• Published 23rd Oct 2012
  • 19,767 Views, 1,847 Comments

Light Wanderings - ed2481

Ethan Smith The Lone Wanderer goes to Equestria, hilarity ensues

  • ...

Chapter 20

AN, i know i'm supposed to put this at the bottom, but i don't think that many people notice it there; Ethan now has a Tumblr, so ask him some questions dammit!

Edited by TacoTown

Chapter 20

Several days ago, back in the Mojave.

Cassandra and Boone stepped out of Susan’s office, Cassandra’s ordinarily calm face was pale and Boone’s was worse. The man looked like he was going to be violently ill.

“They killed deathclaws.” He murmured.

“Easily, as easily you or I would kill a molerat.” Cassandra replied quietly.

“Christ.” Boone whispered.

“And now they’re here, in the Mojave. Boone, this is bad. This is so bad that I think I’m going to need a drink. A tall, stiff drink, or a dozen packets of mentats and a few syringes of Med-X.” Cassandra told him.

“I’d punch you in the jaw before I let you put a chem in your body outside of an emergency.” Boone told her, regaining a bit of his pallor. “I watched you struggle through your original addiction, I’m not letting it happen again Cassie; ever.” His voice had hardened by the end of the sentence.

“Thanks Boone…” Cassandra told him quietly as she leaned against him a little. Boone took it in stride and just kept walking. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.” She said after a few moments of silence as they walked down the hall.

“For what?” Boone asked.

“For turning on these people, for throwing the NCR out of Vegas.” Cassandra answered with a sigh. “The higher ups are hopeless lost causes, and they were over extending themselves to the point of collapse. But when I pushed them out it made all of their sacrifices pointless. All of those dead men and women fighting over a city of sin and debauchery, and I know I’ve told you this before, right after the Battle of the Dam, but I just wanted to say it again.” Cassandra continued.

“I know why you did it Cassandra, part of why I left was to find that out, even if I should probably have done it sooner.” Boone said with a shake of his head. “You don’t have to apologize to me, or anyone else for what you did here.” Boone told her. “What I’m more concerned about is that you never told anyone about the tunnelers and the Divide.” Boone finished.

“I did tell someone.” Cassandra replied.

“Ethan?” Boone asked.

“Yes, good God I wish he was here right now.” Cassandra said with a sigh.

“If he’s just in the Capital Wasteland then it shouldn’t be too hard to fly to him.” Boone suggested, but Cassandra shook her head.

“No, he’s in another dimension with no way for me to contact him, having a vacation with that unicorn Twilight Sparkle.” Cassandra replied. Boone stared at her. Cassandra face palmed; Boone had been on his way out of town before that particular adventure had started. “Ethan met a talking, magic-using purple unicorn from another dimension, they teamed up and fought an army of supermutants, when I got there we killed an insane android and then a whole legion of, well, Legion who were trying to take over. After that, the unicorn discovered how to get back to her dimension, the day you got back he got a letter from her and vanished.” Cassandra explained, giving him the cliffnotes of the visit.

“What?” Boone said flatly.

“It’s Ethan’s fault, don’t blame me.” She replied with a shrug.

“Okay then, talking, magic-using purple unicorns, yeah…” Boone said while he gave her a skeptical look.

“Boone, it happened, I shit you not.” Cassandra said in a slightly aggravated voice. “Just trust me on this, or ask Arcade and Veronica. They were there.” She added.

“I think I’ll have to, no offense.” Boone said.

“Anyways, back to the topic of the tun—” Cassandra began, she was interrupted mid-sentence as four NCR troopers tackled her. Boone’s knife was in his hand a second later, but when he noticed that the four were hugging her he re-sheathed his knife just as quickly.

“Cassandra, it’s been forever since we saw you last time!” An enthusiastic blonde man said as he released from his grip. The others released her as well. One was a blonde woman with short hair and officer markings on her uniform, the other two were both men. The one on the right wore a pair of thin framed glasses, and the other’s hair was styled into a spiky mohawk. They all looked extremely happy and comfortable with each other, and Boone noticed several dozen campaign medals on their uniforms.

“O'Hanrahan, Mags, Poindexter, Razz… Good God is this really the same ragtag team of misfits I whipped into shape all those years ago?” She asked incredulously with raised eyebrows.

“Damn straight it is ma’am.” The man with the spiky hair replied confidently.

“Well fuck me with a flagpole.” Cassandra said with a shake of her head. “I heard that you kids did good work during defending Camp Golf, but I didn’t think that I’d ever see you again!” Cassandra added with a wide grin.

“Who’s your friend ma’am?” O’Hanrahan asked with a nod to Boone.

“Oh right, sorry Boone. Forgot myself in nostalgia for a second there.” Cassandra told the sniper before turning back to the squad. “Misfits, this is Craig Boone, best sniper in the entire Mojave and my best friend in the world.” Cassandra said with a hand gesture in Boone’s direction. “Boone, this is the squad of Misfits that I whipped into shape. O'Hanrahan’s the blond guy whose heart is a little too big, Mags is the chick who looks like she’d kill you as soon as she looked at you, Pointdexter is the nerdy one who’s good at science, and Razz is the spiky haired guy.” She said as she introduced them.

“Hey, why don’t I get something besides being the spiky haired guy?” Razz asked.

“Because I could’ve said drug addict, but I was being nice.” Cassandra replied with a smirk.

“Fuck you ma’am.” The man said, giving her the finger.

“Hi.” Was all that Boone had to offer.

“So what brings you guys here?” Cassandra asked the group, changing subjects.

“We’re here to either help repel whatever’s been fucking with the wildlife, or hit the strip because we’ve got a few weeks of leave saved up.” Mags said stepping forward a bit. Cassandra’s eyes widened, she reached into her duster pocket and pulled out four plastic cards.

“These will get you into the strip with no questions asked. They’ll also get you into the Lucky 38, where you’ll find complimentary guest rooms on the fourth floor. Go there and don’t come back till I get back.” Cassandra told them as she passed them the cards. “These’ll also give you a ten thousand cap allowance to spend on whatever you want, each.” She added.

“Wha-wha-what?!” O'Hanrahan asked, completely confused and overwhelmed.

“She wants us away from the base before things get ugly.” Pointdexter explained before he turned to Cassandra. “That’s it isn’t it? Something awful is happening and you want us to get the hell out of Dodge.” He asked.

“Yes.” Cassandra replied simply.

“We should stay here and fight!” O'Hanrahan said.

“You’ll die.” Cassandra told him.

“But if you stay here then you’ll die too, along with all of the other troopers here!” Mags said, obviously not liking the idea of the woman who’d taught her how to lead her squad dying while she sat around in a Vegas hotel room.

“It’s a possibility, but if I do then I deserve it.” Cassandra told them with a shrug.

“Ma’am, you’re fucking stupid if you think that we’re going to leave you to die here!” Razz told Cassandra loudly.

“Yes, especially when you haven’t told us what the problem is.” Pointdexter said.

“Look, just trust me on this. You don’t want to be here when they show up. Go to Vegas, have fun, relax, get laid.” She told them frankly, causing O'Hanrahan to start blushing wildly while the others snickered. “Consider it a favor to me.” She said and then a little quieter she added. “Please.”

“Alright ma’am, but if you die because we aren’t here to save you then I’m going to march up to heaven and kick your ass.” O'Hanrahan told her with a surprising amount of vulgarity.

“Trust me, I have absolutely no intention of dying. I’ve got kids to look after, after all.” She told them with a smirk.

“Those must be some badass kids.” Razz said.

“Well they’re babies right now, so it’s hard to tell.” Cassandra replied with a shrug.

“Okay ma’am, we’ll use our leave time, but you’d better make it out alive.” Mags told her a little stiffly.

“Good. Yes Man is my robot helper, he’s a bit creepy, but he should make sure that you get situated all right.” Cassandra told the group with a kind smile. They spent a few minutes catching up before the Misfits said their goodbyes and left Boone and Cassandra alone in the hallway.

“Think they’ll be okay?” Boone asked.

“They’d better be. I spent the better part of four weeks getting them to work together and accept each other for who they are. I’d hate to see them killed by tunnelers.” Cassandra replied with a scowl.

“Speaking of which, you didn’t really tell that general what you planned to do about them.” Boone said giving Cassandra a slightly worried look.

“We’ll be dealing with them.” Cassandra said.

“How exactly?” Boone asked.

“By killing every. Single. One of them.” Cassandra replied slowly.

“So… yeah, I’m just going to trust you on the fact that you know what you’re doing and change the subject.” Boone said as they began walking again, this time for the cafeteria where Susan had promised them food.

“To what?” Cassandra asked curiously.

“Where was everyone when I was at the Lucky 38? I mean, normally at least ED-E is there, but it was just you, me, Wadsworth, and the twins up there.” Boone asked.

“Oh, well, Veronica left a little before you got here; she said that she wanted to check something out and hasn’t been back since. I hope she’s alright, but I’m sure she’s fine. Arcade is down with the Followers, so I don’t need to worry about him.” Cassandra answered.

“I figured as much as far as Arcade goes, but are you sure that Veronica can handle herself wherever it is that she went?” Boone asked

“Like I said, she’ll be fine. It’s hard to keep that woman down.” Cassandra replied.

“Heh, what about the others?” Boone asked.

“Raul is still in D.C., working with that mercenary band that he co-founded and last I heard he was doing alright. Lily just kind of wandered of, I honestly have no idea what happened to her but I hope that she’s alright. Rex is with The King of course.” Cassandra said with a shrug.

“I always felt bad for the mutant.” Boone agreed with a nod.

“Me too.” Cassandra replied.

“Cass is still working on that trade empire?” Boone asked.

“Yep, she’s been instrumental to keeping the strip supplied this whole time. Oh, and she’s damn good to have at poker night as well.” Cassandra replied with a smile as she remembered one of Cass’s more… vulgar stories involving a man, a robot, and a brahmin.

“And then ED-E?” Boone asked.

“As it turns out, Ethan ended up meeting ED-E’s original creator Whitely during his raid on the Enclave a few years before he met me and spared his life. Then, out of the blue he starts talking about the guy and I recognized the name immediately, the reunion was probably one of the most touching things I’ve ever seen.” She confessed with a chuckle.

“I’ll bet it was.” Boone said.

“ ‘Beep boop BEEP!’ ‘Eddie, it’s you!’ ‘Beep beep beep!’ ‘I was so worried about you!’ It actually brought a tear to my eye.” Cassandra told him.

“So our only backup if things go wrong on this are Arcade and your half robotic dog.” Boone stated.

“Yep.” She said casually as they walked into the mess hall.

“Well I guess that there are worse ways to die.” Boone said.

“God, I’m not used to you being this sarcastic.” Cassandra told him with a shake of her head. Boone just shook his head with a smirk. They both got their food, standard issue caravan lunches and a small serving of desert salad. The two old friends ate silently for a few minutes; both thinking over the day’s events until a question suddenly sprang to Boone’s mind.

“Should we be worried about Vegas being destroyed while we’re out here?” He asked.

“No, I’ve been covertly having the securitrons reinforce the land that the city is built on with concrete and steel. I’ve also made some heavy modifications to the walls around the city proper and Freeside, so that they’re equipped with heavy spotlights and bright ambient lights. Most people assume that it’s to make it easier for the snipers on the walls to see their targets, and they’re not wrong per say, but that’s not the real point behind them.” Cassandra explained.

“Oh?” Boone asked interestedly, before taking another bite of salad.

“Yeah, if there’s one thing that I learned while fighting those bastards in the Divide it’s that they’re terrified of bright lights, especially if they’re unexpected ones.” Cassandra replied. “I’m not sure if they’re actually vulnerable to the effects, or just scared on a base level.”

“Hmm… should you warn the Brotherhood about them? Not that I like them, but they’re primarily based in that old bunker and would probably appreciate the warning.” Boone suggested with a slight scowl.

“I plan to.” Cassandra replied crisply.

“So, back to how we get rid of the tunnelers…” Boone said.

“All will be revealed in good time Boone.” Cassandra assured him.

“Last time you said that you got kidnapped.” Boone pointed out.

“Well that won’t happen this time. Besides, that kidnapping turned out great didn’t it?” She asked him with a smirk. Boone rolled his eyes but remained silent; she’d tell him when she thought it was time and not a second beforehand.


Back in the present

“So you have no idea where he is?” Twilight asked Celestia.

“None whatsoever dear. In fact, like my sister told you I suspected that he’d somehow made it to your ‘delightful’ mother’s house.” She said, rolling her eyes.

“Tia, I know perfectly well that you find my mother’s sense of humor hilarious so don’t try to cover it up.” Twilight told the alicorn, who chuckled.

“Sorry love, but after centuries of ‘yes princess, whatever may we do for you princess, may I kiss your lovely ass princess.’ it’s rather refreshing to have someone ask me ‘hey tutor, why the fuck did my daughter come home and ask me about how to look at her own eggs to make sure that they weren’t damaged?’” Celestia replied with another chuckle. Twilight rolled her eyes with a sigh.

“I was scared because of all the magic that I’d been experimenting with in my free time.” Twilight said in her defense.

“Twilight, you were ten. We weren’t even on anatomy yet.” Celestia replied, rolling her eyes.

“I was still worried about it.” Twilight said with a frown. “And you can’t blame me, I was ten.”

“I was never blaming you, I just found it funny.” Celestia said with a short giggle. Twilight rolled her eyes. “Anyhow, do you know who might’ve kidnapped Ethan?”

“Has anyone seen Blueblood today?” Twilight asked.

“Now that you mention it, no, he hasn’t been seen all morning…” Celestia said trailing off. “You really think that he’d be foolish enough to kidnap Ethan?” She asked; she answered her own question a second later with a facehoof. “Of course he is. How did this happen to my royal line Twilight?” Celestia asked in exasperation.

“Years of intermarrying and being spoiled by ponies who had no business being parents.” Twilight replied with a shrug.

“Oh, hush.” Celestia said with a roll of her eyes.

“You asked, Tia dear.” Twilight replied with a smirk. “Back to the point, do we know where they’re keeping him?”

“No, I may have lived here for close to a thousand years, but the nobility are always adding new rooms and buildings for their own purposes.” Celestia said with a slight sigh.

“I guess I’ll just have to do things the old fashioned way then.” Twilight said.

“Tracking spell?” Celestia asked.

“Tracking spell.” Twilight agreed with a nod.

“Ethan or Blueblood?” Celestia asked.

“Ethan, at this point I’ve got an emotional connection to him. It’s easier to use that then mane hair or some other object that Blueblood’s left lying around.” Twilight answered.

“Good, now what if they’ve thought of you doing that and have spread his signature throughout the city?” Celestia asked going back to an old strategy that they’d developed while Twilight was younger.

“Easy, I focus in on the place where the signal is either the most intense or least.” Twilight replied confidently.

“Excellent Love, now what if they’ve thought of that and all of those signals are distractions?” Celestia asked.

“Actually, scratch that last step Tia, it’s a waste of energy. Instead I’ll focus on the spell-matrix, and overload or disassemble it. It’ll be a much faster process.” Twilight said with a smirk.

“Mhm, and if they’ve installed traps to kill you if you did that?” Celestia asked.

“Then I’d rely on my excellent sense of self-preservation to see me through them while at the same time splitting my mind so that it doesn’t become too engrossed in the process of disabling the matrix.” Twilight replied crisply.

“And you’re unconcerned about the fact that that spell drains your mental reserves rapidly?” Celestia countered.

“Tia, please. Thanks to our practice I can keep at least two going while they mentally sing ‘I’m the very model of a uncommon unicorn; I’ve magical lore ranging from destruction to conjuration…’ while you have your tongue-” She was cut off mid-sentence as Luna coughed from the doorway, Twilight’s mother was standing beside her, giving her daughter a smirk.

“Oh no, please keep going. I’m always interested to hear how my daughter’s lessons with her tutor are going.” Star said with a chuckle.

“Mom, stop calling her that!” Twilight snapped in an annoyed voice.

“Like I said Twilight, I don’t mind. Anyways, I’d say that you’re prepared to face whatever it is that Blueblood has set up for you. Although I’d feel more comfortable if you took a guard with you just to be safe.” Celestia said, looking thoughtful. “It would have to be someone who had a good knowledge of the city and who knows places where the nobles hide…”

“I think I may know someone who fits those conditions.” Luna said with a smirk.

“Oh, do tell.” Celestia said encouragingly.

“While I don’t know if he has the specific knowledge that you’re looking for, I do believe that Kane should know of at least some possible places, and I’m sure that if nothing else he can protect Twilight very well in this type of situation.” Luna replied with a smile.

“Alright. Well, I’m ready to go, so whenever he gets here he should be ready, so tell him to meet me by the front gate.” Twilight said with a shrug.

“I’ll send him right along.” Luna said with a smile.


“And that’s why you don’t put a TOURNIQUET on someone’s neck!” The doctor shouted in Silent’s face. The draconic pegasus slumped in his seat while Kane chuckled from the doorway. “And you.” The doctor said before turning to glare at Kane. “What were you thinking stomping on that hippogriff’s leg like that? Do you do realize that he’ll never walk properly AGAIN?!”

“Actually, yes. That’s kind of why I did it.” Kane replied with a smirk. The doctor stomped towards the assassin angrily. “Besides, now he’ll be easier to catch if he tries to escape.” Kane added with another grin.

“If you weren’t a member of the guard then I’d give you a very stern lecture and a beating kid.” The doctor told Kane threateningly.

“Look Doc, you’re here to lecture him-” Kane said pointing a furry finger at Silent. “-So stop wasting your time on me. Besides, I know each and every vital organ in the pony, griffin, hippogriff, cat, diamond dog, minotaur, sphinx, and dragon body, as well as the right amount of force needed to kill them.” Kane continued.

“That’s real nice for you, it really is. But the fact that you let this kid put a TOURNIQUET on someone’s neck, especially a Princess, means that you need this lecture just as much as he does!” The doctor said indignantly.

“Meh, she was only mostly dead.” Kane replied with a shrug. “Griffins are hard to strangle. Trust me, I know from experience.” He added with a chuckle.

“The point remains she almost died and it was partially your fault for not recognizing the danger that the tourniquet posed.” The doctor told him sternly.

“Yeah, but I was bleeding myself and couldn’t really concentrate on what was going on.” Kane replied while gently rubbing the place that he’d been stabbed.

“Fine, just be quiet while I lecture…” The doctor said with a sigh before turning back to Silent. “So Silent Storm, what should you have applied instead of a tourniquet?”

“Uh, a pressure bandage?” Silent replied uncertainly.

“Yes, very good. Now, how would you splint a broken l-?” The doctor asked Silent, but Kane was no longer paying attention. Princess Luna had tapped him on the shoulder with a hoof.

“Are you recovered from your injury Kane?” Luna asked kindly.

“Hmm? Oh, yeah. I’m fine. That thing that that Ethan guy used on me worked really well.” Kane told her with a shrug. “Really need to thank him; do you know where I can find him?”

“No I don’t, but that’s actually why I came to talk to you.” Luna said.

“Okay…” Kane said as he scratched his chin with a claw.

“We believe that Prince Blueblood has kidnapped Ethan; Twilight Sparkle is going to find him with a tracking spell but she but she needs an escort who knows Canterlot and who can defend her in urban environments.” Luna told him.

“I’m guessing that that’s me, right?” Kane asked.

“Yes, I have the utmost faith in you Kane.” Luna said with a smile.

“Alright then. It’ll get me away from him.” Kane said with nod towards the doctor, who was now explaining in extreme detail how to properly bandage any sort of wound. “Where do I meet her?” He asked.

“She said she’d be waiting by the gate.” Luna told him. “Oh, and please hurry, I don’t want that mare charging into Blueblood’s sinister lair of evil without backup.” She added

“Princess, do you even know Blueblood?” Kane asked with a chuckle.

“What do you mean?” Luna asked uncertainly.

“Tell you what, I’ll bet you that he’s got Ethan chained to the ceiling of his basement over what is probably a metal bowl to collect blood. The rest of the room will be pushily decorated and Blueblood’s guests, if there are any, will be sipping wine from cocktail glasses.” Kane told Luna.

“Hmm… Alright, I’ll take that bet.” Luna agreed with a smile.

“Good, see you in a few hours after I kick Blueblood in the balls.” Kane told her with a nod as he began to walk away.


Dash entered the castle infirmary and walked down the hallway; it took her a few seconds to shake off the nervousness that she always got when she went to the hospital, but she was here for Gilda so it didn’t seem as bad. It wasn’t like she was in the hospital after all, and she definitely wasn’t going to let Gilda suffer alone in this horrible hellhole. Dozens of guards were laid up on hospital beds, most of them were Solar Guard, but there were also a few of the Lunar Guard there as well. Dash shook her head and continued down the hallway until she came to a door guarded by four fully armed armored griffins.

Dash had to admit, if there was one race that really knew how to dress for war then it was the griffins. Each of them were covered from head to claw in steel grey chainmail, longswords hung from each of their hips, and powerful crossbows were strapped to their backs. They looked at Rainbow Dash, and for a second she almost flinched under the combined gaze of that many natural born killers staring down their beaks at her. Then, one of the griffins nodded sharply and ushered her through with a foreclaw.

The pegasus nodded gratefully and stepped into the room to find Ambassador Nymira sitting in one of the two chairs next to the bed reading a magazine. Gilda lay in the hospital bed. A slightly red wad of white medical bandages were covering the part of her neck where the blade had pierced the skin, and the feathers all around that part of her neck had been plucked out leaving behind nothing but the pink skin underneath. Her eyes were closed, and her breathing came out in raspy breaths.

Nymira turned her red eyes to stare at Dash as she walked towards the bed, and before Dash could blink the Ambassador had a claw around her throat. Dash tried to let out a cry for help, but found that she couldn’t make a sound. The red eyes stared into her own for a second while Dash struggled for breath, before she was released and hit the floor with a soft thud.

“What the hell was that for?!” Dash gasped softly once she’d regained the ability to speak.

“I had to check whether or not you were a changeling.” Nymira replied with a casual shrug as she returned to her chair and picked up her magazine again.

“Do you really think that I would’ve been able to fool the guards if I was one?” Dash asked as she massaged her throat with a hoof.

“Maybe, who knows?” Nymira replied. “All I do know is that my niece, and the current heir to the throne, is hospitalized and unconscious and I’m the last line of defense. So forgive me if I’m a little overzealous in my guarding.” She added once again, staring at Dash with her red eyes. Dash had to admit to herself that there was something completely unnerving about those red eyes in combination with the snow white feathers and fur.

“Uh… It’s fine.” Dash said after a second and breaking the staring contest that had begun to develop between them.

“Excelent.” Nymira nodded. “So did you come for a specific reason, or are you here to help me keep vigil?”

“The second, I want to be here when she wakes up.” Dash replied.

“Then pull up a chair.” Nymira told her with a nod and a small smile.


“So what now Blueballs?” Ethan asked Blueblood as the stallion finally stopped slashing him with the annoying dagger.


“You’ll what, stab me again while whining?” Ethan asked.

“No, I-I don’t know what I’m going to do to you, but it’ll be bad.” Blueblood said.

“Well I look forward to hearing about it. Oh, and by the way, what time is it?” Ethan asked.

“A little after noon, why do you ask?” Blueblood inquired in confusion.

“Oh nothing.” Ethan said as he shrugged dismissively upside down. In his mind however he was doing a little math, and if what Blueblood was telling the truth about the time, then Twilight would be there soon. In other words, it was time to escalate things a bit. “So Blueballs, did you realize that you’ve seriously broken the law?” Ethan asked.

“Which law?” Blueblood asked.

“Oh you know; the one about kidnapping diplomats.” Ethan replied with a smirk.

“You-you’re not a diplomat!” Blueblood shouted.

“Well actually, my equestrian lawyer, the beautiful and talented mare Frosty Glass, explained the laws to me. And as it stands I do technically represent both the nations of New Vegas and the Capital Wasteland.” Ethan said with a smirk.

“Lies!” Blueblood shouted.

“Nope. Oh, and add to that that I’m a personal friend of Celestia, Luna, and Twilight Sparkle, and I’d say that by kidnapping me you’ve angered three of the most powerful beings on the planet.” Ethan added with another smile. “Did you hear that folks?” Ethan shouted. “This stallion not only kidnapped an ambassador to torture and then kill, but he also managed to piss off three creatures who can invert your genders in the blink of an eye!” Ethan continued. To his satisfaction, he heard uncomfortable murmuring coming from the other ponies in the room.

“Shut up!” Blueblood shouted as he plunged the dagger into Ethan’s stomach, and tore it open only to watch angrily as it healed again. Ethan began to whistle an extremely happy tune about Butcher Pete to himself while Blueblood just stared at him, eyes bulging.


“Are you sure this is it?” Twilight asked Kane, who nodded.

“Oh yeah, this is definitely the place where Blueballs is holding him.” Kane told her confidently.

It had taken them the better part of half an hour to get to Blueblood’s mansion, and while Twilight’s magic was definitely pointing towards the mansion, she hadn’t expected it to be pointing towards a small door that led to the basement from the outside. Twilight figured that the polite approach wouldn’t hurt, so she went up to the door and knocked.

“What’s the password?” A voice asked from the other side.

“Sanguine my brother.” Kane said before Twilight could open her mouth.

“Hey Stone, what did you say the password should be?” The voice asked.

“Sanguine my brother.” Another voice replied in a hollow voice.

“Seriously, what’s up with that? I feel like I’m missing a joke here!” The first voice said angrily.

“Dude, read a fucking book. And no, Twilight doesn’t count as a book!” The second voice replied harshly.

“Alright, fuck this.” Twilight said with a sigh. Her horn began to glow for a second before she unleashed a wave of powerful magic that blasted the door open and sent the two guards standing behind it flying to the floor.

“Sithis be with you.” Kane politely told the guards with a smirk.

“Now what?” Twilight asked.

“Now we find your friend.”

Author's Note:

In Equestria the Elder Scrolls are a book series.

Kane knows the Dark Brotherhood things because he's read them