grogar.

Next came her cousin. "Confetti Blast!" Her Blaster shot out powerful confetti unlike the normal ones she uses for her parties.

The stuff made contact, getting it all over the ram for he was spitting some out of his mouth. Going to make a move, the beauty pony came forth.

Doing a sneaky smile, she lifted her Saber. "Diamond Strike!" Like her cowgirl pal, she drew up some diamonds, all of them hitting their doer.

"Watch it!" he shouted, continuing to get pelted by the gems.

"Butterfly Blast!" Of course, like Pinkie's attack, the gentle one has butterflies - lots of butterflies - come out of her own gun at the enemy.

The fluttering insects swarmed around him, pushing him back with unbelievable strength.

"Magic Strike!" Using the butterflies as her advantage, Twilight summoned a six sided star, hitting her target. "Rainbow Dash!"

"On it." Flying in the air, Rainbow charged towards him, the princess stepping out of the way. "Super Rainbow Spear!" Like the Silver Spear, streaks of rainbows came from it. However, she wasn't done yet, for there was a move she wanted to do. Lifting off the ground, she flapped her wings hard and fast, reaching up to the dark sky. Then, putting her personal weapon away, she went straight down.


A powerful circle of colors came, surprising almost everyone who saw her to do her legendary move - the Sonic Rainboom.

This attack not only knocked down Grogar, but also Argus who flung back, landing next to him with a thud.

"Finish them off, girls," Ice Crystal declared with encouragement.

"You heard her, let's end them." Placing her weapon away, igniting her horn, Twilight lifted her and her friends off the ground, the Elements on their helmets powering up, their visors glowing white, holding each other's hooves.

"Final Rainbow Strike!" the girls declared in unison, a bright colorful rainbow shooting above them, heading straight towards the bodyguard and the ram.

Quickly, Argus pulled out his sword. "Solar Slash-" He hadn't completed his attack when the rainbow met him, wrapping around him, the ram getting out of the way. "No! No!" he cried in despair, feeling himself getting all solid. Feeling like a hard rock, and it hits him. He's turning into stone! "Wait - stop! I have a prince to protect!" was his final words, his entire body, his hooves, his wings, even his sword, turning into a rock, solid stone.

The stone Argus tilted sideways, landing on the cobblestone road as Twilight and her friends went back on the ground.

Everyone was astonished at what they saw, especially the brainy one.

"Okay, girls, let's finish him off," the Holder of Magic proclaimed defiantly, looking at Grogar.

"Super Mega Rainbow Cannon!" Like the Super Mega Cannon, a rainbow version was summoned.

Using the new profound weapon, Twilight placed five out of six keys - Magic, Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, and Generosity - in the cylinders.

Grabbing a hold of it with her hooves, the princess aimed it at the menacing animal. "Let's finish him," she repeated.

"And we've got your back, Twi," the farmer said, she and most of the group placing their hooves on her and each other.

"Super Mega Rainbow Cannon - Activate!" The sail and the keys went up, collecting all the power - the magic from the alicorn who twisted her Element key, starting it up.

"Super Mega Rainbow Final Strike - Charge!" The athletic pegasus's Rainbow Spear went into Rainbow Blaster Mode, inserting her Element key into the cylinder, letting it glow a nice rainbow like her mane.

"Super Mega Rainbow Blast!"

"Super Rainbow Spear Blaster!"

Both attacks came. A rainbow galloping alicorn with a flowing mane and tail charged at Grogar, along with a mighty rainbow shot adding to it from Dash's final attack.

The attack made its mark. "No! This shouldn't be happening!" are Grogar's finishing phrase before exploding.

"Whoo hoo!" Pumping her fist, the sporty pony whooped. "We did it, girls."

"Not so fast, Elements of Harmony," a voice said, a shadow creating over them. It was the Armada Ship, heading their way, and the prince teleporting onto the ground with a sneer. "Did you forget something?"

"Yes - you." The lavender pony stepped forwards, her friends following in suit.

"Hahaha." Laughing, Vekar lifted his head up to his ship. "Levira, give them a big surprise," he called up to her.

"Yes, sire," she obeyed within the ship, picking up the familiar item she always uses. "Magma Beam!" Aiming at the destroyed ram and stoned Argus, the beans went to them, letting them grow large.

"Yes, a final round," the prince's protector exclaimed gleefully, waving his sword, the ram rearing up, slamming his front hooves on the floor.

"Looks like we have to up our game." Going back to Super Mega Mode, along with everyone else, the Super Mega Red Ranger flipped open her morpher, pressing a few buttons. "Summon Skyship!" she called out.

In seconds, the Skyship came, dropping the ropes. Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie, grabbed them, being hoisted up in there.

"Release the Zords!" most of the wielders of the Elements called out together.

"Super Mega Wheeler!"

"Super Mega Sub!"

"Super Mega Racer!"

"Super Mega Jet!"

"Zords Combined!" Yelling out as a team, the five Zords put themselves together. "Legendary Megazord - Ready!"

"My turn." Taking out her Quantum Ranger key, Rainbow went next, placing it in her morpher. "Summon Q-Rex Zord!" After pressing a the Quantum Ranger button three times, and the call button on her own morpher, she pointed it at the night sky. Her personal Zord came forth, for she got inside with no waste of time. "Q-Rex Megazord - Activate!" Placing her White Dino Thunder key in one of the slots, she twisted it. "Q-Rex Megazord - Ready!" she finished once her Zord got into its third mode.

She and the gang joined their friends, all face to face with Cozy, Argus, and Grogar.

"No fair." In her Empress Megazord, the filly let out a whine. "There's three of us," she referred to her and the two bad people at her side, "and six Megazords."

"Yeah, you're right, kid," Jake said, agreeing with her, receiving a growl in return. "We've outnumbered you," he had to smile.

"Everyone - let's work together," Troy led the entire team of Rangers and Gokaigers, the others on the ground cheering them on.

"Ah yeah." In her personal Megazord, Dash cheered, taking the controls into her own hooves.

"Who's first?" The farmer questioned the baddies, waiting for one of them to answer, grabbing the wheel of her own place in the Legendary Megazord.

"Leave it to me for I shall finish them off," Argus volunteered, stepping forward, sword ready.

"Argus, if you get destroyed, you'll be blamed for it," his prince shouted up to him. "And if you don't, I'm still blaming you."

Ignoring his boss, he went straight towards Twilight and her friends. He raised his sword, sending it down towards them when they blocked his assault with the Legendary Megazord Sabers, throwing him back, the others helping them out.

They dueled him left and right, sending attacks of their own.

Starlight cried out. "Look out!"

The girls let out screams when something rammed into them, almost causing their Legendary Megazord to collide with the other ones. They saw it was Cozy Glow. "It isn't your turn," Pinkie fumed aggressively.

"I don't take turns," the filly sneered, using a lever to control one of her Megazord's legs, giving the other one a good kick.

"Girls, Rangers, everyone, let's take them down at once instead," Twilight boldly said, deciding it's a better idea.

The Red Ranger agreed. "On it. Rangers?"

"Got it," his Ranger pals followed, taking out their cards.

"Let's get rid of them." Using her magic, the Lilac Ranger levitated her card, matching theirs.

"Girls?" Twilight got out to the Red Ranger key, her friends going along with her.

In the Q-Rex Megazord, the Wonderbolt was prepared. "This is gonna be twenty percent cooler."

Marvelous wore a cheesy smirk. "Gokaigers?"

"We're ready, Caption," Ahim answered, as the five Gokaigers in the GokaiOh brought out their keys.

"Finishing them all at once!? What a fantastic idea," Gai shouted, bringing out his keys for his GoZyuJin.

"I'm right behind you," the Megazord Orion said, getting ready for the final attack.

"Muhahaha!" A roaring laugh belonged to the giant Grogar. "Your robots won't stop us!" he declared with confidence.

"Think again, old guy." The leader of the Megaforce team had the same feeling.

"Victory Charge - Activate!" the Rangers, along with their helper, hollered. "Mega Strike!"

"Victory Charge - Ready!" the Silver Ranger came along. "Activate! Grand Strike!"

"Super Mega Final Strike!" Inserting their keys, the princess and those who are in the Legendary Megazord, turned them in the slots. "Super Starburst!"

"Super Mega Final Strike!" Placing her three keys, Rainbow turned each one. "Triple Drill Attack!"

"Ranger key - Set!" The five Gokaigers put their keys in the slots. "Let's go! Gokai Star Burst!"

Last, however, not least, is Gai, who put his three keys in the slots. "Ranger key - Set! GouJyu Triple Drill Dream!"

The bad foal paled. "Uh oh..."

Before anyone else can do anything, all the attacks came. First, the Dragon Sword went up in flames, cards appearing, attacking Cozy Glow's Megazord and the villains with a burning slash, being followed by cannons by the Legendary Megazord and GokiaOh, missiles joining them by Orion and, of course, the drills from Gokia Silver and the athletic flyer.

Argus dropped his sword, feeling himself being electrocuted. "This cannot be!"

"No, no, no!" Grogar stomped his hoof, creating a thundering sound. "Puny ponies shouldn't defeat me!"

"Ahh, my Megazord - it's gonna blow!" Screaming, this pink foal had no choice but to abandon it, flying out of there.

Everyone watched the pegasus and the ram, along with the Empress Megazord go down, creating a bright flash of sparks in the night sky.

Seeing them gone, Vekar shouted for the scientist. "Levira - quick, bring in the device."

The Black Ranger glanced over at his leader. "Device?" he questioned until everybody saw the scientist emerging from the ship.

Chortling, the prince waved at the saviors. "Bye, bye ponies. I'm going back home - to take over your world!" The laughter went on from him who raised his hoof, slamming it on the green button.

The dragon and ponies let out a gasp when he, the scientist, and the Armada Ship, including Damaras, vanished within a blink of an eye.

"Guys, we need to get to the Command Center - now!"

Author's Note:

It's Time To Take Over Equestria parody of A Better Way To Be Bad with Cozy Glow's verse.

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