• Member Since 15th Oct, 2021
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I'm glad to be here and I hope we all can be great friends

Comments ( 36 )

Wow, I read the previous story a week ago and thought 'This has a lot of sequel potential'. Now here we are with a followup 1 week later. Hmm.. I hereby demand 3 more stories and a sammich by month end.

Thank you! Also follow up question, Shining really is gonna reap what he sows isn’t he?

A new story so soon is something I didnt expect, but hot damn its a great and detailed recap of Cadance night. You make the infidelity sound like the forbidden fruit that it is supposed to represent.

I applaud you

If I'm interpreting this correctly, the whole issue was caused by Chrysalis, so I'm thinking Cadance is in the wrong here.

What?…NO, this mess is all of shining armor’s and by extension the mane five, minus twilight, and Princess celestia’s making. They received word that canterlot was under threat of attack, THE CAPITAL of their OWN country, meaning their entire country ITSELF IS UNDER THREAT OF ATTACK! Tell me HOW in any WAY is it wise to hold a major event Like A ROYAL WEDDING in the middle of a NATIONAL SECURITY CRISIS, and do nothing more than put A SHEILD AROUND THE CITY!!?? NO INVESTIGATIONS, NO SEARCHES, NO INQUIRIES, NO POSTPONEMENTS OF EVENTS, NO NOTHING!!?? You all know what happened to archduke Frank Ferdinand? Austria-Hungarian Empire did, and his death marked the beggining of the end of both it and three other empires! #ww1. It CANNOT be OVERSTATED HOW BAD they ROYALLY SCREWED UP on so many levels, mind controlled, tricked or otherwise, throwing their own nation’s security under the bus for petty materialistic desires is inexcusable. What they did is TREASON and reckless endangerment against and of the state and its people. If the citizens of Equestria found out the truth and had their way like people do in real life shining armor would be dishonorably discharged if not executed for his crimes, the mane five fired, and Celestia deposed if they were charged for their crimes in real life. CADANCE is the REAL victim of being lied to by a husband who had an affair before their wedding and hide it for years, threw the safety of their country under the bus, nearly left his OWN flesh and blood to die, AND NOW, has to face the genuine prospect that the man she married is not the man she thought he was from the beginning. If he had been lying from the start about those things, what else had he been lying about!?!?

All in all a solid addition to the story. While I am personally not much a fan of tentacles (vines etc) I felt it wasnt overdone.

I was actually suspecting a naked Cadance to show up eventually and was surprised when I read that Luna did the same xD

Not gonna lie. Not sure how this is shining armors fault, he was hypnotized and chrysalis took cadances form so I can see how he was confused. Also not sure what you plan to do with this story but I personally wouldn't mind a spinoff where he divorces cadance and ends up meeting someone else I don't know like fleur de lis or something. But cadance is a crazy ex that won't give up and tries to sabotage all relationships he has before meeting fleur. Personally I think cheating is fucked up generally especially if it's done consciously. But I understand this is just a fetish for some. As I said though I wouldn't mind this kinda spinoff/alternate thing. Or if u like it, make it official ttyl.

Hope next he gonna breed Celestia

I’ll take some of that action. Oh and put Twilight sparkle in the next after that one too!

How about a story that focuses on Shining and Celestia?

Cakeflanks would be hot. She does have the biggest rear in equestria.~

Heck, an idea i just had, either flash ascends (wouldnt put it past celly to do something like that), or the common pony assumes that the alicorns found an impregnation spell or something.

A suggestion for where to take a potential sequel would be Chrysalis. I mean, she is kinda Shinings ex and it wouldnt be beneath her to attempt another takeover, just to meet Flash by accident and they start bucking and by the end Chrysalis forgot all about her initial plan as she is filled with love for months.

Have Flash end up dating one of them pleaseeeeeee. That would be so wholesome

I can see this going a couple ways. 1 - Flash gets a Princess harem b/c he's cool like that. The bit with Shining is glossed over or ignored. 2 - A more heavy/story approach: Shining finds out and leaves. Cadance turns evil from despair and must be stopped.

...So im wondering, with Flash going to be guarding one of the royal kids, is he going to have any more chances at Cadence? I can see Shining and Cadence having an argument because of the foal having FLASHES coat colors instead of Shining's. This leads to her somehow confessing and cuddling with Flash or something. (wouldn't necessarily have to be lewd too, could just give Flash some closure that way... maybe plant some seeds of temptation in Cadences mind)
basicly, i DONT see Cadence telling Shining WHO it was, just that she was super drunk, and couldnt remember the name.

I can also see Cadence guiltily confessing to Celestia about it (including how she feels bad that he was so much better in bed than her husband), and thats how she learns of Flash.

You know that some foals don't have the coat of their parents, right?

Yah but it would make an intresting twist. Like feed the doubt kinda thing.

Maybe he'll get into a long term relationship with one, multiple, or even all of the royals.

Sounds nice. Kind of reminds me of how we included Chrysalis in Garden of Love

Bonus points if they somehow get in a relationship through it.

So it seems a theme of this series is that Flash DOESNT know if its real or not. I dont know how that trend would be able to continue with Celestia... Maybe he thinks its a changeling or something? I dunno, but the more i think about it the trickier it seems to be to write.

Whilst she and Celestia had exceptionally long lives, they weren't immortal by any means of the word. One day, they too would succumb to age and leave the mortal realm. And when that happened, Luna wanted there to be someone who could take her place.

I thought they were simply ageless and could only die if something killed them. I think I’d prefer this over them slowly getting very aged/old and dying

So when she told Flash that her husband cheated on her with a mare he knew; she was indirectly saying that Shining had sex with Chrysalis while she was disguised as her.

I’d kinda love to see that first way happening

So im still half asleep, so im not sure how practical this is, but maybe twilight could cast a spell on flash that makes him always pent up or something, causing chrysalis to bite off more than she can chew. (idea here is that no one has actualy been able to state chrysalis's ravenous libido before)

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