• Member Since 24th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

Jack Lindqvist

I'm an art lover, through and through. I've only watched seasons 1-8, so any discrepancies from canon can be explained by that.

Comments ( 66 )

This is definitely something that I'm going to enjoy reading. Faved

The premise was interesting. I liked it.

The Story of a Robot was an enjoyable read. Can I use this as something to guide my writing of my first fanfic?

1474458 Go ahead and do so, you have my concession!

1506079 No, no! It´s really okay, I am a bit insane like that, but it all comes together in the end. :pinkiecrazy: My world view? It´s a bit complicated, I do like your way of trying to come to conclusion though. But no, it was mostly me making fun of myself for making myself so extremely unclear and thereby making it seem like I was constantly opposing myself, the frustration is more of a way for me to lighten things up. :twilightsmile:


"Minty chocolate chip ice cream is my favorite. Sweetie's mane is looking more and more like ice cream each day. Deliciously, edible. I really like your mane." :twistnerd:

Sweetie: thanks... :unsuresweetie:


Oh! I just want to make you make you comfy with your insanity by reciprocating it. As you said, it's a good way to lighten things up.

1510684 I know, I know! And it really is, I was in fact going to have some introspective conversations just to answer a few questions later on. The story has not been given very much attention so I am perhaps going to write a silly one-shot as it is normally the answer to any problem around here. But probably only if I get some kind of crazy unreasonable idea that has just got to work.


I am perhaps going to write a silly one-shot

I fear that that will ruin your SweetieTheBot image. Just imagine UNIFBOT-MODEL-F5262 making puns and employing slapstick humour while using The Obliterator to raze villages. Actually, that's a wacky idea right there. :pinkiehappy:

You can try bringing in some of your Youtube friends in here to get the ball rolling.

Actually tag this story with the sex category when you post your second chapter and see what happens.

1511424 :rainbowderp: Oh, dear god no! Just... no! I put far too much work into this story, I couldn´t just... no! If anything, it will be completely seperated from the premise of this character on all notes. You didn´t actually think that I would... NOOOO! Just no! :twilightangry2: I have an outline which took two eternities planning out and a backstory for the beginning of all this that I put significant thought into... no! NO! I can´t even think the thought, get it out of my head! :raritycry:


Nah, I was just kidding.

I thought that

But probably only if I get some kind of crazy unreasonable idea that has just got to work.

on principle could be interpreted as that shameful joke of mine.

I'm sorry.

1512374 It´s really okay, don´t take that all too seriously! It was all more of a virtualization on how my mind reacted on the mere thought of it, not on the actual fact that it was you who said it.


Oh thank goodness. I thought that I might have repeated the same mistake as I did during the first instance of a verbal mush-up. :twilightoops: Gotta be careful.

Very interesting.
I hope to see more of this soon.
Oh and , Faved :twilightsmile:

1609936 Thank you very much for your support, and the next part is nearly done actually! :twilightsmile:

New chapter, yay! :yay: Hopefully I can find a spare hour to read it.

1719816 Yes, finally got it done. Aside from last time, I actually got caught up myself when reading the material so I think you´ll enjoy it. :twilightsmile:

Yay update.
Interesting , as was the first chapter.
I bet the situation is going to become worse for our little robot from here on.

Hi, Sweetie. I've a few things to say about chapter two. It's quite noticeable that you changed the style of narration from the first to the second chapter. The number of dialogues became greater, and suddenly the mythical being that is A0087 became somewhat of a forebot who constantly interacts with F5262. I don't quite agree with this progression, as I took the beginning of chapter two adjusting and accepting this reality for F5262. And on the topic of F5262, I felt that the plausibility of her becoming something more than she is right now is slipping away. The first chapter was great in this respect because the potentiality for goodness was subtle in the form of a hesitation followed by introspection. I was led to believe that his small quark of her personality will end up changing her for the better. But then F5262 starts killing ponies mundanely in chapter 2 :unsuresweetie: I reckoned that you are trying to add significance to her current state of mind, the weight of said hesitation, and the contrast of the future self. Yet, the more pump of the gun F5262 takes, the less empathy I have towards her and whether she changes or not. And so when that major scene at the end with that filly happened, I was like :applejackunsure: - dunno how I should feel about this. I was kinda of frustrated that F5262 didn't kill Jelly, and I interpreted that tear at the end as the sadness at the knowledge that she destroyed a part of herself that day by not destroying Jelly.

1831673 Ah, you´re done! Firstly then, A0087 wasn´t supposed to be what she is at all when I first started writing this story, I made some remarkable changes which I hoped wouldn´t affect the main structure too much on a second note. Now, presenting her character was a challenge but I had to get it done, so it ended up in the most logical way possible. You can take a note on the fact that each of their meetings feels quite more like small ambushes in which F5262 is forced to interact with A0087 rather than it just being given. More explanation will come as the story progresses!

Yes, this is what I wanted you to take up! :twilightsmile: Lemme explain, it is at first quite given that Aldeus did something to F5262, it was a part of her that he sealed off, you seemed to have passed by on this fact and so, I understand your concern more clearly. These events will add significance to her current state of mind and put more weight on said hesitation as well as contrast on future self... but, the actual reason why I really did this is that these events will not just be part of the rest of the story during her change but it will shape the entire story itself as she realises what she´s actually done, I had to put some gigantic emphasis on this.

Yet, the more pump of the gun F5262 takes, the less empathy I have towards her and whether she changes or not. And so when that major scene at the end with that filly happened, I was like :applejackunsure: - dunno how I should feel about this. I was kinda of frustrated that F5262 didn't kill Jelly, and I interpreted that tear at the end as the sadness at the knowledge that she destroyed a part of herself that day by not destroying Jelly.

Yes, but I felt I had to! There is some humongous plot twists coming this way, the story will be taking a much softer turn and if everything turns out as planned, the changing process will be very satisfying and hopefully a bit interesting as well.

Then, there was the major scene where F5262 was touched in a very unfamiliar way. And yes, you are absolutely right about the fact that it didn´t actually end up in gain of compassion but rather a somewhat unsympaphetic state of misery caused by great confusion over strange and dangerous feelings. She is now just breaking herself apart in a way of speaking. I was planning to put certain emphasis on what had happened to her but this scene was cut in the editing process due to it being a little too evident. She´s simply lost the urge to kill but this time, she is actually fighting it. Remember, F5262 is still a tool and a tool may be changed after plain desire such as shown by Aldeus´s actions. Now, I would have to reveal a quite huge twist if I was to tell you how her chances of becoming something more arises but I can tell you that I didn´t put ease on my decisions while writing this and that I didn´t make her start killing ponies mundanely for nothing.

... That was me taking your criticism with a grain of salt. :twilightsheepish: Bye! :twilightsmile:


You can take a note on the fact that each of their meetings feels quite more like small ambushes in which F5262 is forced to interact with A0087 rather than it just being given

Ah, I see. That explains F5262's paranoia and A0087's hostility. I must have thought that F5262's thoughts were irrelevant to the plot on my initial reading.

Lemme explain, it is at first quite given that Aldeus did something to F5262, it was a part of her that he sealed off, you seemed to have passed by on this fact and so, I understand your concern more clearly.

Remember, F5262 is still a tool and a tool may be changed after plain desire such as shown by Aldeus´s actions

That is quite a revelation. Hold on; correct me if I'm wrong. I considered F5262 to have come from a very similar background with all the foalbots despite coming from different molds. So I'd have thought that Aldeus did something to all the foalbots and that they all had the potential quirk similar to F5262. Unless, I'm wrong about F5262's history, and she, alone, was predestined to be something more, but for some reason disguised as another robot in the system. I may postulate that she may of biological origin and only recently altered by Aldeus. That would explain how a tool would be able to overcome its perimeter that was set by its maker. I also note that the story takes a first-pony perspective of F5262. My understanding is that foalbots in this universe cannot take a first-pony perspective, so this could reinforce the idea that F5262 may not be in fact a full-bolted robot. I see you have a scheme in mind.

1833553 :twilightsmile: Indeed, I wasn´t expecting to put two and two together so swiftly. And there is even more to F5262´s complications than it seems at this point. Interesting reader is interesting! :rainbowwild:

I take that response as a confirmation of my speculation. :pinkiesmile:

Not bad, in favos...

any updates soon?

1925604 I will admit, the story has not been my top priority in the most recent time. But I have the next part written and being placed in a heavy editing process so you should expect it to come sooner or later, it will pass by a proof-reader but sadly, this proof-reader tends to take weeks before she can anything done due to "complications".

I had a robot dream last night :(. it was odd. I blame you. [/end blame program]

I've been waiting for over a year now, you ever gonna update this?

3779110 Quite literally, yes. So am I ever going to update this? Well, to be completely honest, I've more or less lost my motivation. This is a story that very much represented facets of my mindset at the time and as time has passed, so has my motivation depleted. I do bid you thanks for even coming here, over a year later, asking me in the first place. My sincerest apologies.

Note: I've made some very modest edits to the first two chapters, particularly to the register of the main character.

Finally up! I have a few things to add. First, I'm happy to finally write this story. As I will post on my page, updates will be coming every day, not because I'm sitting on unwritten chapters. I have a few though, but because that's about the pace at which I write. I want to thank my family for supporting me in the journey that led up my health getting good enough to finally, at last finally, write again. I'm happy to do this. I'm super-charged with ideas. Another update will be coming today. I'm not concerned about the story being bumped. I just want to do this.

I couldn't post one chapter every day, and far be it for me to not live up to my own word. I tried, but my health problems got worse, muscle spasms. It's not that I don't write. It's just that my output has gone down. I'm putting this down here in the comments as a note. Just now, I finished the next chapter. I will edit it and put it out. I'm having a lot of fun, writing this story. Also, the level of my writing is drastically improving. I'm used to writing freely and associatively, and on instinct. I hope I can do more of that in the future, once I feel even better than I do now.

Anyway, this is just a tiny note to myself and whoever might be concerned, even though posting it in the comments may be ill-advised, and this probably won't be read, just for the reason that not many come to this page, but it's not about any of that. It's about the beauty and power of writing. That's what I'm concerned about. Ciao.

"That's a griffin-name," I said.


That's left open to interpretation, but in the map of Equestria that I have in my head, they're at least connected across a long strip of forest that goes from the northwest to the southeast.

How many chapters long will this story be?

124, exactly. I have it all planned out.

Perfectly Insane

Oh wow, this is the first story I've seen with almost 1k views and no dislikes. And it absolutely deserves it.

Thank you. I hadn't written anything in two years, and I feel like I'm really finding my form now again. I'm not happy with everything I've written in the last few months, but this one is turning out okay.

:rainbowlaugh: Well, it was bound to happen eventually. I hope it was because of the quality and not the content.

Don't worry, me. It's just a scream. It cannot harm thee. Keep going. Keep on fighting. You are the person with the reason to survive in the end.

I'm sorry for taking so long on the chapter updates. I wish I were faster.

Note: I made some modest edits on parts 33, 37, and 38, most notably removing the short story sequence which I in editing called "Addendum One," a mistake of a sequence that I added last second. It involves Sweetie Bot speaking to a mysterious voice that tells her about how funny it is that if Gripey had not died, then the plan would've succeeded. An allusion is made to a curtain being pulled open. For reasons that will not be clear to the reader as yet, this sequence is entirely redundant.

I also changed some literary motifs around to have them fit better with part 39, which involves a lot of vague allusions, and incoherent story sequences being tied together through motifs and the main character's thought process. Then, in part 40, a lot of things will be explained. The story is not spinning out of control, like "The Moon Rises." I actually have it under control this time. Pinkie promise!

This next chapter is embarrassingly long. :twilightoops:

I know this is going to sound silly, but I think Fimfiction overestimates the word count of individual chapters, because I have a strong enough sense of my own writing to know that there's no way this next one is 32,811 words long.

Nevertheless, if you still feel threatened by the word count, know that the next many chapters will be relatively short.

Part 40, according to "Pages" (The Mac version of Word) is 32,936.
When I paste it into "Ulysses," it's numbering it at 32,841

In case you were curious.

The Monk
"Knowledge is power and power corrupts, so study hard and be evil." - Reykan

:twilightblush: Absolutely, I've run into this problem a lot of times with different editors. Now, I'm not saying they're all wrong, but I'm not saying they're right, either. Editors tend to do weird things like counting ellipses as words, and counting the individual spaces between words, each as a new word, so I don't trust it. No, I don't trust it at all, buddy, but that's again, just my addled take on it. Maybe it is that long.

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