• Published 19th May 2024
  • 476 Views, 9 Comments

G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur - ponydog127

During the Summer Solstice Festival in Maretime Bay with the dragons attending, the Mane 6 reunite with Mystery Incorporated to solve the mystery of a ghostly dinosaur, called the Phantosaur, who is haunting the town of La Serena.

  • ...

The Truth in the Caverns

At Fred's suggestion, the Mystery Inc crew, the Mane 6 and Queen Silhouette BlueSky left La Serena temporarily and headed to the next town only an hour or two away in order to get supplies that Fred thought that they might need to take down these new dinosaur foes of theirs.

But... they weren't exactly the supplies that the ponies had envisioned using.

What were those supplies, you may wonder? We'll get to that in a moment. Right now, let's just skip to when they finally had all the things that they needed.


It was dark by the time that the group had returned, and while the Mystery Inc members and Queen Silhouette carried brown shopping bags, the ponies carried small boxes on their backs as they headed toward the mine entrance.

Daphne looked at Fred with a bit of surprise, regarding to what they had just got. Well... technically, it was what they HADN'T got that concerned her. “Why couldn't we pick up a couple, say, crossbows or flamethrowers?”

“Trust me,” Fred reassured the redhead, and anyone else in the group who may have been nervous. “This is all the protection we're gonna need.”

“I hope you’re right about this, Freddy dear,” Silhouette said, letting Izzy take the bag she was holding. “Because if you’re wrong… we could be in for a whole lot more trouble than we ever anticipated.”

That’s when the group stopped at the very beginning of the mind. “Hey, why are we stopping?” Shaggy asked. “We can’t go in there in the total darkness!”

“We’re not,” Sunny told him with a smile on her face. “Silhouette here is gonna take care of that for us, right?”

“Yes,” the dragon queen nodded. “Each Sky Fury has a different color in their fire, and I can use my blue fire to light our way, without having to use your flashlights.”

“Whoa… you can do that?” Hitch asked in surprise before chuckling a bit nervously. “Sometimes, I feel like I underestimate the power of otherworldly dragon fire, since it’s so different from the kind we Equestrians are used to.”

“No need to be ashamed of it, Hitch,” Silhouette smiled. “All right… now everyone stand behind me.”

The others did as she asked, and then, taking a deep breath, Silhouette shot a blast of fire into the tunnel, igniting some old torches that hung on the walls after all these years of being put out. After this was done, Silhouette stepped aside to let her new friends past. “After you.”

“...whoa,” Pipp blinked in surprise as they all moved past her slowly. “Remind me to never make her mad.”

“Duly noted, Pipperoni,” Izzy said, slightly impressed and slightly terrified all at once. “Duly noted.”


Following the glow of the blue fire, our heroes found themselves inside the widest and most spacious part of the mine, where they were sure that the Phantosaur and its raptor minions were going to be lying in wait for their next victims.

Once getting behind several large rocks, Shaggy and Scooby, along with Misty and Izzy, gave different signals to each other about their next movements, while Sunny and Velma watched from another rock nearby. “Wait a sec,” said Sunny in confusion. “Why are we sneaking?”

“Shh!!” Shaggy and Scooby said at once to attempt to stop her from blowing their cover. “Sunny’s right!” Velma said, climbing up on the rock they were hiding behind. “We want them to notice us!”

“Like, please don't do that!” Shaggy begged of his friend, but we all know by now that Velma chose to ignore him and proceed with her own ideas. “Hello?” she called. “Mr. Phantosaur?”

A few seconds passed, and all the group heard was pure silence... or so they thought.

All of a sudden, a roar came from out of the blue, and several velociraptors came from the shadows and charged toward Shaggy and Scooby. Luckily, the ponies were there to get in front of their friends for backup protection. And then, Fred was able to throw part of his plan into action. “Marbles!”

Daphne, Velma and Fred tossed the round contents out of the grocery bags while Silhouette used her powerful wings to tip the rest of them over. The raptors slipped on the marbles and went all over the place, revealing themselves to be young men that had been working at the mine when their masks fell off. “Fred, it’s just like you said!” Silhouette gasped. “It’s the graduate students!”

“Game over, man,” one of the students whimpered to his friends. “We’re caught!”

“Gee,” another student rolled his eyes, “you think?”

Hitch proceeded to wrap the students in vines and made sure they weren’t going anywhere while Zipp got on the FlyPad and contacted the police. “I talked to the cops,” Zipp said once she was finished, “and they’ll be here in a little while to take these guys and whoever else is responsible for the Phantosaur in for questioning.”

“Well, now all we have to do is figure out who that someone is,” Sunny said before humming in thought. “Anypony got any ideas?”

But before anyone could say anything, the glow of the Phantosaur emerged from the darkness before it towered over them, sending blasts of fire that sent the group running in different directions.

Sunny, who shifted into alicorn form, flew up with Silhouette and blasted their own blasts from the sky while Izzy and Misty took care of it from the ground, but it seemed to have no effect on the giant beast.

That’s when they had to go to part 2 of Fred’s plan.

Once the Phantosaur got closer to them again, the human members of Mystery Incorporated waited for Fred’s signal. “Fire extinguishers!”

They all got out the fire extinguishers from the ponies’ supplies, and once the Phantosaur breathed another batch of fire at them, they used the extinguishers to put it out before it reached them. Then, they saw the Phantosaur disappear, only a flash of red light being left of it. “Hey…” Misty looked around. “Where’d it go?”

“I knew it! It’s a hologram!” Pipp said determinedly before pointing deeper into the cave. “And the beam is coming from there!”

“Follow it!” Zipp cried to her friends, who ran after Pipp in the direction of the light.



Professor Svankmajer and Winsor, inside their trailer, had seen everything from the security monitors, and immediately realizing that the gang could be approaching at any moment, took the chance to flee down the tunnels further. While Hitch, Fred, Velma, Zipp and Silhouette continued to chase them, Daphne stopped the others at a device she recognized. “A paint stripper! It blows superheated air,” she explained. “They used this for the Phantosaur's fire breath. Look.”

Upon pushing a single button, the paint stripper shot out a blast of fire near a nearby wooden post. “Whoa!” Izzy cried. “That’s even cooler than the hologram!”

“But shouldn't we be following those guys?” Shaggy asked, pointing down the tunnel. “Right!” Misty cried. “After them!”

And so, the group sped off… leaving the paint stripper on in the process.


The professor and Winsor continued to be chased by the gang through the mine, all up until they reached a cavern full of crystals. “Give it up!” Fred shouted as Daphne caught up to him, Zipp and Hitch. “There’s nowhere to run!”

“Come on!” Zipp shouted. “They went around the corner!”

But upon going around the corner, they immediately stopped and gasped, their eyes widening in complete shock.

Encased in a giant crystal was a real-life dinosaur, preserved there for at least 1 million years, if not longer.

Something that made Zipp realize how real these dinosaurs really were. “A complete allosaurus,” Professor Svankmajer then said from atop a huge platform at the top of the crystal. “Perfectly preserved inside a single huge quartz crystal. It shouldn't be possible. I can't even begin to imagine the process by which this happened. But here it is. And here it's been for millions of years. Can you imagine how I felt the day we came upon this? It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. The most beautiful thing anyone had ever seen.”

That’s when Silhouette, Velma, Shaggy, Scooby and the rest of the ponies arrived at the cavern, causing them to gasp upon seeing the giant crystal-encased dinosaur. “Oh my hoofness…” Sunny gasped. “That has to be the discovery of a lifetime!”

“It has to be,” Shaggy said, “or, like, that’s some giant collectible.”

“It was my life's dream made real,” the professor continued as she climbed down to their level again. “I have never wanted anything so much. I'm quite sure I never will again. I had to make it mine. And I would've gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids.”

Zipp gasped in utter shock at this. “Professor Svankmajer?!”

“Don't you mean we would have gotten away with it?”

Everyone turned to see Winsor standing nearby, and Velma felt her heart immediately sink. “Winsor? No!”

“Sorry, Velma,” Winsor apologized sadly. “I put crime before science.”

Velma whimpered sadly at the fact that someone she cared for could be behind a crime like this, and Misty felt so bad for her, approaching her and placing a hoof on her side. “I know,” Professor Svankmajer continued. “It was wrong. I’m almost glad you stopped us.”

“How could you both be so selfish?” Silhouette asked, donning a stern, queenly voice. “A find like this belongs to the world!”

“Yes… although technically, it belongs to the town of La Serena since this is under public land,” the professor responded calmly. “My plan had been to scare people away long enough to dig it out and transport it away from here.”

“This thing is most likely the source of the Phantosaur legend,” Winsor gestured to the huge dino in the crystal. “The Tolkepaya probably found it centuries ago and told tales about it.”

“So,” said the professor, “ it seemed strangely appropriate… to use the Phantosaur myth to drive people off. Of course, I saw through the mining company's fake Phantosaur right away.”

“And so did I,” Winsor nodded, “but I knew I could do something better. I'd seen Mr. Hubley's hologram projector… and I'd taken some computer animation classes.”

“So, it was you guys who instructed the raptors to take the hologram equipment from the spa!” Hitch figured out with a growl. “So not cool…”

“You are correct, Sheriff Hitch,” the professor nodded. “The raptor costumes were borrowed from the real live dinosaurs exhibit, and I got paint strippers from a friend in construction. We planted them around town to create the Phantosaur's fire breath. Our plan was to use the Phantosaur to frighten the townspeople away. With the town empty, we could remove the allosaur crystal unseen.”

“The problem was,” Winsor continued, “that the crystal lay directly beneath the town.”

“If that is true,” Misty said, “then how do you plan on getting this gigantic crystal above ground?”

“Explosives,” the professor responded. “This cave system honeycombs underneath the whole town. So we set charges with fuses throughout. When the town was empty, we could blow the charges and remove the crystal at night. I can't believe I've turned into a common criminal.”

“Me too,” Winsor admitted. “Well, it wasn’t definitely something we of all ponies expected you to do,” Sunny said sternly. “And it was stupidly selfish to want this all for yourself.”

“Besides, you’re not common criminals,” Shaggy interrupted with a smile. “You guys are super villains. Evil scientists with holograms and heat lamps!”

Suddenly, the entire cavern began to rumble and collapse, causing Shaggy to yelp and jump into Scooby's paws for protection. Suddenly, the professor sniffed the air and turned to Winsor. “Did you leave the paint stripper on?”

“No, of course not.”

“He definitely turned it off,” Daphne admitted. “I know because I turned it back on.”

“Then we'd better hurry up and get out of here!” Professor Svankmajer exclaimed. “The fuses have been lit by the paint stripper. When the charges blow, these tunnels will collapse!”

And that’s just what began happening-- the tunnels began to collapse around them, and if they didn’t escape soon, there would be no way for them to escape. “RUN!!” Fred shouted to the others, and they all began running toward the exit… and they would have gotten out if not for a huge cave-in that caused Winsor to stop the group. “Too late!”

“We’re trapped!” Izzy shrieked. “We'll have to go the other way,” the professor said, causing Winsor to look shocked. “Down?”

“There's another exit that way.”

“Yeah, and about eight million snakes!”

“The cave snakes are real?!” Pipp shrieked. “Yeah, and the bats,” Winsor admitted. “I don't lie about everything.”

“Okay, guys, listen up,” Zipp said to the group. “The only way any of us are getting out of here is if we all work together.”

“She’s right,” the professor then told them. “I know the lower caverns are bad, but there's no other choice.”

Suddenly, Shaggy spoke up in a confident tone, the keyword having been said a few seconds earlier. “There's a time for talk and there's a time for action. Follow me.”

Shaggy began to move downward into the tunnels, and Sunny was first to follow him. “Come on, guys! Shaggy’s leading the way out!”

“Uh… coming!” Silhouette called, a bit stunned at Shaggy’s bravery before leading the rest of the group onward, with Izzy and Scooby, still trying to figure out the keyword, following behind.

“Uh… choice?!”




Eventually, the whole group made it down into the tunnels, Shaggy taking the lead, to begin the biggest escape mission they had ever known…

…and all before the tunnels could collapse around them.