• Published 13th May 2024
  • 325 Views, 34 Comments

The tales of Nightmare Rarity - Twilightsonic75

Rarity has transformed into Nightmare Rarity...kinda.

  • ...

Venting out with a fellow villain

After running from their fight, Spike found himself all alone on the streets of ponyville. He figures that he live out here like he deserved after brutally hurting Twilight. He noticed carousel boutique up ahead and decided to rest there for a bit before figuring out what to do next. As he sat underneath Rarity Window Garden, Spike started to wish he was never hatched so that Twilight didn't have a chance to be hurt by him ever again.

As she was beginning to close up and turn in for the night, Rarity heard a quiet yet familiar voice sobbing near her door. She opened it up and saw her prince crying and looking defeated on the ground. "Spike? What happened? Why are you -"

Spike interrupted her, saying, "I truly am a monster, Rarity! I don't deserve to live!"

Rarity, shocked and surprised by what she heard, became angry at hearing what he was saying. Using her magic, she brought Spike inside so they could talk in private. She put him down on her couch and cleared her throat. Spike knew he was in for an earful.

"SPIKE THE DRAGON! HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELF A MONSTER!!!" Spike jumped as Rarity, somehow, started to chew him out with the royal cantrlot voice. It brought him back flashbacks when he was growing up and got in so much trouble that princess Celestia herself, had to bring out her cantrlot voice, when he was getting a earful when she switched into her mother mode.

Of course, this was different. This was Rarity doing the chewing out, and she was seriously pissed by the look of things. He decided, for the sack of his health, to NOT get into another fight with a raging alicorn, and sat their and took his lumps.


Spike, however, was surprised that she was so adamant that he wasn't a monster, but after what he did to Twilight...he didn't know what to think.

Rarity could see the turmoil in Spike's eyes. But also hurt in his eyes. She wanted to help him like he helped her earlier that day. She knew that he wasn't in the mood to talk, but she needed to push to get there. So she said, "What's gotten you so upset Spike-wikey?"

Spike continued to stay silent. Not wanting to dumb all his problems on to her. Especially with her new form and alicorn powers she has to deal with already.
Rarity wasn't one to give up that easily. So she decided to say, "Please tell me Spike. We can work it out together. Want to vent out your frustration, Fellow reformed villain, " Rarity winked, hoping that would help him to open up.

Spike stared at Rarity and thought, maybe Rarity was the one pony to understand how he felt. He hoped she didn't react badly to what happened but decided to trust her. She was a fellow reformed villain after all, right?

Spike breathed in and out as he readied himself to tell her and said "ok Rarity. I trust you."

Rarity was relieved. glad that he trusted her enough to tell her what's wrong. She just need to have a calm head and be prepared for whatever happened to him.

Spike nervously began to tell her what happened. "Well when I got home, I started to calculate how to upgrade the unicorn gadge machine into a alicorn gadge device, when Twilight started packing for her trip."

Rarity looked confused and said "A trip? You mean to cantrlot?"

"No, to a new pony mountain village that was recently build. Princess Celestia wanted Twilight to investigate the village to see who they were and what they wanted."

Rarity nodded and said " ahhhh that explains it. But why are you brushed up and- She then saw a big gash on Spike's side and said "SPIKE! YOUR BLEEDING!! OH MY POOR SPIKEY-WIKEY IS INJURED!" She quickly ran up and grabbed for first aid kit and tried to tend to his wond. "Spike, when did you get such a wond?!"

Spike looked at the gash and said "that's actually part of the story Rarity. Can I continue now?"

Rarity looked at Spike and said "hold on Spike, I know your tough, but you need hold on a moment." Rarity ran to her room and less then 3 minutes she brought what looked like a spell book. One that he didn't realize. "What's that Rarity?"

"It's a ancient spell book darling. It's been passed down though my mother's family for hundreds of years." Rarity said while looking though the pages.

"But I don't recognize this book before. Not even in the library OR in the cantrlot archives. Rarity? What's the story here?"

Rarity figured she can trust Spike with this secret about her Family and Said "Very well Spike, you trusted me with your story so I'll tell you mine. But when I'm done, you continue with your story?"

Spike decided to commit and say "cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

"Alright then Spike, well for seven hundred years was in a...a dark magic cult."

"Wait what? What's a dark magic cult?"

Rarity continues to explain "It makes sense that you don't know about it. My mother said it was a secret cult that was Dedicated to unlocking the secrets of dark magic. They kept their endeavors a secret, in hopes that one day they could share their discoveries with the world and become the next star swirl the bearded. But then, word got around to princess Celestia, and she thought that what they were doing could be dangerous for equestria. So she started to plan to round up all the members of the Cult and wipe their memories of their endeavors and burn all their research. They were successful for the most part, the secret colt was lost to time and forgotten."

Spike was surprised and amazed to learn about Rarity's hidden past but a question came to mind and asked "if they were studying dark magic, wouldn't that mean they were evil?"

Rarity knew Spike would ask that and said, "Despite how it looked liked, my mother told me that they weren't evil in the slightest. In fact, some of our family friends are also Descendants of the same cult that kept there memories. And they said they were some of the most sweetest, kindest, and helpful pony ever. In fact, three of our dear friends are direct descendants of some of the colt members that escaped with their memories in tact"

Spike was shocked! again. How did he not know this! "Which of our friends knows about this? And do they know you know?"

Rarity decided to tell him who. He deserved to know after all. "I'll tell you the first two but you have to guess the last one. Deal?"

"Deal." He said excitedly, loving a challenge of guessing.

"Well, it's a secret that it pasted down though the generation, but none of us knows who are the descendants of the cult... except me. I did some digging in the mayor's files on the local pony's past to find out who are fellow descendants of the cult. And lucky for me, I found them."

Rarity was about to tell Spike who they were. But his injuries left her worried as she looked for the spell she needed. Spike saw this and said "want me to tell you what happened first and then you'll tell me who are the descendants of the cult are?" Rarity nodded as she was nervous about Spike's injuries to focus.

Spike refocused his thoughts, and told her what happened. "Well long story short, I started on the machine when Twilight when to bed, I put her on ear plugs to keep the noise out and I was 75% done with the machine when she Startled me. She started to get mad and mentioned about never leaving her side again, I got mad that she was treating me like a baby, she tried to tackle me but it turned into a fight, which I'll admit...it was fun."

Rarity was confused about thelat last part "you thought the fight was fun? How?"

"Well my race of dragons are also natural fighters. But we use our skills to defend the weak from those who just want to hurt creatures. And training matchs are our favorite past time. We don't fight to the death like barbarians. It's till one gets knocked out. And the way we were fighting was like that...until Twilight let her anger get the best of her and she called me a monster."

Rarity gasped. Knowing that he hated being called that. She decided to chew Twilight out for calling Spike a monster.

"But I'm not without fault either. I called her wimpy nerd. The two words she absolutely hated. She was bullied in Celestia's school of gifted unicorns for being smart, and weak in gym. But at that ponit, I was so hurt that I didn't care. She then charged her horn with large amounts of arcane magic and I countered with a powered up fireball. Our attacks hit and...I hit Twilight on her underbelly, and I got blasted ponit blank with her magic beam. I could smell the burned fur and heated skin on her that I was terrified and ran away before I cried."

He was about to cry when he felt a hoof on his check. Sofly Caressing his face and made him look at Rarity and she said "Spike, I understand. You were hurt that she called you a monster and you did things you regretted. Now let me tell you something. Would a monster have regret for hurting somepony?"

Spike thought for a second and said "probably not."

"Well. Did you regret what you did and said to Twilight?" Rarity said, knowing the answer.

"Of course I do! She's my best friend! Why wouldn't I be feel guilty?!" Spike said defending himself.

"Then your most definitely not a monster Spike. Cas monsters wouldn't feel Guilty for hurting those close to them." Rarity said with confidence. "And this is coming from a descendant of a dark magic cult. I'm sure if you apologized to Twilight, she'll understand...after I give her a piece of my mind for hurting you like that."

Spike realized that Rarity had a point. He didn't mean to be nasty to Twilight and probably Twilight felt the same. She needed too. "Your right. Thanks Rarity, I'll apologize to Twilight Tomorrow and hopefully she'll forgive me."

"I'm sure she will Spike. Aha! There it is! The healing spell." Rarity had turned to a page and found the right healing spell. Spike saw it and was amazed on how many spells were packed in to the book.

"Wow Rarity! Theirs gotta be hundreds of thousands of spells in here!" Rarity saw Spike's eyes widen with amazement, giving her a proud feeling about her Inheritance.

She looked at the book and saw how to use the spell "ok spike, I'm gonna use the spell and I want you not to move ok?"

Spike gave Rarity a confirmed look and said "I trust you Rarity. Do it."

Rarity gulped, nervous about the spell and failing it. Spike could tell that she was nervous when the glamor spell she had earlier faded away and revealed her beautiful wings. He said "I know you can do this Rarity. I believe in you."

Rarity had gained new confidence with Spike's words and encouragement that she flapped her new wings in confidence and said "Thank you Spike. Well here goes!"

Rarity started the spell. Her normal blue aura and turned green as she channeled the dark magic for the spell. However,unlike others who were corrupted from using dark magic, Rarity was calm, relaxed,focused on the spell instead of the power. And then she said a chant, saying "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"

In a instant, the wound was healed and he was good as new. He hugged and kissed Rarity on thr check in excitement saying "You did it Rarity! You healed me! Your my hero!" He kissed her more times on the check in excitement, not noticing the huge blush and increasing heart beat her had from the kissing. "Y-your welcome S-s-spike." She felt like fainting from happiness after Spike's Barrage of kisses. Never had she enjoyed such displays of love from one being before. And she enjoyed it very much. Wishing it would never stop.

Eventually, he stopped and asked, "What's with the chant? I've never heard reference to it before."

"It's the chant that is used for all the dark magic spells. It acts like a passcode to use the spells without the magic controlling you."

Spike was very interested on this and asked "think we can go over these spells more? There really interesting and I wanna know more! Hey, maybe we can use these to practice your new alicorn magic!"

Rarity began to ponder on the idea and said "that's not a bad idea. But we should ask the other descendants of the cult to join us for that first... even if it means that I must tell them I'm a alicorn."

"I'm sure our friends will understand. Their quite the forgiving bunch aren't they?" Spike said, knowing there nature.

Rarity agreed with Spike. Their friends are the most forgiving ponys in equestria. She'll be fine. "Spike? Can I tell you who are the descendants of the cult tomorrow? One thing about dark magic is that it drains much more energy the regular magic if your not use to using them, and I need to sleep. Care to stay the night with me?" She asked in a flirty tone.

Spike liked the idea of sleeping over. Especially it will give Twilight a chance to calm down. " Sure, rarity. I'll stay the night."

"Great! Follow me to my bed Spikey wikey~"

Spike followed Rarity to bed as they cuddled and slept. As the next day planned to be just as exciting.

Author's Note:

Surprised by what happened? Who do you think is a part of the dark magic cult? Type in the comments and see you in part 4!